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1.—Could you please tell me ______ in today's newspaper?
—Sorry, ______.
  • A. something special; special nothing
  • B. special something; special nothing
  • C. anything special; something special
  • D. something special; nothing special
2.—May we leave the classroom now?
—No, you ______. You ______ to leave until the bell rings.
  • A. mustn't; are allowed
  • B. don't have to; are supposed
  • C. needn't; aren't allowed
  • D. can't; aren't supposed
3.—Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?
—Certainly, we can buy ______ one than this, but ______ this.
  • A. a better; better than
  • B. a worse , as good as
  • C. a cheaper; as good as
  • D. a more important; not as good as
4.—Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?
—Yes. It's well worth ______. It's ______ moving that I've seen it twice.
  • A. watching; too
  • B. to watch; enough
  • C. watching; so
  • D. to watch; such
5.—Can you tell me ____?
—By doing more speaking.
  • A. how I will improve my English
  • B. which way can I choose
  • C. how do I deal with my English
  • D. what's wrong with my English
6.— We'll have a hiking trip, but when shall we meet?
— Let's make it ______ half past eight ______ the morning of June 21.
  • A. at; in
  • B. /; on
  • C. /; in
  • D. about; by
7.—Will your mother ______you if you______the English exam?
—Of course not. Because I am trying my best.
  • A. be angry with , don't pass
  • B. be angry with , won't pass
  • C. be angry to , don't pass
  • D. be angry to , won't pass
8.—Hello, Mike. Long time no see. Where are you?
—Oh, not only my parents but also I ______ Wuhan for a month.
  • A. have gone to
  • B. have been to
  • C. has been in
  • D. have been in
9.—Excuse me, may I take a seat here?
—______. The man on the seat will be back soon.
  • A. You'd better not
  • B. No, thanks
  • C. Yes, please
  • D. I'm afraid not
10.— When shall we meet again?
— Make it ______ day you like; it's all the same to me.
  • A. one
  • B. another
  • C. any
  • D. some
11.—Thank you for your coffee and tasty snacks. I'm afraid I have to go now.
  • A. Go slowly
  • B. All right
  • C. Sounds great
  • D. See you
12.—Shirley, I know you ______a book about China. Have you finished it?
—Not yet. Maybe next year.
  • A. wrote
  • B. have written
  • C. are writing
  • D. will write
13.—Don't drop the litter carelessly, you'd better keep our school clean.
— ______.
  • A. Is that so?
  • B. Don't worry.
  • C. I don't know.
  • D. Sorry, I won't.
14.—You look rather tired. ______ stop to take a rest?
—All right. But I'll have to work for a few more minutes.
  • A. Do you
  • B. Why not
  • C. What about
  • D. How about
15.—What do you think of the square?
—This is the most beautiful square ______ I have ______ visited.
  • A. which; ever
  • B. that; never
  • C. which; yet
  • D. that; ever
16. Sheikh was a famous artist. One day he went back to his hometown. He hadn't seen one of his friends for many years, who was a (1)        man. When Sheikh asked about him, he was (2)       by people that he was no longer poor. Sheikh (3)       to pay a visit to his friend.
While talking with his friend, Sheikh asked him the (4)       for the change. The man answered that he had been so poor that he had to sell some properties that (5)       to him. By selling these things, he had (6)       some money enough to start a business with.
As he was on his way home with the money, he saw a poor woman (7)       by the road. The man asked the woman reason, and she(8)       that her husband died and her children were (9)       . Hearing this, the man felt pity, and on seeing that she needed money than (10)       , he gave all the money to her. He (11)       home and spent the night sad and (12)       about his family.
The next morning, (13)       he was summoned to the house of a rich man. The rich man told him that he had thousands of bags of rice which he wanted to (14)       quickly and the man could buy it at a low price on loan from him. The poor man did so and sold the rice (15)       . Soon he became rich.
17. Qingming is one of China's 24 solar terms (24节气). For this solar term, there are several traditions that Chinese people have been kept for a long time.
Qingming is in early 1.A              when the temperature begins to 2.             (上升) and rainfall increases. So first, it is the right time for spring cultivation(春耕). At the same time, it is also a time for Chinese people to 3.h              lost family members. People will visit tombs of their ancestors around Qingming to pay respect to the dead. Most families will go with offerings, 4.c              up weeds (杂草) around the tombs and pray (祈祷) for their family.
What's more, Chinese people 5.             (称呼)themselves the descendants(后代) of the Yan Emperor and Yellow Emperor. So a big activity will beh 6.             on Qingming every year, in order to memorize the Yellow Emperor. On this day, Chinese from all over the world pay respect to this ancestor together. This serves as a reminder of the roots of Chinese people and a chance to get to know the Chinese traditional 7.             .
At last, Qingming was set to be a Chinese public holiday in 2008. From then on, Chinese people have one more activity — spring outing. The spring sunshine 8.b              everything back to life, and this time is the best to enjoy the beautiful scenery outside. The soft wind and fresh air are so 9.r              , making spring outings another choice for those who live busy 10.             (现代的) lives.
