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1.After reading the story of Pinocchio (匹诺曹). James made up his mind to be _______ honest boy.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Mo Yan is one of the greatest writers ________ in China.
  • A. live
  • B. lively
  • C. alive
  • D. living
3.People used to ________ TV plays after dinner 10 years ago, but now they are used to ________ short video like Tiktok (抖音).
  • A. watching;play
  • B. watch;playing
  • C. watching;playing
  • D. watch;play
4.—It seems that you don't know too much about Chongqing.
—You're right. I'm a ________ here.
  • A. patient
  • B. stranger
  • C. relative
  • D. staff
5.—Why are you so angry?
—My daughter ________ to me that she ________ the money on the desk, but in fact she spent it on ice-cream.
  • A. lied;lay
  • B. lied;laid
  • C. lay;laid
  • D. laid;lay
6.Winter is coming!I promised Jack that I will treat him ________ hotpot if he comes to my city.
  • A. as
  • B. with
  • C. of
  • D. to
7.Not only Tom but also his parents ________ watching TV.
  • A. likes
  • B. like to
  • C. like
  • D. likes to
8.Great changes ________ in China since the reform and opening-up 40 years ago.
  • A. took off
  • B. takes place
  • C. were taken place
  • D. have taken place
9.A lucky fan ________ to watch Wang Yibo's live show not long ago.
  • A. invites
  • B. is invited
  • C. was invited
  • D. is inviting
10.—The math problem is too difficult Can you tell me _______, Wang Lin?
  • A. what to work it out
  • B. what to work out it
  • C. how to work out it
  • D. how to work it out
11.  Huawei's chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou (1)       in Shenzhen on Saturday night, showing the (2)       of her 1028 days of detention (拘留).
  On the way back home, the darkness outside the plane reminded her of what happened during the 1028 days. She felt so (3)       to China because China paid so much attention to her, a common citizen (公民). She also felt greatly touched because of the company (陪伴) from her family, the care from her friends, the efforts from the Chinese government, and more importantly, the support from all the Chinese. When she was in great trouble, they (4)       to encourage her and help her until she was free.
  "Every day when I stayed in Canada, I missed my motherland. How I (5)       I could live in her arms forever at that time. After more than 1000 days of suffering, I finally returned to my motherland. " Meng said when she got off the plane. "I have left China and returned to China many times, but only today's way home makes me cry as I know (6)       millions of lights, there is one specially for me. Where there is a Chinese Hug, there is a beacon of faith (信仰). If faith has a (7)      , it must be China red. "
  After the short speech, there was a big hand from the crowds. Meng was waving to them with a big smile (8)       they were singing a song for the motherland together with her at the airport.
  Meng's experiences have fully shown that only when our country is strong (9)       can we have a chance to enjoy preferential diplomacy (外交). As common Chinese middle school students, we should try to be the (10)       our country takes pride in.
12.阅读下列材料, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案.
  The Tokyo Paralympic Games closed on a Sunday night this summer. Team China had won 207 medals in total, including 96 gold medals, 60 silver medals and 51 bronze medals. The following are some of the great gold﹣medal lists in the games.
Liu Cuiqing, a blind runner and world record holder, won 2 gold medals in Tokyo. Wang Rui, a ping-pong player, losing her right leg, won the gold medal in Tokyo. Lu Dong, a swimmer, having no arms, won a gold medal in Tokyo. 
13.  Have you ever worried about your safety in your daily life?A survey that nearly 50% of the students interviewed are worried about robbery (抢劫) on the way to and from school. Luckily, in some big cities in China, schools are teaching a special lesson:self-protection. Students enjoy the lesson because they can learn how to help others and know how to stop danger before it happens. What's more, they can try acting in class.
  Self-protection experts are invited to give middle school students some advice on how to deal with danger.
  If you are robbed
  First of all, keep calm. If you are unable to shout for help or run away, give your money to the robbers. Do not say too much to irritate (刺激) them. Try to remember what the robbers look like and tell the police later.
