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1. My dear friends! Today it's my turn to give my class report! Then you can learn more about me.
Do you eat meat? Well, if you do, then you might find my next words interesting. A study says that the world has a (1)       need for meat. In 1960, each person ate about 21 kg, in 2007, the number rose to 40 kg! At the same time, there have been (2)       in the list of favorite meats. In the 1960s, beef was high on the menu. Of the meat that was eaten, 40% was beef. In 2007, pork became the star. Poultry (家禽) also became popular, going up from 12% to 32%, (3)       people's worries about their health these years. And which country (4)       the most meat for each person? The answer is Luxembourg! In 2007, each Luxembourger ate about 137 kg of meat! Now, enough with the numbers.
Next, I want to (5)       a story.
It's never comfortable to take a bus during rush hour on a hot summer day. All my friends hate it. And I..., well, I (6)       it, too.
Two months ago, I was on a bus that was packed with almost everyone in the city. I (7)       my friend Neal to see a show. And then he called and said he couldn't come. While I was feeling sorry for myself, a girl called my name. I didn't recognize (认出) her (8)      . Then I was surprised to find that she was Helen, my old neighbor. We were happy to see each other, so we decided to have dinner together. And that was the (9)       of many dinners after.You know what? Helen loves eating meat a lot!
With Helen, the bus ride (10)       something I love. The bus is still packed with people, but I enjoy the ride every day.
Before I finish my report, I'm playing you a song called Currywurst. The singer sings about his love for the meat dish of the same name. Enjoy!
2. Want to say"hello"from Disneyland?Send a post card!
Beautiful scenes of paradise (乐园), wild animals, silly pictures﹣you can find them all in one place. Where?On a post card!Have people always sent post cards?No. Before post cards, people liked sealed letters.
The idea for the first decorated (装饰) post card came to John P. Charlton in 1861. He thought a simple card with decorations would be a great way to send a note. Then in the late 1800s, post cards with pictures appeared. By law, people had to write their note on the front﹣﹣on the picture!The back was only for the address. Several years later, England allowed a divided﹣back post card. Then people could write their note on the back left side and put the address on the right. During the early 1900s, the golden age of post cards, picture post cards became a craze of the world. In 1908, Americans alone mailed over 677 million post cards. Today, post cards are the third most popular collection in the world after stamps and coins.
3. Tips for Writing Better Articles
Many of us don' t spend a lot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life.       .
Make good word choices. When we're not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don't take the time to decide if they're proper.       .
Check facts. If we want people to believe what we write, we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable facts.
Rewrite. A common problem is that we don't like to rewrite. In fact, rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes.       , though it takes more time and more work.
Read aloud. Sometimes it's easier to find problems with spelling, word usage, and grammar when we read aloud. Reading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing.      . Such a list includes: Is there a proper title? Have we explained every point? Are all the parts of the article included? This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything. So preparing a list is necessary for writing a good article.      . But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.

A. Prepare a list
B. The following tips can be helpful
C. Rewriting makes our writing better
D. It is not easy to become a better writer
E. Make a plan first, then follow it
F. Good word choices are necessary for good writing 

difficulties but face than might called many below seldom both although hard 

People often think of the North Pole (北极) and the South Pole as similar frozen wastelands. They are (1)              places with very cold temperatures and few people live there. However, the North and South Poles are not much alike as people may imagine.
The North Pole has no land, only thick ice. Temperatures (2)             go above 32°F, at which water turns into ice. Most of the time, it stays (3)             zero. In winter, temperatures are usually as low as -30°F.
(4)            conditions were very poor, people tried for many centuries to reach the North Pole. About 100 years ago, two men, Robert Peary and Mathew Henson, were able to get to this environment full of troubles and (5)             . They reached the North Pole on March 8th, 1909. It was really (6)             trip for them.
There are few things more dangerous (7)             crossing the Arctic (北极圈) on foot. People who stayed there may (8)             many problems: very cold temperatures, sudden storms, and even hunger. Few people can live in such a difficult place.
People (9)             think that with such low temperatures for most of the year, the ice would be thick and hard. However, this is not true in the Arctic. The movement of the ocean water under the ice may often cause many different changes on the surface. Sometimes the ice breaks into two opening lanes of water (水道) (10)              "leads". Anyone who falls into a lead can be frozen to death in a few minutes.
5. National Doctors' Day is a holiday in the United States. It is a holiday that honors doctors for the work they do for their             , the communities they work in and for society as a whole. It is their hard work that keeps all of us healthy and this day thanks them for doing that for us              our loved ones. The holiday started in 1933 in Winder, Georgia, and since then it's been honored every year on March 30, which was the first anniversary of a doctor using ether anesthesia (乙醚麻醉) by Dr. Crawford W. Long.
We give greeting cards to doctors, both alive and             . The red carnation is also still popularly used to say "thank you" to doctors for their work in medicine.
Now when you need to see a doctor, surely you will want to see a good one. But there is one important thing you may never have thought about: Has your doctor rested enough?
Doctors in our country often have to work 34 hours or even              (long) without sleep. Most of them work 104 hours a week, and some even 150. (There are only 168 hours a             !) One report said that a doctor who works such long hours cannot think more              (clear) than a drunk driver! Another found that doctors who sleep 5.8 fewer hours than the week before might make 22% more serious mistakes. Surely no one wants to get in a car that              (drive) by a drunk driver. So,              (多么) safe would you feel when you are under the care of a tired doctor?
Sadly, this problem has been around for a long time. There              no laws about it yet and hospital bosses don't look like they care, either. And that is why we doctors are asking you              (join) us this Sunday, to discuss how to deal with this problem!
6.Who Am I?
        I begin the day with my small tools to clean my patient's teeth. I placed the paper bib on her and shined a light down so I could see clearly. I found one cavity( 龋 洞 )! After all the teeth were cleaned, I gave her a toothbrush. A. postman
B. banker
C. historian
D. dentist 
        When I get to work I pass out papers and set up a game for the kids to play. When everyone arrives, we read a story and discuss it. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. I correct some papers and prepare the next lesson. A. teacher
B. doctor
C. actor
D. nurse 
        I put on my white shirt and begin chopping carrots. Behind me is a pot of boiling broth( 肉 汤 ). I choose some nice herbs and chop them to place into the soup. When it is done, I pour a bowl of hot soup and hand it to the waiter. A. businessman
B. policeman
C. cook
D. actress 
        Today has been very busy. I replaced a knee and set a broken arm into a cast(石膏模型). Now I am looking over a patient with a sore leg. He may need some medicine. Later, I will take off my white coat and stethscope(听诊器) and relax. A. salesman
B. doctor
C. cleaner
D. dentist 
        Before the show I practice my lines. I like to look into the mirror. I fix my hair and makeup and get into my costume. Before the curtain rises, I am nervous but eager to begin performing. A. tourist
B. computer programmer
C. magician
D. driver 

﹣﹣ English Picturial 2019﹣12
7.从儿童步入青少年, 我们有很多难以忘怀的经历. 儿童节马上就要到了, 你要给学弟学妹们在生活和学习方面提出什么经验?
1. 内容包括:你最难忘的初中生活或学习经历是什么?
2. 词数:80 (开头已给出, 不计入总词数)
  Children's Day is coming! Now I ______________________________________________________________
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