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1.Lin Shuhao is very popular in _______. He plays basketball well.
  • A. BBC
  • B. NBA
  • C. CCTV
2.— Some people in Shanxi are in danger (危险) because of flood (洪水).
— Let's help ______. We are family.
  • A. them
  • B. us
  • C. you
3.— ______ is the man in the book?
— He is Yuan Longping. I miss him very much.
  • A. What
  • B. Who
  • C. Where
4.This is the photo ______ Wuyi Square (广场). It brings us a lot of good memories.
  • A. of
  • B. in
  • C. to
5.A lot of old things _______ in Shanxi Museum (博物馆). They have a long history.
  • A. am
  • B. is
  • C. are
6.—Eric, what are _______ in the bag?
—They are color pens for tomorrow' s art festival.
  • A. this
  • B. that
  • C. these
7.If you meet tour teachers, please _______ hello to them.
  • A. say
  • B. see
  • C. find
8._______ Meng Wanzhou back home. She is a great woman.
  • A. Ask
  • B. Welcome
  • C. Find
9.I watch the movie The Battle at Lake Changjin (长津湖). It is _______. I want to watch it again.
  • A. interesting
  • B. easy
  • C. boring
10.— ______ you spell your first name?
— Yes, I can. A-M-Y.
  • A. Can
  • B. May
  • C. Must
11.  Hello! I'm Quan Hongchan. Quan is my (1)       name. I'm fourteen. There are seven people in my (2)       — my parents, my sister and brothers. My mother (3)       not in good health (健康的), so I must work hard to help her. I'm short and thin, (4)       I am healthy. That is because I am good at doing sports, especially diving (跳水). The Tokyo Olympic Games (冬京奥运会) are (5)       first time to compete (竞争) in the world. Many people (6)       my show on TV at that time and know me.
  In fact, it is not (7)       for me to become a star. At 5:30 a.m., I get up and begin my new day. I always work hard till 22:00 in the (8)      , I keep on diving for 8 years. Some people ask me (9)       my hobby. I like playing games on the phone and eating latiao.
  I (10)       want to make friends with you. Let's share happiness with each other.
12.根据短文内容, 将方框中A、B、C、D、E五个物品与左图中合适的位置相匹配, 并将其字母标号填到题后相应的横线上.

  Hi! I am Tom. This year, I move into a new house. It is bright and warm. Look!It is a photo of our living room. Can you see my dictionaries?Yes, they are on the new sofa. I like to sit here because it is warm. My little dog likes sofa, too. It always stays near the sofa. In my free time, I like to play computer games. They are exciting. I always put my video player in the bookcase. Can you find it?You can also see a big clean desk in the room. And I can do homework there. My pencil box is next to the fruit. Under the desk is my schoolbag. My mother likes to clean the room, so it is always tidy. Do you want to come to my house?
13.  Shen Zhou XII stays on the space station (太空站) for three months. There are three men walking in space. In September, they give a class on CCTV's program (节目) — The First Class of School.
  This is my 3rd time to fly in space. My first name is Haisheng. My last name is Nie. I am 57. My father is a farmer. There are six kids in my family I like studying, so I can make my dream come true. Look!I can do tai chi (太极拳) to you in space.
  Hello, I'm Liu Boming. I am 55. My family is poor. Learning is the only way to help me. It is difficult (困难的) for me to learn English. But I keep on learning it everywhere — on the farm, on the road and etc. Today, I bring a lovely ox puppet (牛玩偶). It can bring you good luck.
  I am only 46 years old. My name is Tang Hongbo. My dream is to go out of the small village. Now I can fly in space. I don't like to talk. But I like planting. I plant some sweet potatoes (红薯) in space. Look!They are so lovely.
  All of them are national heroes in our country. We are proud of them.
根据短文内容判断以下句子的正误.正确的写(T), 错误的写 (F).
14.  In 2021, Double Reduction Policy (双减政策) comes in China. It helps reduce pressure (减轻压力) on China's primary and middle school students.
  The good news for many students is that there will be fewer exams. Middle school students will have no weekly or monthly exams. Students don't have much homework. It takes them about one and half an hour to finish the homework.
  The most important one is that students have no after-school classes on weekends or during the holidays. What do students think of it? Here are some interviews (采访) from some students in Grade 7.
  After school, I have much time. I can sing and dance. It is a good way to help me learn well and relax well.
  After school, I can do a lot of sports and read many books. They are interesting for me. I like my life now.  

  In fact, the new rule can help students plan their school well. They have some free time to relax and study new skills.
15.在下面对话的空白处填入适当的句子或短语, 使对话意思完整, 通顺.
(in the Lost and Found office)
Alan: Good morning.
Eric: (1)      . I lost my schoolbag.
Alan: (2)      ?
Eric: I'm Eric.
Alan: (3)      ?
Eric: No, it isn't. My schoolbag isn't blue.
Alan: (4)      ?
Eric: It is red.
Alan: If we find it, we can call you. (5)      ?
are in aunt them my and big first see good 

  In our Happy Community (幸福社区), we have a show called the Most Beautiful (最美的) Photo of Family. (1)       family photo is one of them. Now I'd like to introduce it.
  I have a very (2)       family. There are eight people in my family. (3)      the middle are my parents. The two people next to them (4)      my grandmother and my grandfather. I think you know (5)      now. That woman is my father's sister. She is my (6)      . She is a teacher. Can you (7)      me?Yes, I'm the lovely girl in the (8)      row (排), the shortest one. Look at the two kids. They are Sally (9)       John. They are my cousins. We are (10)      friends and often play together. I love them. I love my family.
only student good she must but in grandparent clean be 

  Let us learn from the Most Beautiful Teenager with Filial Piety (最美孝心少年) 一 Xu Mengting. She is a 9-year old girl and lives (1)      Hubei.
  Xu Mengting is the (2)      child in the family. Xu Mengting lives in a poor life with her (3)       at the age of 3. Later life is hard for (4)      . Her grandpa goes away and her grandma is ill in bed. She (5)      a helper to her grandma. Xu wants to change the life, so she (6)       work hard. She likes doing housework. She can cook the food and (7)       the room. She can also look after her grandma. She is a (8)      girl.
  It is not easy for some (9)       to get up at 5 a. m. every morning. (10)       Xu Mengting does. She is a model in our life. Her spirit inspires us to keep on going.
18.你的博客(blog)可以让别人倾听你的心声、欣赏你生活中每一个精彩瞬间、了解真实的你.假设你的名字是李健康, 请你从描写自我、描写家庭、描写房间三个方面, 用英语写一篇40词左右的博客, 可以有适当发挥.
Welcome to my blog
About me
Hello!My name is Li Jiankang.About my family ___________________________________________________.
I have a ___________________________________________________ family. ___________________________________________________
About my room
Look, this is my room. ___________________________________________________
Li Jiankang 
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