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1.Ann's first painting won the first prize, so her mother was proud ______ her.
  • A. in
  • B. of
  • C. on
  • D. for
2.Since you have moved to your new house, don't forget to change your ______ on Taobao.
  • A. address
  • B. photo
  • C. number
  • D. store
3.—Jack used to ______ up late, didn't he?
—Yes, but now he is used to ______ to bed early.
  • A. stay; go
  • B. staying; go
  • C. stay; going
  • D. staying; going
4.Although Laurie _______ for 50 days, I can feel her spirit with me.
  • A. is dead
  • B. has died
  • C. has been dead
  • D. dies
5.—Can you tell me where cotton ______ in China?
—Well, people in the north of China ______ a lot of cotton.
  • A. grow;grow
  • B. grow;are grown
  • C. is grown;are grown
  • D. is grown;grow
6.______ left and you will find an old hotel in front of you.
  • A. To turn
  • B. Turn
  • C. Turning
  • D. Turned
7.—Could you tell me what the phrase "wet blanket" mean?
—Sorry, I don't know. Let's ______ in the dictionary.
  • A. turn it up
  • B. look it up
  • C. give it up
  • D. put it up
8.It's necessary for students to keep an English diary ______ they can improve their writing.
  • A. so that
  • B. even if
  • C. while
  • D. unless
9.—______ fantastic movie Avengers 4 is!
—So it is. I want to see it again.
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. What a
  • D. How a
10.—Can you spare time to come to our Thanksgiving party?
—Well, I don't know ________
  • A. that I can finish my work by then
  • B. if can I finish the work by then
  • C. that can I finish the work by then
  • D. whether I can finish the work by then
11.  The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays in China. Last year, I had the chance to (1)       it with a family of one of my dear Chinese friends in a little town in China's Guizhou Province. The (2)       was interesting.
  I arrived after my friend's family had cleaned their whole house, and done their shopping, so they were kind of (3)      . My friend showed me around the town every day.
  On the New Year's Eve, I enjoyed a big meal with my friend's family. We watched a special show on TV. As I (4)       understand Chinese well, the time seemed to pass very slowly. When midnight came, everyone in the house shouted in (5)      .
  Every morning in the following days I (6)       to the sounds of firecrackers (鞭炮) as early as 5 a. m. My friend told me that people were chasing off evil spirits (赶走邪灵). He took me to visit (7)       relatives during the day. We were usually invited to stay for dinner. We once happened to see a lion dance on the street. Every business owner was happy if the "lions" stopped by their shop, (8)       that usually means good luck will come.
  Before I left, my friend's parents handed me a red envelope (9)       some money in it. The father said it was to protect me on the road, bring me good luck and wish me a happy new year. It felt like I was part of the (10)       though I couldn't chat (聊天) with the parents at all.
12.  Change is happening all the time. Nothing in life ever stays the same. So what can we do when going through life changes?Here are three suggestions:
  Find time for self-reflection
  Having time to reflect (反省) is important at any time in your life, but it's especially important during the changing time. Self -reflection exercises like meditation (冥想) and yoga require some quiet time. If we deal with change correctly, it can give us chances for self-growth.
  Reach out to friends and families
  When we go through big changes, we think we are dealing with something no one else can understand or is going through. Sometimes we just don't want to cause trouble for others. But it's good to say with positive people who can cheer you up and help you look at things in a new way.
  Set smart goal (目标) and make small wins
  Smart goal setting helps you decide how to make the change happen and succeed. Write out some of your plans to meet them. This will help you get new directions and keep active. Start with small wins and then build up to bigger goals.
13. In the Bay Area in California, you can find many amusement parks with fun rides.
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
This theme park has rides for kids of all ages. You can also have fun with animals here. You can ride an elephant, feed a giraffe and see other animals.
Travel time from San Francisco: 1 hour
Ticket prices: Daily pass (单日票)$49. 99 per person 
Train Town
This park has rides themed around trains. The most popular one is the 20-minute ride through the park on a mini train. The park is open every day from June through August.
Travel time from San Francisco: 1 hour
Ticket prices: $7.50 per ride, per person; free for children below 12 months old 
California's Great America
This amusement park is known for its thrill (刺激的乘骑). However, there are fun rides for younger kids, too. The best part about this park is that you can visit a water park. Boomerang Bay, at no additional (额外的) cost.
Travel time from San Francisco: 45 minutes
Ticket prices: Daily pass $39.99 per person 
14.  What are you at the age of 10? Emily Shaw in the USA is already a banker.
  While visiting cousins in Wyoming last year, Emily saw one relative working as a clerk at a bank. She came home in Reston and decided she wanted to start her own bank.
  She started with paper records and a safe in which to firstly store her $2 weekly allowance (津贴) and that of her sister Elizabeth, 7. Soon Emily started keeping records in Microsoft Excel and opened accounts (账户) for her parents and grandparents.
