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1.My brother Tom can play ________ ping-pong well, but he can't play ________ violin.
  • A. the, /
  • B. the, the
  • C. /, the
2.The mother lion is sleeping, so it is dangerous to ________.
  • A. wake up she
  • B. wake she up
  • C. wake her up
3.The boy usually stays up late to play computer games ________ Saturday night.
  • A. at
  • B. on
  • C. in
4.Mary often gets to school ______.
  • A. ride her bike
  • B. by a bike
  • C. by bike
5.There ________ a mother mouse and three baby mice in the story.
  • A. has
  • B. have
  • C. is
6.Listen! A man ________ Beijing Opera on the hill.
  • A. sings
  • B. singing
  • C. is singing
7.—Could I have ________ cup of tea?
—Sure. Here you are.
  • A. another
  • B. other
  • C. some
8.We practice ________ English every day.
  • A. speak
  • B. speaks
  • C. speaking
9.Bob doesn't know Japanese, and I don't know, ________.
  • A. too
  • B. either
  • C. also
10.— ______ do you like going camping?
— Because it's exciting and interesting.
  • A. Where
  • B. Why
  • C. When
A. What did you do?
B. Oh, you were so lucky.
C. Look, the photo is on my desk.
D. Did you have a good weekend?
E. What about you?
F. I watched a new movie and then went shopping with my mother. 

A: Hi, Ted. (1)      
B:Yes, I had great fun.
A: (2)      
B: I visited my cousin and played ping-pong with her. Well, how was your weekend, Jenny?
A: It was great. (3)       In the supermarket I met the famous singer, Zhang Wei.
B: Zhang Wei?The singer of The Voice of China?He is famous for High Song. (4)       Did you take a photo with him?
A: Sure. (5)      
B: Don't forget to ask me to go with you next time you go to that supermarket.
A: Oh, I know you hope to meet Zhang Wei.
12.W:Excuse me. (1)      ?
M:Yes, there is a restaurant near here. Are you new here?
W:Yes. This is my first time to come to the city.
M: (2)      ?
W:I'm from Sydney.
M: (3)      ?
W:I come to the city because I will work here soon.
M:Is there a dining hall in your office?
W: (4)      . So I have to go out to eat.
M:Oh. There is a great restaurant near here. Go down the street and turn left. You'll find it on the left.
W:Thank you very much.
M: (5)      .
A. make B. shopping C. on D. noisy E. terrible F. camp G. lost H. tell I. After J. shout K. clean L. could 

  My uncle Joe works in a small restaurant. He usually gets his money (1)      Friday. Last Friday he got his money and then he went (2)      . There were many people in the supermarket and it was very (3)      . My uncle bought lots of things, but he (4)      not find his money. He felt very (5)      .
  (6)      he went back home, he cleaned the house and cooked dinner. He wished to (7)      my aunt happy. When my aunt came home from work, she was very happy to see the (8)      house and the nice food. Then my uncle began to (9)      his story. My aunt wasn't angry (生气) and was still very happy. "I (10)      my money," my uncle said. "Why don't you blame (责备) me? "
   "Oh, dear!" my aunt said, "I'm thinking about how to make you happy."
14.Animal Shows in City Zoo
Elephant show 
Day: Sunday
Time: 10:00 — 10:30.
Place: Elephants' House 
Price:¥20\one adult¥10\one child (over 120 cm)Free\children under 120 cm 
Monkey show 
Day: Sunday
Place: Monkeys' House 
Price:¥10\one adult¥5\one child (over 120 cm)Free\children under 120 cm 
Dog show 
Day: Saturday
Time: 13:00 — 13:25
Place: Dogs House 
Price:¥10\one adult¥5\one child(over 120 cm)Free\children under 120 cm 
Lion show 
Day: Saturday
Time: 10:00—10:20
Place :Lions' House 
Price:¥30\one adult¥15\one child (over 120 cm)¥5\one child (under 120 cm) 
15.  At this moment (此刻) in different places of the world, people are doing different things.
  In Beijing, it's early morning. People are sleeping.
  In London, people are leaving work to go home. They are waiting for buses or running for trains. Some people are driving their cars. Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to the pubs (酒馆) to have a drink. In Moscow, it's evening and people are having supper at home or in restaurants. Some are going to watch a ballet. Some are drinking in the pubs.
  In Los Angeles, it's morning. People are working in their offices. Children are starting their lessons.
  New York is midday now. People aren't working but having lunch. They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs and drinking coffee or coke. Some people are seeing friends or shopping.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
16.  There is an old man in a house. In the house there are many mice. The old man has a cat. Every day the cat catches the mice and eats them.
  One day, the old mouse says, "All mice must come to my room this evening. We must find a way to deal with (对付) the cat."
  All the mice come.
  Many mice speak, but they don't know what to do. At last, a young mouse stands up and says "We must put a bell (铃铛) on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away. So the cat can't catch us."
  "Who can put the bell on the cat?" asks the old mouse. But no one answers.
17.  Different foods help your body in different ways. It's easy to know what foods are good for you.
  (1)      You need to eat the foods in different groups every day.
  You need a lot from the grain (谷物) group every day. Rice and bread are in this group. (2)      
  Eat enough vegetables each day. Eating more vegetables can help you keep thin.
  You also need some fruit each day. Keep fruit where you can see it. (3)      You can drink a glass of apple juice.
  You can eat a banana or a pear. Eating fruit may also make you feel happy.
  Try to drink milk each day. (4)      Drink one glass in the morning and the other at night.
  You also need something from the meat group. (5)      You need 80 — 120 g meat a day to have strong muscles (肌肉).
  Try not to eat many candies. They may taste good, but they don't help you to grow strong or stay healthy.

