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1.I want to find ______ owner of this dictionary. Can you help me?
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.After the rainstorm, we could help to ______ some food and drinks to the people in need.
  • A. give away
  • B. give up
  • C. give back
3.My right arm was still ______ after I put some medicine on it.
  • A. sick
  • B. disabled
  • C. sore
4.With the help of the police, the ______ of the event finally came out.
  • A. risk
  • B. truth
  • C. spirit
5.Let's stay here till the next day because the snow was heavy and it was too late ______.
  • A. instead
  • B. perhaps
  • C. anyway
6.______ Anna never gives up, we believe she will succeed in the end.
  • A. Although
  • B. Since
  • C. Unless
7.______ the desks and chairs, we need some special tools.
  • A. Repairing
  • B. Repair
  • C. To repair
8.5G makes ________ possible for people to watch the movies online fast.
  • A. it
  • B. that
  • C. one
9.—I didn't catch the early bus yesterday.
—______ Then I had to take a taxi.
  • A. Neither did I.
  • B. I did, too.
  • C. Me, too.
10.Uncle Fred will call you as soon as he ______ home this evening.
  • A. will return
  • B. returns
  • C. is returning
11.A: Hi, Ms. Miller.
B: Hello, Ms. Kelly.
A: (1)       You look worried.
B: I'm going to Children's Hospital.
A: (2)      
B: My daughter is ill in hospital.
A: Really! (3)      
B: She fell down from the high place while jumping. And her legs were hurt badly.
A:(4)       Was it serious?
B: I have to say yes. The doctor said it would take long for her to get better.
A: (5)      
B: Sure, thanks.
A. Could I visit her with you?
B. What's the matter with her?
C. Sorry to hear that.
D. What happened?
E. Where are you going? 
12.  Life is not what it used to be. There are a lot of classes to have and different tests to pass. It's not (1)       that students say they don't have time to volunteer! However, volunteering isn't as difficult as you think. Lots of volunteer work (2)       you to do as much or as little as you want. Time can also be agreed with the organizations.
  Think about it, the time you give is always worth (值得) more in the long run. The (3)       you can make is far greater than the hours you give. For example, you spend an hour with a child helping them to read, it (4)       a lot to his or her life.
  And (5)       what volunteering can do for you: you will get experiences and learn important skills in the volunteer work. A few hours in volunteering now will help you in the future.
13.  When you wake up every morning, you need to (1)       what to wear, what to eat, where to go and so on. Along the road of life, you make many decisions. So you should be (2)       about decision making.
  Ken Levine said: "We all make decisions, but in the end, our decisions make us." You can see the (3)       of decision making. Even one small choice can matter a lot. (4)      , for every choice, big or small, it's not easy to make right decisions. Here is some advice for you.
  First, don't make decisions when you are over-excited, angry, or sad. These (5)       can stop you from making a good decision. Second, most decisions are made better when you have enough (6)      . Do some research (研究) as much as you can about your decision. Third, there are usually many choices for you, so try to make a list of all your choices. And don't make decisions (7)       you get a full list of your choices. If you (8)       thinking of all the choices, ask your family or friends for help.
  Well, the best way to make a decision is to follow Warren Buffett's 10/10/10 Rule. It's really easy and you (9)       remember the three questions: How will you feel about your decision in 10 minutes? How about in 10 months? How about in 10 years?
  Of course, if a decision you made is to be (10)       — remember that life does hand you lemons (柠檬) sometimes.
  How time flies! I'm not a baby anymore but a teenager. But is it better to be a teenager than a baby? Let's look at the pros and cons of each.
Pros: When I was a baby, I could eat and sleep whenever I wanted. I didn't care whether I made others crazy. I was very happy because everyone around me just tried to make me happy. Cons: I could hardly communicate with others in words. People sometimes didn't know what I really wanted. I couldn't go anywhere alone. 
Pros: I can hang out with my friends when we are free. I listen to my favorite music and watch my favorite TV programs when I am free. I am able to look after myself and learn something useful. Cons: I always worry about my future. I have no confidence (自信) in the college entrance examination. I have to get up early in the morning and go to bed late at night. I have no time to do what I like on weekdays. 

