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Full Chinese Camp in Beijing & Shanghai
Experience the wonderful study adventure with our winter camp in China!
The safety of your child is put first. We will make sure your child is safe with us!
Our talented and enthusiastic teachers are all experienced in working with children under eighteen years old.
Our activities are interesting, inspiring and fun, as well as being educational and, above all, safe!
★2-Week Full Camp (RMB 24, 000)
*24 hours at the camp *3 meals per day
*Shared hotel *Cultural activities *Field trips
★Suitable Age Group
Our full camp is more suitable for older kids, 12—17 years old. Kids younger than 12 years old can join Day Camp or Classes — only Camp.
During full camp students will get to stay in an expensive hotel or a private apartment with other campers.
★Start Dates
Our winter camp runs from November to January and starts on Mondays. 

Word Bank
adventure 冒险
enthusiastic 热情的
accommodation 住宿 

2.  Tanisha dropped her grape juice yesterday. The juice went all over her new dress. Everyone laughed. I almost did, too. But Mom always tells me to be kind, so I said, "Purple is my favorite color." I thought Tanisha would smile. But she ran into the hall instead.
  When she came back, snack time was over. She put on her art smock and didn't look at anyone. I almost told Tanisha that art was my favorite class, but I didn't want her to leave again. So I painted some beautiful purple flowers. While I painted, I thought about Tanisha. Should I have handed her my napkin? Spilled my juice so everyone stared at me instead?
  What does it mean to be kind anyway? Maybe it's giving. Making cookies for Mr. Rinaldi, who lives alone. Maybe it's helping. Putting dirty dishes in the sink. Maybe it's paying attention. Asking the new girl to be my partner. Listening to Aunt Franny's stories.
  Being kind should be easy, like recycling a bottle. Being kind can also be hard, even when you know what to do. Teaching someone something I'm good at is not easy. And sticking up for someone when other kids aren't kind is really hard.
  Maybe all I can do for Tanisha is sit by her in the art class. And paint this picture for her. Maybe I can only do small things. But my small things might join small things other people do. And together they could grow into something big. Something really big. So big that all our kindnesses spill out of our school... spread throughout town…travel across the country…and go all the way…around the world.
Word Back
smock 罩衫
spill (使)溢出
sink 洗碗槽 

3.  Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff, or without any preparation.
  People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have ants in their pants. They might also fly by the seat of their pants. They use their natural sense to do something instead of their knowledge. Sometimes, people may get caught with their pants down. They are found doing something they should not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control. Sometimes wife tells her husband what to do. Then we say she wears the pants in the family.
  Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spent quickly can burn a hole in your pocket. Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to tighten your belt. You may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skill under your belt.
  I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. I really take my hat off to them. Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it at the drop of a hat — immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot pull money out of a hat. You cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.
  Boots are heavy or strong shoes. People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do.
Word Bankcuff 袖口
tighten 拉紧
belt 腰带
budget 预算
modest 谦虚的 

4.  After traveling over 18 hours, we finally arrived at Baige Primary School in Yunnan Province. We came here to be volunteer teachers during the summer holiday of 2019. Located in the mountains, the school had over 400 children aged from 6 to 13 but only four teachers. (1)       To enrich their lessons, we decided to introduce different courses, such as painting, music, speech and so on.
  (2)       Before starting my first class, I spent several days reviewing key points and practiced often.
  In my first class, I poured out everything I learned about the Warring States Period. However, students weren't interested and didn't act well in my class.
  After that, I changed my teaching plan, (3)       For example, when I taught the culture in the Tang Dynasty, I began the class with stories from Journey to the West. When reading these stories, students actively took part in the discussion and quickly responded with the countries mentioned in the classic novel. Even after the class, some of them were still talking about the history I had presented in my lesson.
  (4)       Thanks to my teaching style students easily understood and remembered the history. History class was not boring to them anymore.
  After classes, we spent most of our time chatting and playing with the kids who lived at the school. Because of the location of the mountains, many children never went out, not to mention visited other cities. (5)       We often told interesting stories from the cities and encouraged students to study hard and visit these cities by themselves in the future.
  Every time we looked at their curious eyes and smiling faces, we felt proud that we could enlighten and bring joy to these young minds.
Word Bank
enrich 丰富
respond 回应
curious 好奇的
schedule 计划
enlighten 启发 

