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1.  Some children enjoy playing football, and they practice heading the ball often. (1)      there is a new rule in the UK-children under 12 now (2)       head the ball in football practices.
  As we all know, small children's heads are not strong enough. If the young (3)       practice heading a lot, it will be bad (4)       their health — they can have a concussion (脑震荡)(5)      
  Because of this, the UK decided (6)       the rule. The US has such a rule, too. It bans (禁止) children under 10 from heading. (7)       the rule bans heading the ball in practices, it doesn't ban that in football games.
  People have (8)       ideas about the rule. Some of them (9)       it. They think heading the ball is (10)       important part in the game, Sometimes it can make a difference. What's your idea about the rule?

2.  In a classroom. Garry Golden is sharing his ideas with some university students. Golden is a futurist (未来学家). Futurists are scientists who study the world today and use that information to make (1)       about the future. Some futurists (2)       the environment. Golden studies traffic (交通) — the science of (3)      to move people from place to place.
  Golden says there will be fewer (4)       in cities in the future.
  "Cars (5)       a lot of space," Golden says. "We have to build lots of parking lots (停车场) for (6)      , but having so many parking lots isn't always helpful. Much of the time the parking lots are empty." Golden says cities will make new laws to limit (限制) the number of cars in the future.
  "Buses have the same problem (7)       parking lots." Golden says. Sometimes they are (8)       and sometimes they are empty. Golden says in the future people can use phones to send messages when they want to (9)      the bus. And buses can change their ways to pick them up.
  "Traffic is a big problem for cities today," Golden says. "(10)       there are so many things we can do to improve it. I believe that in thirty years we will live in a very different world. "
Dear Susan,
Thank you for remembering my big day! I love your gift. It is the best seller (畅销书) of the year 2020 and its pictures show me how to prepare and cook food. It makes cooking an easy and interesting thing. Oh. my dinner today comes straight from it.
Thanks again!
Dear Ben.
The T-shirt you gave to me is gorgeous! I can't believe you made it yourself! It looks like the one in a boutique (精品店). There is my favorite cartoon Hello Kitty on it and it is comfortable. Now I wear it every day!I'm so lucky to have a friend like you!
Dear Jason.
Thank you for turning my birthday party into a concert. I'm so surprised! I'll never forget the special day. You play the piano very well. I'm happy to have a brother like you!Thank you very much!
4.  Last Saturday I went to a park with my family to enjoy a relaxing time. My six-year-old son met a boy there. They didn't know each other. My son had a soccer and they played it together.
  After they finished playing. we sat under a big tree and started to have lunch. But the boy didn't leave. My son wanted to invite him to have lunch with us and I agreed. My son gave him some delicious food and the boy ate it up. My son even shared his favorite cake with the boy.
  After lunch, the boy went away without saying "thank you". I was a little disappointed (失望的), but I knew my son was very happy today. What's more, he learned about sharing.
  I think sharing with others can bring us joy and happiness. When we are happy. share our feelings with others and let them feel it. too. When we are sad, it's also a good idea to share the sad things with friends.
5.  A school was across from my house. I often watched kids playing basketball from my window. One day. I saw a little girl playing basketball with a group of boys. She was short. but she played so well that no one could stop her. Sometimes, I saw her practice by herself from morning to night.
  Another day, I met her in the school and asked her why she practiced hard. She said. "I want to go to college. The only way is to get a scholarship (奖学金). If I can play basketball well enough. I can get a scholarship. My father told me if the dream is big enough, the facts aren't that important.
  Two years later. I saw the girl sitting in the grass with her head down. She seemed up set. She said, "I'm too short. My teacher said I could never play for a top college's basketball team. ""What does your father say?" I asked. "He disagrees with my teacher. He says the teacher just doesn't understand the power (力量) of a dream. Nothing can stop me if I really want to get something.
  The next year, a recruiter (招生人员) was interested in the girl after he saw her play basketball. And she got a full scholarship to a college. Her dream came true.
6.  A man had a garden around his house. One day when he was working in his garden. An old dog came to his garden. (1)      When the man finished his work and walked to his house. the dog walked behind him.
  When they were in the living room, the dog jumped on the sofa, closed its eyes and slept. (2)       The man opened the door and let the dog out.
  The next day the dog came again. It jumped on the sofa and slept for an hour. (3)       The man wondered why the dog came to his house over and over again. He wrote on a piece of paper these words, "Every afternoon your dog comes to my house and sleeps for one hour on my sofa." (4)      
  The next day the dog came with a different piece of paper on its collar. It said. "The dog lives in a home with four children. (5)       Can I come with it tomorrow?"

