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1.The weather is changeable. You'd better take ________umbrella with you.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. the
2.________the help of the Internet,studying at home has become true.
  • A. In
  • B. With
  • C. Under
  • D. At
3.Bob is only an 8﹣ year﹣ old boy, but he is able to take care of ________.
  • A. he
  • B. him
  • C. his
  • D. himself
4.I don't understand what you said. Would you please give me________example?
  • A. another
  • B. other
  • C. the others
  • D. others
5.The comic strip has a dramatic plot to keep the readers________in reading it.
  • A. interest
  • B. interesting
  • C. interested
  • D. interests
6.——Shall we play football here?
—— No, we________. Look at the sign. It says " No ball games here!"
  • A. couldn't
  • B. needn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shall not
7.My uncle________many places of interest since he moved to Shanghai last year.
  • A. will visit
  • B. has visited
  • C. visited
  • D. had visited
8.David and his parents________the World Cup on TV this time yesterday.
  • A. watch
  • B. watched
  • C. was watching
  • D. were watching
9.Our class finally got first prize at the School Art Festival after we practised________this English song for many times.
  • A. sing
  • B. to sing
  • C. singing
  • D. sang
10.Harry has decided________ an online shop after graduating from school.
  • A. open
  • B. to open
  • C. opened
  • D. opening
11.Get up early, ________you will miss the early bus.
  • A. or
  • B. so
  • C. and
  • D. but
12.I found it very difficult to talk to foreigners in English ________I thought my English was quite good.
  • A. if
  • B. although
  • C. because
  • D. unless
13.——________ do you usually visit your grandparents?
——My parents and I go to visit them every week.
  • A. How far
  • B. How long
  • C. How fast
  • D. How often
14.Computers are super calculators. They seldom give wrong answers, ________they?
  • A. don't
  • B. do
  • C. didn't
  • D. did
15.________useful advice the editors gave us on the school newspaper!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. What an
  • D. How

A. also B. little C. began D. believed E. grew up 

Lots of Chinese readers are fond of Jin Yong's Wuxia novels. His great works have also been adapted(改编)for many TV series, films, games and cartoons. Yet Jin was(1)       known to Western readers. Some people(2)       that Jin Yong's Wuxia stories were impossible to be translated. Anna Holmwood, however, has made the impossible possible.
Holmwood(3)      in Britain and studied history at the University of Oxford. Her love for Chinese culture(4)      in 2005 during a two﹣month trip around China. In 2009, she studied Chinese at Taiwan Normal University(台湾师范大学)for a year.
A. spread B. decision C. finally D. deeply E. tradition 

One day, a friend took her to a bookshop, where she saw a whole shelf of novels written by Jin Yong. She bought one of them. After reading it, the British girl was(1)       attracted by the stories in the novel. So she made a(2)      to translate Jin Yong's best﹣ known novel, Legends of the Condor Heroes(《射雕英雄传》), into English.
It took Holmwood five years to finish the translation. Now, English readers can(3)      appreciate(欣赏)the novel in their native language. Holmwood won't stop translating Jin Yong's novels. She will continue to (4)       Chinese culture to the Western world.

18.In autumn,you can see many        falling from the trees.( leaf)
19.I have bought a new flat in the city centre.It's on the       floor.( twelve)
20.Paul,a friend of       ,showed me some photos and talked about his travel experiences.( my)
21.The successful designer uses his       ideas to improve the quality of life.( create)
22.Cao Chong was clever because he found a good way to       an elephant.( weight)
23.Our headmaster gave us a wonderful       on the school sports day last week.( speak)
24.After the earthquake,the soldiers tried their best to take the wounded to the       .( safe)
25.The sound of the firecrackers kept the old man        on New Year's Eve.( wake)
26.My brother has been to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum twice.(改为一般疑问句)
      your brother        to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum twice?
27.I will finish reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in two weeks.(对划线部分提问)
       will you finish reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes?
28.When we draw a cartoon face,we should make some parts of the face bigger to make it look funnier.(改为被动语态)
When we draw a cartoon face,some parts of the face should        bigger to make it look funnier.
29.Does light travel faster than sound?Could you tell me?(合并为一句)
Could you tell me       light       faster than sound?
30.The elderly fisherman was so strong that he could control the raft easily.(保持句意基本不变)
The elderly fisherman was       to control the raft easily.
31.I like having a picnic in the park better than watching TV at home.(保持句意基本不变)
I        having a picnic in the park       watching TV at home.
32.their parents, to watch, have invited, the children, the performance(连词成句)
CAMPING ADVENTUREin HONG KONG!Date:3/10﹣5/10Place:Wan Tsai West CampsiteCost:500(including all meals. Just bring your own tent! Can't get enough of the great outdoor activities?Join Hong Kong Campers' Society's fun-filled camping trip!To JoinRegister(注册. by 15/9. Find out more at www. hkcampers. com. 
Day1Campers will meet at Wong Shek Pier at 8 a. m. for the 15﹣minute ferry ride to get to the campsite. In the ice﹣breaking session at 10. 30 a. m. , camp guides will make self﹣introductions to their team members. After a barbecue lunch at noon, camp guides will lead their teams to explore the Tai Tan Country Trail. Campers will be able to take photos of the wildlife and beautiful views along the way. Before evening, campers will return to the campsite to put up their tents. There will be a stargazing session after dinner. Day2In the morning we will have an orienteering competition in the fields following breakfast, so bring a map and a compass(指南针). (Smartphone users can use a compass app). In the afternoon campers can choose to join one of the following:▷boating▷sandcastle competition▷hike-and-seek treasure hunt(寻宝游戏)Campers will enjoy doing their light painting at the campfire party after dinner. 
(High-power telescopes(望远镜. will be provided to campers. )stargazing session Day3Campers will take the 9. 30 a. m. ferry back to Wong Shek Pier after breakfast and a group photo. 
Camper's comments:"I really enjoyed myself at camp——all that good food, fresh air, and especially the clear night sky in Wan Tsai. That's perfect for stargazing!"Janet Lu"We enjoyed ourselves by doing various water sports, and learnt basic knowledge of stars while watching the night sky. The best part was the campfire evening when we shared jokes and danced around a campfire——not something you can do every day!"Thomas Chen 

