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1.—You look worried. What's ______ wrong?
—I want to join in ______ after-school activity club. But I'm not sure which to choose.
  • A. the; a
  • B. /; an
  • C. the; an
2.Jack found ______ difficult ______ the river without taking a boat.
  • A. that, to go across
  • B. it, to cross
  • C. it, across
3.He tried his best to study well ______ get into his dream university.
  • A. so that
  • B. in order to
  • C. in order that
4.I ask two students the way to the post office, but______ of them knew.
  • A. both
  • B. neither
  • C. none
5.In the past, people used to _______ news in the newspaper. Now more and more people are used to _______ news on the Internet.
  • A. reading, looking trough
  • B. read, to through
  • C. read, looking trough
6.___ it's not a big deal, you can forget about it and be friends again.
  • A. Unless
  • B. Although
  • C. Since
7.______ he did, his parents always believed he was a kind boy.
  • A. While
  • B. Whatever
  • C. However
8.What pleasant weather! _______ go out for a walk?
  • A. Why not
  • B. What if
  • C. How about
9.The teacher's words made a big difference ______ the boy, because from then on, he thought what he did really had meaning ______ his future.
  • A. to, to
  • B. from, for
  • C. from, to
10.—I argued with my parents just now.
—l think you ______ say sorry to them. They are just worrying that you can't look after ______ well.
  • A. can, themselves
  • B. should, you
  • C. could, yourself
11.A: Hi Emily! (1)      
B: No. I just read your message. What's wrong?
A: (2)       So I called you on WeChat but you didn't answer.
B: Let me see. (3)      
A: I called you again at about 12:00. (4)      
B: Maybe I was having lunch at that time. What did you call for?
A: Not much. I just want to ask you if you can show me your math homework.
B: I think you should finish your homework by yourself. As your best friend, I can't just let you copy mine. (5)      

A. I tried to call you but I don't have your phone number.
B. You weren't on WeChat this morning, were you?
C. If you have problems, why don't you ask the teacher for help?
D. Were you having an online class then?
E. I was having the English class when you called.
12.  One morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about (1)       late for school. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, but most of them just looked at their mobile phones, listening to music or going through the WeChat (2)      . No one talked or laughed.
  When the bus finally came, we all got on the bus quickly. I got a seat next to the window, so I could see a boy riding beside the bus while waving his arm. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, but he (3)       to stop until we reached the next stop.
  When we came to the next stop, to our surprise, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard an exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, "Did anyone lose a bag at the bus stop?" A woman on the bus shouted, "Oh, dear!It's mine. " She pushed her way to the driver and took the bag thankfully. Everyone on the bus began talking about (4)       the boy did, and the strangers suddenly became (5)       to one another.
  Sometimes even something small can change the relationship among people a lot. What an unforgettable experience!
13.  When my mom told me to join Madcaps, a mothers and daughters club that helps charities (慈善机构). I thought it's a waste of time. (1)       I didn't think I need such experience for myself. When she told me I had to help at a homeless shelter (收容所), I thought that things could not get (2)      . We got there late and walked to the dirty homeless shelter, where we saw a lady shouting at the worker. After (3)      with the argument, she then took us to the kitchen, where we (4)       another five Madcaps mothers and daughters. Then homeless people started to walk in and a little girl, around 5 years old, walked up and pointed to the food I was (5)       I handed her a cold sandwich and she nodded to say thanks. She then walked over to her parents who were seated at a large table. As she walked away, I thought about myself. (6)       with her life, mine is like in the heaven (天堂). I go to one of the top schools in San Diego, I have a great house by the water, and I have a warm meal every night. Then I thought of how(7)       she had. She probably didn't go to school, and this shelter is (8)       she sleeps and eats every day. The little girl makes me (9)       how lucky I am.
  Now, I love Madcaps and don't want to (10)       one meting. I believe that if you have an open mind about things, you can learn a lot about yourself and the people in your community.
14.  Many find it easy to fall asleep during a long bus trip. But why?According to the scientists, there are several possible reasons.
  White noise
  White noise is a kind of noise made by sounds with different frequencies (频率) together. Buses are the perfect environment for white noise. White noise can cover other noises that make people worried and is helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep.
  Rocking movement
  Another popular opinion on why its easy to fall asleep on buses is because of the rocking movement. It is like a mother swaying (摇晃) a baby in her arms. It is very comfortable.
  Long time of inactivity
  On buses, you don't move around very much. You just sit down and enjoy the view (风景) as the bus moves along the road. You're away from the things that keep your mind and your physical body busy. This inactivity also slows your brain activity down because there's nothing to keep it awake.
