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1.—What do you want to be in the future, Nick?
—I want to be ______ pilot of the J-15 fighter jet in Liaoning. It is ______ exciting job.
  • A. a; a
  • B. a; an
  • C. the; an
  • D. a; the
2.High Speed Trains made ______ possible for the passengers ______home easily.
  • A. that;to get
  • B. this;get
  • C. it;to get
  • D. it;getting
3.—As we all know, a dragon is regarded as the symbol of______in China. Emperors in ancient times always compared themselves to dragons.
—No wonder the emperors all wear clothes with dragons.
  • A. wealth
  • B. power
  • C. stress
  • D. energy
4.Song Joong-ki becomes one of ______ actors in South Korea after he took on the lead role in the drama, Descendants of the Sun(《太阳的后裔》).
  • A. popular
  • B. more popular
  • C. the most popular
  • D. much popular
5.Boys and girls, please turn to Page ______ and look at the ______ picture.
  • A. Fifth; five
  • B. Five; five
  • C. Fifth; fifth
  • D. Five; fifth
6.Nick usually does his homework very ______, so he seldom makes mistakes.
  • A. carefully
  • B. heavily
  • C. politely
  • D. cheaply
7.If you want to get good scores, you had better______the test papers before you hand them in.
  • A. go away
  • B. go over
  • C. go on
  • D. go by
8.All the junior high school students should try their best to study hard, ______ they can't get a chance to study in a senior high school.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. and
9.—Do you know what time your uncle ______ Dazhou tomorrow?
—At 2:00p. m. I will meet him when he ______ at the airport.
  • A. gets to; arrives
  • B. will get to; will arrive
  • C. will get to; arrives
  • D. gets to; will arrive
10.—I went to see you yesterday evening. But you weren't in. Where were you then?
—I ______ a walk by the lake with my husband.
  • A. was having
  • B. am having
  • C. have had
  • D. have
11.—One of the greatest scientist, Stephen William Hawking died on March 14th.
—______ terrible news! We are all sorry to hear that.
  • A. What a
  • B. How a
  • C. What
  • D. How
12.—Zongzi ______ to students for free in our dining hall on Dragon Boat Festival.
—Really? That sounds cool!
  • A. offer
  • B. have offered
  • C. are offered
  • D. will be offered
13.—Could you tell me______ for class this morning?
—I am sorry,Mrs. Lin. I got up so late that I couldn't catch the first bus.
  • A. why were you late
  • B. why you are late
  • C. why are you late
  • D. why you were late
14.Chinese Spelling Hero is a popular TV show ______ focuses on Chinese character writing among teenagers.
  • A. that
  • B. who
  • C. whom
  • D. what
15.—Do you mind me smoking here?
—______. Look at the sign. It says, "No smoking."
  • A. It doesn't matter
  • B. No, I don't.
  • C. You'd better not
  • D. Never mind.
16.  It was the end-of-the-year party at school. I had asked my mother to (1)       us cookies. Mom's chocolate chips were the best.
  But two o'clock passed, and she didn't (2)      . Most of the other mothers had come and gone, dropping off their cookies, chips and cupcakes. I took my bag and left for (3)      . The house was empty when I arrived. My heart was (4)       anger. For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down.
  I was lying on my bed upstairs when I heard her (5)       the front door. "Robbie," she called out.
  "Where are you?" I could hear her running from room to room. She was looking for me. I kept silent. When she entered my room and sat beside me on my bed, I didn't move. "I'm so sorry, honey," she said. "I got busy and forgot." I still kept (6)      .
  Then my mother began to laugh. I couldn't believe (7)      . I rolled over and faced her.
  But my mother wasn't laughing at all. She was crying. "I'm so sorry. I let my boy down."
  She cried like a little girl. I had never (8)      my mother cry.
  "It's OK, Mom," I reached out and stroked her hair. "We didn't even need those (9)      . There was plenty of stuff to eat. Don't cry. It's all right."
  My (10)       made my mother sit up. She pulled me to her. We didn't say another word. We just held each other in a long hug.
17. It's not WASTE until it is WASTED!
With the World Environment Day coming, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting (分类) the waste. Here in our schoolyard we place four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled; the green is for kitchen waste; the yellow is for other waste.
The followings are some instructions for you.
Glass: Empty bottles without caps can be recycled to make new glass bottles.
