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1.Bob likes playing_____chess. He wants to join the chess club.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. /
2.The tall man is _____ me. I can't see the movie.
  • A. across from
  • B. in front of
  • C. behind
3.______does it take Tony to go to school? About 20 minutes.
  • A. How often
  • B. How many
  • C. How long
  • D. How far
4.My father often goes to work _____.
  • A. by car
  • B. in car
  • C. by the car
5.—What would you like, sir?
—_____. Wait a minute, please.
  • A. I'm not sure yet
  • B. I'd like some noodles
  • C. Yes, please
6.Miss White is a good teacher. She usually _________.
  • A. helps me to English
  • B. help me learn English
  • C. helps me with my English
7.—Hi, John. How was your school trip?
—_____. I saw many interesting things in the countryside.
  • A. Not bad
  • B. Terrible
  • C. Great
8.—What does your uncle _____?
—He is tall. He has short curly hair.
  • A. look at
  • B. look like
  • C. looks like
9.We ______ in the hallways. It's the school rule.
  • A. don't run
  • B. not run
  • C. can't run
10.—Good afternoon. Can I take the order?
—Yes. I'd like a bowl of _____.
  • A. tomato noodle
  • B. tomatoes noodle
  • C. tomato noodles
A. How far is it from here?
B. Which bus can I take?
C. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Forest Park?
D. That's right.
E. Thank you all the same.
F. You're welcome. 

A:Excuse me, where's the Forest Park?
B:Sorry, I'm new here. You can ask that old man.
B:You're welcome.
C:Go along this street. Then turn left at the second turning. It's on your left.
C:It's about thirty minutes on foot.
A:Can I take a bus?
C:Of course, you can.
A: (4)      
C:The No. 51 bus.
A:Where is the bus stop?
C:It's on the other side of the street.
A:Thank you very much.
C: (5)      
12.A:Hello, Jim. This is Anna (1)       .
B:Hi, Anna.
A:I'm calling to thank you (2)      your gift.
B:Do you like it?
A:Yes, very much. It's a beautiful sweater. I really like the color.
B:I think blue is just the right color for you. By the way (顺便说一下), you looked nice at the party.
A:Thank you, I really enjoyed it. I called you yesterday, (3)       you weren't in.
B:Oh, I'm sorry. I went to the farm.
A:(4)      on the farm?
B:I milked a cow and fed the chickens.
A:Wow! Did you have a good time?
B:Sure! Why not go there and have a look this weekend with me?
A:(5)      . I'll go with you.
B:OK, see you then.
A:See you.
A. for B. left C. into D. camp E. butterflies F. no G. with H. But I. forests J. natural K. scared L. excite 

  After I (1)      high school, I went to a village as a volunteer (2)      two months. There were lots of (3)      and mountains near the village. Many (4)      flew around the flowers. After school I often played games (5)      the kids there. And at night we sometimes camped by the river. Sometimes we could see the snakes move (6)      the jungles (丛林). I was so (7)      that I couldn't move! (8)      the children weren't. They told me that snakes have (9)      legs, ears or feet, but they can feel things moving. I enjoyed the beautiful (10)      scene (景色) there.
14.  Hi! We are Lucy and Lily. We are sisters. We are studying in a high school. We are always wanting the weekends to come. Because on weekends there are different kinds of outdoor activities, such as going to the park, going shopping, playing ball games and so on.
  We usually go to the park on Saturdays. We often take some bread, meat, water and milk with us. It's Saturday today. We are in the park again. Father is fishing in a boat on the lake(湖). Mother is sitting and reading under the tree. We are flying a kite. Now we are drinking some water. Do you think we are happy?
根据短文内容, 选择正确答案.
For Rent (出租)
A big apartment (公寓) for a family of three people. 650 yuan a month. Call Mr. Zhang. Tel: (010)8838-7166. 

Looking for a quiet single (单人的) room about 300 yuan a month. Please call Harry at 138-7682-5856. 

ID card
Name: Dick
Number: 232324198804125510
Please call (010)8433-9211. 

