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1.The New Silk Road will offer a good _____ for more nations to communicate.
  • A. chance
  • B. habit
  • C. question
  • D. price
2.Mom is too busy to help us finish the work. Let's do it by _______.
  • A. herself
  • B. yourselves
  • C. myself
  • D. ourselves
3._______ a spring morning, we were very excited to see a bird fly into our classroom.
  • A. In
  • B. On
  • C. At
  • D. For
4.If you buy an iRobot floor cleaner, you _______ sweep the floor every day.
  • A. haven't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. shouldn't
5.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is one of _______ sea-crossing bridges in the world.
  • A. longs
  • B. longer
  • C. longest
  • D. the longest
6.It is said that a new school _______ in my hometown next year.
  • A. will be built
  • B. was built
  • C. is built
  • D. has built
7.I _______ go out to eat with my family because I think it's not very clean.
  • A. always
  • B. seldom
  • C. directly
  • D. gradually
8.—Have you finished your book report yet?
—No, I haven't. I plan _______ it this weekend.
  • A. write
  • B. wrote
  • C. writing
  • D. to write
9._______ the old man has a lot of money, he lives a simple life.
  • A. So
  • B. Until
  • C. Although
  • D. Because
10.We should pay much attention to saving natural resources. Otherwise, they will _______ one day.
  • A. put out
  • B. run out
  • C. get out
  • D. sell out
11. touching TV play! It tells a story of a doctor.
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. How
  • D. How a
12.Judy Brown _______ as an English teacher in our school since five years ago.
  • A. works
  • B. will work
  • C. worked
  • D. has worked
13.—Through 5 G people in two different cities can even "shake hands" on the same screen.
  • A. What a mess!
  • B. Don't mention it.
  • C. With pleasure.
  • D. How wonderful!
14.—Do you like the novel?
—Yes, I do. It is the first novel _______ I have read three times.
  • A. when
  • B. that
  • C. who
  • D. whose
15.—The skirt suits you well. Could you please tell me _______?
—Thanks. I bought it online.
  • A. where you bought it
  • B. when you bought it
  • C. why you bought it
  • D. whether you bought it
16.A: Good morning! (1)      
B: Yes, please. I need a T-shirt for sports.
A: OK. (2)      
B: Blue.
A: How about this one?
B: (3)      How much is it?
A: 80 yuan.
B: (4)      What about 60 yuan?
A: OK. And we have socks for only 5 yuan each pair. Do you need a pair?
B: Great! (5)      
A: Two pairs? Great! Here you are.

A. I'll take it.
B. It looks nice.
C. Can I help you?
D. I need two pairs.
E. That's too expensive.
F. What color do you like?
G. What color are these T-shirts? 
17.  When I first entered Grade 9, all the things got so hard for me. I used to get my homework done by 8 pm. But I have to stay up (1)       midnight in Grade 9. I was quite stressed out (有压力的). So I decided to make myself (2)      by jogging (慢跑).
  At first I always felt tired. So I avoided (3)      of the long way that I had to run. (4)      , l just thought about each step that I made. After I tried the way of running, to my surprise, things got (5)      . I started to feel the pleasure that running had brought me. Every single step became (6)      than before. The wind beside me was no longer laughing at me, but more like a(n) (7)      who came along with me. Also, everything in my life gradually became better. For example, I (8)      more relaxed in class. At the same time, I finished homework more quickly. My teacher even praised (表扬) me in class for my good job.
  This is a very important lessons in my life. As I can see, Grade 9 is like a marathon (马拉松). So jogging is a good (9)      to deal with my stress. Every day is just a tiny step. We can make our dream (10)      true only by doing well in each step.
18.  With more and more cars on the road, the traffic jam will happen. How do we see it and how can we solve the problem?
  We know that the traffic jam happens in many places, especially in big cities. What are reasons for the problem? On one hand, some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then it's easy to go out and they can feel comfortable. On the other hand, a growing number of people hope to use their cars to show off. What's more, years of research has shown that one of other reasons for the traffic jam is the driving habit. For example, many young people enjoy driving very fast so they can feel excited. At last, most of them hardly care about the speed rules.
  Many governments are working at how to make the traffic better. In my opinion, firstly the governments should educate those people who have cars or plan to buy cars. The governments must make them know that the traffic jam is very serious, and set up a much more perfect traffic system (体系) to solve the traffic pressure.
Help Lost Animals
We need to raise money to take care of lost dogs and cats. You can also have one if you like. From Mar. 25 to Apr. 15. Please help!Animal Center 
Give Away Your Old Clothes!
