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1.In order to find __________ better job in the future, he planned to learn __________ second foreign language.
  • A. the, a
  • B. the, the
  • C. a, a
2.It's unbelievable that my grandma has learned to use WeChat by__________within two days.
  • A. her
  • B. hers
  • C. herself
3.Maria is leaving for China soon by air. She will arrive _______ Xiamen _______ the morning of May 25th.
  • A. at; in
  • B. in; on
  • C. at; on
4.—Smoking brings me a lot of illness.
—Stop that! After all, _______ is more important than health.
  • A. nothing
  • B. something
  • C. everything
5.—_______ pocket money do you usually get every month?
—Thirty yuan. What about you?
  • A. How many
  • B. How much
  • C. How often
6.—I hate vegetables. I _______ eat them.
—But they are good for your health! You should eat them every day.
  • A. nearly
  • B. hardly
  • C. hard
7.—Kids often feel better in a happy family.
—That's true. A happy family provides a loving ______ for its children.
  • A. expression
  • B. environment
  • C. encouragement
8.—What do you think of the community here?
—Wonderful!__________of the land__________covered with trees and grass.
  • A. Two fifths;is
  • B. One fifth;are
  • C. Two fifths;are
9.—______ good time we had at the party last nigh!
—Yes. It was______ exciting party that I would never forget it.
  • A. What;so
  • B. How;such
  • C. What a;such an
10.—Perfect photos!
—Thank you. They__________by my Huawei mobile.
  • A. took
  • B. were taken
  • C. will be taken
11.You will lose marks in the exam__________you improve your handwriting (字迹).
  • A. unless
  • B. because
  • C. when
12.—Excuse me, can you lend your bike to me?
—Sorry, it's not here. Jack__________it for a week.
  • A. has kept
  • B. has borrowed
  • C. has lent
13.You ________ smoke at the oil station. It's too dangerous.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. couldn't
  • C. needn't
14.一What do you think of the documentary named A Bite of China?
一It is the most interesting one _______ I have ever seen.
  • A. which
  • B. that
  • C. who
15.—Miss Lin , could you tell me_______about the local education ?
—I think Www. fzedu. gov. CNN will be helpful .
  • A. how can I find information
  • B. what information can I get
  • C. Where I can get the information
16.  My journey has been no difference from any other sports players in our country. It has been a lot of hard work. And what made it (1)      for me is also the result of the support from my parents.
  When I was young, I liked (2)      and 1 worked hard at it. My parents always supported me in playing football. They also thought studies were important to me, (3)      I worked hard at all my lessons. As a result, I was (4)       enough at my lessons. While I was in school, I started playing for a local club in Delhi, and we were allowed to (5)      the Durand Cup that year.
  Five best players were chosen after that. (6)      . I was one of them. Then I got an offer from Mohun Bagan. That's how my professional (职业的) career (7)      .
  When 1 played for the school team in the past, my (8)      would come to watch me play. Now when I play for the country, you will find them (9)       my team from the stands. No matter what I meet in my life, my family have always been with me through thick and thin. All of these (10)       me to keep improving myself, to be better tomorrow than what I am today … and I totally enjoy this process.
17.Welcome to Health First Aid Courses
WHO: For any community member, volunteer, coach or parent (must be over 18 years old) who communicates with young people.
WHAT:Youth Mental Health First Aid (背少年心理健康急救) is an 8-hour course that teaches those who take part in the course about young people's common mental health.
SUBJECTS: How to help young people actively experiencing a mental health crisis (危机)
May7 h&14
●5 pm — 9 pm
*must attend both
June 5th
●8 am — 4:30 pm
*30 minutes lunch break
June 17th
●9 am— 4:30 pm
*working lunch
Add:Green Ave. Public Library﹣ 300 N. Green Ave.
Registration (登记) : Http://mentalhealth. com
OR send an email to Jessica Brown @highchools. ong
OR visit Ms. Brown's ffc-3500 Mountain Li Dr. Green Ave.
—1 in 10 persons in the community feel sad or hopeless every day for two weeks
—Youth who have an adult to go to for help are less likely to hurt themselves
**Training is valued at S170 and offered at no cost thanks to the Project Mental Health **

18.  I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper. I decided that the act of writing must be the most wonderful thing in the world.
  Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. "But the desk," she'd said again, "it's for Lilly".
  I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me she showed it in action. But as a young girl , I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter.
  They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was too emotional (易动感情的). But she lived "on the surface".
  As years passed, I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive(原谅)me.
  I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.
  My hope turned to disappointment. then little interest and, finally, peace—it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.
  Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the desk carefully and found a letter inside—the letter I sent to her, folded(折) and refolded many times.
  Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks louder than words.
19.  Elizabeth and Danny walked along newly paved sidewalks on a frosty winter morning. Elizabeth wore a hat and gloves but no scarf. Danny wore a hat and two scarves, but he didn't have any gloves. Both of them were freezing.
  "I'm so cold," Elizabeth grumbled (抱怨) under her breath.
  "Me too," Danny wailed
  Then Elizabeth had an idea! "What if I traded you one glove for one of your scarves?" Elizabeth said. "Then both of our necks would be warm, and we'd each have one warm hand. We could put the other hand in our pockets. "
  "Good idea!" said Danny.
  After they shared the scarf and glove, they began to feel warmer.
  A few minutes later Mrs. Baxter appeared. "Did I just see you barter?" she asked.
  Elizabeth and Danny looked puzzled. "What's barter?" Elizabeth asked.
  "Barter means trade," Baxter explained. "You two traded a scarf and a glove so you could be warm. Did you know that traders bartered for thousands of years?"
