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1.  I have a neighbor. She is over 70 but she looks very (1)      and beautiful. She can do all the housework by herself. She is able to (2)       newspapers and learn something new on the Internet too. I often see her doing tai chi in the morning and dancing in the evening.
  Last week a(an)(3)       from a newspaper asked her how she kept so young. She answered, I have a secret to stay young. It is quite (4)      . Keep your mind active, be interested in the world around you, and (5)       at least one new thing every day. Don't (6)      you are too old to do that. I know a man. He (7)       to study medicine in a college when he was 64 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he works at the(8)      of 71. Some people may think keeping learning is easy only for young people. (9)      , everyone can make it."
  Please tell this story to your family. It would be a good start to (10)       the old woman's example. I hope everyone will stay young and healthy.
2.Saturday, March 24th
  We have arrived in the hot, wet city of Bangkok. This is our first day to Thailand. All the different smells make us want to try the food. We are going to eat something special for dinner tonight. The hotel we are staying in is cheap, and very clean. We plan to stay here for a few days, visit some places in the city, and then travel to Chiang Mai in the North.
Tuesday, March 27th
  Bangkok is wonderful and surprising!The places are interesting. We visited the famous market which was on water, and saw a lot of fruits and vegetables. Everything is so colorful, and we have taken hundreds of photos already! Later today we will leave for Chiang Mai. We will take the train north, stay in Chiang Mai for two days, and then catch a bus to Chiang Rai.
Friday, March 30th
  Our trip to Chiang Rai was long and boring. We visited a small village in the mountains. The village people here love the quiet life﹣no computers or phones. They are the kindest people I have ever met. They always smile and say "hello". Kathy and I can only speak a few words of Thai, so smiling is the best way to show our kindness. I feel good here and hope to be able to come back next year. This afternoon, we will go to Chiang Mai Airport and go back home.
3.  It is not possible to tell the importance of forests in just a few words. Forests affect (影响) our daily lives in so many ways, even in the busy noisy city center. Just think about your life today:Do you have your breakfast?Read a newspaper? Turn on a light? Travel to work in a bus or car? Do your homework?Write on your notebook?Clean your hands with a tissue?
  Forest products are used in our daily lives. All the activities above have something to do with forests. Some are easy to point out﹣﹣fruits, paper and wood from trees, and so on. Others are less obvious (明显的)﹣﹣they help make daily products like medicine. They not only help make our lives more convenient, but also make our Earth more beautiful and comfortable.
  Forests help protect the sea, and the Earth is in good health because of them.
  However, we are losing them. Over the past 50 years, about half the world's forests have been lost. The most important reason for that is people's activities like polluting the environment and cutting down trees.
  When we destroy the forests, we not only lose the trees. All the animals in the forests will also lose their homes. As this goes on, it'll be harder and harder for us to survive on the Earth.
4.  Many Shenzhen citizenst (市民) mournedo (悼念) online during the Qingming Festival holiday this year, since they could not visit cemeteries (地) to mourn due to COVID control policies, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily reported.
  Qingming Festival, or Tomb﹣Sweeping Festival, is a traditional day for Chinese people to mourn their ancestors (祖先)or deceased (已故的) loved ones.
  Due to epidemic prevention and control requirements (要求) the city suspended on-site (现场的) tomb-sweeping activities and advocated (提倡) green mourning activities.
  "I think mourning should not be confined (局限) to a certain form but should be in our hearts, "a citizen surnamed Huang told the Daily. Huang created a memorial space for her. late (已故的) grandfather through the"Yueshengshi'" WeChat mini-program, She wrote about her grandfather's life and shared links with relatives and friends to express her grief (悲伤).
  In Futian's Xiangmi Park, a citizen surnamed Li and her family found a quiet place to put a bunch of flowers, some fruits and a plate of braised meat that her late father liked best to mourn him.
  A citizen surnamed Cai used to return to his hometown in Chaoshan area every year for tomb-sweeping activities during the holiday. Affected by the epidemic this year, Cai's family finally changed the way they mourn, They chose to put the offerings (祭品) at their homes and remembered their lost loved ones on their WeChat group.
  To take care of the emotional needs of some citizens, Shenzhen Funeral Service Center held an online ceremony, showing its staff workers (工作人员) sweep tombs, place flowers in front of each tombstone and bow in silence to remember the deceased.
