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1.Li Ming is _______ eleven-year-old boy. He often plays _______ ping-pong after school.
  • A. an;the
  • B. an; /
  • C. a; /
2.— Where is your dad, Cindy?
— Oh, he ______ a newspaper in the room.
  • A. read
  • B. is reading
  • C. reads
3.Do you sometimes get nervous (紧张) when you're _______ a large number of people?
  • A. in the front of
  • B. behind
  • C. in front of
4.I don't like this painting. Please show me _______ one.
  • A. another
  • B. any other
  • C. the other
5.Eric, _______ bring your mobile phone to school. You must follow the rules.
  • A. doesn't
  • B. can't
  • C. don't
6.—Bill, _______ is it from your home to the post office?
—About ten minutes' walk.
  • A. how long
  • B. how far
  • C. how
7.—Where's my grandmother?
—She is in the park. She all her free time there.
  • A. takes;doing housework
  • B. spends;shopping
  • C. spends;walking her dog
8.Most teachers don't give ______ homework to take up the free time of students now.
  • A. too much
  • B. much too
  • C. too many
9.______ your dream come true, you must study hard.
  • A. Make
  • B. Making
  • C. To make
10.—Would you like to go skating with me?
—______ It must be very interesting.
  • A. Sure, I'd love to.
  • B. Sorry, I'm afraid not.
  • C. No, thank you!
11.A: Hi, Jenny. (1)      
B: The tall boy with short black hair?
A: Yes.
B: (2)       He works in a noodle restaurant.
A: Wow. I like noodles very much. (3)      
B: Of course. (4)       What kind of noodles would you like?
A: (5)      
B: Great. That's the special in the restaurant. Let's go.
A: Can you go there with me?
B: Yes.
A. Are there any beef noodles in his restaurant?
B. It has all kinds of noodles.
C. He's my cousin.
D. Who's that boy?
E. My favorite is beef and tomato noodles. 
12.  Dongan Lake Sports Park is an excellent place to go to on weekends. The park is a crowded (挤的) place on weekends (1)       many people go there to see the main stadium (主场地) for the 31st Chengdu FISU World University Games. So I always finish my breakfast (2)      , then I can arrive there before ten o'clock in the morning. It's a very beautiful park. There (3)       a nice grass, a big lake, green trees and colorful flowers. Some children fly kites on the grass. Others row boats in the lake. I usually ride a bike around the lake first. And then I sit on the chair to (4)      the beautiful lake. It's very (5)      . Everyone is happy there.
13.  Father's Day is usually on the third Sunday of June in the US. But in China, many people like to have it on (1)      . Why? Because "eight" in Chinese sounds like "father". Everyone knows what to do on Mother's Day: cook her breakfast, (2)      , clean the house-everything Mom usually does. Then how about Father's Day?What do you do on Father's Day?Maybe saying "I love you!" to your father can be a good way. But for me, these three words are very (3)      to say out.
  Many people say my father is handsome and friendly. He is a tall man with glasses and always good (4)      others. But he was (5)      strict with me that I thought he was scary. When I was young, my father was always busy with his work. I could only see him on holidays and some weekends. I wanted my father to play with me more often and tell me that he loves me. (6)      he didn't.
  One day, our teacher gave us special homework. It was to say "I love you" to our parents. When I (7)      it, I thought I could say it to my father. Many times, I told myself not to (8)      if I could open my mouth. At last, I did it and said "I love you" to my father. Surprisingly, he hugged (拥抱) me and said, "I love you too, my son!I just don't know (9)      to show it to you. "He looked very happy. At that moment, I learned he also loved me(10)      .
  So try to say these three words to your dear father. Don't be afraid to show your love to him!
14.  What is your weather like today?Sunny or rainy?Let's see what the weather is like today in cities around the world.
  It was cloudy in the morning. Later the sun came out. Now the sky is very blue and there are many white clouds. The park looks beautiful in the sun. There are some old men drinking tea there. It's relaxing.
  France 一 Paris (巴黎)
  The sky was grey in the morning. In the afternoon, it started to rain. But the rain didn't stop the visitors. Look!They are visiting the Eiffel Tower.
  Thailand一Chiang Mai
  It is usually very hot in New Delhi. It is a sunny day. The wind is blowing (吹). But it can't make you feel cool. Hey, you are in a jacket, aren't you wearing too much?
  It is cloudy. The weather is not too hot or too cold. It is just right for going out. But don't let the wind blow away your hat!
根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
16.  In September, 2022, students in primary or middle school will learn to cook and other life skills (技能) at school. What do students think of it?
  My friend Sally thinks learning to cook at school is fun and can help her feel better. It can be as exciting as working out a difficult math problem. Also, cooking can teach her to love her family. For her, kitchen can be a good place for family.
  Jack has different ideas. He thinks cooking is a little dangerous for students. They may get hurt (受伤) when they cook. And he thinks it's easy to order takeout food (外卖) so they don't need to cook by themselves.
  For me, cooking is necessary because it helps us to live better. You know Shanghai has been under lockdown (封闭管控) because of the COVID-19 pandemic. People there who can't cook feel bad. There is a video (视频) online. A young girl has everything in her house, but she can't cook. She even wants to pay people to cook for her. The pandemic teaches us a lesson:It is better to learn how to cook for ourselves than to put all our hopes on others!
17.Mary can speak two l      , Russian and English.
18.The mascot Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩) gets p       around the world and people all like it.
19.This morning when Lisa walked by the park, she watched a cat c       up and down a tree.
20.People sometimes see things d      , so it's important for us to respect (尊重) and learn from each other.
21.Yuan Longping, "Father of Hybrid Rice", s       a large number of people from hunger (饥饿). People will never forget him.
22.A: Hi, this is Molly!Is that Jenny (1)       ?
B: Hi, Molly. It's Jenny here.
A: Jenny, I just call to say happy birthday to you. Are you having a party?
B: Yes. My host family and my friends (2)      the "Happy birthday to you" song to me just now. We are enjoying the strawberry cake right now. It is so (3)      that I want to eat one more.
A: Great! (4)      the weather in Australia?
B: It's warm and sunny. After the party we'll go to the (5)      to play volleyball and swim in the sea.
A: Did you see koalas?
B: Yes, there are (6)      a lot of them here, and they are very cute. People here like them very much and they are the symbol of the (7)      .
A: How I (8)       I could see them one day in Australia! How about your English?
B: I am good at it now because I can (9)      talking in English with the people around me at any time. It's really a good way to learn English.
A: Do you (10)       your parents?
B: That's for sure. But I can often meet my parents on QQ or WeChat.
A: I hope you can have a nice time there.
B: Thank you!
back come dry fish get happy one see surprise swim tell word 

