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1.—What does the_____________on the board say, Dad?
—It says we can't turn left here from 4:00 p. m. to 5:30 p. m.
  • A. sign
  • B. note
  • C. message
  • D. postcard
2.Jane often buys her mother some flowers when walking_____________the flower shop.
  • A. along
  • B. past
  • C. across
  • D. over
3.—My bike is broken. Can you help me_____________it, Dad?
  • A. fix
  • B. buy
  • C. clean
  • D. ride
4.— Amy, is this ______ bike?
— No, it's Betty's. The one under the big tree is ______.
  • A. her; my
  • B. hers; mine
  • C. your; mine
  • D. yours; my
5.—Sorry, I can't think of ________ to help us design the room.
—Oh! Maybe Lucy can help. She always has some nice ideas.
  • A. someone
  • B. anyone
  • C. everyone
  • D. no one
6.—How beautiful these flowers are!
—Yes. Put your nose near them, and you will find that they also_____________good.
  • A. taste
  • B. smell
  • C. sound
  • D. hear
7.—_____________we_____________a film this evening, Linda?
—Good idea!What film is on?
  • A. Are;watching
  • B. Do;watch
  • C. Shall;watch
  • D. Must;watch
8.Dad is a doctor and he often works for over 12 hours a day. We really_____________his health.
  • A. sound like
  • B. think of
  • C. worry about
  • D. talk with
9.— Can you say the number 3, 813 in English?
— Yes. ______.
  • A. Thirty-eight hundred and thirteen
  • B. Three thousand and eight hundred thirteen
  • C. Three thousand eight hundred and thirteen
  • D. Three thousand and eight hundred and thirteen
10.—Simon, it's time to go to play football now.
—_____________I'm looking for my sports shoes.
  • A. What about tomorrow?
  • B. Sorry, I'm late.
  • C. Wait a minute.
  • D. No, thanks.
11.  It is a sunny day. Emily takes the (1)       to London with her family. This is her first time to leave (离开) her town. When they walk out of the train station, Emily starts to (2)      . There are so many cars on the road and she feels uneasy (不安的). Emily puts her hands over her ears, closes her eyes and thinks of her (3)       with flowers and green grass.
  "Open your eyes, Emily. You don't want to miss this, "her sister Diana says.
  Emily opens her eyes. People are everywhere (到处), and the buildings are (4)      , "Aren't there any gardens around here?" Emily (5)      .
  Diana says, "I know you miss the garden back home, but why not look at things around you? There are lots of (6)       things."
  Emily looks up and she finds something interesting. It's really (7)       her town. Emily feels better and asks her parents, "Where are we going?" Her parents keep it a secret (保密).
  "You'll (8)      ," her mum says to her.
  After ten minutes' walk, they (9)       at a shop." Whoa! It's a toy shop," Emily says.
  After they walk into the shop, Emily looks around it. There are so many interesting toys in it. She can't believe (相信) her eyes.
  "This is a (10)       place," Emily says. "I love it."
12.  Dunhuang Museum has an area of 16, 000 square metres. There is one preface(序言)hall and five exhibition(展览)halls in Dunhuang Museum. People can visit these halls one by one to learn Dunhuang's more than 2, 000 years of history.
  There are more than 10, 000 items in it. People can learn a lot about Dunhuang and the Silk Road here. Of course, people can take photos here.
  Type: A History Museum
  Recommended(推荐的)Visiting Time:About two hours
  Opening Hours:
  Closed on Monday
  May 1﹣September 30:9:00~18:30
  October 1﹣April 30:9:00﹣18:00
  =Address:No. 1390 Mingshan North Road, Dunhuang City
  Dunhuang Museum is only about 1. 5 km from the centre of Dunhuang City. So if you take a taxi to get there from the city centre, it won't cost much money. What's more, you can take Bus No. 3 to Dunhuang Museum.
  People can't visit Dunhuang Museum with pets.
13.  When I had a lot of food, . I cooked it over a fire or dried (使……变干) it in the sun. This way I would have meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun I learned to make pots to keep my food in. But I wanted very much to make a stronger pot﹣a pot that would not break in a fire. I tried many times, but I could not do it.
