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1. Could you live without a home, food or clothes? Many people could not, (1)       Robinson Crusoe could. He was the main character of the British book Robinson Crusoe.
The story started with a sea trip. After a ship (2)      , Crusoe arrived on an island. To live on the island, he (3)       build a home on his own. Although it seemed too difficult for him, he tried to do (4)       best. After he got tools from the ship, he made a house. Also, he grew some plants and kept (5)       goats. Soon he was living just fine.
But cannibals on the island liked (6)       humans. Crusoe helped a man run away from the cannibals. He called the man Friday. Friday lived (7)       him from then on. Later, Robinson and Friday killed the cannibals.
When Crusoe and Friday were thinking about (8)       to leave the island, a ship captain arrived on the island. Before that, his crew took over his ship. They had controlled the ship for two weeks on the sea. But Crusoe and Friday (9)       him get back the ship. And then they left the island.
This book is very popular. I have read it many times. It tells us not to (10)       when we are in trouble.
2. The year 2020 seems like an unusual one. To fight COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒), many people show that they can be helpful during difficult times.
On February 12th, Li Hua was taking a (1)       from Shanghai to Changsha. He went into a carriage (车厢) to have lunch. Then he stayed there. He didn't (2)       this carriage was only for people to Wuhan. Ten (3)       later, the train arrived in Wuhan. The conductor (列车员) asked the people in this carriage to get off the train. (4)       he was surprised, he still did it.
At that time, Wuhan was locked down (封城). Li Hua (5)       find any way to leave Wuhan. And he couldn't find a hotel to stay in, either. He felt worried. Suddenly, he saw a notice: (6)       wanted in hospitals. Li Hua decided to have a try. Soon he (7)       in being a volunteer at Wuhan No. 1 Hospital. He helped to (8)       the rubbish, sweep the floor, bring meals to patients and so on. He worked for 12 hours every day.
Li Hua was (9)       to get infected (被感染) at first. "When I got closer to the patients, I felt like I couldn't move," he said. But after seeing patients get (10)       , his fear went away.
Many people like Li Hua are trying their best to help. We believe we will win someday in the near future.
3. Reading is like a wonderful journey. It can always bring us rich experience. If you spend 10 minutes or more reading every day, it will change you little by little. Here are some good books for you. Come and join us.
A Child's Introduction to Art: The World's Greatest Paintings , by Heather Alexander, US Guess How Much I Love You, by Sam McBratney and Anita Jeram, UK 
This book can help you understand art in an easy way. It introduces different art styles. Also, you can learn about the life stories of 40 artists. It allows you to find your own painting abilities. You can also make your own artwork according to the tips in the book. 
"Guess how much I love you," says Little Nutbrown Hare. He shows his daddy how much he loves him. "I love you right up to the moon." "Oh, that's far," says Nutbrown Hare. "I love you right up to the moon and back." Are you touched? 
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, by Jeff Kinney, US The New Way Things Work, by David Macaulay, US 

Greg records his first year of middle school in a diary. You can find some funny stories of his friends and family in it. It is like your own diary when you read it. If you have some trouble or unhappy things in school, the book can help you. 