  Increase in CO2
  Buses often get crowded with people going to and from work. There is more CO2 when lots of people are in a small place. This makes less O2 and causes people to feel sleepy.
根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂A, 错误的涂B.
15.  What do you think will happen when the traditional culture meet modern technology?
  Yes, the words become lively characters at once. How happy it is to enjoy these Chinese cartoons!
Ma Liang is a poor boy who loves painting. He always uses his magic brush to fight against the bad people in the village. The cartoon The Magic Brush came out in 1955.   
A group of tadpoles (蝌蚪) are born. They try to find their mother that they have never seen. The story is very easy, but it needs complex technology to show the artistic style of ink (水墨) painting. Little Tadpole Looking for Mom came out in 1961 first.   
The Monkey King:Uproar in Heaven (1961﹣1964)is China's first color cartoon. It is from the Chinese novel Journey to the West. It's successful. Not only we but also many westerners like the monkey Sun Wukong.  
To beat two bad persons, an old man grows 7 calabashes (葫芦) , and they change into 7 boys. They try their best to beat the bad. Calabash Brothers (1986)is a masterpiece (杰作) of Chinese paper﹣cutting art.  
16.  After having spent the first quarter of our lives building up our friendship circle, we have most friends at the age of26, a new study has said recently.
  The study about friendship shows that our social circle gets to the top at 26 years and 7 months.
  At that time, we usually have five close friends. Women are most popular at 25 years and 10 months while men hitting the highest friendship point a little later at 27 years and 3 months. The study, by Forever Friends, shows that about a third of grown-ups meet their closest friends when at school. But about a fifth say they meet them at work.
  Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter now also play an important role in building pew friendship. The study points out that 25 to 34﹣year﹣olds make 22 friends on Facebook. However, 18 to 24-year-olds make 12 and 35 to 44-year-olds make just 4.
  Forever Friends' relationship coach Sam Owen says, "It is not surprising that over a third of us meet our best friends at school. It is a key time in our lives when friendship is growing through sharing notes, giving gifts, seeing each other regularly and laughing a lot . As grown-ups, we can often forget how powerful these small things are and how the little things can make a difference."
  Later in life we find ourselves losing friends. Over half of us lose friendship through moving, while 36% say t hat over time they grow apart from close pals. Having children also causes 19% to be away from childhood friends.
  With growing pressure on friendship these days, its important to make time for our friendship.
17.Please go on with the m       in hand, stop daydreaming. You have to clean your own room after that.
18.What you said was c       impossible and I thought you could never make it. The wise old man talked to Yu Gong.
19.The shape of the building woke up my b       and I had some new ideas.
20.It's not easy for the d       people to beat others in Beijing Paralympic Games. We should respect them and learn their spirit as possible as we can.
21.We were all s       from a day on the beach. Next time we'd better bring an umbrella to stop this happening again.
22.A: Hi, John. You seem to lose your voice. What's the matter?
B: I have a sore (1)      . It lasts almost two weeks.
A: Why not go to see a doctor?
B: I do want to, but you know I had a terrible (2)      this morning. And I am still scared right now.
A: What exactly happened?
B: This morning I went to see the doctor by bus. I was just standing (3)       the window and
enjoying the views along the street when (4)       a man shouted that he didn't feel well and wanted to get off the bus.
A: What was the matter with him? Did he have a fever?
B: I guess so. He said he took his (5)       before he got out of his house. And it (6)       that it was normal so he went to work as usual.
A: So what did the rest of the (7)       go?
B: They worried that he got COVID-19 and they all suggested going the hospital to take the test to make sure about that. But the man (8)       and he said that it was more dangerous now to stay in the hospital since the outbreak (爆发) of the COVID-19.
A: I don't think it is true. My father is a doctor who keeps working in the hospital every day. He says the hospitals have some way to check the patients' information at the font gate, so it's not easy to meet the infected (被感染的) patients as you think.
B: That was what I thought. But unluckily they didn't listen to his (9)      . As a result, it caused a big fight. The bus driver (10)       that only the police could stop something even worse.
A: I see. So did you get any advice from the doctor at last?
B: Of course, I've taken some medicine already.
A: Hope you'll be better soon!
allow, carry, educate, excited, move, offer, pass, shock, silence, recent, walk, year 

  Chinese high school principal (校长) Zhang Guimei has been honored with the title "Role Model of the Times" (时代楷模称号) (1)      . With the help of the Party and the government, she helped to set up the county's first senior high school (2)       free education to girls from poor families. Since 2008, it has sent more than 1800 students to universities.
  Zhang has changed the lives of these girls by helping them to get education and stopping them from (3)       on poverty (贫穷) to the next generation (下一代).
