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1.  Biking 2, 500 miles in 71 days, from Guangdong to Tibet (西藏), a father-and-daughter pair finished a special trip together.
  Tou Haobei and his 4-year-old daughter started the trip in April, (1)      the father decided to spend some time with his daughter together. Tou had already done the trip many times before, but never with his daughter. This time, his daughter followed him in a (2)      trailer (拖车) which was for their trip.
  Tou recorded the trip and showed some photos and videos online. It (3)      him over 14 million likes and 1. 7 million followers. He saw the trip as a birthday gift to his daughter.
  It was (4)      fun trip. Along the way, they walked along Erhai Lake in Yunnan, rode horses at Yulong Snow Mountain, and climbed over Dongda Mountain (5)      Tibet.
  The trip also warmed Tou's heart. "Many kind people don't know (6)      but gave us food and other things on the road, "Tou said. "And there were (7)      who lit up the road behind us at night."
  Once they had problems and (8)      too tired to continue biking, villagers nearby offered them a place to rest. (9)      their thanks, they bought gifts for children there.
  Tou hopes this trip will teach his daughter a lot. "While other 4-year-olds are crazy about cartoons, I hope there are poems and dreams in your life," Tou wrote to his daughter.
  Many people (10)      by the father when they knew the story. "Childhood is short so it is very important for children to stay with their parents," someone said.
2.  On a sunny afternoon, I felt a little bored at home. So I wanted to do (1)      interesting. Then I went out to the park. There were many people there. Some were painting pictures. Some were playing chess. Others were (2)      kites. Beside the square, some people were shooting arrows. I decided to try shooting arrows myself — it looked fun.
  I saw one woman pick up an arrow and (3)      it after taking a moment to aim. The arrow flew through the air beautifully. But it fell to the ground and (4)      the target (靶).
  It seemed that she didn't put enough strength (力量) into her shot. While I was thinking about what I should do, it was my turn to shoot. I focused (聚焦) my (5)      on the target and shot the arrow with all of my strength. But the arrow missed the target and fell in the grass. I shot three more arrows, but all of them missed. I (6)       if I made some mistakes while shooting. Or I didn't have the skills. But I didn't want to (7)      . So I decided to take one more shot. I took a deep breath and put one foot forward to keep my balance (平衡). I focused hard on the target and shot the arrow. This time, I hit the target. How (8)      I was!
  In our daily life there are many things that are not as (9)      as we imagine. There are challenges everywhere. But if we focus on one thing at a time and learn from (10)      , we will win in the end.
3.  About 500 years ago in China, there was a traveler. He spent 30 years traveling across China. He was Xu Xiake.
  Xu was born in Jiangsu province. When he was a child, Xu enjoyed reading books about Chinese mountains and rivers. He decided to see them when he grew up.
  At that time, many kids were studying hard to become officials (官员). But Xu's father encouraged his son to go out and discover the world. Xu began his journey when he was about 20. Before he left, his mother made him a traveling hat to encourage him to travel.
  Xu traveled to 21 provinces and over 100 cities in China. He climbed thousands of mountains and explored over 350 caves.
  Xu was the first person to find the highest peak (山峰) of Huangshan Mountain. He was also the first to find lots of karst caves (喀斯特溶洞). What's more, he first discovered the Yangtze River's headwater.
  Xu traveled mostly on foot. He slept and ate in the wild. He was robbed three times. Sometimes he fell into rivers or ran into dangerous animals. But Xu was not afraid and enjoyed his journey.
  Xu kept a diary while traveling. The Travel Diary of Xu Xiake is still popular today.
4.  People come to know the importance of protecting wild animals. So far, many countries have made laws to stop people from abusing wild animals.
  France's environment minister has announced a ban (禁令) stopping wild animals from performing in traveling circuses (马戏团). The nation joins over 20 other Europe — an countries with similar bans. The goal is to treat wild animals well in line with modern best practices.
  Barbara Pompili, the minister, said that bears, tigers, lions, elephants and other wild animals won't be allowed in traveling circuses in the coming years. She said this could affect (影响) about 80 circuses and about 230 animals. However, the ban doesn't affect wild animals in zoos.
  The ban also said that ocean parks won't be able to bring in dolphins or whales, and no new ocean parks will be built. Barbara said, "It's time to have a better relationship with wild animals" The new rules will also bring an end to mink farming (水貂养殖), where animals are raised for their fur, in the next five years.
  Barbara didn't give an exact date for the ban in traveling circuses, saying the project animal.
  The French government will give $9. 2 million to help people who work in circuses and ocean parks to find new jobs. The change will happen over several years because it will change the lives of many people.
  Animal protection groups celebrate the news, but people working in circuses aren't happy.
5.  Not long ago, a set of bilingual (双语的) picture books for children came out. They have be﹣come popular overnight. They're about ancient Chinese poetry and translated (翻译) by the famous translator-100-year-old Xu Yuanchong, In fact, he translated large numbers of classical Chinese poems into English and French, and helped spread Chinese culture to other parts of the world.
  Xu was born on April 18, 1921, in Jiangxi, China. He graduated (毕业) from the National Southwestern Associated University and the University of Paris. He was a professor at Peking University. He was crazy about ancient Chinese poetry. He says Western poetry is mainly about heroes and wars. while Chinese traditional classics are about people and labor. He believes it's necessary and important for Chinese kids to learn poetry in different languages to understand Chinese culture and enjoy the beauty of languages.
  Besides translating ancient Chinese poems into foreign languages, Xu also translated many British and French works into Chinese , like King Lear and Madame Bovary. In2010, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation in China. And he is the first Chinese translator to win the "Aurora Borealis" Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature.
  Here is a well﹣known story about his translation skills. To translate Chairman Mao Zedong's famous expression "Bu Ai Hong Zhuang Ai Wu Zhuang", English or American translators might use the words:They love uniforms not dresses. But Xu thought that this translation was correct but not beautiful at all. He cleverly used just two word "face" and "powder" (香粉, 火药) "to translate it as "To face the powder and not to powder the face", which became one of his excellent pieces of translation work.
6.  As a teen, you're going through lots of changes in your body. And, as your body changes, so does your self-image (自我形象). (1)      Maybe sometimes your looks can bring down your self﹣esteem(自尊). However, if you have a positive (积极的) body image, you will like and accept yourself the way you are. For example, you can find out other parts of growing up, like developing good friendships, becoming more independent from your parents and challenging yourself, which can help you improve your self-esteem.
  Ignore (忽略) your shape or size.
  Try to think how strong and healthy your body is and the things it can do, not what's wrong with it or what you feel you want to change about it. If you worried about your weight or size, check with your doctor to make sure that things are okay. But it's no one's business but your own what your body is like — you have to be happy with yourself.
  Humans are not perfect. It's what makes each of us special! Everyone — even the most famous person — has things that they can't change and need to accept. Tell yourself that real people aren't perfect and perfect people aren't real.
  Set goals.
  If there are things about yourself that you want to change and can, do this by making goals for yourself. For example, if you want to get healthy, make a plan to exercise every day and eat healthily. (4)       Meeting a challenge you set for yourself is a great way to improve your self-esteem!
  Give yourself praises.
  (5)      Also, every night list three things in your day that really make you happy. It can be anything:the way the sun felt on your face, the sound of your favorite singer, or the way someone laughed at your jokes. By thinking the good things you do and the bright parts of your life, you can change how you feel about yourself.

