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1.  Cathy was a 14-year-old girl. Her neighborhood had (1)       empty lot (地) filled with rubbish.
  On a rainy day, Cathy looked down at the lot. Suddenly, an idea (2)      into her mind. later, she talked to her friend David. She showed him a drawing of a garden. David said, (3)       beautiful drawing!But how(4)      we make your idea come true?It's hard work." "We'd better ask our neighbors (5)      us, " Cathy replied. Then they explained the plan to their neighbors door by door. Most of the neighbors decided to support them, (6)      they also didn't like the lot with rubbish.
  On a clear day, many of them came to the lot with some small trees and seeds(种子), helping clear away the rubbish. Cathy and her friends planted and watered the trees and the seeds carefully.
  For a long time, the garden (7)      by Cathy and her friends. The terrible lot has been turned (8)      a beautiful garden where everyone has a really great time and seldom wants to leave. When the neighbors came to the garden, they were all surprised and even couldn't believe(9)      the terrible lot became a beautiful garden. Now. everyone could enjoy (10)       moment which they never had before in this amazing place. Finally, Cathy realized that even one small idea can make a big change if people pull together.
2.  My life is always filled with sadness and little joy. However, no matter what happens, I can always (1)       it bravely.
  Last year, I couldn't believe the (2)      that I was allowed to enter the only key high school in my hometown. Then I rushed to my home and told my parents. But my father didn't seem as (3)      as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn't help crying.
  I knew very well what my family was poor. My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a (4)      life and I couldn't continue my schooling. I felt so upset but I could say (5)       to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work(6)      my family.
  To my surprise, things completely changed at the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which was (7)      by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, "Always have a dream. " (8)       tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.
  I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. Whenever I meet difficulties, I always (9)       my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter (10)       hard the life is. Just as a great man says, "When one door shuts, the other opens in life."
There are many activities in our school this term, and the biggest one is the English Festival. It is organized by the English Club. The main aim of this activity is to create a good English learning environment for students. The English Festival will take place from 8 April to 8 June. During these months, a lot of activities will be held. You are welcomed to join us. Activities
Little Singer
Competition………………………For Grade 7 & 8
Garden Party……………………………………For Grade8 &9
Cosplay…………………………………………For Grade 7 & 9
Speech Match…………………………………For English teachers
More purposes:
Help more students who like English and want to learn English well improve themselves.
Make students learn English in a relaxing way.
Improve students" Ability of communicating with others.
Things you can do during the English Festival: Play some English songs on the school radio at lunchtime.
Try to talk with your teachers or classmates in English. In this way. you will practise your spoken English.
At weekends, prepare some useful things for your activities. Chance is always for the prepared mind.
Watch some English films and share them with your friends. More information
Tel: 84980123
E-mail: English-festival@163. com
F-Address:Happy English Club 
4.  Recently, an unmanned retail shop (无人超市) named Taocafe was opened on July 8th, 2017 in Hangzhou. If you want to shop in it, you should know some steps about how to buy and pay for the goods.
  Firstly, customers need to open their Taobao app on mobile phones, and then scan the QR (二维码) code to enter the shop. After that, they don't need to use the phones while shopping. Then, after ordering products, customers need to walk through a payment door and they can finish paying for goods in a few seconds. As they leave the shop, an in-store camera checks whether they are only taking out the goods they paid off.
  Many people regarded that Taocafe will be opened all over the world one day, but the Alibaba CEO Zhang Yong denied it. He said the initial purpose of opening this unmanned retail shop is to serve those hoping to run a cafe by helping them build a smart cafe more easily, rather than Alibaba running such shops itself. Besides, Alibaba will offer different kinds of services to the shops, such as digital and technological platforms, accounts, facial recognition, etc.
  Actually, Taocafe is not the first unmanned retail shop. In 2016, Amazon's first unmanned store was opened in Seattle. But it is only a private store for people working for Amazon only. In 2017, a Chinese company had already opened several unmanned convenience stores. This is the first Bingbox store without staffs in it in Shanghai. In addition, a company named Wheels has also designed a model self﹣driving supermarket that leads to different places throughout the day to help customers.
  These unmanned retail shops all have their special advantages, which proves that a new economy age is coming. However, some people worry that many people will lose their jobs if the retail shops do not need staffs any more.
5.配对阅读.左栏是Cindy的5位家人及朋友的喜好介绍, 右栏是7家店铺的简介.请为Cindy匹配合适的店铺去买礼物送给自己的家人和朋友, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)      Jessica, Cindy's best friend, likes eating all kinds of fruits. When she goes to a new place, she usually tries the delicious and special fruits there.
(2)      Monica, Cindy's sister, usually reads some books and plants some flowers when she is free. She likes talking about her beautiful garden.
(3)      Bob, Cindy's husband, often plays tennis with his friends. He also likes watching movies and basketball matches.
