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1.  Can you sing the song Happy Birthday? I think you can (1)       it well. But do you know about the writer?It was written by an American girl. And she became very (2)       after that. When she was a child, she was poor. One day, one of her friends asked her to come to the birthday party. She was pleased but sad (3)       she didn't have money to buy a gift for her.
  "The party is coming soon, but now I have (4)       money." Tears (泪水) ran down her face. Later that night she was in bed, thinking about the gift when the door (5)       and her grandma came in. Knowing about the girl's story, she said, "(6)      . I think I can help you. How about singing a song together? Happy birthday to you!" The song (7)      beautiful. They sang and sang. Suddenly (突然) she woke up. It was a (8)       . She decided (决定) to write it down and sing it to her friends at the party. When she sang the song at the party, her friends were very (9)       . "You sing very well!I never heard such a beautiful song before. Thank you for giving me the (10)       gift." said her friend. And they learnt to sing it together. Later the girl became well﹣known in America.
2.  Welcome to San Barbara Public Swimming Pool
  Opening Time: 6:00 a. m. — 10:00 a. m. , 3:30 p. m. — 10:30 p. m. , Monday to Friday
  6:00 a. m. — 12:00 a. m. , Saturday & Sunday
  Price: Children (Aged under 7): $2 Students (Aged 7 — 17): $3 Adults (成人): $5
  Notice: ●All swimmers must take a shower before going into the pool.
  ●Children must be with an adult.
  ●No playing or fighting in the swimming lanes (泳道). You may put others in danger.
  ●Slower swimmers keep to the right.
  ●Put your clothes, watches or other things in the locker (储物柜). Remember the number of your locker. A lost key to the locker will cost you $4. 50.
  ●Stop swimming if you don't feel well. Call out loud or put up your hand if you think you are in danger and our lifesavers (救生员) will come and save you.
  We will ask you to leave if you don't follow the rules.
  24 Market Road, San Barbara City, Telephone:2683956
3.  Do you know dogs can help people do many things? Do you know that some dogs have jobs just like people do?
  In fact, dogs help people in some different ways. Police dogs, for example, work with police officers. They have a very powerful sense of smell and excellent hearing. They help find the missing people, catch the criminal and stop crime. Police dogs are brave and well-trained (训练). Search-and-rescue (搜救) dogs use their great senses of smell to find people who are lost. A search-and-rescue dog might help find someone missing after an earthquake. Search-and-rescue dogs are usually smart and large dogs. They can keep on working for many hours without getting tired. Other dogs work by guiding people who lost their sight and helping them get from place to place. Guide dogs help blind people make their way across busy streets. Such dogs have to be large too, and cannot be afraid of cars, loud noises or strangers. A dog that visits elderly people in nursing homes and hospitals is called a therapy (治疗) dog because its job is to make people feel better and less lonely. These dogs don't have to be big and strong. They can be small, cute and easy to train and get along with. In all, dogs are our friends. We should protect them and never hurt them. We should care for them and love them.
4.左栏是对五个学生的爱好或情况描述, 右栏是七个活动介绍, 请为每种情况选择最合 适的一项, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)       Jimmy is very good at English. He'd like to help other students with their English in his free time. He is free on Friday afternoon.
(2)       Gina is a sports lover. But on weekdays, she is too busy. She can only go to the sports center toexercise on weekends.
(3)       Tina likes reading all kinds of books. She wants to find a part-time job at the school bookstore.
(4)      Tony is 170 cm tall. He wants to be a basketball player. He wants to practice basketball.
(5)      Joe is a quiet boy. He wants to learn to playthe piano. He only has time to take a class on weekends. 
A. Do you want to be another Yao Ming?Come to our basketball club. We have some good teachers to help you to become better in playing basketball.
B. Are you interested in reading books?Help us to sell books. You can read any book when there are no customers (顾客) around.
C. Do you like playing the piano? Do you want to play the piano better? If you have time from Monday to Friday. you can join us. We have the best teachers for piano.
D. Welcome to Healthy Club. It's a place for you to keep fit and exercise. On weekends, we have a special gift for you if you are the first ten to get to our club.
E. Do you want to play the piano?You can learn here. We have classes on Saturday. If you are the first ten persons to come here, you can get a gift from us.
F. You can practice your English by talking with some foreign teachers on Friday night in this English Comer. Welcome to join us.
G. Many students in our school have problems in learning English. Are you good at English? Come and help them Meet on Friday afternoon in the school library. 
5.  In England, the weather always changes (改变). People often talk about the weather because (1)       can experience (经历) four seasons in one day. People can also have summer in winter, or have (2)      in summer. In the morning, the weather is warm just like in spring. (3)      hour later, black clouds come and then it (4)       heavily. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon, the (5)       begins to shine (照射) and it will be (6)       just like in summer at this time of a day. (7)       you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them (8)       a sunny morning, but you should not laugh at (嘲笑) them. If you don't take (9)       of them with you, you will regret (后悔) later. So just (10)       them — do what they do.
6.  There are a lot of rules in Tina's family. Her parents are strict and Tina must follow those rules.
  Today is Tina's twelfth birthday. When she gets up, she gets dressed, brushes her teeth and washes her face. Then, she practices playing the piano. When it's time for breakfast, she sits at table.
  There is an egg, milk, bread and an apple. Tina says to Mrs. White, "Mom, I don't want milk. It doesn't taste good."
  "Dear, I know you don't like it, but it helps you keep healthy. Having some milk every day is a good habit," says Mrs. White.
  "But Mom, today is my birthday. Please!" Tina says.
  Mrs. White thinks it's very important to have good habits. "Dear, I'm sorry, but it's not right to break (改掉) a good habit," she says.
  Now, Tina knows that she doesn't have a choice (选择) but to have it.
7.俗话说:"没有规矩, 不成方圆."你家里是否也有许多的规矩?请根据以下写作要点用英语写一篇短文来描述你家里的规矩以及你的看法.
写作要点:1. Are there any rules in your home?
2. What are they?
3. What do you think of them?
注意:1. 短文应包括所给内容要点, 可适当发挥, 使文章连贯;
2. 词数 60 左右;
3. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息.
期末试卷 最新试卷 广东试卷 汕尾市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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