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1.阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案, 使短文连贯完整.
  Joel looked at the robotic (机械的) glove. It was made of metal (金属), with black and yellow paint. Joel decided (1)       it on. He put his hand inside and tried to lift (举起) a large stone. The stone (2)      up easily.
  Joel couldn't believe his eyes. (3)       the glove, he would be a superhero!He wanted to show it to his dad. He ran toward the front yard. Then he heard his dad talking to (4)       neighbor, Mr. Shore. "What does it look like?"Joel's dad asked. "It's a metal one, with yellow and black paint, Mr. Shore said.
  "I (5)      it,"Joel's dad said. Mr. Shore seemed upset. Joel took a deep breath and called out, "It's here! I found it in the backyard. I could lift (6)       huge stone with it."
  "That's it!Thanks, "Mr. Shore said. "I'm testing my new invention. I want to make it fly, but I think (7)       parts still need improvement. However, I don't know (8)       ."
  "It's a pleasure to help with your testing. It has been very good," Joel said. (9)      they were talking about the glove, they heard Joel's mom calling, "Joel, can you help me move the sofa?"Mr. Shore passed the glove to Joel. "Would you like to use it?""Sure!"Joel pulled it on and rushed inside. The sofa (10)       as light as a pencil. Joel felt like a superhero!
2.  The Readers is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage (台阶). The (1)      also tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything (2)      poems, books, and letters. By reading (3)      , the words on the paper come to life.
  Many people are fans of the show. They begin to (4)      on reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a (5)      place to read across China. It's a reading pavilion (朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an.
  The pavilion is very small. Only one person can (6)      it each time. There is a microphone (麦克风) in it and it (7)      people's voices. Everyone can read for 3 minutes in the pavilion. They can read (8)      they like. The show will pick some of the readers (9)       invite them to read on TV. All the readers can express their true feelings by reading aloud. That's (10)      they like the show. It's a good show.
3.  On a cold early morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of cabbages on her head to the market. She hoped to sell them to the people in the town. The mountain road was narrow (狭窄) and the old woman was walking carefully, because she did not want to lose her cabbages.
  Suddenly she heard a loud bell and a bicycle came round. It passed her and went very fast down the hill. The old woman had to jump up to one side of the road so quickly that the basket of cabbages nearly fell into the valley(山). She looked up, and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was riding on without even looking round to see whether the old woman was all right.
  The old woman began to shout, "Come back, young man!You dropped something!" When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off. Then he turned and began to push the bicycle back up to the hill. "What is it?" he asked. "What did I drop?"
  "Little boy," the old woman answered, "you dropped your manners."
4.  This is a list of some Chinese tea.
  Green tea Green tea is the oldest and most popular type of tea. It has been enjoyed in China for several thousand years. Green tea is made from the new shoots (嫩芽) of the tea leaves which are dried and processed. Longjing may be the most well-known brand of green tea.
  Black tea In Chinese and languages of neighboring countries, black tea is known as "red tea". It is made from the new shoots of the tea leaves which are fermented (发酵) and dried. It has a lovely red color. Dianhong and Qimen are popular brands of black tea.
  Wulong tea Wulong tea, also known as blue tea, is made from a mixture of green and black tea. It is said that people who drink Wulong tea can lose weight. Tieguanyin and Dahongpao are two famous brands of this popular tea.
  White tea White tea is unfermented tea that has been quickly dried. It is lighter in color than other types of tea. Popular brands of white tea are White Peony and Silver Needle.
5.  Our earth is in trouble. Our drinking water is becoming dirtier and the air is not as clean as before. People and factories are polluting the air, rivers, lakes and seas. You may think there is nothing you can do to help. That's not true. (1)      
  Cars burn oil. (2)      Some people believe that too much CO2 is making the earth warmer than ever. (3)       This can save some oil and produce less CO2.
  (4)      So turn off the air conditioner (空调) when you don't need to use it. Use lights that save energy. Use fewer things that cannot be used again. When you buy something. consider those made from things that can be used again first.
  A lot of water is needed for a shower. So take shorter showers. (5)      
  Every small action can make a big difference to our earth. Let's take action to protect it.
A. This can cut the use of water.
B. Air pollution is very serious.
C. This will make a lot of CO2 into the air.
D. So try to walk, ride a bike or take a bus.
E. Nobody can play a role in protecting the earth.
F. There are many things you can do to save the earth.
G. The biggest energy use a home is for keeping warm or cool.
6.无论他说什么, 我们都不再相信他了.
       he says, we won't believe in him any more.
The teacher       the students      four groups
Teenagers      choose their own clothes.
       I will finish reading this book.
10.除了Jim, 我们都同意老板的看法.
We all agree with the boss       Jim.
no; use; patient; but; send; develop; of; medical; treat; maybe 

  Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an important part of Chinese culture. For thousands (1)       years, it has made great contributions to the (2)       of Chinese nation and the health of Chinese people. Nowadays, both TCM and western medicine are being used to cure (治疗) (3)       all over the world.
  According to the survey, TCM is (4)       by 75% of the areas in China. Great successes have been made in many areas through TCM cure. To cure a serious stomachache, there is (5)      need to have an operation(手术). All you need to do is to drink a cup of TCM soup, (6)      the western way takes more time and money. What's more, most operations carry some risks.
  Reportedly, more than 3,100 (7)      workers from over 630 TCM hospitals across China were (8)      to support Hubei Province in the fight against COVID-19. TCM was used for (9)       60, 107 confirmed cases(确诊病例)in China, 85. 2 percent of the total. (10)       in the future, TCM will be the mainstream in the health services in China.
12.  Tanghulu, is a traditional snack (小吃) from northern China. It's also a necessary snack during the Chinese New Year season. Recently, in northern China, people welcome the return of spring by holding the Tanghulu Fair (庙会).
  Tanghulu is not only a kind of snack, it is also a sweet memory of the childhood. Every year, a large number of Tanghulu sellers get together to start delicious Tanghulu Competition during the Spring Festival holidays. In the past, this traditional snack only used hawthorns (山楂) but now it also uses grapes, oranges, strawberries and so on. They are rich in Vitamin C and E.
  Tanghulu is very popular in China, it also makes many foreigners want to taste it.
13.A: Hi, Jane! Your dress feels very soft. (1)      ?
B: It's made of cotton.
A: I see. It's very good. (2)      ?
B: It was produced in my mother's factory.
A: What? (3)      ?
B: Yes, it's made by my mother, and she makes many clothes every day.
A: (4)      ?
B: It usually takes her about three hours to make such a dress. It's easy for her.
A: Oh? Do you know (5)      ?
B: Sorry, I don't know. My mother hasn't shown me how to make clothes.
14."双减"政策(The"double reduction"policy)的出台让学生们有了更多的课余时间, 那么该如何利用这些时间呢?请你根据所示的思维导图, 并结合生活实际谈谈你的看法, 在下周的英语讨论课上和大家分享.

1. 要点齐全, 语句通顺, 可适当增加细节, 以使行文流畅;
2. 不少于70词(开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
How should we put the time to good use?
  Thanks to the "double reduction" policy, we have more free time than before. How should we put the time to good use? Here are some of my ideas. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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