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1.—Do you know ______ girl with long curly hair?
—Yes, she is Mary. She plays ______ tennis very well.
  • A. a; /
  • B. the; /
  • C. the; the
  • D. a; the
2.______ classroom is quite different from ______.
  • A. Their; we
  • B. Theirs; us
  • C. Their; ours
  • D. They; ourselves
3.—Have you already made a(n)______ about the plan?
—Not yet. We still need to discuss it.
  • A. Effort
  • B. noise
  • C. mistakes
  • D. agreement
4.In order not to be late for the meeting, let's ______early.
  • A. set off
  • B. take off
  • C. turn off
  • D. run off
5.—Must we finish the work today?
—No,you______.You may do it tomorrow.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. shouldn't
  • D. needn't
6.Mr. Zhang ______ math in this school since he was 26.
  • A. Teaches
  • B. is teaching
  • C. has taught
  • D. will teach
7.A new park ______ in our town next year.
  • A. built
  • B. was built
  • C. will build
  • D. will be built
8.—Hello, is Lily at home?
— No, she ______ with her friends in the park.
  • A. Plays
  • B. is playing
  • C. was playing
  • D. played
9.Vivian refuses ______her children to the weekend training center for extra classes.
  • A. to send
  • B. sending
  • C. sent
  • D. sends
10.David didn't pass the driving test yesterday, so he was very______.
  • A. shy
  • B. glad
  • C. proud
  • D. disappointed
11.Don't worry about your illness. The doctors will______ you.
  • A. treat
  • B. double
  • C. believe
  • D. change
12.______, the Internet was only used by the government. But now it's widely used in every field.
  • A. As usual
  • B. At first
  • C. After all
  • D. So far
13.Sally, this is ______ time you've asked me about that matter. What's wrong with you?
  • A. three
  • B. the three
  • C. the third
14.—What did your father say to you just now?
—He asked me ______.
  • A. that I would like to see a movie
  • B. where I will spend my holiday
  • C. if I enjoyed myself at the party
  • D. when did I attend the graduation party
15.—Let's raise our glasses. Here's to our future.
  • A. Amazing!
  • B. Cheers!
  • C. Pretty good.
  • D. Help yourself.
16.  When I was twelve years old, my parents allowed me to apply for an afternoon newspaper route. I had a friend who was a little older than me. He had a morning route and he was earning (挣钱) what I (1)       big money. I had helped him deliver (递送) his newspapers a few and I thought I Could (2)       it. In those days most towns had both a morning paper and an afternoon newspaper.
  My parents did not want me to have to (3)       before dawn but they said yes to an afternoon route.
  I was excited about being able to make my own money. (4)      , I needed a bike to be able to handle the large bag required for (5)       the newspapers. I was not a large boy and the only bike we had in our family was too tall for me to handle with a load of newspapers. I needed a (6)       one. My father suggested we go shopping for a suitable bicycle with the understanding that I would pay for it out of my income (收入).
  At that time the Western Auto Company had a line of bicycles. My father arranged (安排) for me to (7)       a bicycle that was just the right size for me. But or the next several months I dutifully rode my bike to the Western Auto Store to make my $5. 00 monthly bike payment.
  It was a great (8)       for a twelve-year-old boy to learn. I learned how to make money to pay my debt (债务). I did not know it at the time but that bicycle influenced hugely on my life. It gave me my first taste of independence. But most of all it led me to wife because her were among my (9)       on the newspaper route. Get on your bike and ride and you (10)       know where it will take you.
17.  These days the subject of security (安全) on campus is talked about quite often. Some students'mobile phones are stolen, some students fight with and hurt one another, and others are knocked down by the fast running motorbikes or cars.
  These problems are common on campus. I think there are three causes for these. Firstly, some students don't take care of their own things. They are still young and not careful enough. Secondly, some students want to do everything well. They want to be the winners in exams, and they also want to be the winners in fighting. And thirdly, the campus guards don't carry on their duties well.
  In order to have a safe campus, all the students should be very careful about their own things. They should also mind their behaviors and act politely. The campus guards are supposed to be devoted (致力于) to the safety on campus, and it is their duty to safeguard a safe campus to help provide a good environment for the students.
18.  One young excellent person was trying to find a high position in a big company. It was the manager who would make the final decision.
  The manager discovered that the young man did an excellent job in his college, which aroused the manager's interest.
  The manager asked, "Who paid for your college?"
  The young man answered, "My father passed away when I was one year old, so it was just my mother."
  "What did your mother do?" The manager seemed surprised.
  "She is a clothes cleaner," the young man answered, with no feeling.
  "Have you ever helped your mother wash some clothes before?"
  "Never. My mother always wanted me to study and read more books. She could wash clothes faster than me," the young man seemed puzzled (迷惑) when answering.
  "Well, now I need you to do something. When you go back home today, clean your mother's hands and see me tomorrow."
  The youth was happy when hearing this because he felt that his chance of getting the job was great. When he went home, he happily asked his mother to let him clean her hands. His mother felt strange but happy. With mixed feelings, she showed her hands to the kid.
