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1.—Thank you for supporting the volunteer project.
—_____. Many hands make light work.
  • A. With pleasure
  • B. My pleasure
  • C. Never mind
  • D. That's right
2.—The sky lantern is beautiful. Did you make it all by yourself?
—_____. My mom gave me a hand.
  • A. Not at all
  • B. Of course
  • C. Not exactly
  • D. You're joking
3.—Will you attend the speech by Mr. Smith?
—But I ______ anything about it.
  • A. haven't told
  • B. wasn't told
  • C. won't tell
  • D. didn't tell
4.—What did the old man talk to you?
—He ______ the whole of his past life, and at last he wished us a bright future.
  • A. reviewed
  • B. remembered
  • C. reminded
  • D. regarded
5.—Mom, what should I do next?
—Please help me _____ all the clothes on the bed.
  • A. come out
  • B. run out
  • C. work out
  • D. lay out
6.— _____ it is difficult to remember and write Chinese traditional characters, they are a great part of Chinese culture.
—That's true. We should keep them.
  • A. Unless
  • B. Until
  • C. Because
  • D. Although
7.— This street seems quiet.
—But it'll soon become ______ because the Spring Festival is coming.
  • A. lovely
  • B. correct
  • C. lively
  • D. heavy
8.—Where is Greenwood Park?
—It ______ 6 km east to H. W. University of Science and Technology.
  • A. lives
  • B. lies
  • C. lays
  • D. lists
9.The actions and words of online celebrities (网红)can have a great _______ because many Young people may follow them.
  • A. change
  • B. influence
  • C. progress
  • D. surprise
10.—Why didn't you go fishing with your dad?
—Well, fishing is an activity which ______ much patience. But I am a person with temper.
  • A. requires
  • B. supports
  • C. suggests
  • D. repeats
11.—Hi, Tina! What are you going to do for the coming holiday?
—I am going to ______ cooking because I must live on my own.
  • A. turn up
  • B. take up
  • C. put up
  • D. clean up
12.—Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions.
—Well, they have to choose ______ and be responsible (负责任的) for their actions.
  • A. naturally
  • B. especially
  • C. normally
  • D. wisely
13.For safety, we can't turn off ______ side of the street lights.
  • A. neither
  • B. either
  • C. none
  • D. all
14.—Good morning, I've got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personal Department.
—Ah, good morning. You ______ be Mrs. Taylor.
  • A. might
  • B. would
  • C. must
  • D. can
15.—What did Ms. Tong say to you?
—She wondered ______.
  • A. if she was invited to the party
  • B. that she was the best
  • C. when Mary hands in his homework
  • D. who did I turn to for help
16.  For centuries, children in north China wore tiger-head shoes. The shoes are so named (1)      the toe cap (鞋头) looks like the head of a big tiger. The traditional shoes are much like the animal itself.
  The shoes were widely admired by Chinese people, but it was until about 30 years ago, the shoes began to (2)      . However, 51-year-old Hu Shuging, from Henan Province, has spent many years (3)      more than 10, 000 pairs of the shoes. She decides to give most of them to public museums, so that the next generation and the one after can (4)       them. Chinese people began making tiger﹣head shoes in ancient times. It is (5)       that images (图像) of the animals, which were thought of as the king of beasts, could protect their children. That's one (6)      why the shoes can still be seen now. On the other hand, the shoes look nice and can keep out the cold. In the north China, it is very cold in winter. The shoes are good for keeping babies' feet (7)      .
  Tiger-head shoes have many (8)      . Some people change the images of tiger heads into frogs or peacocks, while more designs (9)       spiders, snakes and scorpions (蝎子) .
  Hu was born in a family of paper cutters. Both her mother and (10)       could also make tiger-head shoes. "My daughter wore the shoes her great﹣grandma (11)       when she was young," she said. But her hobby for collecting the shoes did not begin until 2000, when she found a (12)      pair at a Spring Festival fair. "The images of tigers on the (13)       were embroidered (刺绣) according to paper﹣cutting patterns, and its beauty attracted me. " she said. From that day on, she has collected the shoes. She (14)       collected in her home county, then in other provinces such as Hebei and Shandong.
  Hu often goes collecting (15)       September and December. "Kids wear tiger-head shoes in winter," she said, "They are pretty and warm."
  Red drama inspires young people to learn about China's revolutionary history.
  Can red TV dramas awaken a drive in young people to learn about China's revolutionary history (革命历史)? The answer is yes. Chinese TV drama Awakening Age, which tells the story of how the Communist Party of China(CPC中国共产党) was founded in 1921, ended two months ago, but it remains a hot topic on social media, where discussion shows that it has played a positive role in educating young people about China's revolutionary history.
  The TV series (连续剧) celebrates this year's 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. has won high praise on Chinese media review platform Douban and Youku. It has been rated from 8. 3/10 to 9. 3/10 on the plattorm, with over 75 percent of the more than 150, 000 reviewers giving it full marks.