(4)       Stephen, Cindy's cousin, likes eating snacks, such as chocolate and ice-cream. Besides, he often eats spicy (辛辣的) foods. He thinks they're tasty.
(5)      Dino, Cindy's son, likes drawing pictures. One of his favorite animals is rabbits, so he often draws pictures of them. 
A. Wonderful Painting HouseIt's on the third floor. There are many different kinds of crayons. Also, lots of toys about animals, like horses, sheep, dogs and so on can be chosen to draw with your favorite colors and wonderful ideas. B. Danny's ShopIt's on
B1. All kinds of desserts and snacks from all over the world are served. Especially, the fried potato chips are very popular among the kids.
C. LuLuwaysIt's on the first floor. Cups with different shapes, sizes and colorful pictures are on sale. You can buy some big ones for daily use or small ones for friends and families.
D. SIYUE. BookstoreIt's on the second floor. There are different kinds of books. You can find what you are interested in here, such as books about gardening and planting, books about technology and science and so on.
E. Young ShowIt's on the fourth floor. Kids' clothes, shoes, hats and bags with the picture of animals like rabbit, monkey and elephant are here. They are not only fashionable but also cheap.
F. YOYO Native ProductsIt's on B2. Dried and fresh grape, strawberry, banana and durian (榴莲) here are pretty tasty. What's more, you can find some special fruits around the world here. You can have a try.
G. SanseIt's on the fifth floor. Sports equipment (器材), including football, baseball, tennis, etc, can be found here. Many kids and adults always come to pick what they want. 
6.  Who is LiZiqi? For millions of people who like watching her videos, that's a(an) (1)       question to answer. The videos about her rural life recently went viral (走红). Her fans (2)      her "Chinese Da Vinci".
  She is worthy of this title. Cooking, painting, designing, farming, she is a master of many kinds of skills. In her videos, Li wears hanfu that she made herself. Li (3)       a lot of plants as well. She is often seen preparing meals with vegetables picked from her backyard.
  Her (4)      often start with how the vegetables are planted in the backyard. She seldom speaks in the process.
  Li was raised by (5)      grandparents in a small village in Sichuan Province. (6)      she was 14, she went to the city to work. However, she (7)       to the countryside in 2012 to take care of her sick grandmother after her grandfather died.
  To make a living, Li ran (8)       online store. At first, she just used her videos to advertise her products. But the simple pleasure she presented soon won many fans.
  For her global audience, what is even more interesting is Li's deep knowledge of food, nature and Chinese (9)      . As China Daily said, Li shows the world that Chinese people love good food and are good at making art out of the simplest materials. (10)       her videos, she has spread Chinese culture to the world.
7.Every Chinese should remember these       (英雄) fighting for our country.
8.Can you name the four famous       (发明)of ancient China?
9.The more children are       (鼓励), the more progress they will make.
10.Chinese is mare and more       (广泛地)used around the world.
11.I think it is the best       (选择)for all of us to join the club now.
12.She        (后悔) missing a wonderful English party last week.
13.The move Changjin Lake is so       (有教育意义的)that we are told to watch it.
14.Last week our teacher took us to the       (田野)to experience the country life.
15.The students are told to give       (日常的)reports before English classes.
16.People like to wear the clothes made of       (棉花).
17.  As a student, you must have homework every day. How do you deal with your homework?When do you usually finish your homework?Here is some advice for you to help you finish your homework well.
  Homework should be done as soon as you get home from school. If you have after﹣school activities, the homework should be done first. At the same time, it is fine to allow for a snack break and also to allow for stretching(伸展)breaks.
  Also, you should remember that it is your duty to do your homework. Don't depend on your mum and dad for help. Please try to find the answer yourself because you will learn much more that way.
  When you have a question, especially something about a science or maths, don't always turn to your teacher!It is a good idea to try to find the answer yourself. If this doesn't work, you can also look at your textbooks carefully. They may help you understand the problem.
  Finally while doing homework, don't think about or do other things. Keep working. Setting a time limit (限制) often helps with this. Different ages decide different amounts of time. 10~15 minutes is good for a child that's aged 6~8. A time of 20~30 minutes is about right for a child aged 9~12. Kids can keep studying for 30~45 minutes at the ages of 13~15. This, of course, depends on your ability to pay attention and stay on tasks.
18.开学后, 由于"双减政策我们的周末作业量少了、学习负担轻了.请结合上面的短文写一篇短文介绍你周末作业的情况.内容包括:
1. 介绍目前你完成周末作业的情况(花费的时间, 独立还是需要帮助);
2. 讲述某一次你完成周末作业的经过;
3. 制定出以后完成周末作业的计划(至少两点);
4. 呼吁大家认真对待周末作业.
1. 不能照抄原文, 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名;
2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右.
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