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1.William Shakespeare decided to be _________ actor at ____________ age of 14.
  • A. a;/
  • B. an; the
  • C. an;/
  • D. a; the
2.May I use______pen. ______works better.
  • A. your;Your
  • B. yours;Your
  • C. your;Yours
  • D. yours;Yours
3.The small bed was very comfortable. Very____Goldilocks was asleep in it.
  • A. soon
  • B. fast
  • C. quickly
  • D. quietly
4.Mozart was a great European______.
  • A. visitor
  • B. writer
  • C. musician
  • D. reader
5.—______ shall we meet for the picnic?
—At the school gate.
  • A. How
  • B. When
  • C. Why
  • D. Where
6.I can't play football. Dick ______play football either.
  • A. can't
  • B. can
  • C. mustn't
  • D. must
7.My English teacher is Ms Zhao. She is______but very nice.
  • A. friendly
  • B. good
  • C. polite
  • D. strict
8.Would you like coffee, tea______soda?
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. so
9.Like many people 400 years ago, Shakespeare's parents didn't learn ______or write.
  • A. reading
  • B. to read
  • C. reads
  • D. read
10.—Thank you for helping me with reading, Ms Wang!
—______ .
  • A. Good idea
  • B. Good luck
  • C. Thank you
  • D. You are welcome
11.The doctors worked for ten hours, ______nobody had a break.
  • A. till
  • B. so
  • C. but
  • D. when
12.Betty is looking forward to______her friends again.
  • A. see
  • B. seeing
  • C. to see
  • D. sees
13.Jenny and I ______ by plane on Monday.
  • A. moved
  • B. reached
  • C. got
  • D. arrived
14.Don't______late again.
  • A. is
  • B. was
  • C. to be
  • D. be
15.The Blue Danube is ______Strauss. I love his music.
  • A. by
  • B. through
  • C. upon
  • D. towards
16.There ______ a computer on every desk in the future.
  • A. will have
  • B. will be
  • C. is
  • D. was
17.My parents and I ______trees last Saturday.
  • A. plant
  • B. will plant
  • C. is planting
  • D. planted
18.People built the Globe Theatre again in 1614 and ______ .
  • A. in 1990s
  • B. in the 1990
  • C. in the 1990s
  • D. on 1990
19.—______you watch TV yesterday evening?
— No, I______.
  • A. Do;don't
  • B. Do;didn't
  • C. Did;don't
  • D. Did;didn't
20.—Hey, Tony! How was your weekend?
—______. I went to Tianjin Museum.
  • A. I was very good
  • B. It was great
  • C. The same to you
  • D. It doesn't matter
21.  (1)       is coming. A man stops at a flower shop to order (订购) some flowers. The shop will wire (异地购买递送) them to his mother (2)       that day. She lives two hundred kilometers away from his city.
  As he gets out of his car, he sees a little (3)       sitting on the roadside and (4)      .
  He asks her what is wrong and she (5)      , "I want to buy a red rose for my mother, but I don't have enough money."
  The man smiles and says, "Come in with me. I' ll (6)      you a rose."
  He buys the little girl a red rose in the shop and orders (7)       for his own (自己的) mother.
  When they are leaving, he wants to (8)      the girl to her home in his car. She says, "Yes, please! You can drive me to my mother."
  She takes him to a new grave (墓) and she puts the rose on it.
  The man seems to understand (9)       . He goes back to the flower shop, cancels (取消) the wire ones, buys some (10)      red roses and drives two hundred kilometers to his mother's house.
22.  Mr. Rice works on a big farm. He is a farmer. Every day his job is to feed lots of hens and ducks. Every morning, he gets up early. First, he exercises with his wife, Mrs. Rice. They usually run around their house. After that Mr. Rice helps his wife do the housework like cleaning and cooking. Then he rides his bicycle to the farm to work.
  Mr. Rice is very busy every day. From Monday to Sunday, he stays with his animals. He never takes his sons to any interesting places. So his sons are not happy with him. And the boys dislike their father. They don't think their father cares about them. Mr. Rice feels sorry for this. Next month , Mr. Rice decides to have a couple of weeks off. Then he will take his sons to New York on holiday.
23.  Cindy was eight years old and lived with her parents in California. One day, her parents told her that they would leave California in a week and move to Florida because her father found a new job there.
