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 I'm Simon. I come from the USA. I usually eat cakes and drink milk with sugar for breakfast. 
 My name is Jack. I'm from the UK. I always have bread and a glass of juice for breakfast. My favorite is apple juice, but all the others in my family like orange juice. 
 I'm a girl from China. I'm Lulu. I always have soup and baozi (包子) for breakfast. Sometimes my mother makes noodles for me. 
Interesting Movie House
Date: September30th, 2021
Time :9:30 am—11:30 am
Place: On Green Street
Movie: Watergate Bridge
Ticket price: ¥55 
Rules of Interesting Movie House
Don't sell tickets to others.
Don't let children get into the hall by themselves.
Buy food only inside the hall.
Don't take photos.
Don't take your pets with you.
Keep quiet. 

3.  Every school has its rules. The rules are different. Here are some funny school rules:
  ●Japanese rules
  Most schools ask the students to wear uniforms, for example, sportswear or skirts. And in many Japanese schools, if the schools don't know, students can't go to cinemas, leave home in the evening or play video games (电子游戏).
  ●Different shoes in the US
  In some schools, students must wear indoor shoes every day. So the students won't fall down (摔倒), and they are safe on the floors. They must keep the school clean, too. Students can't chew gum (嚼口香糖), because it's hard to clean.
  ●No strange (奇怪的) hair in the UK
  Students can't have strange hair in some British schools. But the students can have it during the World
Cup (世界杯).
4.  In our city there is a big zoo. There are a lot of different animals in it. There are some tigers and lions. They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day.
  There are also two big elephants and a baby (婴儿) one. The elephants are very kind and friendly. They
eat much grass and many bananas.
  In the zoo, we can see different kinds of bears, brown (棕色的) bears and black bears. They are all slow and clumsy (笨拙的). They stand on their back legs and put up their front legs to ask for food. They like cakes very much.
  Do you like pandas? There's only one in the zoo. Her name is Lingling. She is very cute. She likes eating bamboo (竹子) a lot. She is kind of shy. She's very interesting and lovely.
5.  World Sleeping Day is on March 21st. (1)       As students, we need to sleep well, because our bodies grow fast when we are sleeping. We can learn better if we have a good sleep. Students about 13 years old need 9 hours of sleep every night.
  How can we get a good sleep? (2)      Our bodies need much air when we are sleeping. Next, when we are in bed, we cannot cover (遮盖) our heads with quilts. If we do, we will not get much clean air. Then, go to bed and get up at the same time every day. (3)      What's more, (4)      Don't drink coffee after supper. (5)      

A. You can drink a glass of milk before sleeping.
B. Early to bed, early to rise (起床).
C. eating a big supper is not good for your sleep.
D. First, open your window a little to let clean air in.
E. It wants to tell us sleeping is important for our health.
6.  With the coming of the "Double Reduction" policy (双减政策), some middle school students think their school days are relaxing and interesting now. They think they have more free time to do what they like to do. Here are two students' ideas.
  Zhang Mei, 13, from Changsha
  My school days are relaxing. I get up at about 7:00 on school days. Then I eat breakfast at home. My classes start at 8:00. School finishes at 7:30 p. m. I finish dinner at about 8:30 p. m. After dinner, I read books with my parents for about 30 minutes (分钟). After that, I go to bed.
  Li Bo, 13, from Beijing
  I like my school days very much. I have much free time now. I have dinner at about 8:00 p. m. Then I do my homework for about one hour. After that, I can do what I like. I can read my favorite books or sing (唱歌) my favorite songs. I think I'm happy now.
  What about your school days? Please e-mail us at Lisa714@sina. cn.
7.  Eileen Gu, 18 years old, is a role model (榜样) for girls. (1)      Chinese name is Gu Ailing.
  She is a freestyle skier (自由式滑雪) and grade — A student with (2)      American father and a Chinese mother. She has more than fifty gold medals (奖牌). Gu is proud (自豪的) to be a female (女性) skier, and she wants (3)      more women to do sports.
  She loves study and is good at all the (4)      . From Monday (5)      Friday, she goes to school like other students. Gu (6)      skiing when she was only three. On the weekend, she practices skiing. She usually (7)      her homework or sleeps in the car on her way. And it (8)      her eight hours to go to the ski hill and back.
  She also loves running, soccer, basketball, horse riding , and rock climbing. She is interested (9)      fashion (时尚) as well.
  "For me, the most (10)      thing in life is to find out what I want to do, then do my best and enjoy," says Gu.

8.  Tom is (1)      middle school student. He is studying in Grade 7. He usually (2)      (get) up at 7:00 o'clock in the morning. But today he gets up at 6:30. He goes to buy a big cake. After that he helps his grandparents (3)      (clean) their room, because it is his grandpa's birthday. His grandpa is going to be 78 years old.
  Tom buys two CDs about Beijing Opera (京剧) for his grandpa. He is sure his grandpa would like (4)      (they) very much, (5)      his grandpa likes (6)      (listen) to Beijing Opera.
  When Tom gets home at noon, his mother is making (7)      (noodle) with his grandma. They are laughing (大笑) and talking about something (8)      (happy). His grandpa is drinking tea and listening to Beijing Opera. He feels relaxed.
  Tom says, "Happy birthday (9)      you, Grandpa!" Then he cuts the big cake and gives grandpa a big piece. Grandpa is very happy and eats it.
  In the evening, Tom watches TV with his grandparents together. He is very happy because he can (10)       (make) his grandparents happy.
9.March 20
  Today we went to school early and had a school trip to the zoo. (1)We were very ercited about the trip. The bus went fast and we got there at 9:30. How beautiful the zoo was! There were a lot of trees, some flower, and a big lake. The birds sang in the trees and all kinds of fishes swam in the lake. There were different kinds of animals in it, like elephants, monkeys, tigers, lions and many other animals. (2)We liked to watch monkeys best. They played on the hill or had oranges, apples and bananas.
  (3)这个动物园里也有很多规则.We couldn't give food to the animals. We couldn't throw rubbish (丢垃圾) everywhere. However, we still had a lot of interesting things to do. (4)We took many nice photos and bought some gifts for our parents. We left the zoo at 3:00 in the afternoon.
  (5)总而言之, 我们玩得很开心!
10.假如你是李华, 下周班会课的话题叫 My best friend.请你以李华的身份介绍一下自己的好友.
Appearance(外貌) 个子高、黑色短直发、戴眼镜 
On weekdays 6:30起床, 早饭后步行上学.晚上跟父母一起看电视; 
Last weekend 跟父母去爬山、摘苹果, 累却开心; 

提示词:wear glasses;go climbing;pick apples
1. 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 书写规范, 可适当增加细节;(文章中必须包含表格中所有内容)
2. 不能出现真实的人名和地名;
3. 词数:不少于 50 词.
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