A. Fish, chicken, and beef are in this group.
B. Foods like them give you energy (能量).
C. There are five big food groups.
D. That way you'll eat more.
E. Two glasses are OK. 
18.(1)       The kitchen is very clean. Peter's mother cooks here every day. They often have dinner in the living room. But they never have dinner in the kitchen, because it's small.
(2)       It's a good place for children to have fun. There are many different kinds of animals here. You can take photos of them.
(3)       Soccer is a popular sport in many countries. Most boys like playing soccer. They run and play happily in the field after school. Playing soccer is good for their health.
(4)       You can meet people from all countries. They all speak different languages. If you want to practice English, you can make friends with Americans. They are usually friendly.
(5)       Helen's bedroom is pink and green. There is a big desk beside the window. On the desk is Helen's computer. She uses the computer every day because she studies on it. She thinks it's useful.
A. http://www. chatroom. com
B. Guangzhou Zoo
C. Helen's bedroom
D. The kitchenE. A popular sport 

(b)根据短文内容, 补全 下面的语段, 每空不超过两个词.
(6)Peter's mother often       in the kitchen.
(7)Children can see many       in the zoo.
(8)Soccer is       in many countries.
(9)You can       with Americans if you want to practice English.
(10)Helen studies on the       . She thinks it is useful. 
19.  My name is Li Lei. I am a happy boy. Let me tell you something about my school life. I usually go to school on foot. And I am never late. My morning classes begin at 8:00. We have many subjects, such as math, English, Chinese, and biology. Of all the subjects, I like math best. I think it's very easy and interesting. But I don't like history at all. I think it's boring. After school I often do outdoor activities. I like playing ball games. I am good at playing basketball.
  And I can also do some other things, like drawing and singing. My school life is very interesting. I like it very much.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
20.以下是Tom的家规, 请根据上下文将以下内容补充完整, 每空一词.
Tom has a (1)      of rules. He must do his homework after school. He can't play computer games (2)      school nights. He (3)      clean the room after dinner, then he (4)      a book for half an hour. He must go to bed before nine o'clock. And he has to get up (5)      every morning. 
21.假如你是Steve, 请你根据下列信息介绍自己.
1. 我每天早上6:30起床, 7点去上学;
2. 我的家离学校大约2千米.我通常骑自行车去学校.大约用10分钟.有时我乘公共汽车, 大约4分钟;
3. 我喜欢音乐并想加入学校音乐俱乐部.我擅长打篮球.周末我喜欢和好朋友一起打篮球.
1. 文章须包括上面所有信息, 可适当发挥;
2. 词数70左右.
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