A red bag with some books. Come to Room 402 in the evening or call White at (010)6378-3021. 

根据表格内容, 选择正确答案.
16.  My name is Han Mei. I'm a Chinese girl. I'm14 years old. Now I am studying at No. 1 High school.
  Our school is very big and nice!There are six buildings in it. The classroom building is in the center of our school. The playground is on the right. Every day many students do sports on the playground. The library is at the back of our school. Students can read books there after school. They can borrow some books, too. It's a nice place to study. You can see a swimming pool near the school gate. Many students like swimming in it. Look!They are swimming now. I love my school!
根据短文内容, 判断正误.正确的填T, 错误的填F.
17.(1)      . My father is tall. (2)      . But I just saw a picture of him of 1968. What a surprise!In the picture, (3)       . He's short and he has glasses with small round frames. I'm 15 years old now. (4)       I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames(眼镜框). (5)       !

根据短文内容, 将下面方框中的句子还原到文中空白处, 使短文内容完整、通顺. (每个选项只能用一次)
A. He wears glasses with heavy black frames (眼镜框)
B. I'm Jack
C. he's 15 years old
D. I'm of medium height
E. They're so cool 
18.(1)Most people in Britain like animals. A lot of families have a pet. Dogs, cats and rabbits (兔子) are all popular pets.       
(2)Horses are popular (受欢迎的), too. Some children go to riding schools. They learn how to ride and how to look after horses there. There are also lots of horse shows in Britain.       
(3)A lot of TV programs (节目)are about animals. There are programs about animals from all over the world from lions, giraffes and elephants to fish.       
(4)There are a lot of zoos in Britain, but nowadays they don't keep big animals in cages (笼子). They are usually in big pens (围栏) so they can run and jump. Zoos are very important, because a lot of animals are in great danger. Zoos can help to save them.       
(5)Most children in Britain live in towns and cities, so they don't see animals every day. They can visit some farms and learn about farm life and see animals like sheep, pigs and cows. Because some farms are in towns and cities.       
(a)根据短文内容, 从方框中选出每段的主旨大意.
A. Horses are most British people's favourite animals.
B. Most British people like to keep pets (养宠物).
C. Children in towns and cities can visit farms.
D. A lot of zoos in Britain can keep animals safe.
E. There are many TV programs (节目) about animals.
People in Britain Like (6)      Popular animals:dogs, cats, rabbits and (7)      . Kinds of animals in the programs:from lions, giraffes and elephants to (8)      . Zoos in Britain:They keep animals in big pens. So animals can(9)       and jump. Farms:Children can visit (10)       to learn about farm life and see animals. 

19.  Betty is a music teacher. She lives on a clean and quiet street. She walks to school every day because the school is near her house. There is a small park between her house and the school. When she has time, she takes a walk through the park.
  Sam likes drawing very much. He lives on an old street. There is a big supermarket next to his house. Lots of people go and buy things in the supermarket. Sam draws these people. He thinks drawing different people is really fun.
根据短文内容, 回答问题.
20.  Hello, everyone!Let me introduce (介绍) my friend to you. Her name is Sally and she is 13 (1)       old. She comes (2)       America. Now she (3)      in Changchun with her family. She (4)       Chinese food very much. She would like dumplings for breakfast, chicken and rice for lunch, and for dinner she would like beef (5)       (面条).
21.假如你和你的同学朱莉(Julie)在6月20日(星期六)到敬老院(Old People's Home)慰问了老人, 请把你们的活动情况写一篇日记.60词左右.
提示:1. When and how did you get there?(到达时间、交通方式) 2. What did you do there?(clean, wash, talk, sing, dance…)3. How did you feel?(感受)
要求:1. 书写工整, 英文字母书写规范、清楚、整齐、美观, 句式规范, 标点符号和大小写使用正确.
2. 短文中应尽量包括提示内容, 可适当发挥, 但不能出现真实的人名、地名.文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
June 20th, 2022 Saturday
  Today my classmate Julie and I went to the Old People's Home. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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