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1.Rules are everywhere. When you are reading at the library, taking a bus or driving a car on the road, you must follow some rules. But do you know about any rules on a subway?If you go out by subway in Changsha, you may find these rules.
At the station:
※ Wait in line before getting on the subway. Stand behind the yellow line.
※ Let the passengers (乘客) get off first. Don't rush onto the train.
※ When you hear a "beep" sound, do not get on the train. The door is closing.
Wait for another train. On the train:
※ No smoking.
※ No eating & drinking.
※ Give your seat to old people, the disabled or women carrying babies. 
The Art Clu
bCan you draw pictures? If you're interested in drawing, please come to the art club!
Time: 4:00 — 5:00 on Wednesday afternoon、
Who can join:children between eight and sixteen years old
Where: Room 2012, Mizhou Building 
The Music Club
Do you like music? Can you sing songs? Come and join us!
Time: 6:00—8:00 on Tuesday evening
2:00 — 4:00 on Saturday afternoon
Who can join:people over twelve years old
Where: Room 5005, Wenhua Theater 
The Swimming Club
Are you good at swimming? Come and make friends with someone who has the same hobby as you!
Time 2:00—5:00 on Sunday afternoon
Who can join:people over ten years old
Where: City Gym 
The Soup Kitchen Club
Are you interested in making food? Do you want to help others?In this club, you can work at a soup kitchen and give food to people who really need it.
Time: 6:00 — 8:00 on Sunday afternoon
9:00 — 11:00 on Friday morning
Who can join:people over fifteen years old
Where: Room 1206, Huijin Building. 
3.  It's always a happy moment when children get some pocket money (零花钱). But how do they get pocket money from their parents?In the USA, many children do housework to get pocket money.
  School students have to do homework and study for tests. They don't have a lot of free time on weekdays. They often do housework on the weekend.
  Young children only do easy housework. So they don't get much money. But that's all right. Many of them only want to buy candy. And candy is cheap!They help do the dishes after dinner and feed(喂) the family pets.
  When they get older, at the age of 10, children want to buy more and more things like model cars, CDs and computer games. They want things that are more expensive than candy. Then they have to do more work, and the work is usually more difficult. They often wash the family car, cut the grass, walk the dog or cook dinner.
  For children, doing some housework is not only a good way to get extra (额外的) money, but also a good way to learn new things. Of course, parents often help them at first.

4.  Laura is a young girl from Ningxia. She likes music very much. She wants to play the violin and join the school music club. But all these things are difficult for her. Why?Because she lost her eyesight at the age of 2.
Many people think it's impossible (不可能) to play the violin well for a blind girl. But Laura doesn't think so. It is her dream to play music in front of the school one day. And her parents always support her. Every time Laura wants to learn a new piece (曲子), her mother has to sing the music to Laura first and help her remember. Her father also finds a nice music teacher for Laura and takes her to have music lessons every Tuesday and Thursday.
  To make her dream come true, Laura works really hard. At first, it's really difficult for Laura to play the violin. Because she cannot see the strings (琴弦) and always play the music wrong. It takes her a thousand times to play correctly. But she never gives up. After school, she practices for three or four hours every day.
  After many years of learning, the girl can play the violin really well. Now Laura not only is the first violinist in her school music club, but also joins the show for the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games. She says she wants to keep on playing and help more people with music.
5.  People say that "an elephant never forgets". Do you want to have good memories (记忆) like elephants and learn better? (1)      .
  Before you study, doing exercise may help you better remember what you will learn. Scientists have found that people who do 15 minutes of training (训练) remember more words. (2)      . It can make you more active (积极的).
  Pre-study test
  The students who take a test before studying remember more information (信息). For example, if you are using an English textbook, you might first look at some important words at the end of the unit. (3)      . You may not know the answer, but you will probably have a goal (目标) to learn so that you can remember the answer when studying!
  (4)      . An expert (专家) says that "A person with enough sleep can concentrate (集中注意) best. "He also says, "Sleep itself plays an important role in making the memory stronger".
  Rest (休息)
  When you finish studying, you often go straight (立即) to another activity. Maybe you play a video game or watch TV. But research (研究) suggest that resting after you study may help remember what you have studied. (5)      .

