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1.It is the Italian girl's first time to travel in China. ______ is looking forward to seeing the great changes of the country.
  • A. He
  • B. She
  • C. It
2.—Some people think students may waste time while studying at home.
—It is true, _______ students have improved their ability through learning independently.
  • A. but
  • B. so
  • C. or
3.In Chinese culture, people usually ______ relatives and close friends to go to the house warming party when they move to a new house.
  • A. warn
  • B. force
  • C. invite
4.If you want to manage your time well, it might be ______ to make a good timetable.
  • A. helpful
  • B. dangerous
  • C. meaningless
5.In our English class, Mrs. Zhou always organizes creative ______ to encourage us to use the language.
  • A. parties
  • B. trips
  • C. activities
6.Time passes by ______ like the sand in an hourglass. Every minute goes without being noticed.
  • A. silently
  • B. differently
  • C. properly
7.—Though the exams are put off, I'm still ______ my grade.
—Take it easy. Just make today count!
  • A. worried about
  • B. surprised at
  • C. satisfied with
8.More and more people choose to order food online these days. ______, delivery (外卖) has increased a lot.
  • A. At first
  • B. By mistake
  • C. As a result
9.—Have you heard about the Internet star Li Ziqi?
—You mean the girl who wears homemade Hanfu and cooks Chinese food? She ______ to let more people know about Chinese culture.
  • A. does her part
  • B. makes a report
  • C. keeps the rule
10.—Now tea is welcomed all over the world. I wonder _______.
—It is much more than just a hot drink. It's a lifestyle.
  • A. when it was widely accepted
  • B. why it attracts so many people
  • C. how it spreads around the world
Chatting Group (3 persons)
A: Hi, everyone! I have great news.
B: Hi, Tonia! What is it?
A: (1)      
C:Wow, that's a big decision.
B: (2)      
A:Yes, for sure. I have always wanted a pet.
C:What kind of pet are you going to get?
A:(3)       I love the way it looks.
B:Who will take care of your pet when you go on vacation?
A:Well. I have no idea yet. (4)      
B: I ask my sister to help me look after it.
C: I'm happy for you. I can help you with the training.
B: I will give you my vet's phone number.
A: Thanks.
B: (5)      
A: I'll make a great parent one day.
C: Of course you will. 

A. My pleasure.
B. Are you sure?
C. I really want a bulldog.
D. I have decided to get a pet.
E. I want to call my dog Buddy.
F. You know it's impossible for me to have a pet.
G. What do you do with your pet when you go on vacation? 
12.  Last week, I went out for dinner with my father, a general, at the local restaurant. When we were seated, my dad asked the waitress (1)       there were any soldiers eating at the restaurant. The waitress said there was a soldier having dinner with his friend. My dad told the waitress that he would (2)       their dinner. He also told the waitress to keep the secret because he didn't want the soldier to know about it.
  The waitress was moved saying that she had never seen (3)       like this before. She had studied (4)       at a local college and she wanted to thank my father for his kind heart by performing a piece from The Pearl Fisherman later.
  After a while, the soldier (5)       at our table (I didn't know how he knew what my dad had done for him.) and said that he would be sent to the front the next morning. He gave a salute (敬礼) expressing his thanks and respect for my dad. They shook hands (6)       as the soldier left.
  Before we left, the waitress came by again. She did what she promised to do. My dad left her a note with an email address asking for her next (7)       in addition to a $50 tip.
  Everyone saw something (8)       in the human spirit that night. I hope to see more of this in the future.
· Stay active. Don't spend all your time in front of a screen. Your body gets weak if you don't use it. Play a sport. Go running or just go for a walk, but get outside. · Be careful of what you put in your schoolbag. Too many books can give you backache. Try to take only two or three books home at a time. And leave anything you don't need at school. If your bag is still too heavy, ask someone to help you carry something. 
· Make sure you eat different types of healthy foods, including lots of fruit and vegetables. And drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated. Especially when you are exercising or outside in the sun. Tips for healthy living
Kids don't often think about aches and pains. They just want to play and have fun, don't they? And even kids need to make sure they take good care of themselves. Follow these easy tips to have a healthy life. 
· Make sure you visit the doctor every year. Even if you don't feel ill, it's important that your doctor sees you. She might discover a problem that you didn't know about. You should also talk to your doctor about things like your plan to try out new sports. 
14.  At 8,844.43 meters high, Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain on Earth. While it is famous for its beautiful views, parts of the mountain are facing a problem: garbage. Every year, thousands of visitors throw away tons of garbage. The garbage found on Mount Qomolangma has caused serious pollution. It is bad for water farther down in the mountain's valley (山谷). The polluted water and soil on the mountain has already been a cause of environmental concern (担忧) in China, Nepal and India.
  According to the UN, over 140 tons of garbage has been left on the mountain. To deal with the garbage, China started to limit the number of people who were allowed to climb up the north side of the mountain in 2019. Only 300 people will be allowed to climb it, and only during spring.
  Local residents (居民) collected about 8.4 tons of garbage at heights of 5,200 meters and above in 2018. The local government is also setting up stations to sort(分类), recycle and break down garbage collected from the mountain. A group of artists will also try to turn the garbage into artwork. They will show these works of art to remind people not to leave garbage behind when climbing the mountain.
  The focus is for the mountain to be climbed in a scientific and green way. Nowadays, people — including mountaineers and local people — are more aware (意识到) of the importance of environmental protection.
15.  CCTV news hosts seem to have nothing to do with livestream (直播) stars, but these two groups broke the divide and came together for a special live broadcast.
  On April 6, "Buying Hubei", a nationwide online show kicked off. (1)       They worked together to help with the sales of companies in Hubei province that have been affected by COVID-19 outbreak. Netizens were surprised by Zhu's humor during the livestream. (2)      
  From hot dry noodles to navel oranges (脐橙), the show showed 6 products, all from cities in Hubei province. (3)       Nearly 11 million people watched the pair trying different local food and repeatedly recommending (推荐) viewers to place orders. They helped sell more than 40 million yuan worth of Hubei-produced products within hours, according to media reports.
  Hubei is known as the land of fish and rice. (4)       Its farm produce, from lotus roots to oranges and mushrooms, could not make their way to the market for more than two months.
  With the epidemic situation greatly improving, Hubei is trying to find its footing again — with the help of the nation. Chinese netizens said, "We are unable to fight the virus on the frontline. However, we are ready to help by placing orders for Hubei products."
  (5)       This is partly because they think that it could be the best way of supporting Hubei, especially people there have experienced such difficulties in combating the virus, which fully reflects our Chinese tradition value: when one falls into difficulty, all other parties come to help.