  I still remember my first fishing trip. My uncle kindly helped me with my line (鱼线), and I waited for a bite (咬). No fish (1)      , "Do it again," said my uncle. Then the bait (鱼饵) went down. "Here is a fish," I thought.
  I made a strong pull (拉) but saw no (2)      , "Try once more," my uncle said, "It often took me a day to get my (3)      fish."
  Suddenly (突然) I got a big (4)      . Something pulled my line hard into the water quickly this time. Pulling it up, I (5)      a big fish in the sun. "Uncle!" I shouted in excitement. "I got a fish!" "Not yet, " said my uncle. As he spoke, the fish was (6)      into the water with a plash (泼溅). I sat down on the stone (7)      . My uncle put the pole again in my hands, and (8)      me to try my luck once more. "But remember, boy, " he said, "Never show to other people before the fish is on (9)       ground (地面). "I always remember the fish I did not catch. When I hear people show their work before they finish it, I remember the (10)       of my uncle, "It's no use to talk about anything until it's done."

24.  Height can be decided by your genes (基因). In fact, your genes give you a height between the height of each parent. (1)       But if you have questions about how tall you're going to be, ask your doctor if he or she can help you find them out.
  (2)      For example, eating unhealthy food can stop you from growing to your full potential (潜力). Getting a lot of sleep and enough exercise will help you grow. (3)       There's no right answer. Kids grow about 6 cm a year between age 3 and the time when they start puberty (青春期). Your doctor will know how your growth is going and what other changes your body may have.
  (4)      Everyone has a growth spurt during puberty. The age for starting puberty is about 10 for girls and about 11 for boys. But it can be earlier or later — between 7 and 13 for girls and 9 and 15 for boys. (5)      
A. But genes don't decide everything.
B. How tall can you grow?Ask your parents!
C. Maybe you're thinking how fast you should grow.
D. Don't be surprised if you grow a lot in a very short time.
E. If both your parents are tall, then most probably (可能) you will be tall too.
F. You'll usually begin to find that you're growing faster about a year after your body starts to show the first changes of puberty. 

25.  Which is the day you can't forget in your life? For me, it's April 20, 2022.
  My story began in the early morning of the day before. I played happily in the sea. Suddenly, I couldn't move my body. In the evening, the tide (潮水) slowly went down. I found myself on a beach.
  "Gosh!" I said to myself. For most whales, being not in the sea means death. Do you know how I felt? I didn't want to lose my life!
  The sun came out and I heard some loud calls from some fishermen. "Look! Is that a whale?" A man said. More and more people came around me. They showered water on my large body to help keep me cool. Then, around noon, people tried to use a helicopter (直升飞机) to put me back into the sea. Sadly, I was too heavy for them. They didn't get me back into the sea.
  But they didn't give up. They kept pouring(泼)water on me and waited for the tide to go up. At 10:50 p. m., the tide came in the end. Some boats worked together to pull me away from the beach. Two hours later, I was back into the sea. What luck I have! The boats didn't leave me until the next morning. I tried to thank these kind﹣hearted people by waving my tail (尾巴).
  It was so lovely when I saw the sun coming out on a new day.

A Day to (1)       
 April 19, 2022
◆ (2)      playing in the sea.
◆Had difficulty moving the body.
◆Lay (躺) on the beach. Feeling:Felt (3)      of death. 
 April 20, 2022
Some fishermen came.
◆Showered water on my body. Around
◆Tried to tow me backNoon:into the sea with a helicopter. 10:50 p. m.
◆Pulled me away from the beach. (4)      
◆Was back in the sea. Feeling:Felt (5)       to be alive (活着的). Felt thankful to people. 

26.假设你班来了新同学Wang Lei, 昨天是周日, 你们几个同学为他举办了欢迎会.请根据下面的文字及图片提示写一篇日记, 介绍一下新同学的基本情况及昨天聚会情况.
提示:1. 外貌:中等身材, 短发.
2. 性格:友善, 喜欢帮助人.
3. 爱好:弹吉他、打篮球.

要求:1. 作文尽量涵盖提示中的内容.
2. 不要逐句翻译.要有合适的过渡语, 语句通顺、连贯.
3. 词数:80词左右.开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
Sunday Cloudy
  We had a party for Wang Lei today. _______________________________________________________________________________________
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