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1.  Once there was a man who was rude. What he hated most was when people were polite to each other, (1)       things like "please" and "thank you".
  The man spent a lot of time inventing a machine which could steal words. With this machine, he planned to steal"please", "thank you" and similar words. He thought that (2)      would notice if these words disappeared.
  After he turned on his machine, people would open (3)       mouths, planning to say polite things, but nothing would come out. All those words ended up inside the machine. Just as the man had hoped, nothing happened. It looked like people didn't need to be polite. (4)      , after a while, people found that they were (5)      in a bad mood. Everyone was angry and argued over little things.
  There were two special girls. They were deaf, (6)      they had to communicate by sign language. Because the machine couldn't steal gestures, these girls continued being polite. Soon, they realized (7)      had been happening to everyone else. They found out about the man and his plan. They decided to stop the machine and came up (8)      an idea.
  The girls began being polite to each other. The machine tried very hard, but it couldn't steal those words. Finally, it exploded (爆炸). All the letters it (9)      flew into the sky. These letters started coming down, like rain. (10)      that, everyone was polite again. The anger and the arguments stopped. It made people realize the importance of being polite.
2.  I used to have little passion (激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. Then I learned how (1)      it was to have a passion in life.
  That day I went home in Mom's car. When Mom (2)      at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed in rags (破旧衣服). He was homeless. That didn't interest me (3)      I had seen many people like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless. But this man was (4)      in some way. He was not siting down with a (5)      expression. Instead, he had a (6)      in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious (珍贵) thing he had. "Mom, why does that man have a radio though he's (7)      ?" I asked.
  "He (8)       it." She replied.
  "But why doesn't he use the money to buy food or clothes? He (9)      something that he didn't need." "Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren't the most important."
  That man must care so much about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that (10)      is the key to life.
3.  How many books did you read last year?We pick some best books for you.
  The Stars Beneath Our Feet
  Writer:David Barclay Moore Published(出版):September 19th, 2017
  Just before Christmas, a boy named Lolly Rachpaul learns that his brother has been killed. This makes the holiday sad for Lolly and his mother. But when one of his mother's friends gives Lolly a gift of Lego bricks (乐高积木), he uses them to build a city and turns his life around. The theme of this book is about finding creative ways to deal with sadness and loss in our personal lives. This is something that everyone has to lean while they are growing up.
  Writer: Jennifer Mathieu Published:September 19th, 2017
  It can be hard to grow up as a young girl. Boys will often pick on (刁难) girls and make them feel bad. But in Moxie, a student named Vivian Carter decides to fight back. She encourages other girl students to stand up against bad boys. This book is great for any young girl or boy who has ever felt that treating girls and boys differently is unfair.
  Homo Deus:A Brief History of Tomorrow
  Writer:Yuval Noah Harari Published:February 21st, 2017
  This book allows us to open our eyes and minds as we learn more about ourselves — human beings. It tells how people in ancient times believed in gods and supernatural powers. But later, they questioned everything that they once believed. And what about the future?The author thinks humans will depend on science and data (数据) to make decisions.
4.Decide to Do Well
  Everybody makes decisions in daily life. They can be as important as what you will do in the future or as simple as what you will eat for breakfast. Any decision could be the turning point of your life.
  I made an important decision when I was in Junior 3.
  Before I made that decision I was one of the boys who tried too hard to act as an adult. I didn't know that only kids wanted to show themselves as adults.
  I didn't listen to my parents and teachers, and my grades became poor. Then came the high school entrance exam.
  At the turning point of my life, my mom wanted to have a conversation with me. I wanted to turn it down but when I looked at her eyes, I felt I couldn't refuse. Instead of asking me to study hard, to my surprise, Mom just asked what I wanted to do in the future. Without thinking too much, I just said I would like to study hard.
  Mom smiled and asked again, "I asked:what do you WANT to do?"I never seriously thought about the question. So, I kept silent.
  "Whether you want to go on studying or enter the society, " she went on, "it is your own decision. Your life ought to be decided by you, not by anyone else, including me. "After saying that, she had tears in her eyes.
  For the first time in my life I was asked to make my own decision. I sat in my chair and thought about myself, my life and what kind of person I wanted to become.
