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1.If you go out on such a cold day, there is a _______of catching a cold.
  • A. risk
  • B. meaning
  • C. symbol
  • D. choice
2.—Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bank?
—I'm going there too. You can ______ me.
  • A. help
  • B. follow
  • C. understand
  • D. answer
3.—What will the weather be like tomorrow?
—I hope it will be ________. There are many wet clothes at home.
  • A. rainy
  • B. cloudy
  • C. sunny
  • D. snowy
4.I found a car hit a man on my way home. I took out my mobile phone and called the police______.
  • A. clearly
  • B. immediately
  • C. loudly
  • D. nearly
5.—Listen! Someone is singing in the next room. Who can it be?Is it Lucy?
—No, it_______be her. She's in the school library now.
  • A. can't
  • B. can
  • C. mustn't
  • D. must
6.—Is Tom ______ boy in your class?
—Yes. Nobody is taller than him.
  • A. the tallest
  • B. the strongest
  • C. the heaviest
  • D. the shortest
7.When you are riding your bike, _______all the time and don't ride too fast.
  • A. hurry up
  • B. pay attention
  • C. make sure
  • D. look up
8.—Paul, I'm busy cooking. Can you give a hand?
—Just a minute. I ______ my e-mail.
  • A. am checking
  • B. will check
  • C. have checked
  • D. was checking
9.The man tried many times to start the car, and luckily he made it_____.
  • A. in the past
  • B. in the end
  • C. at first
  • D. at once
10.—You missed the bus!
—______There will be another one in five minutes.
  • A. What a pity!
  • B. Bad luck.
  • C. You can't be serious!
  • D. Never mind.
11.  Mr and Mrs. Wilson hardly (几乎不) go out in the evening, but one Saturday, Mrs. Wilson said to her husband, "There is a good film at the (1)       tonight. Can we go and see it?"
  Mr Wilson was (2)       to hear that, so they went to see the film. Both of them (3)      it.
  They came out of the cinema happily around 11 o'clock at night, got into their car and began driving home.
  It was quite dark on the street. Then Mrs. Wilson saw (4)       and said, "Look, Bill. A woman is running along the road very (5)      , and a man is running after her. Can you (6)       them?"
  Mr Wilson said, "Yes, I can. What are they doing?Is the woman in (7)      ? We need to help her."
  He drove the car alongside (在……旁边) the woman and said to her," Can we help you? You can get in our (8)       if you want.
  "No, thank you, "the woman said. She did not stop running but (9)       down a bit.
  "My husband and I always (10)       home after watching films at the cinema. The last one to get home has to wash the dishes!Oh, he is catching up with me. I have to go now! Bye!"
12.  Do you know what to do if you see a car accident?You make a (1)       of helping or not?The following is what you should do in the first few (2)      .
  When a car accident happens, the first thing to do is called"Situation Assessment (评估)". It can be done in a few seconds by just (3)      around. Is the accident safe for you to walk into?Are there any dangers that could(4)      you? If there is anything that could be dangerous, then you should stay back (5)      call for help. If the situation is (6)      for you, then you need to make sure the situation is safe for the patient.
  If there is serious danger to the patient, it is best to leave him or her right where he or she is to (7)      doctors. Moving a patient could make things (8)      . Of course, if the situation is seriously dangerous and you need to get the patient out fast, and then you will have to (9)      them as quickly as you can.
  Who can help you?It's best to send someone to call for help. Everyone should know (10)      to call for help. You should call 110 in China and 911 in the US. Please remember the numbers right now and it may be important sometime in the future.
13.A:What are you doing?
A:Sounds good!What's it about?
B:It says that 1, 000 years ago, the worlds population was very small. (2)      
B:Yes, but now the worlds population is growing very quickly. (3)      
A:Sorry, I don't know.
B:It's more than 7 billion.
A. It's so large. (4)      
B:Yes. If we don't control (控制) the population, there will not be enough space on the earth in 600 years.
A. (5)      
A. Do you know what the worlds population is today?
B. I'm reading a book about the world's population these days.
C. Do you think we must do something to control the population.
D. It's smaller than before.
E. It was no more than 2 billion.
F. Hang on a minute.
G. That's too bad. 
14.Dear humans(人类)
  It's the first time I write to you, my children. First, let me tell you more about my family. Dear humans, I have many other children. Some of them fly in the sky;some of them swim in the water;some live in
ice-covered places;some run in the grasslands.
  Some of them are very small;some of them are as big as cars, such as elephants.
  They might be very close to you, or even live in your house. But there are others that you may never have the chance to meet.
  You bring them home to be your friends and helpers. You put them in zoos. You kill (杀害) them for their meat, even for fun. They bring you money and happiness, but also bring you diseases (疾病) and death (死亡).
  I hope you can remember that wild animals are not your food, clothes or furniture. They are not killers, either. They are, in fact, your brothers and sisters. You should grow up together.
  Humans, you are smart and hardworking. You can decide where you go, as well as where I go.
  But you are not kind to me. You change my weather, my lands, my forests, my rivers…. You ask so much of me, more than what I can give you. I'm worried that one day you will be lonely (孤单的).
  So, grow up, humans. I hope you and all the wildlife can live happily in my arms.
Mother earth
15.  COVID-19 (新冠肺炎) has made our life very different. Some of us improved our hygiene habits (卫生习惯). Others learned how to cook. And more people fell in love with biking.
  Yang Xiaomeng lives 11km away from her workplace in Beijing. The 26-year-old girl has been riding to work for the last three months. "I used to take the underground. But now riding a bike seems to be a safer choice," she said.