  If you are in a traffic accident
  If you are hit by a car, try to take a picture of the number plate (车牌) or remember the car number. If a bicycle hits you, you should call your parents before you let the rider leave. This is because you have no idea how seriously you get hurt.
  If it is raining hard and there is lightening (闪电)
  Don't make phone calls outside. Don't stay in high places or hide under trees.
  If someone falls into the river
  Don't get into the water if you can't swim. You can cry out for help or call the police.
  You should keep in mind that danger could be much closer than you think. Remember to take care of yourself at all times.
14.  Lucky signs(吉兆) is very popular with Chinese. There are many aspects and expressions of good luck in Chinese culture. They are mostly passed from ancient times and still play an important role in people's daily lives today. The lucky colors, animals or use of language are quite special and interesting, and they make the culture more meaningful.
  The color red
  Red is deeply rooted in Chinese culture;it represents power, status (身份) and confidence to ancient Chinese royalty, while to common people, red means happiness, wealth, prosperity and good luck.
  Benevolent animals (神兽护体)
  "In the ancient East there is a dragon, her name is China. In the ancient East there is a group of people, they are all the heirs (后裔) of the dragon." Dragons in Chinese culture represent the greatest royalty, strength, prosperity. The ancient emperors of China were regarded as the sons of dragons.
  Chinese puns(谐音)
  In the Chinese language, there are lots of interesting homophonic words(双关语). Chinese people love to use these puns in their daily lives, and it has become an important part of the culture. Especially, people love to take homophonic meanings and connect them as lucky words like "nian nian you yu", "yu" means "fish" and it also have the similar sound as "surplus (剩余)".
15.  If you live in Shanghai, you might have taken a "lesson" in sorting garbage (垃圾分类). As China's first city to carry out strict rules on garbage sorting and recycling, Shanghai requires its residents to sort garbage into four kinds, namely recyclable, harmful, dry and wet waste. If people fail to sort their garbage properly, they can be fined (罚款) up to 200 yuan.
  Since the rule took effect, the amount of total daily waste in Shanghai has been reduced by an average of 15500 tons, dropping 26 percent from the end of 2018, while the average daily weight of recyclables hits 4, 500 tons, five times higher than the end of 2018, according to the Shanghai Landscaping and City Appearance Administrative Bureau. "Proper waste sorting protects the environment and saves natural resources." said Deng Jianping, director of the bureau. "Led by the central government, Shanghai is making efforts to develop long-term solutions to garbage management.
  However, there have also been some problems. Some people complained (抱怨)that it is difficult to deal with wet garbage, as they are asked to remove wet garbage from its bag when pouring. According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin. This separation is necessary, as it makes sure that the wet garbage will decompose properly and become useful organic (有机的) waste, the bureau said. Plastic bags can affect this process. Some people in Shanghai are using paper bags that can biodegrade (生物降解) or plastic containers that can be washed and reused instead of traditional plastic bags, according to Xinhua.
  More cities are introducing similar garbage sorting rules. By the end of 2021, garbage-sorting systems will be set up in 46 cities in our country, including Beijing and Shenzhen, People's Daily reported.
16.  The internet is a place where we can talk freely. But it is also a place where we pay little attention to whether or not our language ability is becoming poorer.
  According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, more than 76 percent of young people in China said they felt their Chinese language skills have declined (下降). They don't we complex rhetorical technique (修辞手法) as often anymore. It is believed that digital technology and internet memes (表情包) have changed their communication habits.
  For example, direct expression is a preferred way to communicate online. When one sees something funny, one will simply type "hahaha" or use the "cry-laugh" emoji. Beijing Youth Daily noted. What's more, Cai Xiaojia. a teacher from Fuzhou, told China Youth Daily that words in general are being used less. For instance people can share photos and emojis online with little need for words to describe them.
  Also, "copy and paste (粘贴)" culture is getting popular. People simply pick up expressions from the internet without much thought. Many begin to use a fixed set of sentence patterns, such as "whenever you disagree with each other, you …"
  If this trend continues, it could influence our way of thinking, People's Daily noted. When we use expressions without thinking, it means we have become too lazy to express our real feelings. If teenagers are used to casual methods of expression like emojis, they could lose the ability to use words properly.