根据材料内容, 将下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内容完整。
A. I decided to start with stories, telling them about those interesting, touching or even tragic historical events.
B. The class schedule was simple: Chinese, math and PE lessons.
C. As a history lover, I naturally became a history teacher.
D. For them, the outside world was interesting but couldn't be reached.
E. I knew that I had succeeded.
5.  Since I can remember, I have met all kinds of things that painted me into a corner. However, one thing (1)       in my mind till now. It was a special and (2)       day because we just finished the final exams. After that, the headmaster gave a final summary (3)       and we each class were required to stand in two lines on the playground.
  At that time, my heart had already flew away. So certainly, I knew nothing about (4)       the headmaster was. The moment I was daydreaming, a weak (5)       came into my ears, "Hey! You! Go up to the stage! Your turn to prize!" I turned my head with mouth wide (6)       and full puzzlement on face, "What? you're kidding?" I asked. "It's true! We all (7)       it!" my friends said with full excitement. With the thought in mind that it was impossible, impossible, impossible, I (8)       my way through the thick people and walked to the stage. Then when I stood before the (9)       with my head down just like a kid criticized by the teacher. "You, uh," the headmaster said in a low voice. I felt upset below my (10)       surface. Then looked at the paper, on (11)       wasn't my name. Oh! How embarrassing! My face turned red in a second!
  The embarrassing memory still lingered on after a long time. I once (12)       whose fault it was: my friends', the headmaster's or mine? Actually now, every time I look back on (13)      , I simply regard it as a fun. It's actually not the (14)       of right or wrong.
  In most cases, it is unnecessary for us to pay too much attention to others' attitude and take ourselves far too (15)      . There is no right or wrong in life; each kind of experience is valuable.
Word Bank
summary 总结
stage 舞台
puzzlement 困惑
criticize 批评
linger 逗留
attitude 态度 
who study school mind they clear if near two produce 

  If you enter Nick Spigler's room, you'll find a nice bird nest and lots of books about birds. (1)            , this 16-year-old boy has a goal and sets out to achieve it.
  Several times a week, Ellie Andreen, 15, visits a park (2)             her home to check on her little family. The blue bird boxes she placed there last winter have (3)             several families of birds.
  These bird-watchers are not the only teenagers (4)             enjoy birding in the county of Harford, Maryland, the US. Several local (5)             offer programs in ornithology, even if some kids can't yet spell the word.
  "I have been part of the bird club since the (6)             grade," Nick said. "I had to get up at 6:30 a. m. for the walks. That was for the birds, so I didn't (7)            ."
  Since then, he has attended bird camps, and (8)             bird habits, and at last personally seen 190 of the more than 400 kinds of birds in Maryland.
  "Raising youth awareness is a must." longtime bird-watchers say.
  Mary Murray, 65, a leading member of the Harford Bird Club, said, "These children are going to inherit Earth, and we need to teach (9)             early how to take care of it. (10)             kids pay attention to what birds are doing, they will understand the health of their environment.
Word Bank
ornithology 鸟类学
awareness 意识
inherit 继承 

7.  Can you imagine working together with your worst enemy to help save the world?
  In Paper Mario: The Origami King, Olly the Origami King turns everyone (1)             paper and folds them into origami.
  Oh. no! (2)             will Mario do?
  Along with the help of the Origami King's sister, Mario and his lifelong enemy Bowser have to work together (3)             save Princess Peach and the whole Mushroom Kingdom.
  In this game, you travel around a beautiful and magical paper world. You have to find (4)             beat big bosses.
  Paper Mario: The Origami King is (5)             fun game filled with actions, adventures and puzzles. It also has a lot of humor!
  Can you stop the Origami King and save your paper pals? You need to be clever to beat him! Good luck!
Word Bank
origami 折纸 

8.A: Hi, Mike! What are you doing there?
B: I'm reading a novel named The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
A: (1)      ?
B: Sure. I have read it many times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.
A: Really? (2)      ?
B: Mark Twain. I think he is a humorous writer.
A: (3)      . He is also my favorite foreign writer. I have read his other novels, but I haven't read this one.
B: You should read it. I'm sure you will love it.
A: I believe so. Where did you get it?
B: (4)      .
A: I don't know where the bookstore is. Is it far?
B: Not very far. About 20 minutes on foot.
A: (5)      ?
B: Yes. The No. 9 bus can take you there.
A: OK. I'm going there to get one, too. Thank you!
B: You're welcome!
9.明白感恩的人会很幸福。请以 "What makes me grateful" 为题,按照下面的要点和要求写一篇英文短文。
1. 让你感恩的地方有哪些;
2. 让你感恩的原因是什么。
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校;
2. 词数100左右。
参考短语:be grateful to对……充满感激
What makes me grateful
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