34.What is bullying(霸凌)?
Bullying is when a person or a group of people hurt someone else by frightening him or making him feel bad. Some people think it means making someone feel afraid or hurting someone physically, but it can (1)            mean repeatedly making fun of someone, telling lies about him or leaving him out of a group. Bullying can happen in person and online. (2)             , lots of people know how it feels. The Youth Protection Organization(YPO)says 30%of children in the UK were bullied last year.
The bad results of bullying
It doesn't matter what hair colour you have, what clothes you wear, how you learn, walk or talk. If you're being bullied, it's not your mistake. Everybody is different and that's what makes you (3)             . However, bullying can make you feel alone and afraid, and these feelings may be hard to escape from even after the bullying has stopped. Bullying can also make it difficult to focus on lessons or make new friends. YPO's Martha Evans says, "That is why it is so important to turn to a trusted adult or friend and take the first step in getting help. "
How to stop bullying?
If you're being bullied or you know someone who is, it's important to tell someone else what's happening. If you find it hard to (4)            your feelings, try to say things out loud first or write a letter instead. Helping someone else who is being bullied by showing your care makes a big
difference, too. Evans says that being there for other people when they are being bullied sends a message to everyone that bullying is always wrong. The YPO (5)            the following if you' re experiencing bullying.
Tips for dealing with bullying
◆Tell someone you trust.
◆Keep a (6)            . Write down what happened and when because you may need it when you report it to the police.
◆Don't hurt others because you could get into trouble.
◆Stay with active people who make you feel good.
◆Don't blame(责怪. yourself. Bullying is not your mistake.
◆Be proud of yourself and who you are.

35.In Japan,travelling by train is very popular.When railways first spread,many railway stations were managed by stationmasters(火车站站长).These stationmasters needed to make sure that everything went well at their own stations.Many stations stopped employing(雇用)stationmasters a long time ago.However,in recent years,a new type of stationmaster has (1)a       in Japan:the animal stationmaster.
This all started when a station in Japan decided to employ a cat named Tama as its stationmaster in order to improve business.The area around Kishi Station didn't get any (2)v       .The trains were often empty.In 2004,the station was almost shut down because there were few customers.The man who worked at Kishi Station as an unofficial stationmaster was also the owner of a grocery store(杂货店)next to the station.He took care of a street cat named Tama.In 2007,he decided to (3)i       Tama to the manager of the railway line as the stationmaster.Before that,Tama had already been a popular cat among local people.The manager noticed Tama's popularity and made her the new stationmaster of Kishi Station.Tama's bosses did not have to give her any money as salaries.(4)I       ,they gave her free food.She needed to greet customers and wear a stationmaster's hat and a uniform.After all,a stationmaster must look (5)s      for the customers at all times.
Soon,Tama attracted a lot of attention.More and more people would go all the way to the station to see Tama and take pictures with her.In a very short time,Tama not only brought business to the station,but also brought a few billion yen(日元)to the local (6)e       .Tama seemed to enjoy being the centre of attention,and continued to work at the station until she died in 2015 at the age of 16.It's a great age for a cat(about 80 in human years).Her funeral(葬礼)was attended by many of her fans,who (7)s       said goodbye to the super stationmaster for one last time.

36.Jimmy and Li Lei are listening to Mr.Peterson,their P.E.teacher,tell them that they are going to play dodge ball in class.Li Lei,concerned(担心的)she will look silly because she does not know how to play it,looks for help.Jimmy sees her worried look,so he asks,"Li Lei,What's wrong?"
Li Lei answers,"In China,we play dodge ball,but I think it's different from the American style,so I don't know how to play it in the American way."
Jimmy is eager to help Li Lei,an exchange student at his school.He says,"It's not too hard.First,there are five balls.Mr.Peterson puts all of the balls in the middle of the court.The two teams stand at different ends of the court.Then,Mr.Peterson blows his whistle(哨子)to start the game.When you hear the whistle,run and try to take one of the balls.Then,throw the ball at the members of the opposite team."
Li Lei asks,"What about catching the ball?If I catch the ball,am I out?"
"Actually,if you catch the ball,then the person who threw the ball is out.Also,one member from your own team can come back and play when you catch the ball."
Li Lei is still worried."There are so many balls.I'm afraid I won't see one thrown at me.What if a ball hits me on the head and breaks my glasses?"
Jimmy says,"People aren't supposed to throw at your head.If someone hits you on the head,then that person is out.Also,the balls are soft,so they won't hurt you.But be careful.Sometimes,one player distracts(使……分心)you while another player tries to hit you.Lastly,when time is up,Mr.Peterson will count the members left in each team.If        ,the other team wins."
With the help of Jimmy,Li Lei doesn't feel worried any more and says,"This sounds fun.I can't wait to play."

37.Write at least 60 words according to the situation given.(请根据所给情境,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。标点符号不占格,信件格式已给)
(1)请结合实际情况,在学校课程设计(course design.、校园环境(school environment)、午餐质量(quality of lunch)、作业负担(burden of homework)、校园活动(school activities)中选择1﹣2个方面,谈谈你的真实感受;
The following is for reference only.(以下表达仅供参考)
I'd like to suggest…
…needs to be improved
I hope…
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