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1.一Have you got ______ Bing Dwendwen, Lisa?
一Not yet. It is ______ pity that I can't find one in any toy shop.
  • A. a;/
  • B. the, /
  • C. a, a
  • D. the, a
2.To spread our traditional culture, many teenagers came up with new ______. For example, Suansuan, a college student, has posted over 50 videos on Bilibili to show her love for our culture.
  • A. methods
  • B. messages
  • C. meanings
  • D. medicines
3.一"We are like the sea of flowers in May, embracing the new era with youth (用青春拥抱时代)……"
一How beautiful it sounds!!In the song, the song writer ______ youth to a sea of flowers in May.
  • A. connected
  • B. compared
  • C. contacted
  • D. completed
4.—Why did you buy such a small shelf'? ______ books ______ shoes can be put on it.
—But my cups can, I guess
  • A. Both;and
  • B. Either;or
  • C. Neither;nor
  • D. Not only;but also
5.一Is there anything special in today's newspaper?
一Yes. The lift in a tall building went wrong and got trapped ______ the floors.
  • A. among
  • B. through
  • C. between
  • D. across
6.—Look, Grandma! ___________click here and then you can talk to the doctor.
—So easy? Do I need a special number or something?
  • A. Simply
  • B. Gradually
  • C. Recently
  • D. Carelessly
7.During COVID-19, people __________ show their health code before entering the shopping mall, or they won't be let in.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. might
  • D. would
8.一Hi, Jack!Surprised to see you here!
一My father is here on a business trip. My family ______ this city for 2 weeks.
  • A. have gone to
  • B. have been to
  • C. have left for
  • D. have been in
9.一Who should be responsible (负责的) for this traffic accident?
一It's not the right time to discuss that. ______ , we should send her to hospital.
  • A. Above all
  • B. In all
  • C. At all
  • D. Of all
10.一Judy, could you tell me how to join the Birdwatching Club?
一Sorry, but you can ask Mr Smith. He once ______ some advice about it at a speech.
  • A. handed out
  • B. carried out
  • C. turned out
  • D. tried out
11.Nowadays you are supposed to have your temperature taken ______ you enter the school.
  • A. unless
  • B. after
  • C. until
  • D. before
12.—May I borrow your new-bought book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer now?
—I'm afraid not. I ______ only half of it, and I'll try to finish it this weekend.
  • A. read
  • B. am reading
  • C. have read
  • D. will read
13.一I'm a bit forgetful and I'm afraid I will forget the meeting time.
一Don't be worried. You ______ of the time before it.
  • A. will remind
  • B. are reminded
  • C. were reminded
  • D. will be reminded
14.一Though things are going smoothly now, I'm still in doubt ______.
一Whatever the result is, don't be too hard on yourself.
  • A. why are my parents strict with me
  • B. if I can get high marks in the entrance exams
  • C. how have I prepared for my entrance exams
  • D. that I can enter my ideal senior high finally
15.There is a famous old saying "______". Similarly, you may realize your dream only when you always work hard.
  • A. Many hands make light work.
  • B. Great hope makes great man.
  • C. Life is not all roses.
  • D. No pain, no gain.
16.  I just marked my first Mid-Autumn Festival celebration in China. Exactly a week after arriving for my graduate studies, I was kind of homesick-memories of past (1)       back in Serbia (塞尔维亚) with family and friends exchanging scenes in my mind. On the morning of Friday September 13rd, almost everyone on the campus (校园) was very (2)      . Chinese students explained to us the importance of the day and shared the folk tales about the Festival with us happily, while foreign students like me listening to them with joy. At lunchtime, mooncakes were unexpectedly (3)      . Then came the night. The full moon appeared:huge ball high above the campus, and eyes looked at it with (4)      . Unlike the nights before, a cool breeze swept through the campus. With Serbian music playing on my headphones, I danced my way, (5)       in the wind, and forgetting myself for a moment.
  As I went back into my room, I was interested in the festival's idea. My (6)       mind pushed me online where I came across the poem Prelude (前奏) to Water Melody (水调歌头), by the well-known Chinese writer Su Dongpo. This poem concisely (精确地) described what I was (7)      . The message and the tone both resonated (共鸣) with my feelings. Writing to his family, Su (8)      what time it was back at home. Considering the time differences between China and Serbia, I was continuously trying to find out what time it was back at home.
