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1.—How do you come to school, on ______ bus or by ______ bike?
—Oh, in my father's car.
  • A. a;a
  • B. the;the
  • C. /;/
  • D. a;/
2.— Where is Tim?
— Look! He ______ his car in the garden. He ______ the car every Sunday morning.
  • A. wash; washing
  • B. is washing; washes
  • C. is washing; is washing
  • D. washes; wash
3.—I'm not good at English, what about you?
—Oh, I like it very much. It is quite easy ______ me ______ it.
  • A. for;learn
  • B. of;learn
  • C. for;to learn
  • D. of;to learn
4.—Please don't forget ______ your math homework on time.
—No problem. I'm really ______ it.
  • A. to finish; good at
  • B. finishing; good with
  • C. finishes; good to
  • D. finish; good for
5.Trees and plants are good for the earth, so we must not ______.
  • A. cut down it
  • B. cut it down
  • C. cut down them
  • D. cut them down
6.—______ I swim here?
—I'm sorry. Children ______ swim alone here. It's very dangerous.
  • A. Must; can't
  • B. May; must
  • C. Can; mustn't
  • D. Can't; can
7.Linda is ______ now. She often plays with her ______ brother on weekends.
  • A. 12 years old; 3 years old
  • B. 12-year-old; 3 years old
  • C. 12-year-old; 3-year-old
  • D. 12 years old; 3-year-old
8.—______ is it from your home to school?
—It is 20 ______ bike ride.
  • A. How long;minute
  • B. How far;minutes
  • C. How far;minutes'
  • D. How long;minutes
9.No. 1 Middle School is very good. There are ______ students and 3 ______ teachers in the school.
  • A. hundred of;hundred of
  • B. hundreds of;hundreds
  • C. hundred of;hundreds of
  • D. hundreds of;hundred
—I like them very much, they are so cute.
  • A. Where are pandas from
  • B. What are your favorite animals
  • C. What do you think of pandas
  • D. Where do pandas live
11.  Do you like dolphins? Dolphins live (1)       water, but they are not fish. They are mammals (哺乳动物)that live in water. It has to breathe (呼吸) air to the top of the water very often. A dolphin's nose is (2)      to see. It's just a very small hole on the top of the dolphin's (3)      . This hole is called a blowhole (呼吸孔). A dolphin (4)       up every minute or so (大约) to breathe. It opens its nose and takes (5)       in, and then goes back into the water again. It can stay (6)       the water for six or seven minutes if it has to. A dolphin' s ears are very small, (7)       its mouth is very (8)      . It has about one hundred teeth. A dolphin (9)       very fast. Scientists are studying ways to (10)       boat go faster through the water.
Rule One
★You can come into the room only with your teacher.
★Don't eat or drink in the room.
★Don't listen to music.
★Be quiet. Don't talk to each other.
★Turn off all the computers and close windows after class. 
Rule Two
Here are the rules for Emily:
★You must get up before 6:30 a. m.
★Don't listen to music.
★Don't talk loudly on the phone.
★Go to bed by 10:00 p. m.
★Don't meet friends if you don't finish your homework.
★Clean your bedroom yourself. 
13.  I am Miko and I am from Japan. I am twelve years old. My home is far from my school. It is about 25 kilometers. So I usually take a train to my school in the morning. My friend Sena goes to school with me. The journey (旅程) takes us 25 minutes. Our first lesson starts at8:15. I often leave my home at 7:25.
  I'm Aram. I have a big family. I live with my grandparents, parents, sister and brother in Canada. It's about 10 kilometers from my home to school. It takes me about 20 minutes by bus. I go to school at 8:15 and my first class starts at 9:00. I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself. So I work at a supermarket every Sunday. The supermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home. I usually go there by hike. The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.
14.  When I first come to America, I live with a family. In the family there are Mr. Brown, Mrs. Brown and three little kids. They go to the school close to their house. I help them do some housework for 15 hours from Monday to Friday. I get three meals and a room to live in. My work is to walk the kids to school in the morning, pick up (按) the kids from school in the afternoon and do some work around the house. Most of the time work inside (在……里面) the house doing some cleaning and washing I don't help with garden work, but only when Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown get very busy in the garden.
  One day, they are busy with the new swimming pool in the garden. I am on the second floor cleaning the floor. When I hear a call from the end of the swimming pool, I run out of the door and hear Mr. Brown say, "Jane, do you have time?" "They must need some help." I say to myself. Then I run quickly to the end of the swimming pool and ask Mr. Brown, "How can I help?" Then Mr. Brown says, "Do you have the time?" I begin laughing at myself (笑自己) and tell him the time. I don't hear the word clearly and don't get what he says at the beginning.
  Now I am very careful when people are saying "have time" or "have the time". Then I can give the right answer.
15.  Many people work or study from Monday to Friday. The weekend is usually a time for rest. But today many Chinese students can't rest on weekends.
  A study shows that 24% of the Grade 7 students in Beijing have classes at the weekend. Over 40% of the junior high school students have less than (少于) eight hours' sleep each night because of study. And this doesn't happen only in Beijing. Ji Chunying is a Grade 8 student in Guangzhou. The 14-year-old girl has to get up at 6:45 a. m. on Saturday. Then she has classes all the day. On Sunday, she goes to extra (额外的) classes for math and science. But she doesn't complain. She says her classmates all work very hard.
  Some students are finding time to have fun. Zhao Ming, 13, is from Zhejiang Zhao's weekend is not very busy. But he studies in his school on Saturday. On Sunday, after doing his homework, he plays basketball "I am happy because I have time to do the things I like," he says.
  Some students are lucky. Ding Yi a Grade 8 student from Shandong, is one of them. On weekends, Ding usually gets up at 8:00 a. m. Then she does her homework. After that she is free to go shopping or watch TV. "My teacher says learning well at school is enough," Ding says, "I am very lucky."
16.Let's play basketball at the       (student) Sports Center.
17.It's time for class. The children quickly get up and dress       (they).
18.—How was your weekend?
—My family had a good time. It was my mom's       (forty) birthday.
19.My sister usually       (brush) her teeth first in the morning.
20.I'm       (true) sorry that I'm late again.
21.When       (cross) the street, first look to your left side and then right.
22.I went to bed late to watch the soccer game last night and now I feel very       (sleep).
23.Look!The students       (swim) in the river.
24.Anyone can see the       (important) of good health.
25.      (luck), I've got one.—It's difficult to get a ticket of Jay Zhou's concert.
26.  How do you get to school?Different students give different answers. (1)      (每天) I ride my bike to school . It takes me about ten (2)m      . In our school, about one hundred students go (3)      train. Ninety students go to school (4)      (步行). Many of my classmates go to the bus stop to take the bus. And about sixty parents (5)d      their cars to send their children to school.
  It's easy for us to get to school, but it's hard for a ten-year-old boy, Dave. He lives in the small village far (6)      school. It's about seventy kilometers away. There is (7)       river between his school and the village. There is no bridge or boat. Dave has to (8)c      the river on a ropeway. He says he is not (9)      [ə'freɪd] to cross the river because he likes his new school and teachers. His teachers are like his parents. He has a big dream. He wants to build a bridge over the river. I hope his dream can (10)      (实现) quickly.
27.没有规矩, 不成方圆.在我们的生活中, 到处都有规则.同样, 家也会有家规.请谈谈你家里有哪些家规, 你认为它们合理吗?你怎么看待它们?
1. Wat are your family rules?
2. What do you think of them?
3. 60词左右
参考词汇:wash the dishes, make the bed, play with friends, watch TV, play computer games.
Family Rules
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