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1.—______ I hear Lily shouting.
—She fell off the tree and hurt her arms.
  • A. What's the matter?
  • B. Who is she?
  • C. What are you doing?
  • D. Sounds great!
2.—Usually we can't make good ______ when we are angry.
—I agree. We should think twice.
  • A. spirits
  • B. risks
  • C. decisions
  • D. breaks
3.—What happened to Li Lei?
—His hand ______ badly, and the doctor had to ______ three of his fingers.
  • A. hurts;cuts off
  • B. hurt;cut off
  • C. hurts;cutting off
  • D. hurt;cutting off
4.—Do you like to drink coffee, Lucy?
—Well, I ______ drink coffee. But now I ______ tea. I think tea is healthier.
  • A. used to;am used to drink
  • B. was used to;am used to drink
  • C. used to;am used to drinking
  • D. was used to;am used to drinking
5.Julia will take part in a piano competition. She practices the music again and again ______ she can win the competition.
  • A. because
  • B. because of
  • C. that
  • D. so that
6.The Internet makes ______ possible for us to have classes at home.
  • A. it
  • B. that
  • C. this
  • D. one
7.—I think Bob takes ______ his father.
—Yes, Bob is similar ______ his father in appearance (外貌). But his sister isn't.
  • A. like;from
  • B. like;to
  • C. after;to
  • D. after;from
8.—My parents always ask me ______ many things. I'm too tired.
—Well, they just expect you ______ a lot of skills in order that you can have a bright future.
  • A. to learn;have
  • B. learn;have
  • C. to learn;to have
  • D. learn;to have
9.Our new classmate often stays ______. He must feel ______. Let's go to help him.
  • A. alone;lonely
  • B. lonely;alone
  • C. alone;alone
  • D. lonely;lonely
10.Mr. Smith loves his job very much. ______ he is, ______ he feels.
  • A. The busy; the happy
  • B. Busier; happier
  • C. The busier; the happier
  • D. The busiest; the happiest
11.—Could you please ______ me your ping-pong bat?
—Sure. I don't need it these days. You can ______ it for a week.
  • A. borrow;lend
  • B. lend;borrow
  • C. keep;lend
  • D. lend;keep
12.—I didn't feel well, so I didn't go on the school trip.
—_____. I had a rest.
  • A. Neither did I
  • B. Neither I did
  • C. Neither do I
  • D. Neither I do
13.—______ I go out to play basketball now, Mom?
—No, you can't. You ______ go to finish your homework first.
  • A. Must;should
  • B. Must;can
  • C. Could;should
  • D. Could;can
14.Bill reached for the wine, but he didn't drink it. ______, he passed it to Tony sitting next to him.
  • A. Perhaps
  • B. Anyway
  • C. Instead
  • D. Anymore
15.—______ when the accident happen?
—I was walking my dog.
  • A. Where were you going
  • B. Why are you here
  • C. What were you doing
  • D. What will you do
16.  One night, Sam told Mom and Dad about his new plan, "I'm going to the Olympics."
  "Can you get the (1)      . Sam? I hear it's hard to get," said Mom.
  "I'm not going to watch it," said Sam. "I'm going to (2)      it when I'm old enough."
  "That's a(n) (3)       dream," said Dad. "I'm sure you'll make it come true if you work hard. Then what sport will you choose?" "I haven't decided yet. I'll start (4)      tomorrow," said Sam.
  The next day, Sam came home with a hand covering one of his (5)      . His mom was very worried and asked, "What happened?"
  "A ball hit me in the eye when I was playing table tennis," said Sam. "I don't think it's the right Olympic sport for me."
  The third day, Sam asked his father to drive him home because he hurt his right foot when he jumped to (6)      the ball flying towards him. When Sam got home, he said to his mother(7)      , "I don't think that basketball is the right Olympic sport for me, (8)      ."
  Two days later, at dinner, Sam said, "I have another plan. I won't play a sport in the Olympics, (9)      I'll still take part in it."
  "(10)       will you do that?" Dad asked.
  "I watched a lot of matches. And I noticed there was always a man ready to help the players during the games. So I decide to become him — doctor!"
  "That's a great idea." both Mom and Dad said.
  Welcome to We Smile Museum!It's a history and art museum for children under 12. It's on Shannon's Main Street and only a 5 minute walk from Center Park. Kids can visit it from Tuesday to Sunday.
  Now we're looking for some volunteers aged 13 to 16 as our museum guides. Are you interested in history or art?Are you good at communicating with children? Would you like to give up several hours from Tuesday to Sunday?Come and try out for our volunteer guides.
  We also need one volunteer aged 25 to 55 as the museum manager. (管理人员) He needs to help museum workers and other young volunteers plan group work.
  We'll provide job training before you start working. I'm sure you'll learn useful skills and make some new friends if you become our volunteers. And any volunteer will get a free ticket to Disneyland after working for 40 hours. Please come and join us!
  For more information, please call Miss Brown at 358-5050 or send e-mails to wesmile-museum@yahoo. com.