  In a word, when I was a baby I had a lot of time but I was too young to know what I liked. Now as a teenager I have some interests but I have stress from study as well. Can you tell me if it is better to be a baby or a teenager?
15.  Like millions of people around the world, Mark Dumas loves nothing more than to take a morning swim. But for him there is something different, as Mark swims with a polar bear.
  Mark and his wife had the polar bear Agee when she was six weeks old. The couple and Agee have a close friendship over years.
  It all started when animal trainer Mark was asked to find a polar bear to be in a movie. It was then that he heard about a female cub(幼崽) who was in a very difficult situation at a Swedish zoo. The baby polar bear named Agee was the eleventh cub born to the polar bear mother, and it was clear to Mark that with so many babies in the family. Agee needed a new home.
  Mark has trained many animals for many films as part of his job, but he never expected to fall in love with this baby girl! As soon as he kept his eyes on Agee in the zoo, Mark knew that this little bear needed him. That's why he made the decision to raise Agee on his own.
  Mark raised Agee for 26 years, and he could not be happier that he did it. Mark trains her to do all kinds of skills to star in the films.
  Now Agee is not only friendly but also close to Mark. She loves giving him bear hugs (拥抱) and accepting loving kisses but loves swimming with him most. "If other people tried this, they would end up as Agee's dinner," Mark says. "The only people in the whole world she likes are me and my wife. I have worked with bears in this way for over 40 years, so I can read Agee's body language and know how to act safely around her. But Agee is the boss and it's her rules that count."
16.  Every year, millions of people go back to their hometowns for family reunions (团聚) during the Spring Festival. To control the spread (传播) of COVID-19 during the holidays, China made a plan to avoid gatherings (避免聚集) and unnecessary journeys, by calling on people to stay put (留在原地).
  This year's "stay put" advice is different in areas with different risk levels. It gives people rights to choose if they go home for family reunion. Also, those who chose to stay put could get shopping vouchers (购物券), free movie tickets and tickets for places of interest.
  So many people decided to stay put in the cities where they work to celebrate the long holiday. Qin Hanying is one of them. He works in the southern Guangdong province, while his hometown is in neighboring Guangxi. Qin said it was the first time that he had spent the lunar New Year away from home and it was a special experience.
  Qin was not alone. According to his plan, Li Yangsong should have returned to his hometown in Shanxi province and spent the Spring Festival with his family. But this year, he chose to spend the holiday in Beijing with his workmates. He said: "I think it was the most meaningful holiday."
  However, some people wanted to go home for the holiday anyway. Wei Biying, working in Jiangmen, Guangdong, said "My parents are both reaching their 80s. They are getting old, and I think they would be lonely if they spent the holiday alone."
  Wherever we celebrated the Spring Festival, COVID-19 can't stop our love for our family.
17.Driving after drinking wine is one of the main c             of car accidents and every driver should be careful.
18.Eric d             from the tree and cut his knee seriously.
19.The shape of the building woke up my i             and I had some new ideas.
20.From the look of joy on her face I knew my mom was quite s             with my grades this time.
21.Doing chores at home can help us learn to look after ourselves and live i             in the future.
22.A: You don't look well, what's the matter?
B: I had a big fight with my little brother last night.
A: What exactly happened to you?
B: He always takes away my things without (1)             them. Whenever I ask him for my things, he says they are lost. Yesterday evening when he asked me for a pen, I couldn't stand him (2)             so I shouted to him and so did he. Our loud voice came to my parents' (3)             and they ran into our bedroom at once.
A: What did they do next? They must be very angry with you.
B: Yeah, I thought they would beat me heavily because they did such things before. But this time they hugged me and comforted me softly instead. They said as a big brother, I shouldn't (4)             his mistakes.
A: It's normal for parents to educate the (5)             ones to set a good example and try to get on well with their little brothers or sisters.
B: I can understand their feeling, but I still think it's (6)            , do you think so?
A: I agree with you! We are in the same boat. Whenever I argue with my younger sister, my mother will stand up for her and shout at me loudly.
B: How about your Dad? Maybe he will stand by you.
A: No, it's impossible. He is even (7)            . He isn't patient (有耐心的) enough to listen to my (8)             and always beats me with no reason.
B: How poor you are! Since you will face such situations very often, why not find a (9)            time to have a good communication with your father? If necessary, ask your mom to join you. Maybe your father can learn to (10)             himself and won't get angry easily.
A: Sounds reasonable! Next time I'll have a try!
allow, carry, educate, excited, move, offer, pass, shock, silence, village, walk, year 

