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1.—Can he play ____________ violin?
—No, he can't. But I can play _____________ chess.
  • A. the;the
  • B. the;a
  • C. the; /
  • D. a;the
2.—Can she________ Chinese?
—Yes, she can.
  • A. say
  • B. speak
  • C. tell
  • D. talk
3.—Who will teach _____________ English this term?
—Miss Zhang will.
  • A. we
  • B. our
  • C. us
  • D. ours
4.—Do you get a new ______?
—Yes. I have much ______ to do every day.
  • A. work;work
  • B. job;job
  • C. job;work
  • D. work;job
5.—What time is it?
—It's 7:45 or _____________.
  • A. a quarter to eight
  • B. forty﹣five past seven
  • C. forty﹣five to eight
  • D. a quarter past eight
6.—Do you like basketball?
—No, I don't. So I _____________ play basketball or watch basketball games.
  • A. always
  • B. never
  • C. sometimes
  • D. usually
7.—How do you go to work?
—I usually _____________ to work.
  • A. take the subway
  • B. by bus
  • C. on foot
  • D. on a bike
8.— _____________ does it take you to get to school?
— It takes about 15 minutes.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How many
  • D. How old
9.—It's our dream to have a bridge.
—I'm sure your dream can ____________.
  • A. come true
  • B. come on
  • C. think of
  • D. cut down
10.—____________ up now! We have to go in ten minutes.
—OK, mum.
  • A. Getting
  • B. To get
  • C. Get
  • D. Gets
11.—It's too noisy here. Can you help me find a _____________ place?
—Yes. This way, please.
  • A. scary
  • B. quiet
  • C. funny
  • D. clean
12.—Don't forget _____________ your soccer ball to school tomorrow.
—Yes, I can.
  • A. bring
  • B. to bring
  • C. take
  • D. to take
13.—Where is your mother?
—She is buying some zongzi in the ____________.
  • A. kitchen
  • B. dining hall
  • C. supermarket
  • D. station
14.— My sister ______ English every morning. Now she ______ English.
— It is a good habit.
  • A. reads; reads
  • B. is reading; is reading
  • C. is reading; reads
  • D. reads; is reading
—Because they are very scary.
  • A. Why do you like tigers
  • B. Why don't you like tigers
  • C. How do you like tigers
  • D. Where are the tigers from
16.  Nick is like many other boys in his town. He goes to school, does(1)      homework, has fun with his friend and likes to do sports. But in his (2)       time from Monday to Friday, Nick dose something different(不同的). He makes (3)      for his mom, dad, brother and sister. They all like food Nick makes for dinner.
  "I think it's important for(4)      to learn how to cook. It isn't only parents' (5)      , " Nick's mother says. "Children need to learn school subjects, (6)      they also need other life skills(技能). I teach Nick how to make some easy meals. Now he can(7)      recipes (食谱)in books to make dinner."
  "I love cooking and I think I'm (8)       good at it. No friends around me can cook. They don't like it. I don't know (9)      . It's not difficult and it's great fun!" Nick says.
  At first, like other children. Nick is kind of lazy and doesn't help (10)      housework at home. So his mom isn't happy with him. But now, things are different.
17.Here are new four clubs in our school because of Double reduction policy("双减"政策) this term. Welcome to join them.
Chinese Calligraphy (书法) Club
Do you want to learn how to write traditional Chinese characters (字符)?Do you want to enjoy Chinese Calligraphy?Ms Zhao is waiting for you. Time:Every Thursday afternoon Room:105 
Beijing Opera Club
Are you interested in music, dancing, painting or beautiful clothes?You can enjoy all of these in our club. Sometimes we go to Mei Lanfang Theatre to watch Beijing Opera.
Time: Friday afternoon
Room: 107 
Taijiquan Club
Choose something new and fun. Taiji is an interesting and traditional kind of exercise. It's slow and quiet, but very good for your health.
Time: 5:30 pm﹣ 6:30 pm (from Monday to Thursday)
Room: 201 
Chinese Knot (结)Club
Do you like art?Come to our Chinese Knot Club. Make your own knots and learn something about Chinese culture. The traditional red knots bring you good luck.