Warning: Mirrors and light bulbs (电灯泡) must not be included in the glass waste.
Paper: Newspapers, magazines, boxes must be clean enough to be recycled.
Warning: Paper tissues (餐纸) and wall paper are not recyclable as paper and should be kept separately.
PMD waste: Packaging (包装) made of Plastic or Metal and Drink boxes are used to make new packaging.
Warning: Plastic pots(e. g. yoghurt pots), plastic bags must not be included with the PMD waste.
Harmful waste: out-of-date drugs, used batteries, paint and oil. . .
Besides, if you don't need your old bikes at all, our school volunteers will collect them. We're going to fix them up and then give them away to kids who don't have enough money for a bike.
To find out more about recycling, you can visit our school website.
18.左栏是遇见危险的五种情况, 右栏是七种处置方法. 请根据左右栏的信息找到合适的危险处置方法.
(1)      If the person has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once.
(2)      If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.
(3)      If you are bitten by an animal, you must do something to stop it. The cold running water is the best.
(4)      If you are burnt (hurt by fire of something very hot), deal with the burnt part at once. The cool water is better.
(5)      If there is a fire in a building, stairs are safe and lift is dangerous.  
A. Don't use lift. The lift may get trapped between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.
B. Use hot water. Use hot water to clean the cut. Then go to see a doctor.
C. Wash the cut. Wash the cut under cold running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.
D. Press hard. You should press on the bleeding point with a piece of cloth and hold up the part to the body which is bleeding.
E. Mouth to mouth. You should lay the person on his / her back and breathe into his/her mouth.
F. Use the lift. Lift is convenient. Take the lift to the first floor and you can go to see the doctor quickly.
G. Cool the burnt. Run cool( not cold) water over the burn until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.  
19. Wang Ruixu, a CEO born in the 1990s, has got tons of attention since Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang met with him in Zhongnanhai, Beijing. On Feb 7th, 2015, he returned (1)             his mother school, Shantou Overseas Middle School, and made (2)             speech about his experience. Wang said, "What leads to success is sticking to your dream (3)             being thankful."
In his third year at university, Wang (4)             up a company and developed a mobile app which offered part-time job information to university students.
To everyone's surprise, Wang once lost (5)             in computer games. Unluckily, his parents' factory closed down at that time. To make things worse, he scored only 280 on the high school entrance examination. (6)             he received a hard slap (耳光) from his mother because of that, he started to realize (7)             sad and helpless his mother was! Later, he studied hard and got into a key university.
Wang strongly believes it's important to keep a dream in your mind and (8)             to it. Now he is (9)             of himself because most of his dreams have come true. During his speech, he expressed his (10)             to the teachers who once helped him a lot and he encouraged the students to work harder in the future.
20. We often dine out with others, but do you know some basic etiquette (礼节)? If you behave well at the table, it will make your partners happy. But if you don't know how to behave yourself, you will feel embarrassed. Here are some tips for the table etiquette.
When helping a woman pull her chair to the table, hold it and guide it. Don't shove (碰撞) it against the back of her legs.
If you're seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait for everyone to be served and for the hostess (女主人) to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it's OK to start when several people are seated and served.
If you prefer not to have wine while dining out, don't turn your glass upside down, and don't make a big deal of saying you don't drink. Simply place your fingertips on the rim (边缘) of the glass and say "Not today, thanks."
When you excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just say "Please excuse me."
When out with friends or family — even at a fancy restaurant — it's OK to ask for your leftovers (吃剩的饭菜) to be wrapped. But don't do it at a business lunch or dinner.
Information Card
The feeling you may get if you don't behave well at the table (1)             
The number of the guests when waiting for everyone to be served (2)             
The reason why you place your fingertips on the rim of the glass (3)             
The time that don't ask for your leftovers to be wrapped (4)             
The number of suggestions for the table etiquette (5)             
21.以礼待人是中华民族的传统美德( irtue), 无论是参加派对, 还是与人交往, 都要遵循一些基本的礼节. 请你以"How to be a polite person"为题, 说说如何成为一个懂礼节、受欢迎的人. 内容包括
(3)建议大家如何通过注意礼节, 成为受欢迎的人. (至少三点)
(2)语句连贯, 词数80个左右. 作文的标题和开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
How to be a polite person
It is a traditional virtue to be polite to others __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
中考模拟试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 梅州市试卷 2019年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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