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1.  My name is Sam. I'm 13 years (1)      . I only eat healthy (2)      . For breakfast, I like eggs, bread and oranges. For lunch, I have chicken and vegetables. And for (3)       I have rice and fruit. This is a photo of my (4)      . This boy is my brother John, (5)       this is my sister Ann. These are my (6)      . They are Eric and Alice. This is my grandmother, Mona. I am not (7)      this photo.
  I study in a (8)       school in Wuhan now. My favorite(9)       is history. I think it's (10)      . We (11)       sports. I play soccer at school with my classmates. My brother likes to (12)       tennis after class. Ann likes (13)      . She always plays volleyball with her friends. My parents often play ping-pong. I think ping-pong is difficult, but they think it's (14)      . My grandma doesn't play (15)      , but she watches them on TV.
Dear Bob,
Nice to meet you!I'm an English girl My name is Milly Jones. I'm nine and I'm tidy. My favorite color is red. I have a red quilt, a red cup and a red pen. My telephone number is 873-3516. And my lucky (幸运的) number is seven.
Dear Milly,
Nice to meet you, too!I'm an American boy. I'm eight. My name is Bob Smith. My favorite color is blue. My cup is blue. But my quilt is green. I have a red pen, too. I'm not tidy. My things (东西) are everywhere. My lucky number is nine. And my telephone number is 894-2015.
3.  Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world. People began to keep cats as pets thousands of years ago. There are lots of types. Cats come in many different colors, sizes, with hair, without hair, with tails and without tails. They usually weigh (重) between 5 and 16 pounds. A cat can live for 15 to 20 years. Cats have very good hearing. Cats first became as popular as pets because they can kill mice. They are very quick and can catch mice and rats in the dark. Cats are also very clever. A baby cat is called a kitten. Cats can make over 100 sounds while dogs can only make about ten.
  Cats can be good pets, but one must be very careful around them. Cats have sharp (尖锐的) teeth and claws (爪子). It's best to play with cats with toys and not to push them with your hands. There are cat trainers. They can help you with your new cat.
4.  My name is Lisa. I'm an English girl . Now I'm in China with my family. We like ' Chinese food. In the morning my parents ask my two brothers and me to have eggs and milk at home. After breakfast, my mother gets us some apples. I always have one apple at home and go to school with one. My brothers and I don't have lunch at home. We have it at school with our classmates. For lunch, I always have rice and vegetables. After lunch. I have my apple. Afternoon classes finish at 5:30. Then I go home and have dinner with my family at 6:00. We usually have vegetables and porridge. After dinner, we always have some fruit. My family and I all like fruit.
5.  One day, Ann is not happy. Her teacher Miss Li asks her, "What's wrong with you?" Ann answers, "I want to buy a pair of shoes, but my parents don't have enough money." Then Miss Li says, "Today I have special (特殊的) homework for you—count your parents' shoes and tell me the number tomorrow."
  The next day. Miss Li asks Ann, "Did your count your parents' shoes?"
  "Yes, my father has three pairs of shoes and my mother has four pairs of shoes." "How many pairs of shoes do you have?"
  "Twenty." Ann's face turns red.
  "Are you still unhappy now?"
  "No, I'm not. I want to save (储存) some money to buy new shoes for my parents."
6.  Li Min is a student (学生) in China. She has a dog, Wangwang. (1)      ? It's black. Lucy and Mike are Li Min's friends. Each (每个) of them has a dog, too. (2)      . They are yellow.
  Now Li Min, Lucy and Mike can't find their dogs in the room. "(3)      ?" Li Min asks. "Are they under the table?Mike says. "(4)      ,'' Lucy says.
  "Look (看)! Oh, they are over there (在那里)," Mike says. (5)      .

A. Where are our dogs
B. The two dogs' names are Dudu and Qiqi
C. They find their dogs under the bed
D. What color is Wangwang
E. No, they aren't
7.I      [θɪŋk] it's in your grandparents' room.
8.They are not       ['helθi].
9.Sports Star eats w      .
10.—What's your        name?
11.—Is this your pencil box?
—Yes, it is. It's m       .
You can       the teacher       it.
Here       two       of my family.
Gina       .
I don't want       .
Easy , sport , and , same , only, with , classmate , difficult , do , they 

Do you have a soccer ball ?
Frank Brown,
  I don't have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan (1)      . We go to the (2)       school and we love soccer. We play it at school (3)       our friends. It's relaxing.
Gina Smith:
  I have two soccer balls, three volleyballs, four basketballs and five baseballs and bats. I love (4)      , but I don't play (5)      . I (6)      watch them on TV!
Wang Wei:
  Soccer is (7)      . I like ping-pong. It's (8)       for me. I have three ping-pong balls (9)       two ping-pong bats. After class, I play ping-pong with my (10)      .
收藏品:6个篮球, 3个排球 
爱好:喜欢打篮球, 认为打排球有点难 
喜爱的食物:汉堡包, 鸡肉 
不喜欢的食物:胡萝卜, 草莓 

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