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1.—How did you get the ticket to the concert?
—Oh, my uncle ________ it to me.
  • A. showed
  • B. gave
  • C. told
  • D. described
2.As students, we should listen to our teachers in class.
  • A. carefully
  • B. beautifully
  • C. slowly
  • D. easily
3.These plants are very _____. They grow everywhere in our country.
  • A. special
  • B. fresh
  • C. common
  • D. green
4.—Do you love your parents?
—Yes, of course. ___ in my life is more important than them.
  • A. Somebody
  • B. Anybody
  • C. Everybody
  • D. Nobody
5.—Why do you study so hard?
—As a student, I have to study hard. It needs no______.
  • A. reason
  • B. rule
  • C. habit
  • D. message
6.David asked me to call him so he could_______an excuse and leave.
  • A. dress up
  • B. make up
  • C. put up
  • D. wake up
7.—The food in this restaurant is ______ of the three.
—Yeah. I don't want to eat here again.
  • A. the worst
  • B. the best
  • C. worse
8.一Excuse me. _____ is it to the next stop from here?
一5 minutes by car.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How often
  • D. How much
9.Jim and Kate are brother and sister, but they have very little __________.
  • A. in danger
  • B. in time
  • C. in common
  • D. in fact
10.—What do you think of the movie The Battle at Lake Changjin?
—_______. It truly touches my heart.
  • A. I don't like it
  • B. I don't mind it
  • C. I love it
  • D. I can't stand it
11.  Some people say success comes from luck, and some people thinks success come from practice. What do you think of it?Let's listen to my(1)      first.
  A few months ago, I went to a(2)      competition. Before this, I didn't take part in any competitions. To my surprise, I became one of the (3)      . I got a prize. I got a(n)(4)      for the movie The Wandering Earth. I felt pretty (5)      . Without thinking twice, I joined in another drawing competition. The result was(6)      . I didn't get a prize. But I didn't feel unhappy at all. I accepted(接受)this result(7)      I didn't take the competition seriously. I really had a talent for drawing but I(8)      little time practicing. So I didn't draw more(9)       than other people. I couldn't show a more creative picture to people, either.
  From this I learned a lot. Practice(10)       perfect. So I think success comes from practice.
12.  Though I had my eighteenth birthday party last month, I still watch programs like Peppa Pig and SpongeBob SquarePants. In fact, (1)      are my favorite TV programs. The funny stories can often make me (2)      a lot. I'm not the only adult who likes cartoons. Cartoons are(3)      by people all around the world. Why?
  First, cartoons(4)      have beautiful pictures in all colors. The bright colors and nice pictures make people feel(5)      and relaxed.
  Second, great cartoons have interesting stories. Made for kids, cartoon stories are(6)      for people to understand. Some unexpected stories can bring people (7)      . People can get fresh ideas after a long day of work.
  Third, there are many heroes(英雄)in cartoons. The heroes are smart, cute, friendly and outgoing. Many people want to be like the characters and do(8)      they do.
  Fourth, there is always(9)      educational in cartoons. It may be about love, dreams or friends. People can (10)      a lot while they have a good time watching cartoons.
13.根据对话内容, 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两个为多余选项.
A:Lingling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night.
B:Sounds good. (1)      
A:It was great!You know, I wanted to see Beijing Opera, so she took me there. (2)      
B:Did you understand the opera?
A:No, it was difficult to understand the words. (3)      
B:How long did you stay?
A:We only planned to watch for an hour, but in the end, we stayed for three hours.
A:Yes, it was interesting﹣that's the main thing. (5)      And I heard that the teahouse was named after Lao She.
B:Yes, he's a great writer. He's especially famous for his play Teahouse.
A. How was it?
B. Did you enjoy it?
C. But we couldn't understand it.
D. Why do you want to go there?
E. We drank tea and watched an opera.
F. I hope to understand more next time.
G. But the actors and actresses were excellent. 
14.Good news!For the coming film festival, there are some promotions(宣传)in City Cinema. This festival lasts seven days( Saturday, August 7, 2021———Friday, August 13, 2021). Here is the poster.
Film Stand by Me Ne Zha 2 Detective China tour 3 1921 
Price ¥50 ¥80 ¥70 ¥50 
Date August 1August 9August 11 August 8August 10August 12 August 9August 11August 13 August 7August 10August 13 
Time 9:00 pm4:30 pm8:20 pm 10:00 pm7:10 pm9:30 pm 9:20 pm3:10 pm5:30 pm 7:50 pm9:50 pm11:50 pm 
Tips 50% off on Tuesday for all. Free for children under 6 years old, half for people over 60 years. A free large box of popcorn for students with student ID card during the film festival. For more details, please call us at 010﹣66086662. 
15.  After watching the movie HI, MOM, Qiu Jinwei drove to Xiangyang on February 12. He and his family took photos at the factory where the movie was made. All the buildings are in the way of 1980s in China. There are red brick houses, old stores, dining hall, public shower and basketball court. Qiu grew up in a factory like it. To him, everything here looked so familiar(熟悉的). Like Qiu, thousands of visitors came here after watching HI, MOM.