  Then one day, I was lucky. I made some new pots and put them in a very hot fire. They changed colour but did not break. I left them there for many hours, and when they were cold again, I found that they were hard(坚硬的)and strong. That night I was happy. I had hot water for the first time on the island(岛).
  By then, I also had my own bread. That was lucky too. One day I found a little bag. We used it on the ship to keep the chickens' food in. There was still some food in the bag, and I put some of it onto the ground. A month later, I saw something bright green there, and after six months, I had a very small field of corn(庄稼)and I was very happy. Maybe now I could make my own bread!
  It was easy to say but not so easy to do. It is a lot of work to make bread from corn. Many people eat bread, but how many people can take corn from a field and make bread out of it without help?I had to learn and make many new things, and it was a year before I cooked and ate my first bread.
14.  Do you like walking in the forest or climbing the hill?Studies (研究) show that staying in a green place will make people feel comfortable and happy. But how about blue places? They include beaches, rivers, lakes and some other areas with water. Are they good for people's health and mood (心情) too?
  "There are a lot of studies on how green places help with people's health, but not many on blue space (空间), "Mark, a scientist says.
  To learn whether (是否 )blue space has benefits (益处), Mark and his team make a study. It takes three weeks. In the first week, 59 people spend 20 minutes each day walking along a beach in Barcelona, Spain. Then, during a different week, they spend 20 minutes walking along city streets.
  In the third week, they spend 20 minutes just staying indoors. After each activity, the team uses some ways to assess (评估) people's mood and health. Then they find that walking in blue space really helps a lot.
  About 55%of people around the world now live in cities and there will be more in the future. It is important for people to build more blue and green space in our daily life.
15.  Do you know Habitat for Humanity?(1)      It has branches(分部)in different places around the USA. This group also works all over the world. (2)      They can be builders, painters, teachers or singers, and some even are students. These volunteers help families build houses. And they work for free(免费).
  Habitat for Humanity builds more than 300, 000 houses. More than 1. 5 million people live in these houses. Building a house is not so easy. Volunteers need to learn how to put up walls with machines. And the families in need work with the volunteers together. (3)      A house is more than a place to live. It's also about dreams and happiness.
  Julie works for Habitat for Humanity and she builds many houses with other volunteers together. Like other volunteers, she knows that many poor people need help to build their houses.
  (4)      And she feels happy with her work.
  The volunteers in Habitat for Humanity are really kind and helpful.

A. So she tries her best to help others.
B. It helps build houses for poor families.
C. Neighbours there often help each other.
D. There are a lot of volunteers in the group.
E. Because they know houses are very important.
F. How can you be a member of Habitat for Humanity?
16.Which of these       (key)can we use to open the door?
17.John is thirteen years old now. Next Sunday will be his       (fourteen)birthday.
18.Most of the       turn yellow or brown when cold days come. (leaf)
19.They are from Russia. So their lifestyle is different from       (we).
20.They are       (prepare)a party to welcome the May Day holiday.
21.The more you read his       (著作), the more you will learn about life.
22.My little brother Jim often       (跟着)me when I go out to play sports.
23.Jane lives on the top floor and Marry lives two floors       (在…下面)her.
24.Grandpa is learning to send       (消息)on WeChat.
25.To the       (西面)of the bank, . you will find the bookshop.
26.Grandma loves Beijing Opera and she never       (miss)any opera show in our town.
27.—May Day is coming soon, do you have any ideas, Sam?
—Well, What about       (row)a boat on the lake with me?
28.John hears his parents       (laugh)happily in the living room now.
29.Remember       (look)at the traffic lights before crossing the street.
30.I'm sure our hometown       (be)a modern town in the future.
Would       ?
Volunteers can       .
      with us?
I think       .
I am       .
There       .
37.假设你是Andy, 你们班本周六要去野餐.请根据提示写一封英文邮件, 邀请你们班的英语外教Ms Green一起去野餐.
Activity:a picnic
Time:10 a. m. ﹣1:00 p. m. , Saturday
Place:the park, east of the schoo
lDistance:one kilometer from the school
Route:walk along Spring Street;take the first turning on the right… 

要求:1. 短文应包含所有给出的信息, 并可适当发挥.
2. 字数70词左右(邮件格式已给出, 不计入总词数).
Dear Ms Green,
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