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1.  Every Sunday morning, I take a light jog (慢跑) around a park near my home. (1)       a lake in one corner of the park. Each time I jog by this lake, I see the same elderly woman sitting by the lake (2)      a small metal cage beside her.
  Last Sunday, my curiosity (好奇心) got the better of me, so I stopped jogging and (3)      over to her. As I got closer, I found that inside the metal cage were three turtles, slowly walking around. She had a fourth turtle on her lap (大腿)(4)      she was carefully brushing.
  "Hello, " I said. "I'd love to know what you're doing with these turtles. "
  "I'm cleaning (5)      shells, " she replied. "Anything on a(6)      shell, like algae (海藻) or scum (浮沫), stops the turtle from swimming. It can also weaken the shell over time. I'm doing this (7)      the turtles. It's my own way of making a difference. "
  " That's really nice of you! But there are turtles living in lakes all around the world. And(8)      of these turtles have kind people like you to help them clean their shells. So how exactly are you sure that you are truly making (9)       difference?" I questioned.
  The woman laughed aloud. She then looked down at the turtle on her lap, brushed the last piece of algae from its shell and said, "Sweetie, every act of kindness matters. (10)      this little guy could talk, he'd tell you I just made all the difference in the world. "
2.  Many years ago, Dad worked as a farmhand (农场工人). At that time, he had a horse. Every Saturday he(1)      to the town after dinner and spent a few hours on social (2)      with other farmhands, such as drinking, chatting and playing cards in the café. On Saturday evenings, the café was crowded because many farmhands were there. Before midnight Dad returned home on his horse, quite satisfied with his life. In his words, he (3)      thought of changing his job.
  At the age of 31, Dad married my mother who was a school teacher. In the following spring I came (4)      into the world. Life became hard so my mother told Dad that they must make a (5)      . My mother had heard of how some famous persons who were born in a poor family, fought against fate (命运) and achieved fame (名誉) and success. And she hoped that I would some day become a great leader ruling men or cities and Dad should be a successful businessman. So she advised Dad to (6)      his job as a farmhand, sell his horse and (7)      a small business of his own. And I went to high school and college. She even sent me abroad for (8)      education when I graduated from college. Under the drive of my mother 's hope, Dad and I (9)      what we have today. Dad runs a big international company and I am a successful lawyer.
  Dad said, without my mother, he would remain a farmhand. So he got a lesson of life — sometimes we really need (10)      from outside.
Do something for your local environment.
In this issue, we look at things we can do for our local environment. 
(1)      .
Do you want to grow your own vegetables or keep a few chickens ? Do you think you have green fingers? There are almost one hundred sites (场所) available on three year leases (租约). All the sites are available on a first come, first served basis (基本原则). Interested? Then give us a call. 
(2)Cycle, don't drive!
Do you drive to work? Could you cycle? We have built lots of new cycle lanes (车道) in the last two years. They are clearly marked and you can find a complete route map on our website. Remember, cycling is not only good for the environment but will also help you stay healthy. 
(3)Cleaner streets for the town.
In the last few weeks, lots of new bins have been placed along the high street in an effort to keep our town tidy. Our community wardens (管理员) will be patrolling the street and will fine anyone who drops litter. The fine for littering is £100. 
(4)One green, one brown and one black
Starting this month, we're introducing a new rule of recycling. Households will be given three bins. The green one is for recyclable rubbish, such as paper, plastic, glass and card;the brown one is for garden and food waste and the black bin is for all other rubbish. New collection time will be announced soon. 
Any questions? Call 0908 551 372 and speak to Sam White or visit www. townsvillegoesgreen. gov. uk for more information. 
4.  When might you need to give blood for a personality test? The answer is that you need to do so when you ask for a job.
  Some people believe that your blood group hides no secrets. It shows the "real you". And the owners of certain blood groups might be particularly good or bad at certain tasks. This is the very reason of why you could be asked to offer your blood group before being given a job.
  The new idea was carried out first in Japan and now it has been brought over to other parts of the world. One important business company in Japan is quite special about this need:"For our office members, we must have 30 percent of group A and 15 percent of AB, 25 percent of O and 30 percent of B".
  Do you happen to know your own blood group? It seems that if you belong to blood group O, you can get things done and sell the goods well. Blood group A are the thinkers, while blood group B are highly creative. And if you have problems, ask the ABs to solve them. So if you visited the Japanese company, you would find the O types out selling goods and A types keeping order in the office.