There are four parts in this book. This book has a lot of different topics. It helps us understand how machines, from cars to watches, work. There is also a part to guide us through computers. You will learn a lot about machines and technology from this book. 
4. People, animals and objects make sounds. Even the weather makes sound. Sounds can be loud or soft. They can be pleasant or unpleasant. Animals use sound in many ways. Humans use sound to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Other animals use sound to communicate, too. Humans have invented many things to make sounds. For example, Africans use drums to show their feelings.
Not all sounds are the same. Some sounds are loud. Others are quiet. The loudness of sound is called volume. A human baby's crying is louder than the flying of a bee. The more air that vibrates (振动), the louder the volume is. Sound also can be high or low. This is called pitch. Pitch depends on how fast something vibrates.
The outside of your ear is to collect sound waves (声波). The sound waves move from outside the ear to inside the ear. Very loud sounds can hurt your ears. Be careful around loud noises. Cover your ears with your hands or wear coverings on your ears such as earphones. Or simply move away from the loud sounds.
Sounds are all around us. Vibrations make loud, quiet, high and low sounds. Our ears pick up these sounds, and our brain tells us what they are. Enjoy the many sounds of the world and be careful with your ears.
5.配对阅读. 左栏是五种意外状况, 右栏是七种救护方式. 请为左栏的意外状况选择合适的救护方式.
       Some people were sick because of COVID-19 in Amy's city. But she had to go shopping.
       Linda was cutting paper. Suddenly, she cut her finger. It was bleeding badly.
       Mike was cooking in the kitchen. He burnt his hand by accident.
       Sam was visiting in a]small village. A dog went out and bit(咬) him. There was a broken part on his leg.
       Ben heard the fire alarm He lived on the 10b floor. Should he use the lift or walk downstairs? 
A. Don't use lift. It is a stupid idea to use a lift in a fire. The lift may get trapped (被困) between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.
B. Press hard. If you cut yourself, you should press on the bleeding part with a piece of clean cloth.
C. Stay healthy Stay away from crowds and keep healthy habits. Wear masks if you have to go outside. It is a good way to protect yourself.
D. Use warm water. Make sure your hands are clean. Try to flush (冲) the thing out of your eye with clean warm water. Then go to the hospital.
E. Wash the cut. I wash the broken part with warm soap (肥皂) water if a dog bites you. Then, go to see a doctor as soon as possible.
F. Call for help. Don't jump into the water to save others. Shout and wait for the adults to help.
G. Cool the burnt. Run cool (not cold) water over the burnt part and put some medicine on it. Then go to see a doctor for help. 
7.暴风雨来的时候, 我正在图书馆看书。
sea tired/hungry pair more because from ate The their so 

Once upon a time, two hungry people met an old man in the forest. 1.             old man gave a fishing rod(竿)to the first man. And he gave the other man a basket of fish. Then, they went on 2.             own ways.
The second man was happy and cooked the fish. It was 3.             delicious that he enjoyed his meal. He quickly 4.             all of the fish. Soon, he starved to death(饿死) 5.             he had nothing to eat. What about the first person? He was sill hungry. He walked for a long time to get to the beach. He was too 6.             to go fishing when he get there. He starved to death, too.
Another two hungry people also got the same things 7.             the old man, a fishing rod and t basket of fish. But they didn't go their ways alone. They agreed to find the sea together. At first, they ate the fish together when they were hungry on the way. Then, they arrived at the 8.             and started to take turns fishing. Later, they caught 9.             and more fish and started their fishing business.
The first pair of people failed to work together. They died. However, the second 10.             lived better by working together.
What lesson can you learn from it?
12. It is often said that old people don't understand the young. Children don't understand the old, either. In fact, both groups have a lot to learn from each other.
The Sunshine Care Centre is for helping the old people. But not all of its visitors are old. There is also a childcare center for about 50 kids. They are between 2 months and 6 years old. At the yard, there's a playground. The old play with the kids and talk with each other there. Through this, they can learn more about each other.
I think this is quite an interesting idea. For one thing, there are more and more old people in the world. It will be important for young people to understand and care for the old in the future. Sadly, my own grandparents died when I was young. I learned little from them. But I think I can still learn from other old people. I might find some of their ideas old styled. And they might not agree with my way of thinking. But if both the old and the young try their best to understand ea other, they still can learn a lot from each other.
As students, we can not only learn from the old. but also a lot of different people around you such as classmates, teachers, parents and doctors.

1. What's the Sunshine Care Centre for?
2. How old are the 50 kids?
3. What do the old do with the kids? Please give one example.
4. Why did the writer learn little from his grandparents?
5. After reading the passage, who do you think you can learn from? Why?(可根据你的实际情况回答)
13.假如你是Jerry, 你的朋友Jack和父母的沟通存在问题, 请写一封信给他提一些建议, 内容包括:
1. 讲述你与父母的一次沟通经历 (时间、事件、结果);
2. 对如何与父母沟通提出两点建议;
3. 希望他能与父母友好沟通, 和睦相处.
1. 文章中不能出现真实的学校名和姓名.
2. 字数: 70词左右.
Dear Jack,
I know that you have trouble communicating with your parents.
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