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1.—Do you know ______ boy in white?
—Oh, he is my cousin.
  • A. the
  • B. a
  • C. an
2.It was ______ to hear the MU5735 had an accident. Many people couldn't help crying.
  • A. worried
  • B. afraid
  • C. sad
3.I'd like to have some ______. I am so hungry.
  • A. bread
  • B. hamburger
  • C. coffee
4.Welcome to our Food Festival. You can ______ hundreds of Sanya local food here.
  • A. smell
  • B. taste
  • C. sound
5.It's only a ______ walk. We don't need to go by Didi.
  • A. five minute
  • B. five minutes
  • C. five-minute
6.Double Reduction Policy (双减) is ______ with students now. They have more time to do what they like to do.
  • A. satisfied
  • B. popular
  • C. strict
7.—______ is the price of your new e-dictionary?
—About 200 yuan.
  • A. How much
  • B. What
  • C. How many
8.During the fire, the brave boy didn't leave the sick man alone ______ the doctor came.
  • A. until
  • B. because
  • C. while
9.Remember ______ your name on the correct place before you hand in your paper.
  • A. write
  • B. writing
  • C. to write
10.The way to ______ is not always smooth. Just believe in yourself.
  • A. succeed
  • B. successful
  • C. success
11.______ active Gu Ailing is! She is the favorite of people of my age.
  • A. How
  • B. What an
  • C. What
12.I want to go to the school library. I ______ find my student card.
  • A. need
  • B. can
  • C. must
13.Zhang Guimei, a woman headmaster, ______ a school many years ago which has helped thousands of local students out of poor life so far.
  • A. stay up
  • B. grow up
  • C. set up
14.Health QR code (二维码) should ______ before entering a market or a supermarket.
  • A. show
  • B. is showed
  • C. be showed
15.—Could you tell me ______?
—As soon as we finish our exam.
  • A. when can we start our summer holiday
  • B. when we can start our summer holiday
  • C. How do we finish our exam
16.  Don't shake! Don't hug! In order to slow the spread of COVID-19, we are advised to (1)      physical contact (接触) as much as possible. Some of us have been used to more creative (2)      of greeting one another, such as friendly wave (挥手) from two metres away. We are not (3)      when COVID-19 will end. But as more people get their vaccines (疫苗), we may soon be able to get back to hugging, shaking hands and kissing. But …should we?
  We are told from a young (4)      that it is impolite not to shake hands when we meet people. (5)      Ashley Peterson, a doctor in the United States, thinks we should be more careful about how we greet people. Not (6)      likes to be hugged.
  Peterson says now is the perfect time for parents to (7)      kids in making decisions about how to greet people. The ideas is not to cancel (取消) hugs and handshakes. If your kids (8)      to hug others, they should. If they feel uncomfortable about hugging, they can use other ways to greet people.
  Anthony Fauci, a health educator, holds a stronger opinion. He thinks we should (9)      shake hands again. "We've got to (10)      that custom," he says. That is really one of the main ways to pass on an illness."
17.If you have any problems in sleeping, what should you do? The following advice may help you.
●Don't drink coffee in four hours before going to bed.
●Stop smoking and drinking at bedtime.
●Don't take a nap (打盹) during the day.
●Go to bed at the same time every night. Set your alarm clock (闹钟) for the same time every morning and get up at that time, whether you sleep well or not.
●Use the bedroom only for sleep. Read, watch TV, eat and talk elsewhere. ●Take sleeping pills according to your doctor's advice and don't take them for longer than three weeks at a time.
●If you go to bed and can't get asleep in 15 minutes, don't worry about it in bed. Get up, then read or watch TV until you are sleepy, then return to bed. If you still have trouble sleeping, ask your doctor for help. 
18.  How many times have we said to ourselves, "Oh, I'll do that tomorrow." Sometimes tomorrow never comes and we find ourselves saying. "Oh I wish I hadn't put that off. "
  Our family was friends with Betty for many years. Over the years, we shared phone calls, birthday cards, and much more. Every year, Betty sent our youngest son Brandon a birthday card with five dollars in it. She did this until he graduated(毕业) from high school.
  One year, not long after her birthday, I called to see how she was and ask her if she did everything special for her birthday. I was surprised when Betty didn't answer the phone. Instead, her daughter Carol did. Carol told me her mother was ill and had gone downhill fast. She was in hospice care (临终关怀). Carol gave the phone to Betty, I talked to her and let her know that we loved her.
  As soon as I got off the phone, I sent a text to Brandon and let him know Betty wasn't doing well. Brandon stopped what he was doing and sent flowers to Betty.
  You can imagine how proud I was of Brandon when Carol called the next day. She told me that Betty loved the flowers very much. Just a few days later, Betty died.
  It's never "too soon" to be kind to others. You never know when it might be "too late" instead.
19.  Bill and his friends are going hiking this weekend. He's afraid he's going to be hungry, so he buys a lot of food and his bag is big and heavy. They start at nine in the morning and they get to the city five hours later. They are all tired and his friends get on a bus, but Bill can't. His bag sticks (卡) in the door and he has to get of (下车). The bus leaves and he doesn't know where he's going to meet them. He walks in the street and when it's eight in the evening, he goes into a restaurant. He asks for some drinks and soon begins to sleep.
  When he wakes up, he can't find any people in the restaurant. The door is closed and he can't go out. He finds a telephone number and begins to call Mr. Jackson, the owner of the restaurant.
  "Hello," says the boy, "when do you open your restaurant, Mr. Jackson?"
  The telephone wakes up the man and he isn't happy. So he says, " Don't ask me about that. I can't let you in."
  "Oh, no! I want to go out."
20.A: (1)      Jackie?
B:Nothing much, I suppose. I'll just listen to this new CD.
A: (2)      
B:Well, it's all music. There is no singing. (3)      
A:Sounds great. Well, if you have time, would you like to Watch a movie with me?The director is really famous.
B:Depends on which movie. (4)       I just want to laugh and not think too much. You know what I mean.
A: (5)      
B:What movie is it?
A:It's about how to save our earth. 1 prefer movies that give me something to think about.