  About 20 years ago, while Zhang (4)      in the mountain to visit a student's house she noticed a girl sitting on the hill. She seemed to be helpless and was looking at the sky (5)      . The girl told Zhang she would get married very soon. It was arranged (安排) by her parents. "But I want to go to school," she said. Zhang went to her house and talked with her parents in order to ask them (6)      the girl to return to school and promised to pay for her cost herself. However, they didn't agree at last.
  "We always say, each child should stand on the same starting line, but these girls didn't even have a chance to get on the track." Zhang says.
  Zhang was greatly (7)       by the girl's story and she knew there must be many other girls who were like this in the poor countryside. Zhang made up her mind to do something to help these girls. After (8)       hard work, in 2008, Huaping High School for Girls, a free public high school was set up at the foot of the Shizi Mountain in Huaping, where Zhang is the principal.
  Over these years, Zhang walked thousands of kilometers, visiting students' families, talking to villagers, persuading (说服) girls to go back to school. She gave away all her money to the rural education and poor people. More and more girls' lives were changed because of her. Her (9)       stories encouraged thousands of people in China.
  Zhang Guimei thinks that a girl can influence (影响) three generations. "An/A (10)       and responsible mother will stop her children from dropping out of school." She says.
24.  After one year of bard work, Sun Gao finished his PE test for zhongkao and got 26. 5 points. "It wasn't a high score, but I'm still happy for I tried my best," Sun said.
  Many junior 3 students across China recently took the PE test. It has a point of 30 to 60 in zhongkao. (1)      Many students like Sun have to train hard for it.
  (2)       "Since seventh grade, I've been practicing every weekend for two hours. I kept doing many exercises such as 800-meter run and basketball," she said. In 2022, when Gong takes the test, the P. E test will be 60 points in zhongkao. "(3)      " Gong said. "By preparing for the test, we can exercise and relax more."
  However, not all students enjoy it. Liu Jiawei from Songyuan, Jilin will take the test soon. He often feels tired from practicing every day. " (4)      " Liu said. "In a simulated (模拟的) PE test, I got only 20 points out of 50. This will make a big difference to my overall ranking (总排名) in zhongkao." (5)      
  "Our teachers usually used our P. E classes for other subjects, such as math, but now they are not taking away our PE classes anymore!"

A. The P. E test seems really difficult for me.
B. However, there were also some advantages (好处).
C. I think it's a good thing because health is important.
D. Some younger ones started to prepare for it even earlier.
E. As a result, P. E becomes so important to junior high kids.
F. I don't think the P. E test does anything helpful to students.
25.  USA?Britain? Which country is better to study in? We often hear such discussions. As China opens its door, it's a clear dream for many Chinese students to study abroad. They want to learn about the outside world.
  It's true that studying abroad can help students develop themselves. Their foreign language skills will be improved, and it may be easier to find jobs.
  But there are problems that should be considered. Language is the first, students must spend a lot of time learning another language. Students must also learn to live without parents' care and deal with all kinds of things they haven't had to do before, like looking after themselves. There are sports about Chinese students abroad, running into an ocean of difficulties, and giving up finally. When they have to take care of themselves, it's hard for students to study well. Finally, studying abroad brings a heavy burden (重担) to the family. For most Chinese parents, the cost of studying abroad is very high. But is it worth it?
  We know that there are many famous people who have achieved success through their hard work in China. Liu Xiang is a good example. Once an American teacher invited him here, but he refused.
  He kept training hard with his Chinese teacher. He surprised the world when he won a gold medal at the Olympic Games. So when you wonder which country is better to study in, think again.

Study (1)       or abroad 
The (2)       about where to study Studying abroad has become a dream for many Chinese students. 
Advantages It's helpful for their development. Students can improve their language skills when learning abroad. It enable students to find jobs easily. 
Disadvantages It takes Chinese students loo much time to learn a foreign language. Students will spend a long time (3)       the life abroad, maybe will still fail in the end. Most family may be (4)       because of the high cost of studying abroad. 
Conclusion The writer uses Liu Xiang's example to tell us studying abroad is not the only way to (5)      
26.Sunday Mail Magazine正在征集来稿, 你做了一项关于"父母是否同意孩子做志愿者"的调查, 请你根据图表内容所示, 写一封回信汇报调查结果, 并表达出你自己的观点以及理由.
1. 书写工整、卷面整洁;
2. 除以下要点外, 可适当补充;
3. 90~110词左右.
比例 意愿 原因 
85% 赞同 (1)可以学会关爱他人, 与人和睦相处.
10% 反对 (1)学习压力大, 浪费时间.
5% 不在意 ……(一个理由) 
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