  In the movie, Jia Xiaoling, a high school student, and her mother, Li Huanying were hit by a truck. Mother was badly hurt. While she was in hospital, Jia mysteriously(神秘地)travels to 1981 when her mother was in her 20s. Jia wanted to make her mom happy by buying her a television and helping her to win a big volleyball match. However, Jia felt very sorry because she couldn't help her mom live a happy life. Mom said her big dream was her future daughter would be healthy and happy. In fact, this movie is to remember the director's mother who died in an accident. Although the movie is kind of comedy, the stories in it are very moving. Many people couldn't help crying while watching.
  Because of the movie, many people came to the old house. They, their family or relatives ever worked there. Of course this brought a lot of money to Xiangyang.
16.  This beautiful story happened in Turkey. A kid got a beautiful surprise from an old man, and it brought tears to his eyes.
  The kid had an old bike with no brakes(车闸). His family had no money to buy brakes for his bike. On a street, he was riding his bike and hit an old man's car, leaving a dent(凹痕).
  Many people thought the old man would be angry. After all, fixing even just a few scratches(划痕)could be really expensive. Think about the money for fixing the dent!
  But after learning that the kid's bike was old and didn't have brakes, the old man knew what to do. He did not shout at the boy or ask him to pay for it. Instead, later he called the boy to surprise him with a new bike!The old man knew his family could not afford to pay for the dent in his car because they couldn't even afford to buy brakes for the bike
  The new bike was really a beautiful surprise for the kid. But the kid knew he got more than a bike. He thanked the old man for his kindness and care. He felt so warm inside.
17.  I'm Jenny Smith. I love movies and I want my kids to like movies, too. The first time I took my daughter, Maya, to the movie theater, she was six years old and the movie was Bambi. I chose it because I thought a cartoon movie would be good to her.
  Everything was going just fine and Bambi was so lovely. However, the story made my daughter became very sad and asked to go home. So we left in the middle of the movie. Later I chose movies more carefully and my daughter watch many great ones. Luckily, she likes movies as much as I do now.
  My worry is:Are cartoons really safe for kids?
  Once I sat on the sofa to watch a cartoon with my 8﹣year﹣old son, Nick. I got dumbfounded(惊呆的)when I saw a cartoon character was bleeding(流血)in front of us. The cartoon was like an action movie for adults!
  The next time you take a kid to the movie theater, be careful. Maybe a cartoon isn't the best. You should take the time to watch it first (It's a habit with me), or the kid may get messages he or she isn't ready to get yet.
18.  On television, talk shows are very popular. Many people enjoy watching them. American host Oprah Winfrey once had a No. 1 talk show on TV. Oprah is very smart and she is really good at talking to people. She asked people interesting questions on her show. She laughed and cried with them. She got them to open up and tell the true stories about themselves.
  Oprah is far more than a talk show host!She is also an actress and has her own magazine. She does all she can to help children. She gets people to read more, help others, and work hard for a better life. In her eyes, all these things are worthwhile(值得做的). She's happy that she has a full life.
  Oprah's life isn't always so happy. When she was a little kid, her mother was poor and young and could not take care of her. Oprah lived on her grandmother's farm and she had no friends and no toys there. Sometimes she got into fights with other kids. Luckily, she went to live with her father later. Oprah said her father saved her life. He took good care of her and made her follow his rules. She became a good student. Then she got a job reading the news on the radio when she was still in high school!Oprah Winfrey was on her way.
19.阅读下面短文, 并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求).
  On the stage(舞台)of America's "Got Talent", 11﹣year﹣old Tyler Butler﹣Figueroa played the violin well. Also, he touched many people's hearts with his story.
  Tyler comes from North Carolina, When he was four years old, he had a health problem and started to lose hair. He felt sad to go to school. The feeling got even worse when his classmates laughed at his looks. And they stayed away from him.
  One day, Tyler saw a flyer(小传单)at school for free after﹣school violin lessons. Though he knew he had no talent for music, he decided to learn to play the violin for fun. "I practiced in my room every day. The more I did it, the better I got, " he said. "When I played the violin, it helped me forget the bad things. "Tyler's mother said the violin gave him happiness again and she felt like she had her son back.
  Tyler stood strong and didn't let those bad things break him. He's really a brave(勇敢的)boy. He's going to write a book. It's about his journey(历程)with his health problem and the violin. He wants to tell other kids like him to be strong and love life.
20.Breakfast is the first m       of the day.
21.There are many great j       (笑话)in the comic book Father and Son.
22.Our class       (赢得)the basketball match at last.
23.Of the three boys, John runs f        (最快).
24.I waited for Jim for a long time, but he didn't      (出现).
25.假如你是某学校电影俱乐部的负责人, 今天是每周一次的电影推荐时间, 请你根据以下提示和要求用英语写一篇短文, 向全校学生推荐一部你认为值得观看的电影.
提示:1. 你推荐的电影名称;2. 电影内容简介;3. 推荐理由.
要求;1. 内容应包括所有要点提示, 可适当发挥;
2.语言准确, 语意要通顺、连贯;3. 词数不少于80.
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