A. It lasted about two hours.
B. CCTV held the program Buying Hubei.
C. Why do people show great interest in Buying Hubei?
D. They never thought the serious news host could be so funny.
E. Zhu Guangquan and Li Jiaqi hosted a show on Taobao Live.
F. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus, it was locked down. 
16.  It is commonly seen that students take pictures of teachers' blackboard-writing using their smart phones. This starts a discussion on whether taking a picture can take the place of taking notes.
  Among those in the photo-taking camp, some can't read their own handwriting. So it's best to take a picture of teachers' writing so that they can understand the notes. Some take pictures of notes because they know the phone is a safe place to store materials. They may lose paper, but they may not lose their phones. Some take photos because they want to record exact words that have been written on the blackboard.
  It may be convenient to use phones as note takers, but is a picture a replacement (替代品) for the process of note-taking? Can the two be equally effective?
  Taking notes may be an old-fashioned method, but a method which has a long history doesn't mean its out of date. Taking notes is a traditional way to help make preparations for getting and understanding information. Teachers encourage students to take notes because the act of doing so is more than only recording necessary information — it requires students to ask questions about what they don't know. The act of writing information down forces the brain to begin to memorize, establishing the building blocks of learning something new.
  I'm not sure which is better. For now, I allow students to take notes however they see fit — handwritten or photographed — because I think that some notes, no matter the method of note-taking, are better than none.

Taking pictures Taking notes 
• Help students who are not (1)             at handwriting to understand the notes.
• Be much safer to store materials.
• Record words that have been written on the blackboard (2)            
• Help (3)             for getting and understanding information.
• Record necessary information and ask (4)             about unknown things.
• Help the students to put information into memory by processing and combining it. 
Handwritten notes and photographed notes are (5)             allowed because some notes are better than none. 
17.  Do you want to learn more about depression(抑郁)? The following is used for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as a guide for making medical decisions.
  1. Depression happens for many reasons. While we all try to find happiness, sometimes we still end up feeling low. While most people can control this feeling, low moods(情绪) can stay with some, leading to depression. Depression is a normal reaction to difficult times in life. It is something we all experience sometimes and usually passes quickly. When a person feels sad, however, it affects his daily lives. Many factors (因素) may cause depression.
  2. Depression influences people in different ways. Whether it's losing a loved one, being refused, or going through a breakup, sometimes depression can seem to go on forever.
Signs of Depression Causes of Depression 
①Weight loss or gain ①Pressure ②Genetics (遗传因素) 
②Loss of interest in hobbies ③Loss of a loved one 
③Feeling sad for a long time ④A difficult relationship 
④Difficulty focusing your attention ⑤Drug and alcohol abuse (滥用) 
⑤Trouble going to sleep or getting too much sleep ⑥A painful early childhood experience 
⑦An illness that lasts a long time 
⑧No clear reason 

  3. Depression is treatable. Depression, even in the most serious cases, can be treated. The earlier treatment begins, the more effective it will be.
Dealing with Depression
①Eat well and keep your diet balanced. 尽量少吃垃圾食品。
②Exercise. Choose a type of exercise that you enjoy. One way is just to go outside and walk for five minutes.
③Get enough sleep. This can be the hardest change to make, especially for teenagers.
④Find hobbies that calm you down. Just make sure that the way you choose is healthy.

  Remember, as the old saying goes, "Laughter is the best medicine."
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  Weekends are normally a time for shopping and last Saturday was no exception. My son Henry and I were shopping in a neighborhood market. I gave Henry a bag of (1)             I picked out and he walked over to the scale (磅秤). Suddenly, a man rushed over from behind, and stepped before my son who (2)             for his turn. Henry looked shocked and scared. Seeing this, I left my shopping cart and walked over to Henry, "Are you OK, honey? I saw what that man did to you. It was very (3)            ."
  When the man finished weighing his bag, his sudden turning around made all his onions (4)             to the ground. The three of us stood there, frozen for a moment. And then I bent down on my hands and knees and started collecting onions. After I handed the onions to the man, he accepted and put (5)             into his bag. After Henry and I picked up all the onions, the man walked away without saying anything. We said nothing about it (6)             we got back in the car.
  On the way back home, Henry said with tears in his eyes, "Mommy, I have a terrible day. That man cut right in front of me. But we had to help him pick up his onions! Why did we do that?"
  I breathed (7)             and said, "Henry, that man seemed to have a very bad feeling today. We should forgive him. I was also angry with him for treating you rudely. But being angry with the people (8)             behave badly doesn't make any sense. If we hadn't helped him, we might have felt good for a moment, but then I bet we would have felt really sorry for a long time. You and I have a lot of (9)             to share. Maybe that man doesn't have much, but he still needs love."
  A cheerful smile (10)             on Henry's face. It was a smile of promise kept. It was the best smile I had ever seen. It was a good moment. It may have been my best mommy moment ever.

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