18. When I was a child, every night my mother would came to push my long hair out of the way, then kiss my forehead, even long after my childhood years.
I don't remember when it first started annoying (烦扰) me — her hands pushing my hair that way. But it did annoy me, for they were so rough against my young skin after doing too much housework. Finally, one night, I shouted out at her, "Don't do that anymore — your hands are too rough!" She didn't say anything in reply. But never again did my mother close out my day with that expression of her love.
With the passing years, my thoughts always returned to that night. By then I would miss my mother's goodnight kiss on my forehead and her hands. These hands I once thought to be so rough are still doing things for me and my family.
Now, I'm not a little girl anymore, my own children are grown and gone. Mom is in her mid-seventies, too. On some special days, I would spend the night with her. It was on Thanksgiving Eve, as I slept in the bedroom of my youth, a familiar hand hesitantly (迟疑地) run across my face to remove the hair from my forehead. Then a kiss, ever so gently, touched my forehead. All of a sudden, I recalled the night my young voice complained, "Don't do that anymore — your hands are too rough!" Catching Mom's hand in hand, I spoke out how sorry I was for that night. I thought she'd remember as I did. But Mom didn't know what I was talking about. She had forgotten and forgiven long ago. From then on, the guilt (内疚) that I had carried around for so long was nowhere to be found.
That night, I fell asleep with a new appreciation (感激) for my gentle mother and her rough hands.
19. Idol fan clubs are usually connected with crazy teenagers, colorful posters and neon light sticks (荧光棒), but Fanquan Girls, the online female fans who are active in social events, have shown that being a part of such clubs is not just for fun.
The fan club for Zhang Yixing, a Chinese singer-songwriter, recently shocked the public for being one of the first to send donations (捐献) of medical supplies to Wuhan, the center of the novel coronavirus (新冠肺炎) outbreak. Guo Lijie is among the fan girls who took part in this activity. They started their help on Jan 23, on this day Wuhan was locked down in a hurry. The first step the group took was to broadcast a notice on Weibo calling for fans to donate face masks (口罩). Then they started an emergency fund-raising activity among the fans. Seventy﹣two people in the group raised more than 8, 000 yuan and they used the money to buy 10, 000 pairs of gloves, then these gloves were received by the China Resources and WISCO General Hospital in Wuhan.
After their first successful try of donation, Guo then set up another WeChat group to raise funds to buy face masks. About 23, 770 yuan was collected through this group, and the money was used to order 18, 000 masks. To ensure the donation process was transparent (透明的), Guo recorded each step of the process, allowing fans in the group to see how much money was donated from each person as well as the goods that were being bought. "We get a strong sense of satisfaction when helping others. And we're proud of being a fan girl of Zhang." Guo said.
In Fanquan girls' circle, they might have never met before, but with the power of love, they trust each other. For these girls, who want to prove themselves and show the power of being a fan, are now being known and appraised by society through their actions.
A. many people had to change their plans for returning to Wuhan
B. the pets were left at home by their owners
C. Du released (发布) a notice on the social media platform (社交平台)
D. he had to change his plans
E. their pets had enough food and water 

Du Fan planned to go to Harbin during the Spring Festival holiday. He dreamed about going there to enjoy the beautiful winter scenery (风景). However,        .
On January 23, the city of Wuhan was locked down (被封锁)to control the spread of the COVID-19 (新冠肺炎). There was a serious problem       .
According to Du, many pet owners planned to return to Wuhan after the Spring Festival holiday. They just prepared a week's food and water for their pets.
On January 26,        . The notice said that they would offer help to people with their pets during the pneumonia (肺炎) control.
"If we didn't help, many animals would die," says Du. "We've received over 2, 000 messages asking for help. Because of the pneumonia,        ." Du adds that they helped different kinds of pets, like cats, dogs and fish.
"We also sent some videos to the pet owners and they were happy to see their pets in them. They showed their thanks after learning that        ," Du says. "Not just people are going through hard times. Animals are also in trouble. We are glad to offer some help."
You can't achieve your dream        .
22.布赖恩习惯用不同的方法去解决一个难题. (use)
Brian              different ways to work out a difficult problem.
23.据我们所知, 这些医生成功地救治了很多患重病的人. (save)
As far as we know, the doctors              many seriously ill people.
24.新冠肺炎病人应该被与他人隔离. (separate)
The patients with COVID-19 should              the others.
25.许多初中生仰慕最美逆行者, 想要变得像他们一样. (look)
Many students              the most beautiful heroes in the harm's way and want to be like them.
26.新冠肺炎疫情 (Covid-19)使我们不能在学校学习, 于是我们开展了线上 (online) 学习活动. 请介绍你每天是如何进行线上学习的, 并谈一谈线上学习的利与弊.
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