  "When guests come to stay at the house, most of the time we give them an account, too," she said. Now there are seven people who save money in her bank and $211 in savings which is now kept in a real bank account at ING.
  "We can make withdrawals (提款) and deposits and we' re working on adding interest," she said.
  Emily said that keeping close track of her family's savings and withdrawals made her much more interested in saving her own money. "I just really like knowing I have money to use," she said. "I don't like making big withdrawal."
15.  Who invented the umbrella?There are many different opinions. Some people say that the people of ancient Egypt invented it, some say the Romans invented it and some say Luban's wife invented it in ancient China. There's even an interesting story about its invention in China.
  Luban was the most famous craftsman (工匠) in ancient China. One day, Luban and his wife were taking a walk and enjoying the beautiful view. Suddenly it began to rain. Both of them were soaked when they got back home. Luban's wife said, " If there is something that can protect people from the rain when they are walking outdoors, it will be wonderful." Then Luban said, "That's easy. I will build many pavilions (亭子). His wife replied, "That's a good idea, but it is not convenient. Is it possible to make a movable (可移动的) pavilions, which could always follow the people?" She thought all day and all night. One day, she saw some kids playing in the rain, and each kid held a big lotus leaf (荷叶) over the head to protect themselves from getting wet. That gave her a great idea. Then, she made the first umbrella in ancient China.
  Since the umbrella was invented, it has been part of people's life in every corner of the world. Right now, there are many kinds of umbrellas, such as beach umbrellas, kids umbrellas and market umbrellas.
  How many umbrellas are made every year in the world?Maybe millions or even more. One interesting thing is that most umbrellas in the world are made in China. Shangyu in Zhejiang Province alone has more than 1. 000 umbrella factories and it is called "China Umbrella City"
16.  Have you ever thought about how people get their names? Let's learn a little history about family names in North America. People in North America have two names. Their first name is given to them by their parents. Their last name is the same name that their parents have. It is the family name.
  Long ago, however, people had only one name. A man could be simply called John or Peter. A woman could be called Mary or Elizabeth. After some time, there were too many people with the same name. Everyone was confused (迷惑的), so a second name was needed.
  Children began taking their father's name as the last name. In this way, children of John were called for example, Peter and Mary Johnson. Names such as Jackson, Anderson and Davidson came into use.
  Mac means "son of"', so the name MacDonald means "son of Donald", Fitz is another way of saying "son of " . So Fitzpatrick and Fitzgerald mean "son of Patrick and son of Gerald ".
  Some people got their names from the places where they lived. For example, a family living in a village with many green trees and plants might take the name Green. If they lived in a town called Moor, they might be called the Moores.
  Sometimes, people got their names from the way they looked. A tall person was perhaps called Long. If people in a family had dark hair, the family was sometimes called the Blacks or the Browns.
  People also took their names from the kind of work they did. A person who sewed (缝补) clothing was named Taylor. A person who baked (烘烤) bread was called Baker. A person who had a very good voice was named Singer.
  It is interesting to know the history of names.
(1), (2)题完成句子; (3)题简略回答问题;(4)题找出并写下全文的主题句; (5)题将文中画线句子译成汉语.
17.  How good do you feel when you get a nice compliment (赞扬)? Mr. Poortvliet of the Netherlands wants more people to feel that way, so he (1)      (start) World Compliment Day, held every March 1. He encourages people to show appreciation (欣赏) to one another (2)       using their words as gifts.
  "If on March 1, every person pays at least three people a sincere (诚挚的) and personal compliment, we will create the most (3)      (wonder) day in the world!" he says. "A sincere and personal compliment costs nothing, (4)       it can make a difference to the person who receives it".
  When someone offers you a compliment, they are reaching out and making a (5)      (connect). You should just accept it. Accepting a compliment seems easy, but it can be a difficult thing to do. Many people have a hard time (6)      (do) that. They don't know (7)w       to say in return, don't feel that they deserve the compliment, or wonder if it's sincere. If you have such trouble, Mr. Poortvliet says, (8)j       smile and say "thank you'. You don't need to say anything more. Refusing a compliment or laughing it off can hurt the (9)      (feel) of the person complimenting you. A simple "thank you" shows that you appreciate (10)      (he) words!
18.who, you, gave, a, hug
19.keep, from, yourself, danger, away
20.how, reading, important, is
21.he, like, cried, a, baby
22.smoking, allowed, not, here, is
23.在今天的英语讨论课上, 你和同学们讨论了中国传统食物——饺子.课后, 老师要求每位同学写一份书面报告, 请你根据下面的提示, 完成该报告.
A symbol of China;are connected with culture;Appeared about 1, 800 years ago
By Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in Eastern Han dynasty;
Filled with medicine and mutton to make people warm.
1. 包括以上要点内容, 可适当发挥, 使短文连贯通顺.
2. 文不得出现真实的学校名称与姓名.
3. 词数80字左右.
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