  It took me what seemed to be ages to make the biggest decision so far in my life — I wanted to be a man who makes a difference in the world. To achieve that, I needed to study hard.
  The path to my future became clear to me. I didn't act rebelliously any more. With passion (激情) in my heart, I studied hard.
  Now, I'm 17 and I'm in one of the best schools in my city, in one of the best classes at the school and I am one of the best students in the class.
  Thanks to that decision, I have become what I am today.
5.配对阅读上栏是五个人的购物需求描述, 下栏是七种产品的介绍. 将五个人与符合他们需求的产品配对
  (1)      Bob is often late for school because he always gets up late. This makes his teacher mad. He needs to buy something to wake him up in the morning.
  (2)      Tim likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e﹣mails to his customers every day. He wants to buy something that can help him.
  (3)      Summer has come. Tony is fat and he can't sleep well on such hot days. This troubles him a lot. He'd like to buy something to make him feel cool.
  (4)      Alice often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She is going to buy something that can dry her hair in a short time.
  (5)      Susan is a housewife. She has to do the washing for her family every day. She gets tired of it. She is in need of a product to do it for her.
A. This electric product can make you cool during the hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the humidity(湿度)of your room.
B. You can do many things with this product, such as sending e﹣mails, playing games, getting on line and so on. You can also listen to the music with it when you want to relax.
C. This electric product is useful to all of us. People often have one at home. It is often put up on the wall. If you want to know the time, just take a look at it.
D. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. What you need to do is to return it on and later hang the clothes on the line. With this electric product, life will be a lot easier for you.
E. Each family needs this product. You can use it to store meat, vegetables, fruits, drinks and medicine. It can keep them cool and fresh so that they will not go bad easily on hot days.
F. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up with a piece of music any time you want, but you have to set the time first.
G. When you wash your hair, you need this product. It can make your wet hair dry in a minute. It can also be used for drying your wet clothes or some other wet things.
6.  My People, My Country, (1)       Chinese film made in celebration (庆祝) of the 70th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China (PRC), hits American theaters on Tuesday.
  Hundreds (2)       people attended the premiere (首映) of the film held in a theater in America, on Monday night. Waving Chinese flags in their (3)       , the audience sang "My People, My Country" (4)       at the beginning of the movie.
  There (5)      seven short stories in the film. The film focuses on important historical moments (6)      the founding of the PRC in 1949. It's very (7)      . It appears on big screens of over 100 cinemas in 54 cities from Tuesday.
  Many Chinese audience were deeply moved by the film. They expressed (表达) their (8)      wishes for a better future for the motherland. They said, "We miss our homeland and always dream of (9)      home."
  My People, My Country is sweeping the Chinese film market, grossing more (10)       284 million yuan (40. 15 million U. S. dollars) on its first day of screening in Chinese mainland on Monday.
7.  More and more people in China are now sharing parts of their lives with people all over the world by videos on their phones. Some people send videos of personal events, like holidays and wedding, to other people.
  Live streaming (直播) is especial popular among the people aged 18 to 35. Besides leaving comments, they can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying gifts, such as flowers, toys and cars for them online. The latest example was the Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui. She did a one-hour live streaming, which attracted more than 11 million viewers.
  What's more, live streaming allows users to communicate with strangers and express themselves. A 19-year-old college student called Nic Li says she spends three to four hours each week talking and singing with viewers through one app called Ingkee. "Sometimes I feel lonely and want to talk to people, so I do live streaming," she says.
  However, there are worries about the misuse (滥用) of live streaming. Papi Jiang promised to correct her unsuitable and impolite language after she was warned by government officials (官员). As there are over 80 apps and 300 websites for live streaming in China, the Internet regulators can hardly monitor what's going on all the time. "We support the use of live streaming. But people should be aware of both advantages and disadvantages of it." One of the officials said.
8.随着"抖音"等各种各样的网络直播软件的出现, 越来越多的人喜欢在网上分享自己的生活, 请你写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你对这种现象的看法, 内容包括:
1. 人们通常在网上分享哪些内容(至少2点)?
2. 在网上分享自己生活的利与弊(至少1点);
3. 呼吁人们正确使用网络直播来分享自己的生活.
  With the popularity of live streaming, more and more people like to share their daily life on the Internet. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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