  A week later, after they moved to Florida, Cindy's mother took her to meet her new teacher. The teacher said, "Welcome to our school, Cindy. Let me tell you what we do in our second-grade class. We start the day with reading and writing. After that, we do maths. Then we go out to have a long rest for outdoor activities. We eat lunch at eleven o'clock. Then we have story time. After story time, we have science. Then we go to learning centers. There you can work on the computer, play a game, or read a book. Next, we have spelling (写字课). Finally, we go to music and art classes for the last hour of the day. Here is a time list of the subjects and school activities for you. There is some other information in it. I'll be glad to see you tomorrow, Cindy!I'm sure your new classmates will be glad to see you, too."
24.  Bats (蝙蝠) are the only flying mammals (哺乳动物) in the world. They can't see very well. People think that all bats are blind (瞎的). People often hear"as blind as a bat". Bats have no trouble flying on the darkest nights and finding their ways around very well. How can bats fly and see at night? They fly by radar (雷达)!
  Bats' radar system works the same way as the one that ships and planes use. When bats fly through the air, they make a sound that is too high for our ears to hear. If the sound hits things, it comes back. Bats' ears receive the messages. The messages can tell bats where the things are.
  Bats go out to look for food at night. In the daytime they hang in some dark places. Some people treat the bats as bad animals. In fact, they are useful animals.
A. Look! Here's my name "Tony"!
B. Did you lose anything?
C. Tony is looking for his watch.
D. Is it yours?
E. Where are you going?
F. When do people often lose things?
G. It's blue. 

A: Tony, you' re in a hurry. (1)      
B: Hello, Ms Liu. I'm going to the Lost and Found Office.
A: (2)      
B: Yes, I lost my watch.
A: What colour is it?
B: (3)       My sister gave me as a birthday present.
A: Look! I found one on the playground just now. (4)      
B: Let me see... Oh, it 's mine. (5)       Thank you, Ms Liu.
A: You're welcome! Look at this nice wallet. Is it yours too, Tony?
B: No, it isn't.
A: Please be careful with your things.
B: OK, I will.
       in the forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.
We Chinese often        and smile when we meet visitors.
The vase was       !
It 's not polite to stand too close to        .
Don't       the words while you are reading.
31.  Hans Christian Andersen was a famous writer of stories for children. He was born into a poor family in Denmark in 1805. His father died when the boy was eleven. Hans tried a few jobs. Finally, at the age of fourteen, he moved to the capital of Denmark to work in the theater. Then he went on to learn and later he travelled around Europe.
  His first book came out in 1822. He wrote many stories for children, but older people also found them interesting. Many of his stories became very famous, like The Ugly Duckling and The Little Match Girl. People still like to read them today and they can read them in many languages.
32.  A king is old and he knows it is time to choose a new king. He says to all the young people in his country, "I will give each of you a seed (种子). Plant it and (1)b      it back here one year later. Show me the plants you bring, and I' ll (2)c      a new king from you."
  A boy named Peter gets a seed, (3)t      . He looks after it carefully. But the seed doesn't grow at all. A year later, Peter has to take his empty (空的) box to the (4)p      . Others all take beautiful plants there and Peter feels (5)s      .
  The king gets to the palace and looks around. When he finds there is (6)n      in Peter's box, the king smiles and says to them, " One year (7)a      , I gave everyone a seed. In fact, all the seeds (8)c      grow. But all of you, except Peter, bring me beautiful plants. Peter is the only one with the honesty (诚实) to bring me (9)s      a box. So he will be the new (10)k      ."
33.请你根据所给的信息, 用英语写一篇短文描述你上周从周一到周五所做的一些事情.
周一 上了一节有趣的心理课; 
周二 我们班和二班有一场篮球比赛; 
周三 上午在操场上打网球, 但是突然下雨了, 所以进了体育馆: 
周四 放学后我给妈妈买了一束花, 因为那天是她的生日; 
周五 下午看了一场关于中国历史的电影. 

要求:1. 把所给的信息表达完整, 意思连贯, 语法正确.
2. 可适当发挥, 词数60个左右.
3. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇:心理课psychology class突然suddenly
体育馆gym一束花a bunch of flowers
  Last week I did a lot of things. I went to school from Monday to Friday. On Monday, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I had a wonderful week.
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