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1.—Who is _____ 8-year-old boy over there?
—My brother, Tom. He plays _____ drums very well.
  • A. an; /
  • B. an; the
  • C. the; the
  • D. a; the
2.—Jack, remember_____your umbrella (雨伞) with you and don't forget______ it home.
—OK, mom.
  • A. taking;bringing
  • B. take;bring
  • C. to bring;to take
  • D. to take;to bring
3.—Can you sing or dance?
— _____
  • A. Yes, I can.
  • B. No, I can't.
  • C. I can sing.
  • D. No, I can dance.
4.—_____is it from your home to school?
—About 15_____bus ride.
  • A. How long;minutes
  • B. How far;kilometers'
  • C. How long;kilometers
  • D. How far;minutes'
5._____Lisa ____ Dave _____ going for a trip because one of them must stay at home.
  • A. Both, and;is
  • B. Either;or;is
  • C. Either;or;are
  • D. Both, or;are
6.There are _____people on the bus. I have _____work to do.
  • A. too many;too many
  • B. too much;too many
  • C. too much;too much
  • D. too many;too much
7.Ice-cream tastes _____, but it isn't good _____ our health.
  • A. well;with
  • B. good;for
  • C. good;at
  • D. well;for
8.There is no bridge in the _____. It's difficult for the villagers _____ to school.
  • A. village;to get
  • B. villager;to get
  • C. village;get
  • D. villager;get
9.I _____ to school, she goes to school _____.
  • A. walk;ride a bike
  • B. walk;by bike
  • C. walks;ride her bike
  • D. walks;by bike
10.Don't make so much noise. The students in Grade 3 ________ exams.
  • A. are having
  • B. have
  • C. to have
  • D. will have
11.  Rules are very important in our life. New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students come out this year. Some middle schools are going to use a new way to decide (决定) the top student list. The best students shouldn't only get good (1)      . They should not dye (染) their hair, (2)      or drink. Here are some of the new rules.
  Tell the truth. Do you like to copy (抄袭) others' work in an exam?Don't do it! That's not the thing a good student should do. If you play computer games for two hours in your room don't (3)      your parents you are doing homework.
  Be (4)       to others. Do you fight with your teammates when you have some problems with each other?Be good to the people you work with. Try to (5)      others, not only yourself.
  Be open to new ideas. Do you think that people can live (6)       the moon? Don't say no to new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome (7)      , because new ideas make life colorful for everyone.
  Protect yourself (保护自己). Do you know anyone wants to take money from one of your classmates?Don't let it happen to you. If you have to go home late, you (8)      let your parents know.
  Use the Internet carefully. As we know, people can find the things they need(9)      on the Internet. Maybe the Internet can be very useful for your study, (10)       some things on the Internet aren't for kids. So try to look at web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for fun or homework.
12.  There are eight species (种类) of bears. They are in different colors and sizes. They live in different parts of the world. Read and learn about three bear species. Which is your favorite?
FOOD—Bamboo shoots and leaves.
SIZE—Up to six feet tall.
HOME—Bamboo forests in the mountains of China.
FACT—Pandas use their big teeth and strong jaws to chomp on bamboo.
•Polar Bear
FOOD—Seals and small fishes
SIZE—Up to eight feet tall.
HOME—Sea ice and coastal land in the Arctic.
FACT—Polar bears have a thick layer of fur and fat. This helps them keep warm in their cold living places.
•Brown Bear
FOOD—Roots berries, nuts and fruit.
SIZE—Up to nine feet tall.
HOME—Forests and mountains of North America, Europe, and Asia.
FACT—Brown bears are in many colors. Some are nearly black. Others are blond.
13.  Hi, I am Molly Brown. I'm 12. I study at Shawnee Mission East High School. I usually get up at 6:30 a. m. After a quick breakfast, I go to school by bus with my friends. Sometimes, my parents drive us to school.
  My school begins at 7:40 am. A class usually lasts (持续) for 50 minutes. And we have five minutes between classes. We don't have much time to have a rest. My classmates and I need to run to another classroom for the next class.
  Our lunch time is usually short. It's 25 minutes from 12:20 to 12:45 p. m. I bring my own lunch to school. I usually have bread, milk and fruit for my lunch. It tastes great! I like my homemade lunch better than that at school.
  My school finishes at 2:40 p. m. We usually join different kinds of clubs, such as the chess club, the Chinese club, the music club and the sports club. I go to the dancing club every day. I like dancing best and I think it's interesting. I hope one day I can be a great dancer!
14.  New York is a big city in the world, but Jack, a 40 year-old man, doesn't like living there. The life in the city, for him, is too noisy and boring. So, he moves to a village no far from New York.
  Now he has a new house with a beautiful garden and it is near (在……附近) a small river. The water in the river is very clean, so he often goes there to swim. And there are many green trees and beautiful flowers behind his house. The air is nice and fresh, so he really likes the life there. But there is one problem (问题) for him. A big tree is near Jack's window. In the tree, there are lots of big birds.
  The birds often fly into the window. Sometimes they may break the window. Jack has to put new glass in it. Sometimes a bird is hurt, but he doesn't know what to do. His friend Kevin says the birds like to fly into the window because they can't see it. Kevin has a good idea. He tells Jack to put some colored pictures on the window, so birds can see the window now, and they don't break the window. After that Jack feels happy and has a good life in that small village.