  In the end, Su asked his family to join him in (9)      the perfection of a full moon on a (10)       night. What a way to finish!I, too, was hoping that all was well with my family. Despite the distance and anxiety that comes with not seeing or hearing from a loved one, we were all flourishing (繁盛的) under the watch of the (11)       moon.
  And while we may go away from home, as happens from time to time, the family remains the most important (12)       to our life. As the Chinese used the holiday to (13)       with the loved ones, the Serbian community also got together, shared a meal and walked on the streets under the neon(霓虹灯) lights.
  As I write this, a day after the Festival, I cannot help but look forward to the next. Thank my Chinese friends, whose care made me and a crowd of other foreign students experience a/an (14)       Mid-Autumn Festival. Thank my Chinese friends, whose (15)       made me and a crowd of other foreign students feel like we were at home.
 The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridgeby Bcrnic Mcauley
An American soldier(士兵)returns after the Vietnam War. He is surprised to find that his life at home has changed greatly. How will he pick up the pieces?Price:$11. 95outskirtspress. com/shadowsofsawtoothridge. 
 The Portalby David D. Bernstein
After falling into a time gate during a Little League baseball game, 11 year﹣old Andy finds himself transported to his hometown﹣101 years in the future. Price:$11. 95outskirtspress. com/thcportal 
 Clouds Over the Aegeanby Alexander Rassogianis
In 1920s Greece, two schoolgirls heard a dangerous conversation by accident. Fifty years later, their children searched for the truth about the secret their mothers kept. Price:$11. 95outskirtspress. com/cloudsovertheaegean 
 Tales From the Brilliant Side of Growing Upby Raymond Kolcaba
Growing up won't happen on its own. You have to do something that encourages it. These are the true stories told with all of the funny details of real life. rice:$16. 95utskirtspress. com/thebrilliantside 
18.  It's late fall in the Arctic (北极的) Ocean. Ice begins to form on top of the water, making it difficult for the white whales to find open areas to come up for air. "They have to come up to breathe, " says Donna Hauser, a marine biologist (海洋生物学家) at the university of Alaska in Fairbanks. "That's a more difficult job, and they have to find openings in the ice."
  The white whales know it's time to leave for warmer waters. So the group of about a hundred white white whales heads south toward the Bering Sea, a body of water separating the United States and Russia.
  Halfway through their journey, the white whales find themselves swimming between two ice floes (浮冰). Suddenly, they hear a large splash (溅泼声). A white whale's main enemy — an orca (虎鲸) — has appeared and is swimming toward the white whales. Luckily, orcas aren't as good at swimming through ice floes as white whales arc, giving the white whales time to speed up and swim away.
  The white whales are safe, for now. "But before getting to their destination, they must pass through the Bering Strait connecting the Arctic Ocean with the Bering Sea﹣before the narrow(狭窄的)waterway freezes over, "Hauser says. "Otherwise, their path south could be blocked (阻挡)."
  The white whales finally make it to the Bering Strait, which hasn't yet frozen over. After a few more days of swimming, they arrive at the Bering Sea. The white whales will rest, hunt, and play here until April, when they'll swim back north. There, the females will give birth to baby white whales in the spring. When ice spreads across the Arctic Ocean again, those babies will follow their families south and begin their first long journey.
19.  Great work is work that makes a difference in people's lives, writes David Sturt, Executive Vice President of the O. C. Tanner Institute, in his book Great Work:How to Make a Difference people Love. Sturt insists, however, that great work is not just for surgeons or special-needs educators or the founders of organizations trying to eliminate poverty (贫穷)in sub-Saharan Africa. The central theme of Great Work, according to Sturt, is that anyone can make a difference in any job. It's not the nature of the job, but what you do with the job that matters. To prove this, Sturt tells the story of an excellent hospital cleaner named Moses.