  Many audiences are inspired to find background information of the show and admit that this is their first time to voluntary learn the history about the founding of the Party and the country. "In the drama. I saw that our pioneers lost their lives at such a young age to save our country. I didn't know anything about their heroic actions before. I felt regretful and story, "one reviewer said. She added that she thinks the writer wanted to awaken people's spirit to struggle against invaders (侵略者) during that time just like A Madam's Diary written by Lu Xun.
  A junior high school teacher Tian from Taiyuan. North China's Shanxi Proven effective as some students told her after class that the show had left a deep impression on them.
  The lively and rich description in works of film and television can allow more people to learn about and come to understand the spirit of China's revolutionary pioneers, which should be remembered and passed on and on.

18.  Once a teacher asked his two students to come and meet him at the start of a road which was near a forest.
  The two students got there as the teacher told them and greeted their teacher. The teacher showed them the road and said, "You both have to start here and reach the end point of the road. After this test, there will be another test which will happen next week. Completing this road will also influence the result of the next test. " He wished them good luck. Together, the two students started the race.
  Just after a while, they found that the road was divided into two paths. The first student made up his mind to follow the path which seemed clear and was easier to go through. The second student decided to take the path which was blocked by a lot of fallen trees.
  The first student passed that road easily and finished first. "I am glad I took the easier, " the first student said proudly and he felt clever about himself. There were no obstacles on the path. Of course, the second student had to try his best. It took him much longer to finish because he had to pass through many obstacles on the path. However, when the second student arrived, he was very happy. There were many difficulties on the path, but he still took it and he was able to finish the race finally.
  For the next test, the two students were asked to be near a ravine (深谷). The teacher looked at them and said, "You have to jump to the other side of this ravine. "The first student was so scared and stepped back because he never did that before. However, the second student remembered the path of his last test and how he jumped wide gaps (豁口) there. He jumped into the air and made it!
  After the test, the teacher said to the first student, "When you chose the easier path last week, it could only help you complete that test easily. However, you were not able to prepare for harder tests.
19.  Whatever life threw at us each year, our family had one tradition at Christmas: our dog Pepper opened our presents for us.
  Last year, everyone made it home for a Christmas get-together. However, it couldn't feel perfect because Pepper's health was becoming worse. Her life had already been longer than we expected﹣she was fourteen﹣and yet her mind was still sharp. Her love for life made us feel better. But her body could not keep up with her mind.
  Probably it was Pepper's last Christmas, so we decided to make sure she would enjoy it. On Christmas Eve, we each prepared presents for her.
  Soon, Pepper selected her first Christmas gift. She turned the present, just as she was a young dog once more. She pulled the paper off the dog treat before she chewed it slowly. Our family was so happy.
  Pepper saw the other three presents, and then turned to Mom as if asking, "May I open another?"
  "Go ahead, girl!" Mom encouraged.
  For the next few minutes, Pepper opened each of her Christmas presents. While she did, she reminded us of the joy of being together. Our family felt as a whole﹣not because we were in the same room or city, but because our love brought us together.
  Pepper passed away after Christmas. Her peaceful passing made us tearful. Her passing was also a celebration of life, because she gave my family so much love and laughter.
  I still treasure (珍惜) Pepper's final Christmas gift. She taught me that no matter where we each spend the holidays, the smallest act of sincere giving can unite our family through our love. For me, that knowledge is the longest-lasting gift of all.
request, is proud of, admiring , review, take pride in , allow , everyday 
21.  Anna, my 7-year-old daughter, and I were rushing to her dancing class. A few s       (1) ahead us were another girl and her mum. As they went into the building, the woman looked back and saw us. But instead of h       (2) the door open for Anna and me, she let it close with a loud noise in front of our faces. It made my daughter and I surprised.
  "Why did the lady do that to us?" Anna asked me. "She was just rude, honey." Her question had a quick, easy answer. However, a       (3) question came in my mind:When so many people care so little about manners these days, how can I teach my daughter that manners do m       (4)? Our kids live in a world where rudeness often a       (5). However, we need to oppose (反对) that by teaching kids that being p       (6) is the only acceptable way of acting. And the importance of manners is more than teaching your child to act better in p       (7) and always say "please" and "thank you". Because at least, politeness gives kids strength that will help them through their whole lives. When you teach children manners, you make them confident to d       (8) with any social situation. People also give b       (9) answers to kids who show their respect to others by using good manners. So when children wait for their turn, don't interrupt (打断, 妨碍), but a       (10) them. It makes them more attractive to everyone. Also it helps to create a society full of harmony (和谐) and kindness.
22.你的笔友Laurence对武汉十分感兴趣, 请根据以下信息给他写封信, 介绍武汉的历史文化, 民俗美食.
1. 武汉不仅是座历史名城, 也是被称作"中国光谷"的现代之城.
2. 武汉位于中国中部, 坐拥83所大学.
3. 武汉的地方小吃热干面广受欢迎, 它也被视为智慧的象征.
4. 据说热干面首次被人们食用是在1930年.如今武汉人已习惯于早餐吃它.
5. 可谈一两点你的看法.
提示词:历史名城famous historical city 智慧wisdom 中国光谷 Optics Valley of China
注意:词数80词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Laurence,
  Glad to receive your last letter. Knowing that you're interested in Wuhan. I can't wait to write to you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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