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Open Hours
From Tuesday to Sunday, 9:00—17:00 (last entry (进入) at 16:00); the museum is closed or Mondays and on Chinese Lunar New Year's Eve.
1. No drinks, food or pet.
2. Children under the age of 14 must go with an adult (成年人).
3. No smoking, or making noises.
4. Go in the museum with a mask (口罩). 
Can you speak English well? Do you want to teach foreigners (外国人) Chinese? Are you free on weekends?We need a Chinese teacher for our new English teacher Jannie. She is an old lady from Australia. She is interested in Chinese.
For the job, you need to:
①Teach her how to speak Chinese
②Tell her some traditional festivals (传统节日)in China
③Work from 3:00 p. m. to 6:00 p. m. (every Saturday afternoon).
④Work at Jannie's office(Room 301 in Yifu Building)
⑤sixty yuan each hour (每小时). If you want to know more, call Mrs. Li at 686-5028
3.  It's really a wonderful thing to travel by train in China. The following train rides can make your trip unforgettable. You'll see different landscapes (景观) through a train's window.
  Chengdu to Kuming Route (路线). It is about 1, 096 kilometers long. It takes about 6 hours by high-speed train. The price of the ticket is 488 yuan for a second-class. During the trip, you'll see mountains and great rivers in the southwest of China. You can cross some long bridges, too.
  Xining to Lhasa Route. It is 1, 956 kilometers long and is called the way to the sky. It takes about 22 hours and the ticket price is 781 yuan. Through the window, you can see a great lake view and large grassland. It is a popular route for people to visit Tibet.
  Beijing-Shanghai Route. The high-speed railway (高铁) ties two big cities in China, Beijing and Shanghai. The trains on the line can run 350 km an hour. It is 1, 318 kilo meters long and it takes about 4 hours and 48 minutes to finish the ride. You can see the Yellow River and Yangtze River along the ride.
4.  When Jiang Mengnan receives the award (奖) of Person Touching China (感动中国) for 2021 on March 3rd, 2022, she says, "I'm always thankful for the help from my parents, teachers and friends. They never give me special attention for my disability (残疾), which means I never see myself as different from anyone else."
  Born in 1992 in Hunan, Jiang's world becomes quiet when she is 6 months. She loses her hearing because of the medicine she takes. When she can walk, her parents begin to teach her to read lips (嘴唇). They also teach her to speak by putting her hands on their throats (喉咙), so she can feel the vibration (震动). She learns slowly, but her parents never give up and finally Jiang can speak.
  When she is old enough, Jiang doesn't go to a special school. Instead (相反), she goes to a normal (普通的) primary school. It is difficult at first. In class, teachers often write on the blackboard with their back to the students, so Jiang misses much of the lessons. She has to keep down everything on the blackboard on her notebook and study alone after class to keep up with her class mates.
  In 2018, her hard work makes her dream to study at Tsinghua University come true. Jiang will graduate at the end of this year. In the future, she wants to keep working hard and contribute (奉献) herself to solving problems of life and health.

5.  Are you living a happy life? Do you want to be a happy person? In fact, as a happy woman, I think it's easy to be a happy person. (1)      
  Learn from mistakes (错误)
  Everyone makes mistakes. So when we are not doing something right, it's easy for us to be angry. (2)      Just think about what we can learn from them. Learning from mistakes can help us to be happy and better!
  When we do something not successfully (成功地), we can have bad feelings very easily. And this kind of bad feelings can be there and make us feel very sad. At that time, don't stay in them for too long, because sometimes happy life is letting bad feelings go. Let them go and just see more good things in life.
  Be thankful
  Being a happy person usually needs us to have a thankful heart. (4)      When someone gives us a real smile, we say "thank you". When our mother makes us a good dinner, we say "thank you" (5)       So be thankful and happiness is coming!
A. We must say "thank you" to the things and people around us.
B. Let bad feelings go.
C. Here are three little things you can do.
D. Don't be angry!
E. It is important for us to stop and enjoy the little things in life from time to time.
6.  Nowadays, students in the first and second grades in primary schools in China start to get to school after eight a. m. .But people have different ideas about this.