Do you have clothes you don't wear any more?We'll collect them and give them to the poor. Love foundation (基金会)4327-6758 
Seventh Grade Food Stand (货摊)
Do you want to enjoy fresh fruit juice and delicious fast food at a low price?Visit us at the school market on Mar. 15. Red Star Junior High school 
Cool Pet Show
Bring your pet to the talent show at 1:00 p. m. on Mar. 22. Have fun and win big prizes!Expect to see you!Redwood City Zoo 
20.  At East China University of Science and Technology, students will get a coupon (优惠券) if they eat up their food. Students can collect coupons and exchange them for small gifts, such as books, magazines, mobile phone covers and hand warmers.
  "It's been such a surprise," said Liang Zhaoyun, 19, a student at the university in Shanghai. "It has given us one more motivation to finish our food."
  The measure is part of a national "eat-up" campaign (行动) which is organized by students to deal with food waste on campuses (校园).
  Why only on campuses, you might ask? Because according to a report by Xinhua News Agency, students waste twice as much food as the national average (平均).
  The campaign on campuses food waste is receiving attention across the country.
  "The aim of the campaign is not only to courage students to finish their food. We hope it can also encourage students to choose a more environment﹣friendly and healthy lifestyle, "said Tao Siliang, secretary of the Youth League Committee at Shanghai University.
  But some school food is poorly prepared, so students do not like to finish it all. Some schools have taken notice of this and they are taking measures to improve it.
  "I'm glad that we've reduced food waste since the 'eat-up' campaign began. But if we call on students to waste less food, we should also improve the service and food standard on campuses. "Said Tao.
21.  The International Space Station (ISS) is a science lab in space, where there are six people now. Usually astronauts stay in the ISS for five or six months. Can you imagine how boring it is to live in a tight (紧凑的) space with just five other people for six months?CIMON 2, a floating (浮动的) computer, was created to work there for three years to help astronauts. It was sent to the ISS on December 5th, 2019.
  CIMON was created with two jobs in mind. One is helping astronauts with tasks. The other is trying to be "someone" astronauts can talk to. It is a robot with a face which was created by the European airplane company. Airbus. It has no arms or legs, but it can move where it needs to go.
  Helping astronauts is easy for CIMON — it can see, hear, understand, and speak. Its "mouth" is a loudspeaker that can be used to talk or play music. The brains behind CIMON were provided by IBM, a computer company famous for training computers to understand human speech. CIMON can understand not just what people say, but what they mean. If astronauts ask it for instructions or information, CIMON can answer the astronauts, or use its screen to display pictures or documents (文件), if needed. CIMON also has several cameras, which can take pictures and videos to help astronauts keep records of experiments or other important actions.
  The more difficult part of CIMON's job is being a companion for the astronauts. The first CIMON could understand what people were saying and mastered more than 1, 000 sentences, but it was not enough. CIMON2 has been improved so that it can find out how people are feeling. The creator hopes CIMON will be a calm, trusted friend that astronauts can talk to when they don't want to talk with others. This could be especially important if tension (紧张气氛) in a group of astronauts causes them to stop thinking clearly.
22.根据下面对话中的情景, 在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句, 是对话恢复完整.
A: Hello!Jane speaking. (1)      ?
B: This is Mrs. Brown. You didn't come to school this morning. (2)      ?
A: Sorry, I forgot to ask for leave. I feel terrible. I can't fall asleep these days.
B: (3)      . But how is that?
A: I keep thinking about the coming exam.
B: (4)      . I'm sure you can do it quite well. Try to relax yourself. Listen to some music and do some sports.
A: (5)      .
B: I hope you will be better soon. Bye.
A: Goodbye.
We       go to the supermarket to buy some vegetables tomorrow.
24.一个人书读得越多, 就会变得越聪明.
The more books a person reads,        he will be.
Teenagers should       the scientists like Yuan Longping.
26.孩子们不应该过多地依靠家长, 学会独立很重要.
Kids shouldn't       their parents too much, it's important to learn to be independent.
27.到目前为止, 我已经收集到了许多关于这座城市的信息.
      , I have collected much information about the city.
29.昨天放学的时候, 雨下得正大.
31.  What's the most popular Winter Olympics design with kids and teenagers?It must be the mascot (吉祥物) (1)A baby panda was chosen as the mascot for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics in 2019. What can better stand for China than our national treasure?Its name is Bing Dwen Dwen. It wears a full-body "shell" made of ice and los like an astronaut in a space suit. Some colored floating lines (流动线条) around its head look like the tack on an ice ink (冰场). They refer to Beijing' s National Speed Skating Oval (国家速滑馆), known as the "Ice Ribbon" (冰丝带) The colorful lines also refer to fast 5 C signals (信号).