  In a building filled with doctors and nurses doing great life=saving work, Moses the cleaner makes a difference. Whenever he enters a room, especially a room with a sick child, he impresses both patients and parents with his optimism (乐观) and calm, introducing himself to the child and, Sturt writes, speaking "some words about light and sunshine and making things clean. "He praises on any progress he sees day by day ("you're sitting up today, that's good. ") Moses is no doctor and doesn't pretend (假装) to be, but he has witnessed hundreds of sick children getting well from painful surgery, and parents take comfort from his encouraging words. For Matt and Mindi, whose son McKay was bom with only half of a heart, Moses became a close friend. As Sturt explains, "Moses took his born talents (his sensitivity) and his practical wisdom (from years of hospital experience) and brought them into a powerful form of patient and family support that changed the critical﹣care experience for Mindi, Matt and little McKay."
  How do people like Moses do great work when so many people just work?That was the central question raised by Sturt and his team at the O. C. Tanner Institute, a consulting (咨询) company specialized (专营) in worker recognition (认可) and rewards system.
  O. C. Tanner carried out a complete Great Work study that included surveys to 200 senior executives (高管), a further set of surveys to 1, 000 managers and workers working on projects, a study of 1. 7 million accounts of award-winning work (in the form of nominations for awards from corporations (公司) around the world), and one-on-one interviews with 200 different makers. The results of the study showed that those who do great work refuse to be stopped by the constraints of their jobs. They are especially able to think about their jobs without any boundaries, they don't consider their jobs as a list of tasks and responsibilities (责任) but see their jobs as chances to make a difference. No matter, as Moses so ably exemplifies(例证), what that job may be.
20.  My mom's life was a busy one. Raising four kids on her own was a full time job in itself, but she also worked outside the home. Surprisingly, she always seemed to find a little bit of extra time for us despite (不管) her schedule (预定计划).
  She would take us over to my aunt's in the evening when she worked as a waitress in a small diner. We would just be finished with school and have to hung, so my mom would be on time for work. I thought she would pass us over to our aunt and hurry off as soon as we made it through the front gate, but that didn't happen. Instead, we would sit on the porch (门廊), my mom in her waitress uniform, and we would rock in my aunt's big wooden swing (秋千) and talk about what happened that day.
  "I learned how to add numbers up to the hundreds," my sister Sandy would say.
  "That's wonderful," my mom would reply, holding her tight
  "I learned how to write my name!" Larry, my younger brother, would shout
  My mom would get a piece of paper and a pencil out of her purse and hand it to my brother.
  "Show me how you do it," she'd ask softly.
  "Do you have enough time to hear what I did today?" I'd ask her.
  Mom would smile at me and nod. "I'm never too busy for something important like that!"
  She gave us the gift of time again and again throughout the years. Later on in her life, when she came to live with us after her retirement (退休), my mom gave the gift of time to my children too. They would run around excitedly, asking their grandma if she would play with them, or read them a story, or go for a walk with them. By then my mom had health problems, but she would always nod and sit down and read to them or tell them stories about when she was a little girl. Those moments were a wonderful gift that my children still about and treasure.
  In the last few years of her life. I would take her to lunch or sit with her on the porch, and we would talk about the past, the dream of the future, and just enjoy being with each other. My mom would listen as I shared all of my hopes, my fears, and my dreams for my family. I would look at her and ask her if she minded me taking up so much of her free time.
  "Nonsense," she'd tell me. Then she'd give me a wink and say, "I'm never too busy to spend time with you. It's one of the greatest joys of my life."
  I will always remember those wonderful words and the loving heart behind them. It is a gift my mom give to me for which I will forever be grateful. In this busy world of ours, and in a life filled with challenges, she always had time to share her joy with me.
21.April 20 is United Nations Chinese Language Day and people in different countries celebrate the Chinese language. They think Chinese is a       (桥梁) that connects people all over die world.
22.—What a big success our Beijing Winter Olympics is!
—Indeed. The theme song Together For a Shared Future is heard       (广泛地) all over the world.
23.In order to protect the Earth, we have no choice but to       (try hard to stop or take part in a war) against all kinds of pollution.
24.—Are you aware of why we should recycle e-waste?
—E﹣waste has many       (very useful or important) things in it, such as gold, silver and copper.
25.—Yuzuru Hanyu is always praised as a prince on ice.
—In fact, nobody was born good at all things       enough practice.
26.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词, 并用其适当形式填空, 使句子通顺.
different it easy include hundred 
27.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词, 并用其适当时态填空, 使句子通顺.
row mark pay complete matter 
28.I am ready to help those in need. (改为一般疑问句)
              ready to help those in need?
