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1.  London Transport Museum was set up in 1980. It brings to life the history of London's public transport network (公共交通网络) — its buses, trains, from the 19th century to today.
  The museum has two sites (地点) in London. The main site in Covent Garden is open to the public every day. It reopened in 2007 after a two-year repair (修理). The other site, is known as the London Transport Museum Depot and is open on visitor days all the year round.
  Opening times (the main site)
  ●Museum galleries (展览馆)
  Open daily 10:00-18:00 (Last entry 17:15)
  ●Museum shop
  Sunday-Tuesday 10:00-18:30
  Wednesday-Saturday 10:00-19:00
  Museum tickets (the main site)
  ●Adult (成年人): ₤17. 5
  ●Children and young people aged 18 and under: free
  Children aged 12 and under must be accompanied (陪同) by an adult.
  You can save by booking your ticket online at ₤16.
  For more information, visit https:∥www. ltmuseum. co. uk.

根据材料内容, 选择最佳选项.
2.  Little Tommy liked to play with knives. One day, when his mother was busy with cooking, Tommy took one of her kitchen knives out of the house. He began to cut an apple tree. Suddenly
  Tommy replied, "I'm old enough to do what I want. " He continued cutting. To his surprise, Mr Apple Tree soon picked him up and carried him into the orchard (果园).
  There Tommy met Mrs Peach Tree, Mr Plum Tree and Mrs Pear Tree. They were very nice and Tommy had a really good time. Mr Apple Tree told Tommy not to leave the orchard because there were wicked trees in the forest not far away.
  But soon Tommy got bored and walked slowly into the forest. Suddenly, a huge oak tree (橡树) carried him deep into the forest where all of the other trees kept him a prisoner (囚徒), they wouldn't let Tommy go.
  Mr Apple Tree agreed. He took Tommy out of the forest and safely sent him back home. Tommy never forgot Mr Apple Tree and he never played with knives again.
3.  Who invented the umbrella? There are many different opinions. Some people say that the people of ancient Egypt invented it, some say the Romans invented it and some say Luban's wife invented it in ancient China. There's even an interesting story about its invention in China.
  Luban was the most famous craftsman (工匠) in ancient China. One day, Luban and his wife were taking a walk and enjoying the beautiful view. Suddenly it began to rain. Both of them were soaked when they got back home. Luban's wife said, "If there is something that can protect people from the rain when they are walking outdoors, it will be wonderful. " Then Luban said, "That's easy. I will build many pavilions (亭)." His wife replied, "That's a good idea, but it is not convenient. Is it possible to make a movable (可移动的) pavilion, which could always follow the people?" She thought all day and all night. One day, and each kid held a big lotus leaf (荷叶) over the head to protect themselves from getting wet. That gave her a great idea. Then, she made the first umbrella in ancient China.
  Since the umbrella was invented, it has been part of people's life in every corner of the world. Right now, there are many kinds of umbrellas, kids umbrellas and market umbrellas.
  How many umbrellas are made every year in the world? Maybe millions or even more. One interesting thing is that most umbrellas in the world are made in China. Shangyu in Zhejiang Province alone has more than 1, 000 umbrella factories and it is called "China Umbrella City".

4.  It's normal for you to feel shy and nervous when you are in the new environment. (1)      If you think you are too shy and want to be more active, try the following advice.
  Tell people you're shy. (2)      When people get to know you are shy person, they may understand you better. It will also help you feel easier in talks.
  (3)      When you smile, people will think you're friendly and want to talk with you. Remember that all people have feelings and most people will stay away from an angry﹣looking face. You shouldn't keep quiet at a party all the time. If you find it hard to start a talk, you can say something nice about people around you. (4)       Imagine how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. It must be very helpful for you to start a talk! And after you begin to talk to someone or smile at someone for the first time, remember today "I did it!" to yourself.
  Pay your attention to important things. (5)       Don't waste time worrying about your look or whether all people like you or not.
  If you keep trying the advice, you may not be shy in the new environment one day. I believe you can do it!
请你根据材料内容, 选择合适选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑, 使短文内容完整正确.
A. Try to smile often.
B. There is no need to hide it.
C. Or you can say something nice about the party.
D. Think about more ways to enjoy the party and have fun.
E. It's also normal to feel nervous or shy in front of others at times. 
5.  After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate to walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw (1)       talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there. I knew right then that I had (2)       my best friend.
  At dinner, Mom asked, "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?"
  I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing.
  The next morning, Mom asked, "Today is (3)      . What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. "(4)       is Jemma?"
  Mom took a look at me. Then she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?"
  (5)       I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went (6)       her.
  Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug.
  Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) (7)       of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table. Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair.
  "That's Beth Lambert," she said, "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was (8)       at that.
  "Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything (9)      . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt (10)       that."
  I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I knew I'd start (11)       if I opened my mouth.
  Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow (12)      . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma's finger(13)       to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself (14)       this boy was, too, I said 'hello'. And we became friends."
  "So, if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One (15)       is all it took."
  As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello."
watch sheep change subject they danger for expensive much travel 

  Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many (1)             will take place, but what will the changes be?
  Computers will be (2)             smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every family. And computer studies will become one of the most important (3)             in schools then.
  People will work fewer hours than they do now and they will have more free time for sports, (4)             TV, traveling and surfing the Internet. (5)             will be much cheaper and easier. And more and more people will go to other countries for (6)             holidays.
  There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used (7)             building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and (8)            , so meat will be more (9)             . Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.
  Work in the future will be different, too. (10)             and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. That will be a new problem.
7.  Chinese clay art is famous because the clay pieces are so small, but (1)             look very real. The pieces (2)             usually cute children or lively characters (3)             a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. The pieces are carefully shaped by hand from (4)             kind of clay and then allowed (5)             air-dry.
8.A: Hi, Linda. Did you have a nice time during the Mid-Autumn Festival?
B:(1)            . I visited my grandparents in a village, and it was so much fun.
A: Sounds good. You remember it for such a long time. (2)            ?
B: It was rainy, but it was very cool.
A: Well, (3)            ?
B: I made mooncakes with my grandma, watched the moon and chatted with my family.
A: Oh, nice. (4)            ?
B: I visit my grandparents once a term. What about you? How were your days?
A: Terrible! I stayed at home and did my homework all the time you know, the test is coming.
B:(5)            .
A: What you said sounds right. We should work hard to have a good future. See you.
B: See you.
9.每个人都会犯错, 我们要学会在错误中学习, 不断成长. 请以"Learn from my mistake"为题
1. When did you make your mistake?
2. What did you do?
3. What did you learn from it?
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