18.  Mr. Brown is already 89 years old. He used to sell ice-cream in New York. Last month, his daughter died and left him with two grandchildren. He had to look after them.
  "What should we do?We have to make money," Mr. Brown said to his wife. Then he decided to sell ice-cream again. He got up early every morning and worked until midnight.
  Steve is a reporter. He often bought ice cream from Mr. Brown. Soon, he learned about his story. He wanted to help the old man, so he posted a photo online. Lots of people read Mr. Brown's story and came to buy ice cream. That was not enough. Steve started to raise money for Mr. Brown. He planned to raise $3. 000 but in fact, he got more than $201,000.
  Now Mr. Brown is rich. He doesn't need to make money. But he says, "I really thank Steve and other kind people for helping me. I want to help others, too. "He keeps on selling ice﹣cream. He gives ice-cream to kids for free. He also gives his money to poor families.
  Just as the saying goes, "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Try to help, and you will feel different.
19.  Thumbs-up for Zhang Jing!
  "This is not the way to deal with Chinese people," said Chinese interpreter (口译员) Zhang Jing calmly.
  Recently, China and the us held an important meeting. Zhang's translation Impressed (印象深刻) the U. S. side. One U. S. leader even joked that she deserved a raise. (加薪) Zhang's translation work also won her lots of fans on social media.
  Providing translation at important events like this is very difficult. It tests not just a person's English skills. He or she must be able to take quick notes and think fast, too. For Zhang, however, it all seems to be a piece of cake.
  But Rome wasn't built in a day, when she was in middle school, Zhang wanted to be a diplomat. (外交官) She was always working hard. Every morning, Zhang got up early to listen to the news in English. She spent lots of time doing translation exercises. She would always ask herself, "Could I have done better?" The girl kept making progress. Finally, her dream came true.
  Do you want to be as good at speaking English as Zhang?Work hard towards your goals and never give up. That's exactly the key to success.
20.  People throw millions of face masks across the streets and beaches around the world. It's not only bad for the environment but also dangerous to wildlife(野生动物). Last summer, a seagull (海鸥) was in the street in the UK. Its legs were entangled (被缠住的) in a face mask and they got hurt. Before people saved it, it had been like that for over a week. In fact, many places all over the world have reported sad things like this many times. In the hills outside Malaysia's capital, people saw a monkey eat the face mask. It was really dangerous. Even if it didn't choke (窒息), the face mask could fill its stomach and cause it to die.
  What's more, the wasted face masks also pollute the sea and harm the sea animals' lives. Last year, more than 1. 5 billion masks made their way into the world's sea. Larger animals, like bigger fishes and sea birds, are the first ones to face the problem. Scientists are worried that the whole food chain (食物链) will even be in danger.
  "When those masks break down in the environment, they become smaller and smaller. These tiny parts will finally go into the bodies of animals, small and large." they said. The face mask is a useful and helpful tool for us humans to keep from COVID-19, coma planet with us. It is our job to protect them.

21.  In July, 2021, China carries out (实行) the"double reduction" policy (双减政策) for students in primary and middle schools. Do you do your homework (1)       several hours?Do you have more time to do your favorite things after school?Some students talk about them. Let's see what they say.
  Wang Lei, Shantou
  With the "double reduction", I have more time to do after﹣school activities. I like sports. Our teacher often (2)      (provide) us with all kinds of balls. Now, I am used to (3)      (play) them with my classmates on Saturdays. I can watch soccer, volley ball, tennis and all sports games on TV, too. It's so relaxing that I am excited every day.
  Li Xin, Chaozhou
  The "double reduction" policy really helps me. To my (4)      (surprised), I can control my time and make my own decision to be a volunteer. There are many people who are (5)      (little) lucky than us. In (6)      ( I ) opinion, volunteering after school is a dream come true for me and volunteering our time to help others is a good way (7)       (spend) our free time.
  Zhang Hui, Jicyang
  The good thing about the "double reduction" is that we have more interesting subjects. Since I lost my legs at the age of 4, I have been a (8)      (able) boy. My favorite subject is history (9)       I think it's fun. I can also learn some useful skills after school. I only have classes from Monday to Friday so I can spend time playing the piano on Saturdays and Sundays. Being (10)       pianist is my dream. Now, I have more time to do what I really like to do!
22.假如你是李华, 上周六早上九点你的笔友Peter给你打电话但你没有接到, 请给Peter写一封电子邮件, 包含以下内容:
1. 解释未接电话的原因(当时正在养老院参加志愿活动);
2. 邮件的原因(由于天气寒冷你感冒了, 嗓子疼);
3. 介绍你的志愿活动情况(1﹣2条)和感受;
4. 上个月与父母争吵了, 因为从不做家务, 现在知道了做家务的好处.(请罗列至少2条)
必须包含全部要点, 可适当发挥, 开头结尾已给出.(不计入总字数)

Dear Peter,
  You called me at 9 a. m. last Saturday, but I didn't pick up. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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