15.  I'm Bob and I'm a student of NO. 2 Middle School. We have many rules in our school. I think some of them are good for us, but others are not so good.
  We have to wear our school uniforms. I think it's good. If we don't have this rule, some students will wear expensive clothes. They will think more about their clothes, but not study. We can't be late for school and we have to listen to the teacher in class. All of these rules are good for our study and I like them.
  We can't take mobile phones (手机) to school. I don't think it's a good idea. Sometimes our parents are busy and can't get home early. They need to tell us about that. If we can't take phones, how can they tell us?Also, we can't go to the movies on weekends. I know we should study hard, but we need some time to relax, too.
16.  When learning English, many students often think they have a memory (记忆) problem. They are afraid they can't remember words or sentences. They think they are not smart and cannot learn well. In fact, the problem is not their memory. The problem is that they don't use a right way.
  To remember things better, it's important to know how memory works. There are two kinds of memories:short-term (短时记忆) and long-term (长时记忆). When you see, hear or read something, it first goes into short﹣term memory. But short-term memory stays for only a short time. If you want to remember something for a long time, it has to go into long-term memory.
  Your long-term memory is like a very big library with many, many books. And like a library, everything has to be in the right place. When you finish reading a book, you can't just leave it anywhere. You must put it back on the shelf (书架). Long-term memory works the same. When you make a memory, you have to put it in a specific (特定的) place in your brain (大脑) so that you can find it easily next time.
  If you want to remember new words better, you need to make some long-term memories. Here are some ways you can try. You can make sentences with the word. Or you can make a very short story about it. You can also draw a picture in your brain with the word. And you can try to use the word very often in your speaking and writing. These ways can make the meaning of words stronger in your long﹣term memory and give you a way to find the word when you need it.
17.A: Hello, this is Michael. Can I speak to Jimmy?
B: Hi, (1)      
A: What are you doing now?
B: (2)      
A: Cool! It's a great one. Do you think so?
B: (3)      I love the song very much and I'm sure you will like it.
A: I enjoy it when I have time. (4)      
B: I'd love to, but I have to finish my homework first.
A: (5)      I have to finish mine, too. Then we can watch the new movie, Hi, Mom tomorrow!
B: Sounds like a good idea. See you tomorrow at 2 p. m. , OK?
A: Sure, see you!
A. No, it isn't.
B. Do you want to go to a movie with me today?
C. Yes, I do.
D. Jimmy speaking.
E. You're right.
F. I'm calling to ask you to join me for dinner.
G. I am listening to You Are My Sunshine on the radio
18.  My name is Dale. I'm a middle school student from America. I live far from my school. I often go to school by bus. It takes me about twenty minutes to get to my home from school.
  But at my school and other schools in our town, there is "Walk to School Day". It is on Wednesday every week. On that day, parents send their kids to a bus stop. There are many bus stops in our town. At each bus stop, two parent volunteers lead us to walk to school together.
  "Walk to School Day" stops us taking cars and buses. That is good for the air. It's also good for our health because we can do a lot of exercise. On the way to school we talk to our classmates. We can also make new friends. I like "Walk to School Day". Many of my students also love it because walking is a good and useful habit for us. I walk for about five miles with other students on that day. If they do like this, the school will give them beautiful backpacks. And I got one last year.
19.He has to go to bed before 10 o'clock. (改为否定句)
He       to go to bed before 10 o'clock.
20.Laura wants to play tennis with us. (变一般疑问句)
      Laura       to play tennis with you?
21.You can't play computer games. (改为祈使句)
       computer games.
22.My father doesn't like the cat because it's very boring. (对划线部分提问)
      your father like the cat?
23.My friend Mike often makes his bed. (用now 改写句子)
My friend Mike       his bed now.
24.根据下面短文内容, 在短文的空格处填入一个恰当的词, 使短文完整、通顺.每空一词.
  Mary's grandparents live on a farm and Mary often goes to see them on weekends. On the farm, there are many (1)       of animals, like dogs, cats, chickens and cows. Mary likes to play with them (2)       they can make her happy. Look! Mary is (3)       with a little horse there.
  The little horse has been on the farm for two years. It (4)       no mother. It never plays with other animals. It is often alone. Mary loves it very much. Many times, she tells the horse how happy she is and gives the horse some good food to (5)      . So, the horse is (6)       to Mary.
  If it sees Mary on the farm, it'll run to her like a little dog. Sometimes it follows her into a forest. There Mary sits (7)       the ground (地面) and reads a book. The little horse stands by Mary. Mary's grandpa often asks her, "Why does the horse like you so much?" "Oh, because I love it, grandpa," Mary says. Grandpa thinks Mary is right. Animals are our (8)      . We should love them.
25.我们学校一年一度的运动会早已成为同学们心目中最亮丽的风景, 最珍爱的活动.请以"Our Sports Meeting"为题, 写一篇英语小短文, 介绍我们学校的运动会.
1. 运动会上正在进行的活动:打篮球, 跑步, 跳绳……
2. 运动会的纪律和要求:不能吃零食, 坐在指定位置, 不要到处乱跑……
3. 运动会的感受和收获.
1. 短文必须包含所有提示内容, 可适当发挥.
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名.
3. 词数:80﹣120词左右.(短文开头已给出, 不计入总字数)
参考词汇:跳绳 jump ropes;零食 snacks;指定位置 right place;友谊 friendship
Our Sports Meeting
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