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1.  Jessie and her two young sisters lived with their mother in an apartment building. One evening, a fire started on (1)      second floor of the building. The smoke (2)       spread through the whole building. The fire alarm rang sharply. All the people ran out of the burning building. There was no time to take money (3)       food. They ran outside to safety in a hurry.
  Soon, the firefighters arrived. They were trying to control the fire so that it wouldn't spread to buildings nearby. The small fire soon turned into a huge flame. Standing in horror, the children watched their apartment building (4)       for hours. Finally, it collapsed. All of a sudden, this family and twelve (5)       families in the same building were homeless. Their world (6)      upside down.
  All the families were put in a hotel for the night. That immediate help came from the Red Cross office. But how would they get their lives back (7)       normal?Their neighbors, friends, relatives and strangers came to help. They brought clothes, food, money and even teddy bears. A week later, all the families moved into (8)      newly rented houses.
  Jessie's mother told her children later, "So many people (9)       us in this disaster. We must never forget (10)       they have done for us. "
2.  Alana and Millie are running after each other in the yard.
  "(1)      , Millie! You are slower than a turtle today, " says Alana.
  "That's okay, " replies Millie. "It is not a bad thing to be as (2)       as a turtle. Do you know that turtles live to be 200 and even 300 years old?"
  "Wow!" says Alana. "How is that (3)      ?"
  "There are many reasons, " says Millie. "But mostly, it's because they take their time. They are never in a (4)      . They take life easy. People can learn a lesson from turtles. "
  (5)      , the two girls read about turtles. They (6)       that turtles walk very slowly. They are never in a hurry to eat. Sometimes, it takes them many hours to eat a good meal. They breathe slowly and get lots of rest.
  In winter, they make a big (7)       in the mud and go to sleep. Everything gets even slower. (8)       they wake up in the spring, they begin to move. But, as always, they move slowly.
  As the saying goes, "Slow and steady (9)       the race. " So what's the lesson to be learned from turtles? Don't get too excited and live a (10)       life, just like a turtle.
3.  Technology is developing fast these years. Let's see some of the hightech helpers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The telemedicine (远程医疗) system
With a remote video system, doctors can diagnose (诊断) patients without seeing them in person. Also, doctors from different hospitals can have a meeting by using the system at the same time. This saves a lot of time. Both Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital have this system. 
Drones (遥控飞机) warn people in groups
In some rural (农村的) places, the police use drones to monitor people in groups. When the drone finds big groups of people, the police will warn them through the loudspeaker on the drone. In some places, people also use drones to disinfect (消毒) their communities. 
The 3 D "hospital"
A company in Shanghai printed 15 rooms by using 3 D technology. They sent the rooms to Hubei for patients to live in. It only took one 3 D printer 24 hours to build all these rooms. Each room is about the same size as your bedroom. 
The AI system checks for fever
At the Mudanyuan subway station in Beijing, an AI system can check people in crowds quickly to see if they have fevers. When people pass by, the system scans people's faces. The system can check about 300 people in one minute. 
Smart robots
In some hospitals, smart robots helped to deliver food to patients to reduce the risk of infection (传染). The robots also helped to hand out medicine and show the way to people. 
4.  A creature that can protect itself against enemies is more likely to stay alive and have babies. As a result of natural selection, some depend on strength and speed. Some become good at hiding. Others smell bad.
  Have you heard that skunks (臭鼬) sometimes shoot smelly liquid onto unlucky humans and their pets? The liquid smells so bad that it can cause sickness and a burning feeling in the eyes. But don't worry. A skunk only does so when it feels danger.
  Besides skunks, some millipedes-creepy crawlers with hundreds of little legs-shoot a smelly liquid out of their bodies when they feel danger. Bombardier beetles (放屁虫) do the same thing too, and the smelly liquid they shoot can reach boiling temperatures.
  There are simpler ways to keep an enemy away with bad smells, too. Vultures, which live on the dead bodies of animals, always shoot chunks of vomit when they feel danger. This makes them lighter, so they can fly away more quickly, but the smell of the partly digested(消化)food — which is pretty smelly even before the vulture eats it—is usually terrible enough to make anyone back off.
  But not every bad smell you sense is to keep bad things away. Some are meant to attract attention. Hyenas (土狼) produce a smelly "butter" to communicate with their own kind. Male musk oxen (麝香牛) produce their famous musk which is very smelly to mark territory(领地).
5.左栏是对五种交通工具历史的介绍, 右栏是关于七种交通工具优点的描述. 请为每种交通工具匹配对应的优点.
(1)      In 1885, JK Starley invented the first modern bicycle. It looked the same as the bicycles today.
