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You know Quan Hongchan the sports star?We are in       school.
2.艾米丽数学课迟到了, 而她还是数学老师.
Emily is       the math class and she's the math teacher.
I feel two       eyes on me.
I think my family's       are healthy. We eat vegetables every day.
Mom lets me watch TV       on Saturdays.
6.I must find the set of       , or I can't get into my house. (key)
7.It is the        birthday for our club. Let's have a party. (nine)
8.That boy in black trousers       cool. (look)
9.Thanks for your dictionary. It is very       . (use)
10.What about       dinner at my place this evening?(have)
  • A. F, K, M
  • B. A, H, L
  • C. J, N, X
  • D. E, T, V
  • A. tomato
  • B. some
  • C. soccer
  • D. woman
  • A. my
  • B. tidy
  • C. only
  • D. January
  • A. cousin, sound
  • B. sweater, please
  • C. Friday, finish
  • D. number,us
  • A. purple, term
  • B. lost, know
  • C. eighth;table
  • D. room, June
16.Come and buy your clothes in Old Henry's Store_________the afternoon of November 6th!And we will sell our clothes_______very good prices.
  • A. in;at
  • B. on;for
  • C. on;at
  • D. in;for
17.—Is this hat ______?
—No, the red one is ______.
  • A. Lucy's; her
  • B. Lucy; her
  • C. Lucy's; hers
  • D. Lucy; hers
18.New Year's Day is a big ________ for us and we are happy to welcome a new year.
  • A. trip
  • B. test
  • C. festival
  • D. month
19.—Eric, let's play soccer!
—Sorry, David. I'm _________now. How about this afternoon?
  • A. right
  • B. busy
  • C. fine
  • D. sure
20.—I think Ms. Brown is a great teacher.
—_______. We all like her art lesson.
  • A. That's for sure.
  • B. I don't know.
  • C. That sounds good.
  • D. You are welcome.
21.It's easy to just get fast food when you're hungry. But it can also be unhealthy. So I'll not have fast food for five days but make healthy food at home.
Day 1:Difficulty
McDonald's is calling me!But I remember(记得)my words. I have fish for dinner.
Day 2:Trying(尝试)new things
I have healthy vegetable noodles. How good it is!
Day 3:New breakfast
For breakfast, I have a banana sandwich with an egg. Don't let the name "sandwich" cheat (欺骗) you. The banana is just the "bread" for this breakfast.
Day 4:At-home burrito
I make myself a burrito. Tomatoes, beans and some other vegetables are in it. I like it so much!
Day 5:Going all out
I made it!I will try to eat healthy food more often.
22.  Jane is seven years old and Billy is eleven. They often fight (打架) at home.
  "Mom, Billy doesn't give my book back!"
  "It's not yours. It's mine."
  I don't know how to stop them at first, but then I have an idea.
  I give them some "punishment" when they fight. But those "punishments'' are not really punishments — just nice things for each other. For example, when Jane begins a fight, she must clean Billy's room. When Billy begins a fight, he must give Jane a hug (拥抱). They must do many things like this for each other.
  I write these "punishments" on a round board. When one of them begins a fight, they must run the board and get their "punishments".
  Jane and Billy think this game is great fun and it works well. Now they get on (相处) well. When children do something wrong, we can do this kind of interesting game — to let them know how to be nice to each other.
23.  Some children in Africa (非洲) don't have school things. Some people from other countries give them some. Look! How happy they are!
  Kevin is really happy. (1)       He can put his pencils in it now.
  Kate gets a notebook. She always wants a notebook, but her parents are poor. They can't buy one for her. (2)       What's that in Mike's hands? It's a storybook. Mike likes reading books very much. (3)       Little Tommy gets some pencils. He usually writes with a stone (石头), but his spelling is really great. Now he can write with a real pencil.
  (4)       You can give your old school things to us. We need books, schoolbags, dictionaries, pencils, rulers, erasers and pencil boxes ...
  (5)       You can also e-mail us at amy@developafrica.org.

A. This is her first notebook.
B. He gets a new pencil box.
C. He really wants some books.
D. Do you want to help these African children?
E. If you don't know how to give them to us, you can call 850-499-8335. 
24.  It is 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Fisher asks her (1)       Judy to do her homework, (2)       Judy doesn't want to. She wants to play with her cat. She says, "Mom, can I (3)       you a question?"
  "(4)      . What is it?" says Mrs. Fisher.
  "Do you (5)       me?" asks Judy. Mrs. Fisher says, "Yes."
  "Then why don't you let (6)       do what I want?" asks Judy.
  After thinking for a minute, Mrs. Fisher puts Judy's T-shirts, (7)       and trousers on Judy's bed. Then, she asks, "Judy, do you love me?"
  Judy says, "Yeah, Mom. That's for sure."
  "Great! Dear, I don't want to wash your clothes. (8)       do you ask me to wash them?"
  Judy (9)       her clothes and says, "Uh, Mom. I have (10)       homework to do. Please wash them for me. Thanks." Then, Judy goes to do her homework.
25.根据下面的对话场景, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项. 选项中有两项多余选项.
(In a bookstore)
A:Hi, Cindy! (1)      
B:Hi, David!I want to buy some geography books.
A: (2)      
B:Yes. I like it very much.
A:Why do you like it?
B: (3)      I want to have geography class every day.
A:Well, Cindy... can you help me with geography?(4)      
B:Of course. (5)      
A:Thank you so much!Let's go to the classroom.
A. Where do we meet?
B. Do you like history?
C. I'll take these books.
D. I have some questions.
E. What do you want to buy?
F. Is geography your favorite subject?
G. Because my geography teacher is great fun.
26.进入初中两个月来, 我们的日常生活和校园生活都发生了许多改变, 你是否重新认识了自己?请你围绕以下方面用英语介绍自己.
英文 名字 生日年龄 饮食习惯 体育运动 喜爱科目
1. 文中不要出现所在学校的校名、班级和师生姓名;
2. 词数60左右.
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