  Bing Dwen Dwen has two red hearts on its hands, showing kindness and love. Look! (2)It is waving (挂舞) its left hand with a red heart to greet the whole world.

of what helpful although hobby much success quiet If clear do write 

  Confidence (自信) is very important in daily life. It is (1)      to develop a healthy attitude (态度). If people are more confident, they are (2)      happier. And they can have more chances to be (3)      . Here are some suggestions to be more confident.
  ★Speak loud. When you are not confident, you can't do well in (4)      you want to do. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you (5)      . The high voice can help you become more confident.
  ★Play sports. Physical exercise makes you tired but strong. A strong body helps you be full (6)      confidence.
  ★Encourage yourself. (7)       down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise for the good things you have (8)      .
  ★Pick up a hobby. (9)      you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a (10)       can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.
33.根据下面短文, 简略回答所提出的问题.
  Lu Xun was an excellent writer and thinker of modern China. He took part in the May Fourth Movement of 1919. He could be said to have laid the foundation (基础) of modern literature (文学) in China. You couldn't believe that he almost became a doctor!So how did Lu Xun give up the study of medicine and take up writing?
  When he was young. his father fell badly ill, and little Lu Xun bought medicine for him. But the medicine bought from a quack doctor (庸医) did his father no good at all, and his father died. With a deep sadness and great anger, Lu Xun promised to study the most modern medical skills and help people through medicine. He studied hard, and was accepted to study in Sendai Medical College in Japan.
  However, one event changed Lu Xun's life. One day, the teacher played a movie of news in class. In the movie, Japanese soldiers were preparing to kill a Chinese while some Chinese were watching it with great interest, as if it had nothing to do with them. After that, Lu Xun thought he should treat the numb (麻木的) spirits of the Chinese.
  For this reason, he gave up the study of medicine and moved to Tokyo. He started a magazine with some friends there. As a writer, Lu Xun hoped that he could save Chinese people with his pen. Many of his works were translated into other languages, including English, Russian, German, French and Japanese.
34.  Mobile phones have become popular for both adults and teenagers. Today most of the teenagers own a mobile phone.
  Parents have realized that mobile phones are useful for their children as they make the children safer. Teenagers spend most of their time outside and so parents are always worried about their whereabouts (行踪), With mobile phones, parents feel comfortable and they no longer need to wonder if their teenager is going to be late or is having a problem. Teenagers are allowed to call their parents and ask for help if they are in trouble.
  But this can also add up costs of their mobile bills. As we know, teenagers enjoy talking on the phone and sending messages to their friends, and parents may end up paying high bills. Another disadvantage is that teenagers lose their mobile phones quite often. So they need to be responsible and use their mobile phones carefully. Most parents agree that though teenagers want to have a mobile phone, they should use them safely.
  When children use mobile phones, the following things should be noted:
  ☆ No mobile phone use should be allowed during class.
  ☆ No ringing mobile phones or loud ring tones.
  ☆ Headphones should be offered to the teenagers.
Teenagers use mobile phones. 
Advantage Mobile phones make the children safer. 
Parents can know (1)       at any time. 
Parents can know if their child is going to be late or is having a problem. 
Teenagers can call their parents and ask for help if they are in trouble. 
Disadvantages Using mobile phones (2)      
Teenagers (3)       because of their carelessness. 
(4)       Teenagers (5)       when they are having classes 
No ringing mobile phones or loud ring tones. 
Teenagers should use headphones. 
35.根据要求完成小作文, 词数:30词左右.
学校将组织一次英语演讲比赛, 请你写一份海报, 号召大家参加.
1. 主题:I'm proud of my school.
2. 时间:5月20号2:00 p. m.
3. 地点:学校操场
36.根据要求完成大作文.词数:80﹣ 100词.
在你的生活中, 一定发生过一件让你难忘的事情 , 不管它让你开心或是让你难过, 最后都会带给你很多珍贵的领悟.请你以An unforgettable thing为题给大家讲讲你的故事吧.
What happened?
When did it happen?
. Where did it happen?
How did it make you feel?Why?
What did you learn from the experience?
要求:语意连贯, 内容流畅, 字迹工整;文中不得出现真实的姓名或校名;词数80﹣100.
An unforgettable thing
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