(2)      . For many thousands of years, people have used ships to carry people or things across the seas, from one land to another.
(3)      Since the 19th century, trains have been a popular choice for people who want to have a long journey.
(4)      The London Underground is 158 years old in 2021. It is the world's first underground railway.
(5)      In 1903, the first plane flew for the first time. Though it onlyflew for a very short time, people's flying dreams came true later. 
A. It may be more expensive, but it can help you save much more time to fly between countries or cities.
B. It is not so fast as trains or planes. It can be dangerous to travel by sea. But it is a happy way to spend a holiday. One can enjoy the beautiful sights on the sea and feel the sea wind.
C. It's good for the long trip. It's fast and convenient. People can walk around to enjoy the sight outside. The tickets are usually not so expensive.
D. It travels under the ground. You can see it in many cities now in China, such as Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shanghai. It's comfortable, quick, easy and almost always on time.
E. It's cheap and easy to take. You can get on and off at stops, but it might be slow in rush hours.
F. It had two pedals to move the wheels. It's so easy to learn to ride. Riding it is not only good for your health, but also good for the environment.
G. You can choose to take it if you can't drive yourself. You can find it easily on the road. It is more expensive than a bus, but it's faster than it. 
6.  Breaking an arm is never good news. Mia knew this now for sure. She (1)            her arm on Saturday. She was climbing a ladder at the park. Mia loved to climb. She wanted to go down the slide, (2)             she fell to the ground. When she landed, her arm hurt terribly. Mia's mother knew something was wrong, so they went to the doctor (3)             away. The doctor (4)             an Xray with a special camera. The pictures showed Mia's (5)            . It was clear that one of her bones was broken.
  Mia was sad. She would have a cast on her arm for six weeks. She could not write or play catch. Worst (6)            all, she could not go swimming (7)             would she do without her swimming time?This was going to be the (8)            summer ever!
  Mia's mom felt bad for Mia because she knew how much Mia loved being in the water. She had (9)             idea. She got a special plastic bag and wrapped it around Mia's cast so that Mia could sit on the steps of the pool. Though Mia still could not swim, she could go in the water. She was grateful that her mom helped her. Maybe this summer would not be so bad after (10)            .
7.  Shadow puppetry (皮影戏), an ancient form of storytelling that first appeared in China more than 2, 000 years ago, still enjoys popularity these days.
  Just like so many animals on the earth that are in danger of dying out, traditional arts also face the risk of disappearing. "Many young people still think shadow puppetry is some kind of old-fashioned folk art, " said Liu Chaokan, who is the sixth generation inheritor(传承人) of Liujiazhai shadow puppetry.
  Before deciding to carry the torch of shadow puppetry, Liu Chaokan was practicing shooting as a student athlete in college. Some of his college friends doubted the future of the family business. They couldn't understand why he would choose to work on an "old and unattractive" art.
  Empty seats and bad comments didn't stop him. It was his love for shadow puppetry and the ambition to let the old art continue to shine in modern life that made him decide to stay on.
  To make this old art form appeal to the young, he's combined (使……结合) fresh content and brand-new stories with the traditional form of storytelling. In a recent show adapted by his team based on the ancient Chinese novel Journey to the West, Baigujing dances to the Korean pop hit Gangnam Style. Ne Zha, Pleasant Goat, and other famous Chinese cartoon characters, together with some popular foreign cartoon characters, are Liu's secret of attracting the attention of children.
  Tik Tok (抖音) has also been Liu's new tool to spread shadow puppetry. To keep the old art forever young, Liu believes he should also respect its traditions. "You can't shake the roots of the art, " Liu said. "Keeping its traditions and being creative are equally important. "

(1)When did shadow puppetry first appear in China?
(2)Who is Liu Chaokan?
(3)What did some of Liu's college friends think of shadow puppetry?
(4)Why has Liu combined fresh content and brand—new stories with shadow puppetry?
(5)What is equally important according to Liu?
8.皮影戏、京剧、剪纸、捏面人儿等都是中国古老的传统艺术.在创新的同时, 传承优秀的中国传统文化和艺术是每个中华儿女的责任.在众多的中国传统艺术中, 有什么是你特别钟爱的吗?请以"My Favorite Traditional Chinese Art"为题, 写一篇英语短文.
内容包括:(1)你最喜欢的中国传统艺术是什么;(2)简单介绍一下该传统艺术, 并指出你喜欢它的原因.
作文要求:(1)不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名;(2)语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
My Favorite Traditional Chinese Art
Among all the traditional Chinese art forms, my favorite is
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