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1.Football is _______ interesting sport, and he plays _____ football every day.
  • A. an, the
  • B. a , the
  • C. an, /
  • D. a, /
2.Our English teacher is very good and she makes her English lessons ________.
  • A. interesting
  • B. healthy
  • C. delicious
  • D. tired
3.The teacher's desk is ________ the blackboard.
  • A. behind
  • B. between
  • C. on
  • D. in front of
4.There _____ some water in the bottle.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. has
  • D. have
5.The girl is my friend. ______ name is Lucy. And ______ is a good girl.
  • A. Her; she
  • B. She; she
  • C. Her; her
  • D. She; her
6.Her mother is a ________. She works in a hospital.
  • A. nurse
  • B. teacher
  • C. manager
  • D. worker
7.Wang Hui likes singing ______ she isn't good at it.
  • A. because
  • B. but
  • C. so
  • D. or
8.We often ______ TV at home.
  • A. watch
  • B. watches
  • C. is watching
  • D. watching
9.______ important ______ well.
  • A. This is; eat
  • B. That is; to eat
  • C. It's; eat
  • D. It's; to eat
10.—_______ your school in England _______?
—It's big and beautiful.
  • A. What's , /
  • B. What's , like
  • C. How is , like
  • D. How , like
11.We haven't got______meat for dinner. Let's buy______chicken.
  • A. some;some
  • B. some;any
  • C. any;any
  • D. any;some
12.Jenny and I ____ good friends and we _____at the same school.
  • A. am, are
  • B. am, is
  • C. are , are
  • D. are, is
13.Don't drink ________ cola. It's ________ your health.
  • A. too many;bad at
  • B. too much;bad for
  • C. too much;bad at
  • D. too many;bad for
14.Let's meet ______ eight o'clock ______ the evening.
  • A. at; on
  • B. in; in
  • C. at; in
  • D. in; on
15.—It's hot. Let's drink some juice.
  • A. Thank you.
  • B. Not hot.
  • C. You're welcome.
  • D. Good idea.
16.  Tomorrow is Christmas. We have a Christmas tree (1)      our house. Under the tree there are (2)      boxes. What are in the (3)      ? In the red box, there is a hat. It's (4)       Grandma. In the yellow box, there is a (5)      . It's for Tom. Tom's pens and (6)      are always everywhere. Now he can put(放)them in the schoolbag. (7)       is in the blue box?It is a jacket. It is (8)      . It is for Peter. Peter likes brown. He must (9)       this jacket. This is the last box. It is green. A watch is in it. The watch is for Jenny. Her watch is lost (丢失). She can't (10)       it.
 Hello! I'm Linda. I'm from America. I'm ten years old. Mr Brown is my teacher. My QQ number is 537802678. 
 My name is John Green. I'm a teacher. I'm from England. My telephone number is 374106. 
 Good morning! I'm Miss Liu. I'm from Hong Kong. My telephone number is 612931. 
 Good morning! My name is Yukio. I'm from Japan (日本). I'm eight years old. My QQ number is 653348721. My telephone number is 580723. 
18.  Hi, my name's Alan. I'm fourteen years old. I go to Canyon Middle School in America. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday or Sunday. I usually have breakfast at eight o'clock. I enjoy some bread and milk for breakfast. My class starts at ten to nine. My friend Lisa sits in front of me, and my friend Peter sits next to me. We have three lessons in the morning, and we usually have English, maths in the morning. In the afternoon, we usually have a PE lesson and we often play basketball. That's my favorite. I don't like Chinese or history because they are difficult. After school, I usually go back home at once. In the evening, I enjoy watching TV.
19.  Cola is bad for our health. Cola is sweet, because it has sugar in it. Too much sugar can let you get fat. Drinking one bottle of cola each day can make you get fifteen pounds (磅) each year. And because the sugar in cola can make you feel full, you can't eat much healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables and rice. And cola is bad for your teeth and bones (骨头).
  Drink water, please. Water is very important to our body. It keeps us healthy. We get water from drink and food, especially (特别是) from fruit and vegetables. But it's better to drink water. If you don't like plain (清淡的) water, you can put a little 100% fruit juice into it.
20.A: Hello, Betty. (1)      
B: Hello, Tony. My classroom is really big. There are 45 students in my class. (2)      
A: There are 45 students in my class, too.
B: (3)      
A: Yes, there are two maps on the wall.
B: (4)      
A: No, there isn't a TV in my classroom. But there is a computer.
B: Where is the computer?
A: (5)      Oh, it's time for class. Goodbye.
B: Bye-bye.
A. Is there a TV in your classroom?
B. What colour is it?
C. Are there any maps on the wall?
D. It's on the teacher's desk.
E. How many students are there in your class?
F. They're in front of the science building.
G. What's your classroom like? 
Let's        for food and drink.
They        early every day.
I        at 12:00.
There're        apples in the shop.
Our school is        the park.
26.  Many parents today worry about their children's diets (饮食). Then what is a healthy diet for children?Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives us some advice (建议):
  Children shouldn't eat food with too much salt because it can cause (引起) high blood pressure (高血压).
  Children should eat food with less fat, oil and sugar. They should not eat too much junk food.
  Fruit and vegetables are rich in (富含) vitamins (维他命). Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often.
  Water is important to everyone. Children need to drink enough water every day.
  Children need to eat breakfast every day. It is good for their bodies and minds.
27.  My name is Jenny. I am (1)f       London. London is a beautiful city and it is the (2)c       of England. There are five people in my family. We (3)d       live in the city center (中心). We live in the countryside. Let me (4)t       you about our house.
  It is a beautiful house. Its (5)c       is white. There are (6)f      rooms in the house. One is for my parents. One is for my brother. One is for me and my sister. My sister and I live in the same room. There (7)i       a spare (空闲的) room for guests (客人).
  There is a garden in (8)f       of the house. The garden is my favorite place. I often walk around the garden and enjoy the fruits and flowers in it. My mother plants (种植) some flowers (9)b       she likes flowers very much. I plant some strawberries in the garden. Strawberries are my favorite (10)f      . I think they are very delicious.
28.假设你是李明, 请根据下面表格的信息, 写一篇60词左右的自我介绍, 必须包含表格内容, 可以适当发挥.
姓名 李明 
年龄、班级、年级 12岁, 七年级三班 
籍贯 天津 
家庭成员及职业 父亲(经理), 母亲(工人)和妹妹 
喜欢的食物 健康食物, 比如蔬菜、水果等 
最喜欢的学科 历史和体育, 因为…… 
其他想介绍的情况 …… 

  Hello, everyone. Today I want to introduce myself to you. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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