A. Realize humans are imperfect.
B. Realize humans are perfect.
C. It's not always easy to like every part of your looks.
D. Then record your progress until you reach your goal.
E. Here are a few tips for improving your body image:
F. Try building your self-esteem by giving yourself three praises every day.
G. Try giving yourself three praises by building your self-esteem every day. 
The 24th Winter       will be held in Beijing.
8.由于大雨, 上个月好多河水都溢出来了.
The water in many rivers       last month because of the heavy rain.
9.在学校里, 习近平和学生分享了他在农村的经历.
Xi Jinping       his experiences in the countryside with the students in the school.
You had some careless mistakes       .
The       in the movie the Battle at Lake Changjin moved us deeply.
I decide failure taste good salt father hang be small 

  When I was young, I was always frustrated (挫败的), and almost everything ended in failure. I (1)       out everywhere all day. When my father saw me like that, he (2)       to cheer me up.
  One day, he gave me a cup of water and asked me to taste it. I found it (3)      . My father said he just put one small spoonful of salt in the cup. And then, he led (4)       to a lake, where he threw a big handful of salt into the lake, and scooped (舀) up a spoonful of water and let me (5)       it again. He asked, "Does it taste salty?"
  "Not at all, it tastes (6)      ." I said. My father said, "Now you may know the root (根源) of your pains: You (7)       just a cup of water, not a lake. Be a lake and you won't feel sad anymore."
  I came to understand my (8)       purpose. I feel sad that my heart is as (9)       as a cup of water without great dreams.
  To be a lake with great dreams, your feelings of (10)       and frustrations (挫折) will be melted (融化) like the salt thrown into the lake.
13.  Family activities are very important to Germans. Many people set up "family day" to spend time with each other and board games play a big role in it.
  German-style board games are one of the most popular kinds of board games in the world. The games have easy-to-understand rules. Usually, the games last an hour, which is much shorter than many other kinds of board games, for example, the American-style ones that often last more than two hours. Not only are the games themselves fairly short, the time between turns is also short. So players aren't sitting around waiting for each other. They are communicating with one another during their turns.
  German-style board games always have interesting themes (主题), such as art, landscape building or planting. The look of the game is also important. As they are beautifully designed, they are called "designer games" too.
  German-style board games are won by using strategy (战略). All players stay in the game until it's over and each player's actions influence the choices of the others. You have to think carefully and communicate with other players to win. Therefore, it is perfect for a family night:All the family can join in the game and have fun together.
  Almost every German family has several board games at home and even children are experienced in them. It is a sign how much they value their family . Playing board games in Germany, just like family dinners in China, is a traditional way of developing relationships with each other.
14.A: May I ask you some questions?
B: (1)      .
A: How do you spend your free time?
B: Many ways. I can do some interesting things besides my homework.
A: (2)      ?
B: Listening to music, reading books and chatting with friends. (3)      ?
A: It seems I have nothing to do except for studying. I feel bored sometimes. Can you give me some advice?
B: Of course. You can volunteer with us in the old people's home if you like.
A: Sounds great. (4)      ?
B: We go there once a month. We'll go there tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?
A: (5)      . When shall we meet?
B: At 9:00 a. m.
15.我们身边有很多普通人, 他们的优秀品质无时不刻在影响着我们.假如你是李华, 请根据图片提示描述你的父亲及他做过的令你敬佩的一件事.

a doctor, work hard, play sports with me, last Sunday,
friendly help patients be strict with me…
要求:1. 参考提示信息, 可适当发挥;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
4. 文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名, 校名和地名等);
5. 词数:不少于70个词, (开头结尾已经给出, 但不计入总词数.)
  My father is a popular doctor in the hospital. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I am proud of my father and I want to be a person like him in the future.
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