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1.—"Happy Birthday, David"!
  • A. You, too
  • B. Thank you
  • C. No, thanks
  • D. You're welcome
2.I clean (打扫) my bedroom every day, so it is very ______.
  • A. dirty
  • B. middle
  • C. big
  • D. tidy
3.—______ your parent?
—He/She ______ fine.
  • A. How are;are
  • B. How is;is
  • C. How about is;is
  • D. How old are;is
  • A. name game same map
  • B. bed next red pen
  • C. like quilt nine white
  • D. dog go sofa no
5.Let's watch ______ News about COP 15.
  • A. CCTV
  • B. WTO
  • C. UFO
  • D. NBA
6.—You help me a lot. Thank you.
  • A. I think so
  • B. Don't say so
  • C. You're welcome
  • D. I see
7.We don't often use (使用)______ . We can find the words (单词) online.
  • A. dictionary
  • B. maps
  • C. telephones
  • D. dictionaries
8.—What color is the orange?
—It's ______.
  • A. an orange
  • B. oranges
  • C. orange
  • D. orange orange
9.This notebook is ______. ______ is in the desk.
  • A. his; Mine
  • B. he; Mine
  • C. him; My
  • D. he; Me
10.—Let's go to the Old People's Home together this afternoon.
—Good! Let's meet ______ 2:00 and bring some books ______ them.
  • A. in, for
  • B. for, at
  • C. at, for
  • D. to, for
11.The tape player is on the ______ desk.
  • A. teacher
  • B. teacher's
  • C. teachers
  • D. teacher'
12.______!The movie The Battle At Lake Changjin (长津湖) starts soon. Don't be late (迟到).
  • A. I hope so
  • B. That's OK
  • C. You don't say
  • D. Come on
13.You can call the police (警察) at ______ when you are in danger.
  • A. one one zero
  • B. one two zero
  • C. one one four
  • D. one one nine
14.—Frank, what's this in Chinese?
—Sorry. I've no idea. Let's go and ask the teacher.
  • A. I see
  • B. Don't ask me
  • C. I don't know
  • D. Get out
15.I can't find my ID card here and there!
  • A. everywhere
  • B. nowhere
  • C. somewhere
  • D. where
16.  Hello, I'm Cindy and I'm from America. I am twelve years old. I study in a middle school in (1)      now. My parents are (2)      in my school. My school is great and big in Beijing.
  I have a good friend. Her name is Kate Smith. We always call her(3)      . Her phone number is 6589-3352. (4)       Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhang. He is a (5)      teacher. He likes telling jokes (讲笑话) and he often tells us a lot of history (历史 ) (6)       China. He is kind to us. We can always (7)       him for help when we have problems, so we all like him and his class.
  Do you know (8)      is my math teacher?It is my (9)      . I think it is very good because I can see her at home and school. At school, I like to play sports and have fun with my friends, (10)      they like to play with me, too. I love my life here in China!
Chinese Sports Starts in Tokyo Olympic Games (东京奥运会上的中国体育明星) 
 Name:Quan Hongchan; Age:14;Weight:35 kg
Sports:Women's 10 m Platform Diving
Family: I have two brothers and two sisters. I'm the third child (小孩) in my family. When I was a little girl, my parents went out to work in a big city, so my grandparents lived (居住) with us in the countryside. I love my family. I miss ( 想念) them very much. 
 Name: Su Bingtian;
Age: 32;
Weight: 65 kg
Sports: Men's 100 m Sprint
Family: I have a beautiful wife and a 3-year-old son. My son's nickname is Tiantian. My family are the gift (礼物) for me. Now, we live a happy life together (在一起). 

根据短文内容, 判断句子正(T), 误(F).
18.  I have a part-time job (兼职) at the Lost & Found of my school. I like my job here. Students found some things in the school, and they put them here. For example, here is a purple notebook. Tim from Class 2, Grade 8, found it in the library. Linda from Class 2, Grade 7, found a yellow key. Lily from Class 2, Grade 9, found a red hat.
  The Lost and Found is helpful. Some students lost things in the school. They come to the Lost and Found for help. Bill lost his black jacket. Tina lost her pen. Wendy lost her schoolbag. Some books and her ID card are in it.
19.  Jimmy is 12. He is a student in Class 2, Grade 7. Ms. Miller is his English teacher. She always asks Jimmy to answer questions in class. She never (从不) asks the other students. This morning, Ms. Miller asks Jimmy to answer questions three times (次数 ). Jimmy doesn't like English and he isn't good at it. He doesn't want to answer English questions.
  "How can I let Ms. Miller ask other students to answer her questions?" Jimmy thinks and then he has a good idea.
  This afternoon, he has an English class again. Ms. Miller wants a student to read the book. She says, "Jimmy, please read the book for us. "
  "Jimmy is not here," Jimmy says.
  "OK. Well, can you read it instead (代替)?" says Ms. Miller.
20.  Last year, I worked in a school in the US as a Chinese teacher. There are many differences (差异) between Chinese and American (美国的) schools. (1)      .
  • The early starts
  During the school days, classes usually start at 8:00 in the morning and end at 5:30 in the afternoon in China. (2)      .
  • (3)      
  Students have two hour's break (休息) during lunchtime and a 10-minute (分钟) break for each class period in China. In the US, students have one hour (小时) for lunch and two 20-minute breaks every day. (4)      .
  • Wear uniforms (5)      . However, there is no school uniform in the US. Students can wear their jeans and T-shirts.
A. Usually, students have to wear uniforms in many Chinese schools.
B. American schools are good.
C. But in the US, classes start at 8:30 every morning and end at 3:30 p. m or 4:00 p. m.
D. Here are three main (主要的) differences.
E. Break time
F. But schools in China start much earlier (更早).
G. One break is in the morning, and one break is in the afternoon.
21.My schoolbag is purple. What about       (your)?
22.She       (must) say goodbye to her uncle at Changshui International Airport this evening.
23.They have ten       (box) of apples in the car.
24.       (that) keys may be in your grandparents' room.
25.My good friend Jason and I       (be) in the classroom now.
26.      (劳驾)! Can you give me a hand?
27.Where are my       (飞机模型), Mom?I need them.
28.You can       (发邮件给我) at       .
29.I have       (一套书), Harry Potter.
30.—Tomorrow my family will (将要) go to Biodiversity Exhibition (生物多样性展览会).
—Oh,       (过得愉快)!
31.He is Landy. (改成同义句)
      is Landy.
32.Is your name David? (回答问题)
Yes,       .
33.They are Eric's computer games. (改成否定句)
      Eric's computer games.
34.My tape player is in the bookcase. (对划线部分提问)
      your tape player?
35.They are English girls. (改成单数句子) She is       English       .
36.优雅的生活从个人卫生开始.在洁净优雅的房间里学习, 你的灵魂也会变得高雅.作为初中学生, 相信你一定有能力把自己的卧室收拾得干净整洁, 物品归位.请以 My Tidy Room 为题, 描写一下你的卧室.
1. 文章要求书写认真、规范, 字迹清洁.全文词数不少于 60 词.
2. 注意紧扣主题, 意思连贯, 逻辑正确, 条理清楚, 语言通顺, 不要翻译铺垫部分.
3. 不得使用真实姓名和校名以及老师的真实名字, 如需使用姓名, 请用Mike, Gina 等英文名字, 校名统一用 Guangming Middle School.
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