A. When your ceiling fan spins fast in this direction, air is pushed down, creating a cool breeze.
B. If your home has air conditioning, stay indoors and use it.
C. If you know you'll be hungry, it's best to have meals when it's still cool.
D. Here's some advice from experts in the U. S.
E. But when the temperature is 37℃ or higher, you may need to double that.
F. According to him, soup is also a good choice. 

  If you're living through a heat wave, it's understandable to have questions about what you can do to stay cool. (1)      
Stay out of the sun
  (2)      Cheryl Nelson suggests visiting a cooling center, library, shopping mall or any public place that has air conditioning if your house doesn't have A/C.
Use fans for added ventilation (通风)
  If you have ceiling fans, Nelson recommends keeping the blades spinning counterclockwise (逆时针旋转). (3)      "If you have ice, put it in a tray and place it in front of a fan. The fan's air blowing over the ice will help cool your space," she says.
Drink more liquid (液体)
  "On hot days, you have to drink a little more than expected, "Nelson says. A goal for liquid intake (摄入) is 1. 8 liters. (4)      
Focus on hydrating food
  The food you eat can help keep you hydrated (保持水分), along with drinking water. "During a heat wave, I recommend eating vegetables and fruits such as cucumbers, celery, lettuce, strawberries and melons," says Dr. Mark Conroy, physician at the Wexner Medical Center. (5)       It can help replace lost electrolytes (电解质) because of its sodium (钠) content.
6.阅读以下活动的介绍, 为五个人选出适合他们的活动, 并在答题卷上将相应的字母编号涂黑.
A.Violin professor Huang Bin will present a concert at Shenzhen Sea World Culture and Arts Center. She will collaborate with piano professor Sbeng Yuan to play some classical pieces by Mozart, Franck and Bach.
B.Photos from the Fourth Shenzhen International Photography Week are on display. Famous photographers from Britain, Belgium, Hungary and Turkey are exhibiting their newest artworks.
C.Mural replicas (整画复制品) of the Mogao Caves have been set up at an exhibition in Shenzhen Museum for visitors to get a view of the magnificent Dunhuang art. Buddha statues (佛像), silk products and pottery are also on display.
D.The beautiful Zigong Lantern Show from Sichuan Province lights up Splendid China to welcome the season of festival. The lantern show features a food street and 108 sets of lights created by 200 craft masters.
E.The Pixel World, an exhibition authorized by the British Library, is being held in Shenzhen. The exhibition provides the library's precious collections for the public. Visitors can enjoy manuscripts of beloved fairytales and novels.
F.Based on physics (物理) experiments, "That Physics Show" features different scientific segments. Performers will share with you how everything works on the stage.
7.阅读下面短文, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空, 并将答案填写在答题卷规定的位置上.
  Dogs are man's best friend. They are loyal and smart. Some pet dogs just play with their (1)      (own). Others help people work. So how many kinds of dogs are there?
  Search and rescue dogs are common in (2)      army (军队). They are good at (3)       (find) lost people after a big disaster (灾难) or in the wild. For example, on Sept 11, 2001, terrorist attack (恐怖袭击) (4)      (happen) in the US. (5)      (hundred) of dogs helped to find and save people.
  Guide dogs are good helpers for blind people. They help the blind walk (6)      (safe). These dogs usually wear a chain (狗链). They also know some words. Dogs work with doctors to help sick children. These dogs make the children feel safe and (7)      (relax).
  Herding dogs are important to people with sheep. They keep these animals safe. They are common in Australia and New Zealand.
  Do you know how to be safe around dogs?Here are some useful tips for you:
  Stay away (8)       a dog that is eating. Never pat (轻拍) a dog that is eating. The dog may bite (咬) you (9)       it might think you want to take its food away.
  Never kiss a dog's face or put your face close to their faces. Always keep your face away from a dog's teeth. Even if the dog doesn't mean (有意) to bite you, you may hurt (10)      (you) accidentally (意外地) by doing so.
8.假如你是Mr. Li, 你的学生Tom要申请今年学校的"最佳学生奖", 请根据下表所提示的内容, 写一封推荐信, 帮助Tom申请今年学校的最佳学生奖, 要求:
条理清楚, 语意连贯.紧扣主题, 按要求补充完整, 适当发挥.80字左右, 开头和结尾已经写好, 不计入字数.
1. 学习刻苦努力, 各学科都学得很好.
2. 热爱运动, 擅长打篮球;(补充一点兴趣爱好)
3. 性格开朗, 对人友好, 经常帮助有需要的同学:(补充一点品行)
提示词:the Best Student Award 最佳学生奖
Dear Sir,
  I am writing to recommend Tom to receive the Best Student Award this year. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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