A. Then the man put the paper on its collar (项圈).
B. The dog looked at the man and then lay down next to him.
C. It needs a quiet place to relax.
D. He was very friendly.
E. Then he left with a piece of meat.
F. After an hour, it woke up and walked to the door.
G. This happened every day for three weeks. 
In the beginning, I learned English by watching       .
8.我弟弟太矮了, 够不着书桌上的书.
My brother is too short to       the book on the desk.
      people went to the party.
10.Mary 昨天收到她妈妈的来信.
Mary      her mother yesterday.
11.这里有一个苹果. 请把它切成两半.
Here is an apple. Please cut it       .
festival tradition they usual prepare add early child temperature send 

  When autumn goes, winter comes. The weather becomes cold and the (1)       falls below zero. Soon the city is covered with white snow. In America, Christmas, one of the most popular (2)      , comes. Families (3)       get together to celebrate the festival.
  In my family, my parents always (4)       a Christmas tree. We place a big star on top of the tree and decorate (装饰) it with lights. At night, the Christmas tree looks more beautiful. It (5)      more fun to the festival.
  On Christmas Eve, we enjoy the (6)      American food together, like turkey and sweet potatoes. After that, carol singers (颂歌队)arrive and we join (7)       in singing Christmas songs. This evening, Santa Claus will arrive with gifts, but he only (8)       gifts to those kids who do something good. So (9)       are all ready to serve delicious food to Santa Claus, like cookies (曲奇饼)and milk. Next morning, children get up much (10)      than usual to look for their gifts. Then they spend the festival with their families happily.
13.  Do you know that almost each Chinese dish has its own story be-hind it? Now read the two stories about jiaozi-Chinese dumplings.
  The earliest record (记录) of jiaozi is from the Eastern Han Dynasty (东汉). It is said Zhang Zhongjing, a famous doctor in Chinese history. made jiaozi for the first time. He made jiaozi to help people keep healthy in cold winter.
  Another story about jiaozi has to do with Wang Xizhi, a calligrapher (书法家) in ancient (古代的) China. When Wang Xizhi was young. his calligraphy was so wonderful that many people liked it. Wang thought his calligraphy was good enough and he began to spend little time practicing it. One day Wang saw an old woman making jiaozi. Her jiaozi was in good shape and tasted delicious. Wang Xizhi asked her how long it took her to make such great jiaozi. She said, "Almost my life. If someone wants to be really good at something, he needs to spend his life doing that." Hearing that. Wang Xizhi knew that he should keep studying calligraphy. He spent all his time on it and became a great calligrapher finally.

14.A: Hi, Cindy. I know you like playing the violin in your free time. (1)      ?
B: No. I planned to be a violinist before, but now I hope to be a doctor like Zhong Nanshan. He is a hero in my heart. (2)      ?
A: Well, I want to protect cultural relics(文物)like Fan Jinshi when I grow up.
B: (3)      ?
A: Because I'm interested in history and I want to do the work about it.
B: Sounds great!How are you going to realize your dream?
A: (4)      . By the way, are you free this afternoon?
B:Yes. What's up?
A: (5)      . Would you like to go to the bookstore with me?
B: Sure. Let's go after lunch.
15.每个人的未来都有很多种可能.你的未来将会是什么样的呢?假设你有一个可以看到二十年后你自己的"时间胶囊", 请根据以下提示, 以"My future"为题, 写一篇文章介绍二十年后的你自己.
词数80左右.文章的开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
My future
  Everything will be possible in the future. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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