  Most people think that starting school later is healthy for young students, because it's difficult for them to get up early. What's more, in the past the young students didn't have much time for breakfast, so they either ate on the way to school or even had no breakfast. Jenny says, "I think it's a good idea. I can get up later and have breakfast at home."
  But some parents want their children to get to school early. Why?
  First, the parents are afraid that they cannot get to work on time. A lot of students go to school in their parents' cars. After their parents drive them to school, there will be more cars and buses on the busy street later. That's not a good time to drive.
  Second, the parents think it is not good for the children's growth (成长), because children have to get up early when they go to middle school. "So getting up late in primary school can make middle school days difficult." says the mother of the 6-year-old boy Liangliang.
7.  Last year, a group of travelling elephants in Yunan were the stars of China. How much do you know about elephants?
  The elephant is the biggest four-legged animal in the world. It's also very kind, but not always. Elephants are (1)      us in some ways. They live for a long time—fifty or sixty years. They can (2)       things very well. They never forget very sad or very happy things. A female (母的) elephant dies(死亡), and then her daughters and her granddaughters are (3)      for many months. They stay with the dead (4)      . Then they carry a bit (一点) of it away with them. They never forget a (5)       friend. Elephants are like us, but they're also (6)      . They live in families with females. There will be a few young males—a few "baby (7)      ". But they will soon be kicked away by their mothers or sisters, (8)       an elephant family only has its daughters, mothers and grandmothers and its great grandmothers.
  The females stay together for fifty, sixty or a hundred years. The older animals look after the young ones. The mothers teach (9)       daughters and set a good example.
  Isn't that (10)      ?
8.  James is a middle school student. He isn't happy today, because it's really (1)       terrible day for him.
  In the morning, his clock doesn't work, (2)       he gets up late. James runs (3)      (quick) to school, but he is still late (4)       class. In the hallway, James meets his teacher Ms. Miller. Ms. Miller tells him, "Don't run in the hallway and remember to arrive at school on time." After the (5)      (one) class, James is hungry and eats breakfast in the classroom. Ms. Miller sees and says, "Don't eat in the classroom." After the second class, James finds he doesn't bring (6)      (he) notebook to school. He takes out his cell phone and makes a call to his mother. Mr. Miller says, "Don't bring your cell phone to school." When James gets home at 5 p. m. , his best friend Peter asks him to play outside. But his mother tells him, "You should finish homework first before (7)      (play)."
  "Why are there so many strict (8)      (rule)?" James thinks. He doesn't want (9)      (follow) them sometimes. But his parents and teachers think they are very (10)      (importance). And in fact, these rules are good for his personal growth.
9.阅读下面短文, 将划线部分译成英文或中文.
  What do you usually do in your free time?Play sports?Or Watch TV?However, the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics women's freeski (自由式滑雪) winner, Gu Ailing does something different. (1)When she is free, She either plays the piano or reads books. She thinks books are important in our life.
  A Chinese saying goes, "Read thousands of books;travel thousands of miles." (2)阅读对我们有好处. It can help us know and understand the world better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge(知识). It brings us anew and different world. (3)The great men like reading, like Deng Jiaxian and Madame Curie (居里夫人).
  Books are treasures (财宝). But before you read, remember to choose a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be sure you are interested in them. (4)有不同种类的书. I like biographies (传记) because I can learn something from their stories.
  Books can help people in danger. For Yali students this year, it is especially (尤其地)true. Reading helps them be calm and brave (勇敢的) in the face of COVID-19. Look! They are watching the landing of Shenzhou-13 between classes. Like the astronauts (宇航员), (5)they all dream big, and books can help their dreams come true.
  Young friends, please love books and start to read now!
10.Jack是耶鲁大学的毕业生, 对中国文化很感兴趣, 想到雅礼中学边教书边学习中国文化.在出发之前, 他想了解中国学生的生活和学习情况.假设你是雅礼中学的李华, 请你给他写一封信, 介绍你的特长、你的日常生活作息、你的学校的规矩, 以及你对这些规矩的看法.
Dear Jack,
  It's my great honor to tell you about me and my school. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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