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1.Let's go and play__ping﹣pong. I don't want to play _____ violin.
  • A. the, a
  • B. /, the
  • C. the, /
2.—How do your aunt and uncle go to work?
—My aunt goes to work _______ subway. And my uncle ______ a car.
  • A. take a;drives
  • B. by;in
  • C. by;drives
3.Bob, _______fight with your classmates. Ms. Miller will be very unhappy.
  • A. doesn't
  • B. don't
  • C. can't
4.—All the people on the plane lost their lives in in Teng County (藤县), Guangxi.
—Oh, it sounds really____!
  • A. boring
  • B. terrible
  • C. interesting
5.Miss Green teaches ______ geography and we all like ______ a lot.
  • A. our; her
  • B. us; him
  • C. us; her
6.My mother can't_______English, but she can ____ stories.
  • A. say;speak
  • B. talk;tell
  • C. speak;tell
7.—Must I finish the work today, Dad?
—No, you _____. You can finish it tomorrow
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can't
  • C. needn't
8.—Where ______ the koalas ______?
—Australia. They are the symbol of the country.
  • A. are; from
  • B. do; from
  • C. are; come from
9.—Do you know what Miss Zhu is doing?
—She is_____. She has some work to finish.
  • A. reading the newspaper
  • B. running on the playground
  • C. working on the computer
10.—Do you know_______?
—About 20 minutes bus ride.
  • A. how I can get to school
  • B. how far it is from your home to school
  • C. how long it takes to get to school
11.A: Hello, this is Betty! Can I speak to Nancy?
B: Hello, Betty! This is Nancy speaking.
A: Hey, Nancy! (1)      
B: I'm doing my homework.
A: What do you want to do after finishing your homework?
B: I have no idea.
A: (2)      
B: That sounds interesting. I like lions. How do we get to the zoo?
A: (3)      
B: Oh, no! I have no bike. (4)      
C)A: Good idea! My house is not far from the subway station.
B: (5)      
A: Let's meet at 9:30 a. m.
B: OK. See you.

A. Let's go to the zoo.
B. What are you doing?
C. What time do we meet?
D. We can ride our bikes there .
E. How about taking the subway? 
12.  Do you want to keep young? Do you know (1)       to keep young?Here are some ways for you.
  Forget some numbers. The numbers are about your age and height. Don't always think you are (2)       or you are too short. You will be more beautiful when you forget them.
  Make happy friends. People who are happy can be your friends. Their happiness can bring you good mood (心情) and your life will be better.
  (3)      learning. Learn more about the computer, the guitar or other things. Do not stop using your mind (思想). Try to learn a new thing every day or every week.
  Keep healthy. Do more (4)       and eat healthy food to keep healthy. If you are not fine, go to see the doctor.
  There are many (5)       ways to keep young, such as singing, dancing and telling people you love them.
13.  Now, Peter is making a model plane with his friend Tom in his bedroom. Peter is good (1)       it. When they (2)      , Tom asks, "Can you give it to me?" Peter says, "No. It's mine!"
  But Tom wants the plane very much. After some minutes, they start to fight. Mr. Green comes to the room and ask, "Why are you fighting?"
  "Tom wants my plane (3)       I don't want to give it to him. It's mine," says Peter.
  "Uncle Green, Peter's plane looks so (4)      . I really like it." Tom says. "Ah, I see. But Tom, that plane is Peter's and he also (5)       it," Mr. Green says. "Ah, I have an idea! But please wait for a minute."
  "Peter, come to the "QUIET ROOM" with (6)      ," says Mr. Green.
  "Peter, you can protect (保护) your things, but I don't think it's a good idea to (7)       your friend. You should learn to share."
  Peter thinks for a while. "Daddy, what you say is (8)      . I can say sorry to Tom," Peter says, "And Tom doesn't do (9)       in making model planes. I think I can (10)       him."
  "That's my boy." says Mr. Green.
14.  There used to be many snack (零食) shops in schools. Students can go there to buy snacks. But it has become a thing of the past. Our country has banned (禁止) snack shops in all schools across the country. The rule has started from April 1st, 2019.