  Yang finds that biking is more relaxing and enjoyable than taking the crowded underground. "There is more fresh air on the road. It's also a good way to stay fit. I'll keep biking as my new habit, "she said.
  According to Xinhua, many people turned from the bus or the underground to biking. The number of people on bikes on Beijings bike only lane (车道) goes up by 17. 6%, for example.
  In other cities around the world, biking is also becoming more popular. London closed large parts of city to cars so that people can ride bikes safely. New York, Berlin and Montreal created new, wider bike lanes for people to ride. These cities believe that if there are safer and more comfortable places for biking, more people will ride bikes in the future. This will make the cities greener and cleaner, and their people happier and healthier.
16.What should you do if there is a big crowd around you?Do you know how to protect your self when you're in the water?When having fun out side, you should make sure you know how to stay safe .
Water safety
▪If there is a warning board near the water, don't go in it.
▪Only swim in areas where there is a lifeguard (救生员).
▪Never swim alone.
▪When you see someone in danger, don't try to save him or her by yourself. You can ask adults (成年人).
▪When you go boating, always wear a life jacket.
Be careful not to get hurt in a crowd.
▪Stay away from places that are very crowded
▪Wherever you go, watch your feet and be careful not to fall down.
▪When people around you begin to push, stand still and try to hold onto something, or stay in a corner until the crowd leaves.
▪If you fall down in a moving crowd, cover your head with both hands. Sit against one side, curl (卷起) your body.
What if you cant find your parents?
▪Stay where you are, this way, your parents can find you more easily.
▪Ask people around you to call your parents or the police. But don't follow them to other places to make a call.
▪If you can't find someone around to help you make a call, you can find a public place, such as a store . There you can ask shop workers for help.
▪Remember to stay calm and don't be afraid. Your parents will find you if you are calm and careful.
17.  Most people like going on holiday. Holidays are certainly a great way to relax yourself and open your eyes. But before taking a trip, we all have to decide whom to travel with — is it better with family, with friends or alone?
  Holidays with family can be hard and there can be many arguments (争论). In my family, Dad always wants to go to a museum, Mom and sister want to shop, and I want to try local food. It's hard for the family to agree with each other. Traveling with family can be very cheap or even free, though, if parents pay.
  Holidays with friends are not usually cheap and money is always the most important. It's normal (正常的) for everyone to have different budgets. However, it can be great fun. It's also good for learning more about your friends and sharing experiences together. Also, traveling with friends is a good way to improve a friendship.
  Traveling alone has advantages. You can choose what you want to do and it can also be a good chance to meet people, especially when staying in hotels. Of course, traveling alone is not always good. You can be lonely and, sometimes, there is no one to talk to. And, when at a bus station or airport, there is no one to look after your suitcase (行李箱) when you want to go to the bathroom.
18.  There are four seasons in Beijing. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.
  Spring in Beijing comes in early April and lasts till the end of May. Spring in Beijing is always warm, windy and dry. The temperature rises in spring, but there is a big difference in temperature between the day and the night. Do wear warm clothes while enjoying outdoor nightlife.
  Summer in Beijing is from early June to mid September. It's very hot. The hot summer calls for light clothes as the temperature in July and August is between 30℃ and 40℃. Remember to bring an umbrella or a raincoat with you because there's much rain.
  The short but beautiful autumn from mid September to the end of October is the best season for travel in Beijing. Autumn in Beijing is cool and comfortable. You can visit the Great Wall happily. From late October, the temperature drops quickly, so don't forget to bring warm clothes at that time.
  Beijing has a cold, dry and long winter from early November to the next March. The nearly five months' winter is very cold. The temperature in December, January and February would usually be below 0℃. Be sure to bring winter clothes. Spring Festival usually falls in January or February. Although Beijing is very cold at that time, travelling in the city at that time would be unforgettable as you can experience the biggest traditional festival.
19.  We spent our holiday with our uncle. He loved to go on walks to collect stones. One day, he bought us bags and asked us to go on a mountain with him, and carry the stones.
  We walked around all day long. Now and then he put stones in our bags. He also took some stones out from our bags from time to time. But we thought he had just found better stones.
  When we returned to the house, we were very tired. The bags were so heavy that we felt relaxed when we put them down. However, my uncle's bag was much lighter.
  "Why did you put so many stones into our bags?"we asked.
  "I didn't. You did, "he said. "You didn't know it, but I gave you a test(考验)today. I listened to every word you said. Whenever you were complaining(抱怨), I put a stone in your bags. Whenever you talked about something with positive(乐观的)thinking, I took out a stone. And now look at your bags. "
  Our bags were full of stones.
  "Your negative (消极的) thoughts are like stones. You carry them in your mind just like those stones in your bags. The more negative thoughts you have, the heavier your mind is. "
  With great love, our uncle taught us one of the most important lessons in life.
20.His parents won't a      (允许) him to stay out late.
21.Look at the t      (厚) dictionary. How can I remember all the words in it?
22.If you have any questions about the medical r      (报告), you can ask the doctor.
23.She was b       (勇敢) enough to speak out her opinion in front of so many people.
24.I sent the gift to her three times and finally she a      (接受) it.
25.假设你是李华, 你的加拿大笔友Mike最近对中文很感兴趣, 写信向你询问如何学好中文, 请你根据以下提示给他写一封回信.
1. 看中文报纸和杂志;
2. 听中文歌;
3. 尽可能多地说中文;
4. ……
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;
4. 开头和结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数.
Dear Mike,
  I'm very glad to receive your letter. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I hope the advice will help you learn Chinese well. Look forward to your reply.
Li Hua
期末试卷 最新试卷 安徽试卷 合肥市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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