A. A study shows that sleep helps you to learn in two ways
B. In a study, even older people remember more and better after resting for 10 minutes
C. Today we will introduce some no-cost things you can do
D. They say the best time to exercise is before you study
E. You can ask yourself what they mean, or how to use them 
6.  Gu Ailing is a freeskier (自由滑雪运动员) with an American father and a Chinese mother. She grew up and still lives in the United States, but in June 2019, she became a Chinese citizen (公民) and chose (选择) to compete (比赛) for China.
  Gu Ailing started to learn skiing when she was only three. At the age of nine, she could ski very well and started to win gold medals (金牌) in some important competitions. She also won gold medals for China at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing.
  Gu Ailing is hard-working at school. She is a grade﹣A student and good at her schoolwork. In December 2020, she became a student at a famous American university. She sleeps for over 10 hours every day because she thinks it can help her study better. In her free time, Gu Ailing has many hobbies, such as running, riding horses and playing football. She is also interested in art.
  Gu Ailing spends her summer vacation in Beijing every year with her mother. She is an outgoing girl and she often plays with Chinese children. "China is a very beautiful country with a lot of nice people, interesting things and delicious food, "Gu said in a video. "It (coming back to Beijing) is like going home."

7.  This morning I had a fight with a boy named Tony in my class. I think that I am right and he is wrong. And Tony just thinks I am wrong and he is right. The teacher, Mrs. Green, decides (决定) to teach us a very (1)       lesson.
  Mrs. Green asks us to stand (站) on each side (边) of her desk. In the middle of her desk is a large, round object (物体). I can clearly (2)       that it is black. She asks Tony what (3)       the object is. "White," Tony answers. I can't believe (相信) Tony says the object is white, (4)       it is black! Another fight starts (5)       us, this time about the color of the object.
  The teacher asks me to go and stand where Tony is standing and tells (6)       to come and stand where I am. We change (交换) (7)       and now she asks me what the color of the object is, I have to answer, "(8)      ." It is an object with (9)       differently colored sides. From Tony's side it is white, but from my side it is black.
  I may forget what the fight is about, but I will (10)       forget the lesson I have learned today.
8.  Zhu Hui is a middle school student from Shenzhen. He's now studying in the Dalton School in New York, the United States. He's living with his host family, the Greens.
  Today, it is (1)      (sun)and hot in Shenzhen. It is the Dragon Boat Festival. It's 9:00 a. m. and Zhu Hui's family are at home. His mom and aunt (2)      (make) zongzi. It looks very delicious. His dad and uncle are watching the exciting boat races on CCTV-5.
  Let's take a look at Zhu Hui's host family in New York. It's 9:00 p. m. in New York, and it's the night before (3)      festival. But there isn't a Dragon Boat Festival in the US, (4)       it's like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family. The mother is reading some (5)      (story) to her young children. They enjoy reading. It usually takes (6)      (they)half an hour to enjoy bed-time reading together. The father is watching a soccer game between England and Canada on TV. The English team plays very (7)      (good). And what is Zhu Hui doing?He's talking (8)      the phone with his cousin in Shenzhen. Zhu Hui (9)       (miss) his family very much, especially at festivals. He wishes (10)      (taste)his mom's delicious zongzi.
9. Dogs are very good pets and (1)他们对人非常友好。Most dogs get on well with children and their parents. They listen to their masters (主人) all the time. (2)Some dogs are really smart and can do a lot of work.
  Another reason why dogs make good pets is because they are good companions (伴侣). There are times in life when your friends and family members aren't around you. During these times, having a dog can be very comforting (安慰的). (3)When you arrive home, they're always happy to see you. When you're tired or sad, they come to you and look at you. Their eyes are telling you that it's time to relax and have fun.
  Many people don't know what their dogs like to eat. Dogs eat almost (几乎) anything! They like meat, rice and many other things. You can buy lots of food which is made for dogs in shops. (4)不要让你的狗吃太多。Always leave some clean water for your dog. It can get thirsty (口渴的) very quickly.
  (5)Remember that dogs are one of people's best companions. Do you want to keep one?
10.假如你叫Bob, 来自美国, 现在在长沙上学.请通过书信方式与你的爷爷奶奶分享你的生活近况以及表达思念之情.
1. 上学方式;
2. 学校校规 (两条);
3. 日常作息 (两点);
4. 周末活动 (两点).
1. 内容包括以上所有要点, 可适当增加一些细节;
2. 词数不少于80左右 (给出部分不计入总词数);
3. 文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称.

Dear grandparents,
  How's everything going? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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