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1.Eric and I are in ____ same class, and we play ____ basketball in the afternoon.
  • A. the; /
  • B. the;a
  • C. a; /
  • D. the;the
2.My friend Frank always has hamburgers ____ lunch. That's not good.
  • A. in
  • B. for
  • C. to
  • D. on
3.Do you have ______ or ______ in the morning?
  • A. egg; milk
  • B. eggs; milks
  • C. eggs; milk
  • D. egg; milks
4.They ______ soccer and their father ______ six soccer balls.
  • A. loves; has
  • B. loves; have
  • C. love; has
  • D. love; have
5.Mom, please let me ____ basketball now.
  • A. plays
  • B. play
  • C. playing
  • D. to play
6.—Alan, do you love soccer games?
—No, they're ____.
  • A. interesting
  • B. great
  • C. boring
  • D. late
7.— Where's my lunch, mom?
— Hum... the apples ______ in the box and the rice ______ on the table.
  • A. is; is
  • B. are; are
  • C. is; are
  • D. are; is
8.—Is this basketball ____?
—No, ____ is in the classroom.
  • A. Amy;Her
  • B. Amy;Hers
  • C. Amy's;Her
  • D. Amy's;Hers
9.—Where is my book?
—Sorry, I don't know. You can ____ Jim ____ help.
  • A. ask;about
  • B. thank;for
  • C. ask;for
  • D. call;at
10.Henry's grandparents ______ hamburgers or ice-cream.
  • A. don't like
  • B. doesn't like
  • C. doesn't likes
  • D. don't likes
11.Wang Wei is my classmate and he has good ____.
  • A. eat habit
  • B. eating habit
  • C. eat habits
  • D. eating habits
12.Alice loves soccer and tennis, so she plays ______ every afternoon.
  • A. it
  • B. they
  • C. her
  • D. them
13.—____ is your friend now?
—I think he's fine.
  • A. What
  • B. Who
  • C. How
  • D. Where
14.Cindy is a ____ student, and she eats ____ every day.
  • A. good;good
  • B. well;well
  • C. good;well
  • D. well;good
15.—____, Frank. Where's the baseball?
—____, I don't know.
  • A. Excuse me;Sure
  • B. You're right;Sorry
  • C. Excuse me;Sorry
  • D. You're right;Sure
16.  Today on your phones, you can find many great APPs (应用). Now, here are some nice Chinese APPs to see.
  Do you (1)       Tik-Tok (抖音)? In this APP, you can see some video clips (短视频). Some people love this APP and they use it every day, but some people (2)      . You can't find the APP on (3)       phones because the video clips are too loud and boring for these people.
  On some people's phones, you can find another APP: Bilibli. This APP (4)       them find some great cartoons (动画). The cartoons are very interesting for them, so they (5)       love this APP. They like to watch these cartoons (6)       their friends or family.
  One (7)       APP is Taobao. It's a great APP, too. Chinese people love to buy (买) things in it. If you want some (8)      , you can order (订购) them in Taobao. And you can have your notebooks after three to five days. That's so (9)      .
  Now you know these (10)       APPs. So, are these Apps on your phone now? Do you like them? Maybe you can tell us!
17.Michael and Eric are classmates. Here is their chat log (聊天记录).
Morning, Eric! 
Hi, Michael!Do you like to go to the library this afternoon? 
Oh, I don't think so. It's so boring. 
Really?I think it's fun. Then what about basketball?You love basketball. 
Yeah . that's nice!But can we eat hamburgers? 
Err. .. I don't like hamburger very much. Maybe some chicken and rice near our school? 
Great!And some ice-cream at Starbucks after that? 
Sure. So, meet you at 12:00 at my home? 
OK. See you then! 
18.  Now in the photo, we can see Xi Jinping on the right. We all know he is the president (领导人) of China. But do you know we call him"Xi Dada", too?He is born (出生) in 1953 in Shaanxi, so he is 65 now.
  His mother Qi Xin, is a teacher. She is born in 1926. Xi Jinping's father is Xi Zhongxun. Xi Jinping loves Chinese people and does good things for us, so Chinese people admire him. We all love and thank him very much.
  On the left is Donald Trump. He is the president of the US and he is 72 now. His wife (妻子) is Melania Trump. She's born in 1970.
  President Trump has five children (孩子). Ivanka Trump is his daughter. Ivanka's has a daughter, too. Her name is Arabella. Arabella likes China and she knows Chinese. She can sing Happy New Year in Chinese.
19.  Do you have a computer? Here we ask three students.
  John Smith: There is a new computer in my family, and my parents use it for work. I use the computer to play computer games. I love them very much because they are very interesting. I play them after I do my homework.