29.Anyone will fall behind if he doesn't have a good learning habit. (保持句意基本不变)
Anyone will fall behind       he        a good learning habit.
30.I work as a volunteer to help the disabled athletes achieve their dreams. (对划线部分提问)
             you work as a volunteer?
31.Her daughter shut all the doors before leaving the room. (改为被动语态)
All the doors              before leaving the room by her daughter.
32.My brother became interested in reading when he was fifteen. (改为简单句)
My brother became interested in reading              .
33.  Known as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong province has a long history of making kites. (1)D       the Ming Dynasty (1368﹣1044), Kites became popular among common people for entertainment.
  Made from bamboo and decorated with traditional Chinese paintings, Weifang kite﹣making was included in the national-level intangible cultural heritage (文化遗产) list in 2006. The International Kite Festival is (2)h        in Weifangg each year.
  Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor (传承人)of the Weifang kite-making technique (技艺). Bom into a kite-making family, Yang often saw kites with bright colors and different (3)s       like eagles, worms, flowers and so on in her grandfather's workshop. "My boredom and bad feelings go away (4)w      I see these beautiful kites," said Yang.
  Yang learned the technique from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practicing the technique for 10 years, she started her (5)o       shop in 1992. "Many places around the world have a tradition of flying kites," Yang said. ′But I think the cultural context (背景) behind our kites is (6)s      . "On Yang's kites, people can see not only common patterns (图案) like butterflies and swallows, but also some prints telling Chinese myths (神话), tales and (7)h      . For example, she once made a kite showing a phoenix(凤凰)that was lined with pictures of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side. Yang said that each woman is different in look, clothes and makeup style. To (8)c       their portraits (肖像), she made lots of effort to check historical records and talking about details with professionals. "It took me a lot of time," Yang said, "but when I explain the stories of the kites to non-Chinese people, I feel a great sense of achievement." In her free time, she travels to different (9)      including Germany, Australia, the United States and New Zealand to tell people stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. "It is an important job of mine, to (10)s      our cultural around the world and on to the next generation," she said.
  Influenced by her, more and more teenagers have become interested in this traditional technique.
34.  Zhou Jiangtao passed away at only 17 years old. He got bone cancer when he was 13. Four days before the announcement of his death, he asked to donate his organs (器官). "I do know the pain of suffering from disease and the helplessness of having no cure (治愈方法)… I've seen so much sadness and regret and want to offer help."
  On the day he "left", two patients who had been waiting for cornea transplants (角膜移植) were told they would get donations. Zhou's body was moved to Zhejieng University School of Medicine on the same day.
  It has been 12 years since China started a national pilot (试点) programme for human organ donation. According to the China Organ Donation Administrative Center, about 300, 000 people across China are waiting for life﹣sustaining (维持生命的) organ transplants, but only 20,000 receive transplants each year.
  In recent years, organ donation and transplantation have gotten more public support in China. As of April 2, more than 4. 62 million people had signed up (登记) for organ donation, said the center. As many as 75 people can benefit from a single donor (捐献者). There's no age limit to donation, while people under 18 need a guardian's consent (监护人同意).
  In China, there are some deeply rooted traditions about the bodies of dead people. For example, many believe the body is a gift from one's parents. So, they think dead bodies must be kept complete.
But many others have changed their beliefs. Donating organs is a way to help others and extend (延展) the meaning of one's life. Increased willingness has been seen among young and middle﹣aged people, noted People's Daily. "Dedication (奉献) makes life more precious (宝贵的) than oneself," Zhou once said.
35."俭, 德之共也;侈, 恶之大也." 古往今来, "勤俭节约"体现了中华民族的价值取向和道德风尚.习总书记一直提倡"厉行节约、反对浪费"的社会风尚, 请你从以下几个方面谈谈作为一名中学生, 你在日常生活中如何节约、杜绝浪费的.

要求:1. 要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
2. 词数:100词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
3. 参考词汇:厉行节约, 反对浪费practise strict economy and combats waste
  Nowadays, our country practises strict economy and combats waste. As middle school students, we should start with the things around us. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Everyone can try his best to play a role in creating a better society.
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