  Recently, Chinese high school principal Zhang Guimei has been honored with the title "Role Model of the Times" (时代楷模称号). With the help of the Party and the government, she helped to set up the country's first senior high school (1)             free education to girls from poor families. Since 2008, it has sent more than 1800 students to universities.
  Zhang has changed the lives of these girls by helping them to get education and stopping them from (2)             on poverty (贫穷) to the next generation (下一代).
  About 20 years ago, while Zhang (3)             in the mountain to visit a student's house, she noticed a girl sitting on the hill. She seemed to be helpless and was looking at the sky (4)            . The girl told Zhang she would get married very soon. It was arranged (安排) by her parents. "But I want to go to school," she said. Zhang went to her house and talked with her parents in order to ask them (5)             the girl to return to school and promised to pay for her cost herself. However, they didn't agree at last.
  "We always say, each child should stand on the same starting line, but these girls didn't even have a chance to get on the track." Zhang says.
  Zhang was greatly (6)             by the girl's story and she knew there must be many other girls who were like this in the poor countryside. Zhang made up her mind to do something to help these girls. After (7)             hard work, in 2008, Huaping High School for Girls, a free public high school was set up at the foot of the Shizi Mountian in Huaping, where Zhang is the principal.
  Over these years, Zhang walked thousands of kilometers, visiting students' families, talking to (8)            , persuading (说服) girls to go back to school. She gave away all her money to the rural education and poor people. More and more girls' lives were changed because of her. Her (9)             stories encouraged thousands of people in China.
  Zhang Guimei thinks that a girl can influence (影响) three generations. "An/A (10)             and responsible mother will stop her children from dropping out of school." She says.
24.  Taking your dog for a walk can be fun to do. (1)       According to the World Health Organization, over 10 million people in China are bitten (被咬) by dogs every year.
  People in Beijing and Shanghai are already asked to keep their dogs on a rope. (2)       It is listed in the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law (动物防疫法). The law will come into effect on May 1.
  The law focuses on the prevention of rabies (狂犬病). The rabies virus is mainly carried by dogs. The law makes it clear that anyone who keeps dogs must vaccinate (接种疫苗) them. (3)       Those who don't follow the law will face a fine (罚款).
  (4)       This meant that if someone was bitten by a dog, they would have to go to a hospital and get treated and vaccinated at once.
  Gao Fu, head of China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said it makes more sense to vaccinate dogs than humans.
  Many other diseases can also spread between animals and humans. (5)       And 75 percent of all new infections human diseases come from animals, China Daily reported.
  Are you ready for the laws, our dog owners?
A. But it can also be a danger to others.
B. The dog owners must keep their dogs staying at home.
C. A similar law will soon be carried out across the country.
D. In the past, it was up to dog owners whether to get their dogs vaccinated or not.
E. According the experts, 70 percent of animal diseases can be passed on to humans.
F. The people who walk their dogs outdoors must keep their dogs on a rope to stop them from hurting people. 
25.  What does taking the train mean to you? Perhaps it's just a way of getting to your destination (目的地). In fact, the train itself can be part of the fun.
  On March 28, China's first panda-themed tourist train left Chengdu in Sichuan for Zunyi in Guizhou. It soon became the talk of China.
  Its inside and outside are decorated with giant panda pictures, which make it cute and special. Attendants (乘务员) carry panda toys and passengers can try panda-shaped food, as well as Sichuan snacks. You can easily buy or eat them whenever you want. Some people call it a "mobile star hotel" because it has a bar, karaoke room, dance hall, and mahjong (麻将) room. Passengers can take showers and use its 5G network as well.
  The service is one aspect that has attracted (吸引) travelers. But the train travel attracts people for other reasons.
  In the fast-paced times we live in, it gives you time and space to read, sleep, chat with friends, or simply do nothing but watch the changing scenery (风景) outside. It seems that everything goes slowly on the train.
  Sheng Yawei, 26, once took the longest railway in the world — the Trans-Siberian Railway. Running from Moscow to Vladivostok, it takes six days. "Since the route covers eight time zones (时区) , I saw my watch go back suddenly. It was just like I came back to the old times." Sheng said. "The rivers, forests, mountains, and countryside along the way made me feel peaceful."
  During the train travel, you might meet new people. Sheng met a Russian college student and they became friends. "I also met a cute boy who gave me melon seeds to eat. Though we didn't understand each other's language, it made me feel nice. The trip is interesting because you'll never know who you'll meet and what will happen along the way."
  At the end of 2020, China's rail mileage (铁路里程) reached 146, 300 km. Its high-speed railway mileage was 37,900 km, ranking first in the world. Why not plan a train trip now?

Train travel The meanings:
◆It's a way of getting to your destination.
◆The train itself can be part of fun. 
The reasons why it attracts people:
◆Its service.
◆It's a good way to (1)________ 
China's first panda-themed tourist train
Why did it become the talk of China?
◆It has special design (设计)
Panda pictures are inside and outside the train
◆It has (2)__________.
Attendants continue (3)_________ passengers
with traditional Sichuan toys and food.
It's like a "mobile star hotel". 
Sheng Yawei's experience
◆It was like a (4)___________.
◆It made him feel peaceful.
His opinion on the train travel:
◆It is interesting because there are always
(5)________ along the way. 

26.为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开设了"HEART-TO-HEART" 专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。请仔细阅读这封信,并根据求助者的需求,写一封回信。
1. 表示理解并给予安慰。
2. 提出建议并说明理由。
3. 逻辑清晰,书写工整。
4. 100词左右 (信件格式已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Jamie,
  I don't feel well these days. I have a lot of headaches and catch a cold easily. I can't sleep well at night and then I fall asleep in class very often. My teacher Mr. Wang is really angry with me. And this afternoon, I found my best friend copying others' homework. Should I tell our teacher? My neighbor usually sings loudly while I'm doing homework. I asked him not to sing at night, but he refused.
  Mom always wants me to do some chores at home. But I really hate that. And I always want to do some volunteer work, but I have no idea what to do. Err, it seems that I have too many problems. Could you please help me?

Dear Worried,
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