  People have different ideas about this rule. Many students are sad about the ban. "Without snack shops, school will be less interesting," a student in Hangzhou said. But many parents are happy about it. "Some of the snacks at the shops are cheap and they are very bad for students' health." a parent said.
  The rule also asks schools to keep an eye on students' meals. Headmasters(校长) must eat with their students and make sure the food is good.
阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
15.An English Teacher Wanted
Do you like kids? Are you outgoing? Can you speak English well? Do you have three years' experience (经验) as an English teacher?Do you have free time on Saturday or Sunday? We need a woman teacher for our daughter — Alice. She is 12 years old and likes dancing and reading stories. Now she is in the school dancing team. She can play not only the guitar but also the drums. But she doesn't do well in English. For this job, you will:• Teach from 3:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m.
• Play with our daughter.
• Tell her stories in English.
• You will work at our home.
We live on Sunshine Road Garden District. The pay is $40 each hour. If you want to know more information (信息), please call Mrs. Smith at 568-89886 or E-mail at Linda Smith @hotmail. com. 
16.  Many countries have different (不同的) ideas about different animals, but when we talk about pigs, we have the same idea of them — the pigs are ugly, lazy and not smart. Just look at the sayings, we Chinese people like to use "boiling a dead pig" and "A pig looking in the mirror is still a pig". And for people speaking English, they have "eat like a pig" and "sweat (流汗) like a pig". Do these sayings sound good?
  There are some really good things about pigs. And maybe now is the best time to clear (澄清) their names. First pigs are smart. Their EQ is like dogs' or elephants'. They like to play. They can remember things for a long time. They know the difference between those who are friendly to them and those who are not. And some pigs can learn things is not always true. On farms (农场), they live in dirty places so they are very dirty. In the wild (野外), pigs are very clean. Third, pigs are very friendly animals. Some people keep them as pets. Sure, people keep the small kind, not the big kind. Small pigs are very cute. And there are cute pigs in cartoons (卡通片), too. Peppa Pig, for example a UK cartoon, is loved by children in many countries. The four pigs in the cartoon teach children about love, friendship and family. In China, we have McDull. The pig keeps working hard to make his dreams come true. Children can learn from him.
17.I want to find a quiet place to do my homework because some boys are playing games very n      .
18.My A       friend Alice likes taking photos with her country's famous animal — koalas.
19.Every weekend he c      the river to visit his grandparents with his brother.
20.Always f      where they leave something shows that my grandparents are getting old .
21.The soup with vegetables and eggs tastes so delicious. Can I have m      ?
22.A : Evening , Dad! What are you doing ?
B : I ' m reading a (1)      . I can know what's going on around the world every day from it .
A : Sounds great . These days it's (2)       to get news . I always get to know the big events on the smartphone .
B : Oh , I like the traditional (传统的) way of (3)      better . The news I get from the phone is not true sometimes .
A : You are right , Dad . Every day when I just want to watch some shows or short videos , much useless information (信息)(4)       coming into my eyes . It ' s hard to get out of it .
B : So why not (5)       me in reading every evening ?And we can make it our family reading time .
A : I'll try. Everything (6)      time, right ?After all, most of the time, phones make my life easier .
B : Fine . But (7)       not to lose yourself in them . By the way , have you heard the news that an airplane crashed into Teng County(藤县), Guangxi today .
A : Yes, I got it online. I still cannot believe (相信) it . That's too terrible . How could their families get over it ?
B : Yeah , that's really a hard time for them . People always don ' t know what's coming (8)      . But kid, today is the most important. We should try to think of something good .
A : What do you mean ?
B : Every time there are sad things, there will always be people (9)      to help . Just like the COVID -19, it stops us getting out but makes us get together . I ' m sure everything will be OK .
A : Dad, you are right . Maybe I can try to help others in (10)      .
after; arrive; beautiful; before; child; finish; luck; miss; outside; study; still; talk; 

  Amanda is a middle school student . Mrs . Brown always tells her (1)       homework first, but she doesn't listen . She always says, "Mom, I 'm (2)      young. It ' s important for me to have fun."
