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1.They want to challenge themselves ________ the face of difficulties.
  • A. in
  • B. for
  • C. under
  • D. with
2.Mike found ________ in a very dangerous situation when climbing last year.
  • A. myself
  • B. yourself
  • C. itself
  • D. himself
3.You ________ never take such a risk. It's too dangerous.
  • A. should
  • B. can't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
4.The painter always uses the art as a ________ to show our Chinese culture.
  • A. fan
  • B. camera
  • C. tool
  • D. crayon
5.Shanghai is a big ________ city with a large population in China.
  • A. usual
  • B. modern
  • C. social
  • D. honest
6.I ________ when my mother came home.
  • A. sleep
  • B. am sleeping
  • C. slept
  • D. was sleeping
7.—What is the world's ________ wall?
—The Great Wall.
  • A. shorter
  • B. shortest
  • C. longer
  • D. longest
8.—Your sister likes the book Treasure Island.
—That's true. She ________ it twice.
  • A. read
  • B. reads
  • C. has read
  • D. is reading
9.You can't catch the school bus ________ you get up earlier.
  • A. unless
  • B. until
  • C. when
  • D. if
10.Although my parents meet some difficulties, they will never ________.
  • A. pick up
  • B. give up
  • C. put up
  • D. hurry up
11.  One day, a woman was drying rice outside her house. A sparrow (麻雀) flew down and began to eat some of the (1)       . The woman was angry and shouted, "You bad bird!" She (2)      the sparrow and cut off his tail feathers (羽毛).
  A kind old (3)      lived next door. They saw what happened and (4)       the sparrow to his nest (鸟巢) in an apple tree. They gave the sparrow a bowl of rice. The sparrow was (5)      and invited them to meet his wife. Then, the sparrow's wife brought two baskets, one big, one small. She asked them to (6)      one to take home. The couple chose the smaller basket. They were surprised to find the basket full of gold and jewels (宝石).
  When the woman (7)       this, she went to the apple tree. The sparrow's wife (8)      her a choice between the two baskets. She chose the (9)      one. She thought it had more gold. As soon as she arrived home, she opened it. (10)       instead of gold and jewels, the basket was full of angry birds. They flew around her head and ran after her!  
12.There will be many fun activities in our neighborhood this weekend.
Beijing Opera
Shajiabang will be on in Sunshine Movie Theater at 3:00 p. m. this Saturday!Ticket:50 yuan (Half the price for people over 60) 
Free Talk
To help people keep healthy, there will be a free talk in People's Hall. Time:9:30 a. m. , Sunday 
Cake-making Competition
Welcome to our DIY House!The competition is for children aged 10 to 12Time:3:00 p. m. , SundayPrice:30 yuanPrize:two movie tickets for Hi, Mom. 
Come to Han Mei's yard. You can get some old books and toys. Everything is at a good price.
Time:3:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. on Saturday & Sunday! 
13.  If you tell others you have been to a fairy (梦幻般的) place, how do they feel?Usually, they might say, "What an imagination you have!"
  That's what happened to Marco Polo. Marco Polo lived in Italy. In his time, very few people traveled. But Marco Polo's father traveled to other countries. Marco Polo went with his father. They went far to the East.
Marco met Kubla Khan (忽必烈). Kubla Khan asked Marco to work for him. Marco then became his helper and traveled all over China.
  After many years, Marco Polo came back to Italy. He wrote a book about China. It told all of the strange and wonderful things. But very few people believed him. No one else had been to China. They had no idea where China was. Almost everyone thought he'd made it all up.
  Many years later, other Europeans came to China. Then they found that Marco was right. Christopher Columbus read Marco Polo's book, and he believed it. He tried to sail to that part of the world. You know what happened. He found America after his long trip by ship.
14.  Rock climbing (攀岩) did not become a sport until the 1900s. Now it has become a popular activity.
  If you have ever done rock climbing, you will know that it is not a very easy sport. It depends on both your body and mind. Both indoor rock climbing and outdoor rock climbing need a lot of practice.
  To climb successfully, you must know about some rules. One important rule is to always have three parts of your body on the rock face. Another important rule is that your arms only hold you close to the rock face while your legs are pushing you up. The third rule is that the closer you are to the rock face, the easier it is to climb.
  Rock climbing is a wonderful sport. Once you start to learn how to climb, you'll find more fun. If you like games such as playing chess, you may also love rock climbing.Because they are nearly the same in the way of thinking. For anyone who wants to be in good shape, rock climbing is a fun and good way. Anyone who enjoys difficult games and loves sports could think of rock climbing as a new hobby.
15.  Have you ever been to India?For thousands of Chinese, India is (1)      good place to take a holiday. It's the (2)       (big) country in South Asia. India is the (3)       (two) largest English-speaking country. It has something (4)       (interest) to enjoy.
  For many (5)      (Indian), elephants are special animals. They are one (6)       the most famous symbols of India. People also paint elephants to help with (7)       (they) lives. Cows can walk around both towns (8)      cities in India, and nobody (9)       (try) to control them. Is it unbelievable?
  There are also lots of (10)      (peace) villages in India. Don't be afraid to find a place to relax if you travel there.
16.should, you, what, do
17.has, reading, Peter, the book, finished
18.China, than, is, older, America
19.there, in my room, many toy bears, are
20.homework, then, was, his, he, doing
21.学校英语俱乐部正在开展"好书伴我成长"系列活动, 请你以 "My Favorite Book"为题写一篇短文, 向同学们分享你最喜欢的一本书.
(1)What's your favorite book?
(2)What's it mainly about?
(3)Why do you like it?
(1)短文须包括提示中的三个要点, 可适当发挥;
(3)词数70左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
My Favorite Book
  Good books help us a lot. My favorite book is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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