A. I don't like movies.
B. Oh, what CD is this?
C. I only like movies that are funny.
D. If I have a chance, I want to see it.
E. I like smooth music that helps me relax.
F. What are you going to do this weekend?
G. If so, I'll ask someone who likes serious movies.
21.  Hello, I'm Mr Black. Last Saturday I went to the park with my family to enjoy a relaxing time. My six-year-old son met a boy there. They didn't know each other. My son had a soccer ball and they played it together. They had a good time playing soccer.
  After they finished playing, we sat under a big tree and started to have lunch. But the boy didn't leave. Maybe he came to the park alone and didn't bring lunch. My son wanted to invite him to have lunch with us and I agreed. My son gave him some delicious food and the boy ate it up. My son even shared his favorite cakes with the boy. They both looked very happy.
  After lunch, the boy went away without saying "Thank you". I was a little disappointed (失望的), but I knew my son was very happy. What's more, he learned about sharing.
  I think sharing with others can bring us joy and happiness. When we're happy, share with others and let them feel it, too. When we re sad, it's also a good idea to share the sad things with friends. I'm glad that my son has learned that sharing is important.
22.Think t       before you make a decision.
23.Online s      is easy nowadays. We can buy almost everything on it.
24.That old man was too w      to walk further. He was seriously sick.
25.Don't       (触摸)the paintings in the museum. It's not allowed here.
26.Many countries think highly of China's high-speed railway       (技术).
know beautiful quick call think 

  A woman woke up and said to her husband, "I just had a dream. In the dream, you gave me the (1)      diamond necklace (钻石项链) in the world. What do you think it means?" "You (2)      tonight." her husband said with a smile.
  The woman didn't think of anything else all day. She kept (3)      of her husband's words and she wanted him to come back home (4)      . That evening, her husband came back home with a small bag and gave it to her. She opened it happily and found a book (5)      The Meaning of Dreams.
28.假如你是李华, 你从信中得知你的加拿大笔友Tom最近身体不太舒服, 且经常生病, 为此你很担心他的健康.请根据以下要点立即给他写一封邮件询问他的情况, 并给他提出保持健康的建议.
1. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 语法正确, 书写规范.
2. 所有提示须全部用上, 并作适当发挥.
3. 文中不得出现真实的人名.校名、地名.
4. 80词左右(文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数)
How to keep healthy 
More exercise Play ball games, jogging 
Keep your hands clean Wash hands before meals 
Enough sleep More than 8 hours every night 
Good eating habits … 

Dear Tom,
  From the letter I know you're not feeling well these days. I'm sorry to hear that. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  If you do like this, I think you'll be healthy.
Li Hua
中考模拟试卷 最新试卷 青海试卷 海南藏族自治州试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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