  To improve our language skills, experts suggest that we should try to think independently and develop our own language logic. They also suggest that we should read more works of literature(文学). "Keep using different words to show your special feelings, " said Shen Xiaolong, a professor in the Chinese department at Fudan University.
17.A:Excuse me, sir. I lost the way. Could you help me?
B:Yes, of course. (1)      
A:Could you please tell me the way to the nearest movie theater?
B:My pleasure. Cinema Palace. It's the best cinema in Yangjiaping district. (2)      
A:OK, thanks.
B:Oh, wait please. Please remember that Cinema Palace is on your right, on the fifth floor of The Mixc.
A:I see. (3)      
B:It's about a hundred meters.
A: (4)      
B:Yes. It closes at 10:00 p. m. So you can choose to go right now.
A:Thank you so much. (5)      
B:You're welcome.
A. Go down this street and turn right at the first crossing.
B. Where will you go?
C. I often go there in my free time.
D. I just can't wait to see The Eight Hundred
E. How far is it from here?
F. Do you know what time it closes every day?
G. Do you know which bus I should take?
18.  Zeng zi was one of Confucius' (孔子) students. One day, Zeng zi's wife wanted to go to a market and decided to leave their son alone at home. The boy kept crying without stop. Mother had to bend (弯曲) down and comfort him by saying, "My darling, I'll kill the pig to make a nice meal for you if you do well at home."
  When the son heard this, he went home happily. Hours later, the wife returned home from the market and forgot all about her promise. But Zeng zi tied up their fat pig, took out a shining sharp knife and prepared to kill it. The wife held Zeng zi quickly by the hand and said, "Stop!What are you doing?I was only trying to make our boy happy."
  Zeng Zi said seriously, "How can you cheat a child?Although he is too young, he will do what you have done. Even worse, he will follow your example and cheat others. And it's a promise that our son will no longer trust his mother."
  The wife kept silent for a while. Zeng Zi finally killed the fat pig.
19.Mobile phones are widely used among young people. (变否定句)
Mobile phones        widely        among young people.
20.We take pride in Quan Hongchan in Tokyo Olympic Games 2020. (改为同义句)
We        of Quan Hongchan in Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.
21.I believe he will be a good reporter one day,       ?(完成反意疑问句)
The nurse is        all the patients.
23.今日事今日毕, 勿将今事待明日.(完成译句)
Never       what can be done today till tomorrow.
24.  An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He (1)       good care of his flowers and his garden was always colorful.
  One day a boy went by the garden. When he saw these beautiful (2)       =, he couldn't believe his eyes. How happy he would be if he could live in this beautiful place! Then, (3)       his surprise, the boy found the old gardener was (4)      . He felt very sorry for the old man and he asked him, "You can't see these flowers. (5)       do you still keep a garden?"
  The old man smiled and said, "I can tell you the reasons. First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, (6)       I can't see these flowers, I can smell the sweetness of them. The last one, that's because of (7)      . "
  "Me? But you don't know me," said the boy.
  "Yeah, it's true that I don't know you. But I know others will feel happy if they see the garden and that is what I want to share with them."
  To give is much better (8)       to receive. You will feel happier if you are willing to share your happiness with others.
25.为配合"双减"政策的实施, 自上学期起, 全国中小学将开展课后延时服务工作.服务时间是周一到周五下午行课结束后至18:00.以下是人们对课后延时服务的不同看法.请你根据下表提示写一篇短文, 并阐述自己的看法及理由.要点提示:
人们的看法 优点 家长可以下班后去接孩子 …… 
缺点 久坐不利于学生身体健康 …… 

要求:1. 100 词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总字数;
2. 文章需要包含所有要点;
3. 文章中不得出现学生本人、班级、老师、朋友和学校的真实姓名及个人信息;
4. 卷面整洁, 书写工整.
参考词汇:课后延时服务after school service优点 advantage缺点 disadvantage
  Starting from last term, primary schools and junior middle schools provided students with after school service every day. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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