(1)      Li Zihao is a fan of Cantonese opera culture. He wants to know more about its beginning and development.
(2)      Zhang Yitong has learnt Cantonese opera for twelve years. She wants to be a successful and famous opera artist like Hong Xiannv. (3)      Chen Haoxuan wants to speak Cantonese well, but he finds the language course boring. He hopes to learn it in a more interesting way.
(4)      Cai Kun likes to watch Cantonese opera and he'd like to share his opinions with others after watching them.
(5)      Yang Siqi is interested in the beauty of opera faces and costumes in different styles. She hopes to learn to design for opera actors and actresses. 
A. Say It Loudly
The course is a study of how to give opera opinions with some examples. Through this course, you will be able to express and exchange your ideas with others.
B. To Speak Like Native
We have got primary, junior and senior courses of Cantonese Opera. You can learn basic Cantonese opera language so that you can learn to speak Cantonese well.
C. Opera Wandering
It is a course which gives you a complete introduction of the development of Cantonese Opera. You will know when it began and how it has developed through centuries.
D. Appreciation (欣赏)Time
The course is to develop the students' interest in Lingnan culture by showing famous Cantonese operas.
E. Dream Jobs
It is a course which analyzes (分析) the makeup and costume styles of some successful movies. It's to help those who want to become makeup artists and designers.
F. Performing Art
The course analyzes excellent performance skills of Cantonese opera which are different from those in other kinds of operas. It helps you become a master of Lingnan culture.
G. To be a Rising Star
The course invites some famous Cantonese opera artists regularly to share their life and there are some training courses for you. It is a valuable chance to learn performance skills from them.  
6.  When I was in junior high school, I was not good at sports because I was overweight. I was often (1)             at by other students in my PE class. Gradually, I came to believe that I did not have the talent for (2)            .
  One day, I was playing table tennis with a classmate in my PE class. My (3)            said I was playing well and asked me to show the other students (4)            to play. I was very happy because it was the(5)             time I had ever been praised by my PE teacher. From then (6)            , I made up my mind to practice table tennis every day. After a lot of practice, I became the (7)            table tennis player in my class. I started to love sports and joined (8)            in doing different kinds of sports: running, swimming, football, basketball, etc. One year later, I not only did well in my PE class but also (9)            ten kg and became the star of my class at the school sports games.
  The experience of going from failure to success has taught me that everyone can be successful if they work (10)            .
7.请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息回答五个问题, 要求所写答案语法正确, 语义完整.
Two Research Reports
Report One
  People with sweet childhood memories, especially good relationships with parents, will have less stress and fewer diseases after they grow up, according to a research in the magazine Health Psychology.
  "We found that good memories seem to have a good effect on health. Perhaps they can reduce stress or help us keep healthy choices in life. " said the researchers of the study.
  The researchers used more than 22, 000 people in two studies. The first period followed adults in their mid 40s for 18 years and the second period followed adults 50 and over for 6 years.
  In both groups, people who remembered higher levels of love from their mothers as children experienced better physical health later in life. Those who had memories with more support from their fathers also had less feelings of sadness. 
Report Two
  Keeping away from depression (低落的情绪) has become the main goal for many people nowadays, but hugging the depression may be more helpful, a new study reports.
  Many people may experience the time when they are sad or feel they can 't enjoy anything. They hate being weak. So they hide their true feelings. But the report says this behavior can even make the depression worse. The more attention people pay on happiness, the more disappointed they might probably be.
  Researchers call on the people to have a more friendly and patient attitude (态度) about the depression. Only in this way will people not be afraid of it. They will be more likely to work out the problems, and then take actions to deal with them. 

(1)What's the name of the magazine in Report One?
(2)How many people joined in the studies in Report One?
(3)Who did the first period of the studies follow in Report One ?
(4)What makes the depression worse?
(5)What do the researchers call on the people to do about the depression?
8.生活就像一本书有欢乐有烦恼, 这些烦恼影响着我们的健康和人际关系. 假设你是班
长, 请写一篇名为" Smile to the world"的班会发言稿, 号召同学们学会控制情绪, 乐观向上. 内容包括:
1. 描述一次你的情绪控制经历.
2. 谈谈控制情绪的方法, 给出两点或以上建议
3. 号召同学们自我激励, 不断进取, 笑对人生.
注意不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实的校名和姓名. 开头已给出, 不计入总数
Smile to the world
Dear classmates,
Life is full of ups and downs.
Thanks for listening.
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