Time: Tuesday afternoon
Room: 308 
18.  In Thailand there are many elephants. The elephants are very big and kind. They can carry heavy things, so they can do a lot of hard work for people. And they are very cute and clever. They can act (表演) and dance. Sometimes they can play games with people. Now people from all over the world go to Thailand to have fun with elephants. It is very interesting.
  But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand?It is Elephant Day. It comes at the third weekend of November. On that day, the elephants don't work or act, so they can have a good rest. The elephants can also wear colorful clothes. And people give them a lot of good food, such as fruit and vegetables, so they are happy and have a good time.
19.  I'm Bob. From Monday to Friday, my mother gets up at a quarter to six in the morning. She has a banana and some fruit juice. Then she runs in the park. I get up at a quarter past seven with my little brother. And the whole(整个的)family has breakfast at half past seven.
  When my brother and I go to school, my mother goes to work in the City Library. In the afternoon, she goes to a sports center. There, she meets the other members(成员)of her ice hockey team and practices with them.
  After school, I usually help clean the house and my brother waters the flowers. Our dad does the cooking. He always makes delicious food for us. My mom comes home at six o'clock. The house is tidy and the dinner is ready.
  My mother has an important match(比赛)in the City Stadium today. Now, my brother and I are watching her play. And I take this photo. She is playing very well. We think our mother is really great!
20.补全短文. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的A﹣F选项中, 选出5个适当的选项补全短文.
  Usually, winter is the best season for children. (1)       But is it a good season for all people?
  (2)       With winter coming, the night comes early and the day becomes (变得) shorter. Many workers say they usually have problems getting up early. (3)       Sometimes they don't have much time to visit their friends or take vacation.
  (4)       In the UK, about 200, 000 people have this problem. Doctors think it is the Winter Blues. In December and January, people can get the Winter Blues. (5)       The best way to do with the problem is to do more outdoor (户外的) exercise. Eating healthy food and keeping good eating habits also work. People can enjoy sunshine and clean air to solve the problem, too.

A. And it is also hard to finish their work in the daytime.
B. A study shows that winter is a bad season for workers.
C. It snows a lot and people have to wear many warm clothes.
D. But there are a lot of things people can do to stop the blues from coming on.
E. Making snowmen, playing snowballs and going skating are their favorites.
F. Many people feel unhappy about work because of the weather change (变化). 
21.  It is Saturday today. At six I get up and get (1)       (dress). At 6:40 I eat breakfast with my family. After having breakfast(2)      (quick), we walk to the subway station. When we take (3)       subway to the zoo, there are many people there. My mother likes pandas (4)       (good), so we go to see them first. Look!Some pandas (5)       (eat) under trees. My mother says, "They are so cute!" But I think they are kind of lazy. They sleep all day. Next, we see the giraffes. My sister is very happy. (6)      they are her favorite animals. My sister wants to give some food to them. But my mother stops her, "Don't do that!We can't give food to these animals. It's one of the(7)       (rule) in the zoo. " Then we see many other animals in the zoo.
  After we come back home from the zoo, our parents tell us, "Animals are our good friends. We should (应该) be (8)       (friend) to them. Many animals are (9)       danger now. We can do some things(10)       (save) them. " It is a great day today and I learn a lot.
22.—Lucy, I am busy cooking. Can you give me a hand?
—Mum, just wait a minute. I        (在铺床)now. (make)
23.—You can play the piano very well. What about Jim?
—He        (擅长游泳). (be)
24.       (记住不要迟到)for class tomorrow.
—OK!I will be on time.  (arrive)
25.—Do your sister and you help your parents do housework?
      (要么我要么我妹妹刷鞋) for our parents on Sundays. (either)
26.—Do you have much homework every day?
—Yes. But now it       (做作业要花费我半个小时) because of double reduction policy("双减").  (take)
27.假如你是李薇, 请你用英文给Molly写一封邮件介绍自己.
a. 你上学的方式及花费的时间;
b. 你喜欢的科目及喜欢的理由;
c. 你的兴趣特长及加入的俱乐部;
d. 你喜欢的动物及喜欢的理由.
(1)内容须包含以上所有提示信息, 可适当发挥;
(2)词数不少于70, 邮件的格式与开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Molly,
  I'm Li Wei from China. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Wei
期中试卷 最新试卷 湖北试卷 襄阳市试卷 2022年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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