  On Tuesday afternoon, when Amanda comes home after school, her mother Mrs. Brown is making dinner. Amanda runs to the kitchen and says, "Mom, it's so early . Why are you making dinner now?" (3)      Mrs . Brown says anything, Amanda says, "My good friend Linda is (4)      . She asks me to join her in basketball . Bye, mom !"
  "Dear, do your homework now". Mrs . Brown says, "This evening, we will go to the . .…"
  "I will do it after dinner," Amanda says, "You know how much I love basketball !And I can play it well . Bye, mom !"
  When Amanda (5)       home, it's about 7 o'clock. At dinner time, Mrs. Brown tells Amanda that she will go to see a movie named Hi , mom! after dinner . It's at 8 o'clock. Amanda really wants to go, too. (6)       she has lots of homework to do .
  Amanda is kind of angry. Her friends say Hi, mom !is a great movie for both (7)       and mothers. "Why are you telling me now ?It's too late." says Amanda .
  "It's not my fault (错误), Amanda . You must learn to listen to me when I (8)      ." Mrs . Brown says. "And you never do your homework first . I ' m afraid that you will have to (9)       the movie .
  "Hearing this, Amanda feels very sorry . And she says to her mom, "I know the importance of doing homework first . And I will have a very good (10)      habit ."
24.  These days Shanghai is still under lockdown to fight against a fierce outbreak of COVID -19. It has kept people in Shanghai home for weeks. And it's not gone yet. We are sure it will end, of course. But it has taught us to take a second look at our habits and to live better. Here are some ways for staying healthy.
●Stay healthy.
  We all know that immunity (免疫力) is the key to fight the virus (病毒). (1)       Do more exercise and eat healthy food . Drink more water and go to bed before 11 pm.
●Develop different hobbies.
  Some people might find that staying home is boring. (2)       You can learn painting and calligraphy (书法), chess or swimming. Hobbies can help you stay positive even in hard times.
  You might have read stories that say garlic (蒜) can kill COVID-19. This has been proven to be false. Learning more about science can help us tell facts apart from rumors (谣言). It will help us develop our critical thinking skills and (4)      
●To love and to be loved.
  Many people lost family members during the COVID -19 outbreak. (5)       Take a step back when you have different ideas with someone . Make a small gift or cook a meal for your family on special days.

A. Learn more about science.
B. Where does the virus come from?
C. How can we keep a strong body?
D. stay calm when facing the unknown.
E. Developing different hobbies can help you have fun.
F. We should care about (关心) the people around us. 
25.  When we talk about rules, some of us think they 'rе not very important to follow and there are many good things about not following them.
  When you see some of your classmates cheat (作弊) in a test and do well in it , are you happy? Do you want to cheat in the test , too? Some may say yes because they think it' s easy to do well in a test . It's easy because they don't need to do much homework or read many books . But these students may not think about what they can get if the school finds that they cheat in the test. Some schools call the students' parents, some schools ask the students to do a new test, and some schools can ask the students to stop studying there!So you see, cheating in a test is not really nice.
  Do you sometimes see that some people cross the red light (闯红灯)? Do you want to follow them because it can let you cross the road quickly?Let s think of the price of doing it first. Well, it's true that you can cross the road quickly . But do you think about how your life can be if a car runs to you? At that time losing your life may be the best thing you can get. If you don't lose your life, but you need to be in bed all your life and can't live like healthy people, you may think of why you don't follow the rules at that time.
  So strict rules aren't really there to make us live terribly .

The (1)      of following the rules strictly
●Why some people can't see it
●Why all people need to know it 
They think they can get many good things from not following the rules.
● Students can do well in a test if they cheat.
● People can cross the road in (2)       if they cross the red light. 
We can' t always have (3)      and the price can be really high .
● The school can call the parents , let the students do the test a second time , or ask the students (4)      their school knows they cheat.
● People may lose their lives or it can (5)      to be in bed and feel sorry for not following the rules . 
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