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1.  Many people love traveling by plane but I don't like it. It always (1)       long time to go to an airport (机场) because it is always far from our homes. So if you want to take a plane, you need (2)       to the airport very early. If the plane leaves (3)      9:00 am, you have to get up before 6:00 am. Then, you have to stay at the airport for (4)      . On the plane, you can't open the windows and you can't walk everywhere, (5)      
  It will be easy if you take (6)       train. Of course taking a train to travel may take much time. (7)       it is still one of my favorite ways. I think (8)       is safe to take a train.
  And if you are late for (9)       train;you can take another one. If you are (10)      in the beautiful pictures outside the windows, the train is better.
2.  Human Beings (人类),
  Hey! We are bats! Many of you are now (1)       of us, aren't you?There is corona virus (冠状病毒) all over the world . Many people say the virus comes (2)       us and they think we are the killers. Grrr! We are not happy about this.
  We bats live on the earth for about so million years. How about you humans?We have super immunity (免疫力), so we can (3)      with many viruses.
  Let us tell you some of the viruses can (4)      you. Well, it's true that we are very dangerous. We know this (5)      we try to keep away from you. We go out only at (6)      the most of you are sleeping. But some of you (7)      how dangerous we are. You kill our brothers and (8)       and eat them. The viruses in the bats can kill these people. How foolish (愚套的)they are! I hope you will (9)      a lesson from the coronavirus break. Don't eat or kill wild(10)      , please.

3.第一节:阅读下面ABC三篇短文, 从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案.
 Hi I'm Bruce. I'm from South Africa I'm good at sports and I can run very fast. Mary people are afraid of me because I look scary. 
 Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Thailand. I'm friendly. Do you want to make friends with me?I can play soccer with you. I'm good at it. 
 I'm Buzz. I' m from Australia, but now I live in a zoo in the USA. I'm shy and quiet. I like listening to music. And I can dance. 
 I'm Toby. I'm from China. Do you like Chinese kungfu?I can show you. Mary people like me. They think I'm cute and beautiful. Do you think so? 
4.  As we all know there are different kinds of clubs in the US middle schools, such as the music club, the sports club, the chess club and the swimming club. But do you know the homework club?
  Many students spend their afternoons in the homework club. The US middle school students need a quiet place to study. But games, computers and TVs are all around them at home. So the homework club is just for them to do their homework. The club is quiet and it's also good for students to read their favorite books. Some teachers are there, too. They can answer students' questions and help with their homework.
  After the students finish their homework, they can go home. Then they can play games or watch TV happily.
5.  A farmer has four lambs (羔羊). One is black, and the other three are white. The black lamb is kind to the white lambs. But the white lambs don't want to make friends with him, They think he is ugly. The farmer always gives bad food to the black lamb.
  One winter day, the four lambs go out to eat grass They go far away from home. Suddenly, it begins to snow. It is such a heavy snow that the ground is all white soon. They get lost.
  When the farmer finds that his lambs are not home, he goes out to look for them. There is snow everywhere. Suddenly, he sees something black. He goes to it. Oh, it is his black lamb!And the white lambs are there, too. The farmer says happily, "Thanks to the black lamb, I can find you!"

6.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
Dear Mom,
  (1)      I'm very well at school.: Do you want to know about my after-class time?
  Well, the classes finish at half past four. (2)      On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I usually go to the library and read books. It's relaxing. I play ping-pong with my classmates on Wednesdays. (3)       But I like it. On Fridays, I always go to the art club. I like drawing. I can draw dogs well now. We usually have dinner at six o'clock.
  In the evening, we study in the classroom from 7:00 — 8:30. We usually do our homework. Science is difficult, but my friend Alan helps me with it . I often either listen to music or talk to my friends before bedtime. (4)      
  Remember to pick me up (接我) at five o'clock on Friday afternoon.
Li Hua
A. On Mondays, I always go to the music class.
B. I'm happy to get your letter (信).
C. Then we go to bed at ten o'clock.
D. I'm not good at it.
E. Best wishes (祝福).
F. And I like to listen to what you say.
G. I usually go to school by bus.
7.我相信, 如果你尽最大努力, 你的梦想就会实现.
I believe you can make your dream      if you try your best.
What a dirty       it is! Let's clean it right now!
My parents are very        my sister.
We think it is       difficult.
There are        students in our school.
12.用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空, 使短文完整正确.(每个单词限用一次.每空限填一个单词.)
noise, rule, music, think, America, health, weekend, he, have, run 

  Jim is a new student in No. 1 Middle School. He is a(n) (1)      boy. Many students live near the school, just like (2)      . It's only about 15 minutes' walk from his home to school.
  The school makes a lot of (3)      for the students. For example, students can't be (4)       in class. Also, they can't (5)       in the hallways or speak loudly in the library. Look! Jim is running and they are (6)      the P. E. class. He likes doing sports because he thinks it can help him to keep (7)      . Jim's favorite subject is s music. That's because he wants to be a (8)      in the future. On (9)       , he also takes violin classes. He is very busy but he (10)      his life is colorful.
13.Volunteers (志愿者) Wanted
working places ■Old People's Home
▲Children's Hospital
●City Park 
working time from August 1st to August 7th 
work   Aug1st Aug2nd Aug3rd Aug4th Aug5th Aug6th Aug7th 
morning ■   ▲         
afternoon   ● ● ■ ▲     
evening ●   ■   ■     
you can 1 Sing and dance. 2 Be friendly to the kids and play with them. 3 Talk with the old people in many dialects. 
 call us at 029-12345678. 
14.A:Hi, Anna. (1)      ?
B:I am just doing my homework. There is an exam next week. But I want to relax today. How about going to the movies today?
A: (2)      . I like movies.
B:(3)      ?
A:We can take No. 11 bus to the cinema (电影院).
B: (4)      ?
A:Let me see. It takes about 25 minutes to get there by bus.
B:OK. Then let's meet at 3 pm.
A:OK. (5)      .
B:See you.
15.连词成句.请根据图画场景和各题提示词及标点创写语法正确、符合语境的完整句子.(每题限写一个句子, 提示词以外词语不超过3个, 缩写算一个单词.)
 (1)what, boy, do, in, picture
(2)he, is, play, soccer.
(3)he, like, play, soccer, in, park
(4)he, often, go, to , park, bus
(5)park, big, beautiful
16.西安地铁三号线火遍互联网被网友称为西安最浪漫的地铁.三号线的桃花潭站因为桃花潭公园而得名.春天的桃花潭公园繁花盛开, 流水潺潺, 有人在湖面泛舟, 孩童在一旁玩耍.假如你是一名西安旅游文化推广的小使者.请你写一篇出行攻略, 同时向市民发出"文明出行"的倡议书让大家能够到桃花潭公园游玩, 亲眼看"开往春天的地铁", 欣赏古城西安的美景.
1. 不少于70词.文章开关已给出.不计入总词数.
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称.
Information基本信息 25 kilometers from school; 50 minutes by bus; 25 minutes by car 
Activities 游玩活动 play sports;take photos... 
Rules don't throw rubbish (扔垃圾); don't pick flowers (摘花) 

  Spring is coming. Many people come to Taohuatan Park with their family and friends. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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