  "Really?How did it work?" Danny asked.
  Mrs. Baxter said, "Well, traders who had too much of one thing, such as salt or cloth or pigs, would exchange them with other traders for other things that they needed. Trading grew and blossomed, but it had problems."
  "Like what?" Elizabeth asked.
  "Suppose you raised chickens. You could trade the chickens and eggs for what you needed, But if the chickens got away..."
  "I wouldn't have anything to trade!"
  "Exactly!" said Mrs. Baxter.
  "And you'd be so lonely without your poultry (家禽) friends!" Danny said with a grin.
  "Now you see why people began to use money to trade." Mrs. Baxter said, "Is it true that silver and gold coins were used before paper money?"
  "Yes, but they were too heavy to carry." Mrs. Baxter said. "People then began to write promises on paper instead of trading coins. That was how paper money got its start.
  "Wow! said Elizabeth, "but I guess people still trade sometimes, the way Danny and I did today!"
20.  An unusual goal of Al research is to create computer programs that can learn, solve problems, and think logically (逻辑地). At present we use the term Al for successfully understanding human speech, recognizing(识别)human faces, operating self-driving cars and competing in some game systems like Chess and AlphaGo (阿尔法狗). Some people also consider AI a danger to humans if it develops too quickly. Professor Stephen Hawking, a well﹣known British scientist, was not for this kind of technology.   Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn. It is also a field of study that tries to make computers "smart". John MeCarthy, a scientist, came up with the name "artificial intelligence" in 1955. Many things such as learning and problem solving can be done by computers, though not in the same way as we do.
  Math is the basic language of AI. If we raise the standard in the learning of math, our students will be more likely to become successful AI designers in the future. We not only want bright students, but also need to attract average students and give them the math skills which are needed to change them into AI designers. Besides, a good knowledge of computer science is also necessary for AI designing.
  Scientists hope to create creative and emotional AI which can possibly understand human feelings or create art. Many ways and tools have been tried to discover this fascinating field.
21.  Rain or shine, umbrellas are useful. (1)      You might say that umbrellas are dripping with history.
  Early Egyptian rulers used them in ceremonies. Leaders of old Japan walked under red umbrellas. They were a sign of power. (2)      The umbrellas of early times were used in warm lands as protection against the sun.
  By the 1600s umpreflash had appeared in Northern Europe. In these countries they were used on rainy days, too. The umbrellas were thought to be big and clumsy. They were used only by people who didn't have carriages.
  (3)      During this time many umbrellas had jewels and fancy handles made of rare woods. Some umbrellas had Hollow handles. Perfume, knives, and even pens and paper were kept in these handles.
  Umbrellas were improved in the 1800s. Before that time most were made with whalebone spokes. (4)       By 1826, their weight was down to 1. 5 pounds. Steel frames were first used in 1852. Covers for these umbrellas were made of waxed silk or oiled paper.
  Today's umbrellas are very light. Some people think they turn inside out too easily, but modern umbrellas do have some good points. For example, they can fold up into smaller packages.
  (5)      When the rain comes down, people can pop open their umbrellas quickly and be on their way.
A. By the 1700s umbrellas had become more popular in countries such as England.
B. They have been used for both kinds of weather for more than 3, 000 years.
C. They weighed 10 pounds!
D. The kings of Burma rode on white elephants under white umbrellas long ago.
E. Some have plastic windows in them so people can see where they're walking. 
22.朋友向你道歉时, 你可以这样回应:
23.当你在餐馆想点菜时, 你可以这样对服务员说:
24.当你问路时, 对方表示不知道, 你可以这样说:
25.同学想知道你的衬衫是什么材质制成的, 他会这样问:
26.你想知道福建有多少人, 你可以这么问
27.be fond of, walk
28.for an hour
29.there be
30.necessary, exercise
32.  Chinese scientist Yuan Longping, famous (1)      developing the first hybrid rice strains that have pulled many people out of hunger, passed away at 91 last year. Yuan Longping, born in (2)      [sep'tembər] 1930, helped China work a great wonder — feeding nearly one (3)      (five) of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's total land. He cultivated the world's first high-yielding hybrid rice strain in 1973, which was later (4)      (grow) on a large scale in China and other countries to substantially raise output. Since the 1980s, Yuan's team has offered training courses in dozens of countries in (5)      /'æfrɪkə/, the Americas and Asia 一 providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine.
  Yuan Longping was quite (6)      (satisfy) with his life. In his free time, he enjoyed listening to violin music, playing mah﹣jong, swimming and reading. He was well-known at home and abroad. (7)      , he himself didn't care about being famous. He felt it gave him less freedom to do his (8)      [rɪˈsɜːtʃ]. Spending money on himself or leading a comfortable life also meant very little to him. He believed that a person with too much money would not have less but (9)      trouble. So he gave (10)      (million) of yuan to help others for their study in agriculture.
33.国务院颁布了"双减"政策.旨在减轻义务教育阶段学生课业负担, 同时提质增效.假如你是李华, 你所在班级开展了一次主题为"双减政策下, 学生应如何提高学习效率"的主题班会.请你根据以下要点写一篇演讲稿, 并在班会上发言, 介绍你的做法及学习经验.词数80左右.

efficiency 效率;double reduction policy 双减政策
1. 开头已给出, 不计入总词数:
2. 意思清楚, 表达通顺, 行文连贯, 书写规范:
3. 除图上要点外, 要有适当补充.
  Hello everyone,
  It's my honor to be here to share my learning experience with you. With the double reduction policy, we have less homework to do. Learning efficiency is becoming more important. __________________________________________________________________________________________
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