  Wang Yuanyuan: My father, Wang Li, has a computer and that's the only computer we have. I don't like computer games, so I only use it for my homework. If I don't know something, I can use the Internet to find the answers (答案).
  Eric Brown: My family doesn't have a computer because my parents don't like computers. They don't like me to play games on computers. And they always say computers are bad (坏) for my eyes (眼睛). But I don't think so. If I need to use computer for my homework, I can go to my aunt Alice Brown's family and use hers. I really don't like this. I think my family must have a computer.
20.  My dear students, do you like your middle school life (生活) now? I ask the students in my class. Some students say yes, but some say no. Well, you can do the following (下面的) three things. After that, you can have a nice and happy middle school life.
  Have a Plan (计划)
  One day, my student, Xiaoming, says to me, "Mr. Wang, I don't think I have time (时间) to do my homework (家庭作业). "I say to him, "If you don't have time for your homework, you must have a plan. Then you can see when (什么时候) to play and when to do your homework."
  Do Some Sports
  In my class, everyone likes sports. They can help you be healthy. So, you can play ping-pong, basketball or soccer after class. Oh, a healthy student must eat good food, too. You can have fruit and vegetables for your meals.
  Listen (听) to Your Parents
  Some students don't like to listen to their parents. But let's look at a kite (风筝). If a kite doesn't have the help of a string (线), it can't fly. My dear students, now you are the kites and your parents are the strings. We must have our parents' help. Then we can have a good middle school life.
  So, boys and girls, can you do the three things?
21.A:Hey, Eddie! It's 7:00. Are you ready?
B:Yeah. Frank. (1)      
A:Oh, no. I can't find my English book. (2)      
B:Err…do you see it under your chair?
A: (3)      Oh, I know. It's on the sofa.
B:Good. And (4)      Do you have them?
A:Yes, I do. They're in my schoolbag.
B:Great! So, (5)      
A:Sure. Let's go!
A. What about your Chinese book?
B. Let's go!
C. No, I don't.
D. Where is it?
E. How about your pencils?
F. Yes, I do. G. Can we go now? 
22.I have a        /ˈmɒdl/ plane in my desk.
23.We all want        (have) a computer in our room.
24.My schoolbag is on the sofa. What about        (he)? Is it on the sofa, too?
25.Can you see some        (tomato) in the bag?
26.Here        (be) some bread on the plate.
27.What about some        (vegetable) salad for John's birthday?
28.Ice-cream        (sound) nice for her birthday party.
29.Computer games are        (relax) for me.
30.Do you know hamburgers are not        (health)?
31.My        (grandparent) photos are in their room.
32.       (that) two girls are my sisters.
33.Her grandparents like fruit for dinner. (改为一般疑问句)
       her grandparents        fruit for dinner?
34.The man in the photo is my grandfather. (对划线部分提问)
             the man in the photo?
35.The girl has ice-cream after dinner. (改为否定句)
The girl               ice-cream after dinner.
36.The students have lunch in the school. (对划线部分提问)
             the students have lunch?
37.I think English is easy. (改为同义句)
I think English is              .
38.Mary喜欢网球.它对她来说很有趣. (完成译句)
Mary likes tennis.        fun        her.
39.  Hello, my friends in China!My name is Cindy Simpson. I'm a (1)       in St. Anderson High School, California, the US. Today, my teacher, Miss Brown says something about American (美国的) schools and Chinese schools. That's very interesting. So, I'm here to share (分享) my school life (生活) with you.
  I know the students in China have two vacations (假期) in a year, (2)       in the US, we don't. We have three vacations. It's so cool!And in a school day, Chinese students have eight classes (课). Five in the morning and three in the afternoon. Here in my school, we (3)       have five classes!Three in the morning and (4)       in the afternoon.
  (5)       school, the students love to do some sports. My friends and I like basketball, so I often play basketball with (6)       in the afternoon. In the evening, we don't have any classes. So, after dinner, I like to read some books in my room. And my sister, Linda, (7)       TV with my parents.
  Well, this is my school life. Now you can see, American school life and Chinese school life are not the (8)      . So, do you like the life of American schools or Chinese schools?
40.在一年一度的"一中好青年"评选活动中, 李菲被评选为优秀学生.作为她的同学, 请你写一篇李菲的介绍, 好让更多的人了解她的优秀事迹.
1. 介绍李菲同学整齐的房间;
2. 介绍她健康的生活习惯;
3. 介绍她其他优秀的方面.
注:书写工整、卷面整洁, 文中不得出现真实姓名及班级.(70词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词汇)
  Boys and girls, let's meet The Best Student of Chongqing No. 1 Middle School, Li Fei.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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