  The young man cleaned his mother's hands, with tears falling. It was the first time he noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled (皱的), and there were so many wounds. This pair of hands enabled him to go through college. This pair of hands was the price that his mother had to pay for his life and his future.
  The next morning, the manager asked the young man, "Now tell me what you learned yesterday."
  After hearing what he said, the manager knew the young man had learned his lesson. "This is the man whom I am looking for. You are hired (雇佣)."
19.  Today, I want to tell you some stories from my life. The first story is about connecting the dots (小圆点). Reed College, the college I attended, offered perhaps the best calligraphy lessons in the country. Calligraphy was attractive to me, so I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I didn't hope for any real use of this in my life. It was just a happy. But ten years, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me.
  You might be very confused about the meaning of what you are doing now. But you have to believe the dots will somehow connect in the future. Every effort you make is worth the price. It will pay off in the end. This belief has never let me down, and it has made all the differences in my life.
  My second story is about love and loss. Woz and I started Apple in a garage when I was 20. But later, I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, it just happened. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was so hard for me. But it turned out to be the best thing that could have ever happened to me. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.
  I'm pretty sure if I hadn't been fired from Apple, I wouldn't become who I am now. The loss completed me. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. What's more, you have to find out what you love. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. You'll know when you find it.
A. How was the weather there?
B. Then we went to Hollywood.
C. I hope you will have a nice trip.
D. How did you go to Los Angeles?
E. It took us about nine hours by plane.
F. What are you going to do on holiday.
G. I went there with my parents two years ago. 

A: Hi, Linda! (1)      
B: I'm going to visit Los Angeles.
A: You'll love it! (2)       We enjoyed ourselves.
B: Really? How long did it take you to get there?
B: Where did you go when you were in Los Angeles?
A: Well, first we went to Disneyland. (4)      
B: It sounds great! I can't wait to go there.
A: It's really a great place for fun. (5)      
B: Thank you.
They finished their meal            .
This table             too much room.
The restaurant is not             here
He             his horse last Sunday
Please            .
26. My dad was in the radio business when I was growing up. He'd get tickets to a lot of different sporting events, and in 1984 we went to Madison Square Garden during Michael Jordan's rookie season (新秀赛季). My dad took me to see Jordan put on a show.
I remember looking at my dad as an eight-year-old kid and saying, "I want to be Michael Jordan one day." Dad laughed a bit and then turned to me and said, "Son, I love you, but you're probably not going to be Michael Jordan." Then my dad pointed to the man standing next to Jordan at the time, his agent (经纪人) David Falk. My dad explained how Falk worked closely with players, and since then that's all I've ever wanted to do. Years passed and I became a sports agent. My job is simply to help professional players find jobs. No two days are the same, which I find exciting. If it's in-season, I'm talking to players about how they are feeling and how they're performing from week to week. During the off-season, I try to make sure players'lives are managed, so they can focus on (专注于) improving on the field.
Not everyone can be a sports star, but it's more than possible to work on the business side of sports. I always tell the students I meet to go out of their way to introduce themselves to people. Relationships are so important in this business, and they can take you a long way.
27.  The salmon (大麻哈鱼) is a very strange fish. It is born in a river. But the young salmon takes two years to swim down the rivers towards the Pacific Ocean. For a(1)             two years it lives in the sea and becomes full grown. Then it returns to the river where it was b(2)            .
  A grown-up salmon w(3)             about 25 pounds and is nearly three feet long. The female salmon will not lay the eggs in the Pacific Ocean. When it is almost time to lay them, both male and female salmon begin a great journey.
  Each salmon is heading for the river where it was born. A salmon may be a thousand miles from where its life began, yet it is able to r(4)             to that place. As the salmon swim, larger fish attack them. The salmon are food for some other fish. Some are c(5)             by fishermen.
  The salmon that are left k(6)             swimming. After they enter the rivers, they head upstream (向上游). If rocks and waterfalls are i(7)             their way, the salmon leap (跳) over them. A salmon can leap up a fall as high as ten feet. It leaps by swimming at full speed under water and then r(8)             to the surface (表面). Almost the whole body of a salmon is made of muscle. It is these powerful muscles that make the salmon f(9)             for fast swimming, turning quickly and leaping high out of the water. Some reach their river in summer, others in the early autumn. They have come hundreds, even thousands of miles and it has t(10)             them weeks and even months.
28.作为中学生要怎么度过自己的闲暇时光? 你会推荐什么样的放松方式? 理由是什么?请根据以下表格中的信息写一篇文章.
观点 理由 
一部分同学喜欢网络和电视 (1)放松, 信息量大. ..
(2)可以足不出户和同学乃至陌生人互动. .. 
另一部分同学喜欢亲近家人、 自然和读书 (1)与家人相处更佳和睦
(2)增长见识, 开阔视野 
你的思考 ... ( 不少于一点) 

参考词汇: 增长见识 increase one's knowledge 开阔视野 open one's mind
( 1)词数: 80~100 个.
( 2)短文的开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
( 3)要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
  Our society is developing fast People are getting busier too. As a result, people try to relax in their free time. We students have different ideas of spending our free time. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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